Industry Advisory Board

The Industry Advisory Board (IAB) for the Department of Computer Science comprises
local and regional industry leaders.  The board’s objective is to provide external
input and assessment of the program, resulting in continuous program improvement.
This continuous external interaction is considered vital for program success.

Member Responsibilities:

  • Participate in one annual meeting.
  • Provide counsel concerning the department’s priorities and goals, serve as a sounding
    board for the Chair, and provide feedback on the contributions of the University in
    relation to the needs of the industry.
  • Serve as an advocate within their company by championing new initiatives, making the
    school’s work more widely known, identifying and recruiting board members, and providing
    opportunities for students and faculty such as internships, facility tours, and research
  • Assist in the development of resources for the department through endowments, gifts,
    scholarships and fellowships, faculty development grants, and awards.
  • Participate and actively promote our Tech-Connect Career Fair
  • Membership is for an appointed company. The company may appoint designee(s) to attend
    the IAB meeting in person.
  • It is expected that membership will be for a term of 4 years, with the option to renew.
  • Membership is by invitation only.


*The Department of Computer Science seeks to maintain diverse representation on the

Benefits to Industry:

  • Access to Students: Unique and expeditious connection to our students at all levels
    long before the normal recruiting phase (senior year (BS), MS, and Ph.D. students).
  • Opportunity to interact closely with faculty, students, and peer industry members
    during annual meeting
  • Receiving CO-OP and intern students.
  • Working with CS faculty on research projects and research proposals.
  • Ability to influence the academic curriculum to better serve industry needs.
  • Receiving faculty for lectures and short courses on topics of importance to your company.
  • Network with other industry representatives.


Benefits to CS Department:

  • Opportunity for faculty to stay in touch with real-world industrial technical problems
    and solutions.
  • Interaction of industrial participants in CS research projects.
  • Working jointly with industry on grant proposals.
  • Donation(s) of equipment, software or funds to aid in better teaching and research.
    Receiving guest lecturers from industry in courses and in the Distinguished Lecturer
  • Validation of the direction and value of the CS curriculum.
  • Ensuring continued ABET accreditation.