Title IV Authorization

Title IV aid refers to Federal Financial Aid established by the Higher Education Act
of 1965 which also outlined the general rules that apply to those programs. The U.S.
Department of Education (ED) regulations only allow schools to use your Federal Financial
Aid to pay for current academic year institutional charges, unless you have granted
permission to apply these funds to non-allowable charges as well. Examples of Title
IV aid include, but are not limited to, Federal Direct Student Loans, Federal Pell
Grant, and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants.

What charges are Title IV Aid required to pay?

Your Title IV Federal Financial Aid will automatically pay your current year institutional
charges (i.e. tuition, fees, room and board). You are not allowed to opt out not of
paying these charges.

What charges does the school need your permission to pay?

Per Title IV Federal regulations, you can voluntarily authorize the Southeastern Louisiana
University to pay your current year non-allowable charges with your Title IV Financial
Aid. Examples of non-allowable charges include, but are not limited to, parking permits,
library fines, Lion Lagniappe, and health insurance.

How do I grant permission to the University to use my Title IV Aid to pay non-allowable

To grant permission:

  1. Login to LeoNet
  2. Select Self Service > Financial Aid Authorization 
  3. Accept or decline the Financial Aid Authorization

What charges are the University restricted to paying?

U.S. Department of Education regulations only allow schools to use Federal Financial
Aid to pay current academic year charges. Therefore, students are not able to use
Federal Financial Aid to pay student account charges for a previous academic year.
Southeastern will release your current academic year’s funds without paying previous
academic year charges. You may then pay your student account as you determine appropriate. 
Southeastern’s academic year is made up of fall, spring, summer, in that order. For
that reason, summer semester charges cannot be paid with Federal Financial Aid awarded
for the following fall semester.

What aid is not restricted?

All other aid you are receiving (other than Federal Title IV) will pay any charge
on your account regardless your permission concerning the Tittle IV aid. For example,
scholarships or institutional grants will always pay any charge on your student account.

What happens if I do not grant permission for Title IV Aid to pay non-allowable charges?

If you do not grant permission to pay non-allowable charges with your Title IV aid,
we will release your aid to your student account and pay only allowable charges for
the current academic year. You may receive a refund and may be sent a bill for any
charges that could not be paid with your Title IV aid. Receiving a refund does not
indicate that there are no pending charges on your account. 

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