Updates and Requests

Change Your Name

A student may file a request for a name change through their WORKDAY account. Name change requests must be accompanied by copies of your social security card and legal documentation (marriage license, divorce decree, court order) authorizing name change.

Change Your Address

It is imperative that all students provide the University with a current, up-to-date mailing address. Current students should update their address through their WORKDAY account.

Academic Suspension Appeal

Students may appeal Academic Suspension using this form. You can read more information on our Academic Suspension and Academic Standing page.

Resignation Request

Students looking to drop all their classes during a semester must complete a Resignation Request in WORKDAY.  Students are encouraged to gather the proper information about how resigning might impact their Southeastern student financials account and Financial Aid eligibility.   

Registration Appeal

Students looking to appeal previous courses on their record or charges from those courses must complete a Registration Appeal. Appeals require documentation to justify the reason for the appeal and the extenuating circumstance.
