Industrial and Engineering Technology Facilities
The Industrial and Engineering Technology Department is housed in the new 70,000 square foot Computer Science and Technology Building that has various
technology-rich classrooms and labs since Fall 2017.
Several labs are equipped with software supporting advanced, upper-level course work.
Several labs are also equipped with a Sympodium system which controls a projector
and all student stations. The student stations are low profile computers which can
be operated independently by the students or can be taken over by the instructor’s
Sympodium. General purpose classrooms/labs are available to all relevant classes of
our department.
The labs contain a wide variety of equipment such as computers, construction equipment,
robots, CNC lathes, milling and welding machines, microscopes, metal casting equipment,
etc. All lab courses such as construction, robotics, manufacturing, machine tool technology,
materials science and metallurgy, welding, electricity, industrial fluid power, computer
aided drafting, and drafting are taught in these labs.
Construction Lab
Material Testing Lab
Machine and Manufacturing Rapid Prototyping Lab
Automation, CNC & Robotics Lab
A robotics lab is also housed in Fayard Hall. The lab will support underwater data
collection projects, limbed robotics, learning among individuals and groups of robots.
The underwater robotics research project in the Industrial and Engineering Technology
Department at Southeastern is designed to serve as a platform for basic and applied
research in intelligent robotics, as a hands-on learning environment for undergraduate
and graduate students in CS and IT programs, as well as for community outreach involving
local schools.
Fluid Power and Thermal Fluid Lab
Industrial Hygiene and Fire Protection Lab
Ergonomics Lab
Mechatronics Lab
Electronics Lab
Drafting Lab
Computer Lab
This state-of-the art computer assisted classroom, Computer Enhanced Classroom (CEC),
has been enthusiastically endorsed by the students and faculty members who have used
and who are excited about the possibilities it presents.