Taxpayer I.D. On Contract
The contractor shall be required to provide a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for any Personal, Professional, Consulting and Social Service contract.
A TIN can be:
1. Social Security Number (SSN)
2. Employer Identification Number (EIN) or also referred to as FED ID
3. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
If the contractor does not have a current TIN with the Social Security Administration
or Internal Revenue Service, the contractor may be directed to the following IRS web
location for more information on applying for a TIN:
Tax Payer Identification Number
Contracts without a TIN will not be processed for Administration signature over $2,000,
or payment made up to $2,000, until the proper TIN is given to Southeastern. Any contract service work authorized by an employee without a TIN is declared null
and void by Southeastern.