STEM Workshops
About Our STEM Workshops
During the 2021-2022 School Year, Southeastern Louisiana University’s GEAR UP hosted
hands-on STEM Workshops for participating LGU high schools. These in-person workshops
for students were designed with an educational, hands-on approach to the subject at
hand while keeping activities fun and interactive for students.
The 2021-2022 STEM Workshops goal was for high school students to discover and explore
STEM by engaging in fascinating activities in various STEM-related fields! During
the workshop, students learned industry experts, performed cutting-edge science, investigated
career paths, and prepared themselves for a powerful future!
Workshops were held on select Fridays for up to 75 students per workshop from the
same high school or different high schools in the surrounding districts near Southeastern
Louisiana University. Workshops included lunch for participants and chaperones, a
campus tour, an admissions presentation, and a career exploration activity.
Eligible Students: 11th & 12th grade Louisiana GEAR UP students (Click here for the list of eligible schools).
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