PAY Check at LSU Health Sciences Center

PAY Check students with director of program  PAY Check student with teacher 


Post-Secondary Apprenticeship for Youth (PAY Check) at LSU Health and Sciences Center is a 3-5 semester program wherein students select courses at Delgado Community College related to UMC targeted apprenticeship areas, participate in professional career development activities, learn community and work skills, and gain employment experience through a paid apprenticeship at the University Medical Center. 


Contact Susan Killam 



Program website 
Program length 3-5 semesters 
Students participate in internships and other career development opportunities Yes
Provides access to typical college courses Yes
Offers courses just for students in the program No
Dually enrolled students (still in high school) No
Adult students (post high school) Yes
Program engages peer mentors No


PAY Check Brochure