Academic Resources
Foreign Language Resources
Foreign Language Resource Center
Southeastern department that offers free foreign language learning assistance with
learning software and reading materials.
The Merlot collection consists of learning materials for various languages. Merlot
also offers resources for students wanting to learn the American Sign Language System.
Mango Languages
A language immersion software available to all Southeastern students.
Tex’s French Grammar
Free site where French students can practice French grammar rules.
Math Resources
Math Lab
Southeastern’s Math Lab houses two hundred computers and is staffed by Mathematics
Faculty, Graduate Assistants, and Undergraduate Tutors. Spring 2024 Semester Hours:
M – Th 7:45 AM – 5:00 PM and F 9:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Math is Fun
Online site that provides explanations of various concepts in physics, calculus, algebra
and more.
Kahn Academy
Kahn Academy offers short videos lessons, supplementary practice exercises for various
concepts in math.
5 Stage Model for Problem Solving
This link provides a PDF on the steps used in tackling math word problems.
Science Resources
Science Music Videos
This website provides songs, lyrics, karaoke lyrics and interactive tests to
help you study for concepts in GBIO.
The Merlot collection consists of thousands of discipline-specific learning materials
for biology,
chemistry and physics.
MIT Blossoms
A variety of video experiments from universities around the world that cover biology,
engineering, math and physics.
Free simulations in biology, chemistry, earth science, math, and physics.
Practical Resources
Self Help
University Counseling Center
Offers consultation, workshops, individual, family, and couples counseling as well
as psychoeducational groups, support groups and therapeutic groups.
Bounce Back from Failure
This video explains how we can succeed from our failures.
Relieving Stress
When stress becomes overwhelming, it can take a toll on your well-being. This short
video explains
different techniques you can use to bring down your stress levels.
Guided Meditation for Beginners
A beginner’s guide to meditation.
Study Methods
How to Study Effectively
A short video explaining the top 6 science-based study skills.
Graphic Organizers
Graphic Organizers are a proven brain-based study method. Using graphic organizers
to create study materials is a great opportunity for active learning.
Create Practice Tests
This short video provides step-by-step instruction in creating practice tests as a
study method.
Time Management
Time Management
This seven-minute video provides an overview of time management with handy tips on
how to manage your time.
Semester Due Dates
This sheet is a great planning tool to keep track of course assignments and test dates.
Pomodoro Technique
You can do anything for 25 minutes! This technique invented by Francesco Cirillo teaches
students how to manage their time.