Withdrawal Hold Removal Request

This request is to remove the International Student Withdrawal Hold. The hold is placed on all international student accounts to ensure that you are advised by the International Services Office before dropping a class each semester. This is to make certain that you maintain your status in the US and any scholarships you may receive.

Please note that this request is only for the international withdrawal hold. The International Services Office cannot remove holds placed on your account by other departments on campus. You must contact the department listed on the hold to follow their instructions for removal. To know what department placed the hold, logon to your Leonet account, select Self Service, Campus Personal Information, and then Holds.

After we receive and process your request to remove the hold, we will send you an email to let you know if it was approved or if further advising is required. Please note that if the hold is removed, you have one business day to drop the class. The hold will be placed back onto your account the following business day.

The deadline to withdraw from classes or resign from the university can be found under the academic calendar here http://www.southeastern.edu/admin/registrar/calendar/index.html It is your responsibility to know these deadlines and submit your request in a timely manner. Please also be aware of the differing deadlines for Term I, Term II, and regular classes.


request to remove hold