SLU Reports, Handbooks, and Policy and Procedures



Box 1


1. Student Exit Interview Questionnaires, Ad Hoc Committee to Study Student Retention,

2. Report of the Ad Hoc Committee to Study Student Retention, 1977-78

3. Survey of Resigners, Spring Semester, 1984; Report of Survey of Non Returning Students,
July 1988

4. Survey of Minority Students, January 1989

5. The Southeastern Way, A Handbook for New Faculty Members, Revised July 1969

6. Faculty Handbook, October 1974

7. Faculty Handbook, November 1, 1982

8. Faculty Handbook, Revised July 1988

9. A Handbook for Classified Employees, July 199l, Updated March 1992

10. The HIGO Way, A Faculty Handbook for the Department of History and Government,
December 1992

11. Department Head Handbook, College of Arts and Sciences, February 1995

12. Handbook for Faculty Advisors, July 1955

13. Revised Handbook for Faculty Advisors, November 1980

14. Emergency Procedures Manual, September 1973

15. Policies and Procedures Manual, First Draft, March 4, 1980

16. From Vision to Reality, Strategic Planning Progress Report 1996-2001, Fall 2000
(6 copies)

17. Vision 2005, Building on a Foundation of Excellence, Fall 2001

18. Southeastern Annual Report, 1996-97

19. Southeastern Annual Report, 1997-1998 (3 copies)

20. Southeastern Annual Report, 1998-99

21. Southeastern Annual Report, 75 Years of Excellence, 1999-2000 (5 copies)

22. Southeastern Annual Report, 2000-2001 (4 copies)

23. Division of Student Affairs, 2001-01, Annual Report

24. Self-Evaluation Title IX, After 1975

25. Board of Regents Master Plan for Postsecondary Education, 2001

26. Sponsored Programs Annual Report, 2000-2001 (2 copies)

27. College of Business and Technology, Annual Report 2001-2002 (2 copies)

28. Department of History & Political Science Academic Program Review, 2001

29. The College of Arts and Sciences’ Annual Report, 2002-2003

30. Marketing/Recruitment Plan, 2002-2003

31. Retention and Progression Plan, 2003-2004

32. Quick Reference Handbook 2001 and 2001-2002

33. University of Louisiana System Policy and Procedures Memorandum titled Litigation
September 1, 2001

34. Vision 2005Action Plan Steps by Division with Progress Notes SLU October 10, 2001

35. University of Louisiana System Policy and Procedures Memorandum titled Trade Practices
Summer 2002

36. Minimum Admission Criteria for Waiver of Non-Resident Fees

37. SLU Interview Guide

38. SLU Institutional Review, Leadership Transition Institutional Sustainability Keeling
& Associates Report of Consultation, October 20, 2008 (2 copies)

Box 2


1. Student Handbook, 2009-2010

2. Academic Advising Handbook, 1996-1998.

3. University Communications and Creative Services Office Booklet (2 copies), no date

4. College of Business Annual Report, 1999-2000; Southeast Louisiana Business Center,
Celebrating 10 Years of Service, 2013 (2 copies)

5. Division of Student Affairs Annual Reports, 2000-2001 and 2006-2007.

6. Information Packet for the College of Education, 2007.

7. Strategic Plan for SLU, 1995-1996.

8. Marketing and Recruitment Plan for SLU, 2002-2003.

9. Institutional Review October 2008

10. Quality Enhancement Plan 2004

11. SACS Focused Report 2004