Joelle McWilliams
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone: 985-549-3797
Tell us about your education and where you graduated.
B.A. in Mass Communication with minors in Marketing and Theatre, Southeasatern Louisiana
M.A. in Organizational Communication, Southeastern Louisiana University
Currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Business Administration-Management, University of South
What are your hobbies?
I love spending time with my family and friends, while volunteering for my sorority.
I teach MGMT 240 for College of Business and always enjoy the opportunities to spend
time with my business colleagues. I love working out, shopping, and watching Law &
Order SVU.
What advice would you give a beginning freshman?
What do you love about Southeastern?
What’s a fun fact about yourself?
My dad was responsible for building the walk-way tunnel on campus, in order to make
sure students could get to both sides of campus safely. He finished the tunnel right
before I started college, which we jokingly named the McWilliams Tunnel. One day,
we will raise money to officially name it after him!