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Miscellaneous Reference Sources


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Book Collection: Nonfiction – Abstracts and provides full-text of popular non-fiction books. Includes images of maps and flags and photos of people, places, history and natural science.
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Books at JSTOR – Books at JSTOR contains over 32,000 ebooks published prior to 2016 from a number of academic publishers with subject strengths in the humanities and social sciences. 
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Credo Reference– Provides a single search interface for multiple encyclopedias, dictionaries and atlases and across the library’s licensed periodical databases for magazines, newspapers and scholarly journals. Links to Sims Library Catalog.
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Digital Sanborn Maps–Louisiana(formerly called Sanborn Maps–Louisiana) Sanborn fire insurance maps provide historical information on the growth and development of cities, towns, and neighborhoods. They are large-scale plans containing data that can be used to estimate the potential risk for urban structures.
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Dissertations & Theses Global (ProQuest) – Indexes all doctoral dissertations completed at U. S. accredited institutions since 1861. Provides abstracts of doctoral dissertations since 1981. Includes some master’s theses and foreign language dissertations. Provides 24-page previews of recent dissertations.
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Electronic Journals A-to-Z – Lists journals that are electronically available in full-text format. Also known as Publication Finder..
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Encyclopedia of Women and Crime – Provides a global perspective as well as contemporary and historical scholarship on the subject. This multi-volume encyclopedia enables readers to assess current literature on crime, justice and gender, and understand and analyze women as both offenders of and victims of crime.

EndNote Basic – A web-based tool for managing and citing references in papers and creating bibliographies.
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Essential Science Indicators – Essential Science Indicators is a resource to analyze research output by author, institution and publication title.
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Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia – Indexes and provides full-text records, covering an array of topics. The database includes images and brief biographies.
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Gale Ebooks – Provides full-text of over 180 reference sources, including subject encyclopedias in all disciplines.
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History Reference Source – Provides full-text of reference books, encyclopedias and non-fiction books, history magazines, historical documents,biographies of historical figures, historical photos, maps, and historical video.
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Journal Citation Reports – Journal Citation Report is a journal and article ranking and evaluation resource.
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Lexi-PALS Drug Guide – Contains frequently updated consumer drug information sheets for medications and immunizations. Lists brand and alternative drug names, pronunciation guides, side effects, and contraindications.
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LOUISiana Digital Library – Provides collections of images from Louisiana libraries, archives, museums and cultural institutions.
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Mango Languages – An online language-learning program for over 70 languages including English. Lessons range from basic to comprehensive language and grammar skills, and can include casual conversations, films, and specialty courses in culture. Users can create a profile to track their language learning progress.
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Oxford Bibliographies – Provides thousands of word entries and about two and a half million quotations, arranged chronologically. Includes words in current usage as well as old words and describes the history of each word in detail.
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Oxford English Dictionary – Provides thousands of word entries and about two and a half million quotations, arranged chronologically. Includes words in current usage as well as old words and describes the history of each word in detail.
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Oxford Reference – Includes approximately 50 subject encyclopedias, dictionaries, and subject companion books, published from 2002 to present. Many of these are award winning reference books.
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Referencia Latina – Spanish-language database offering content from a variety of sources including encyclopedia entries, a collection of images, an atlas, health reports, a Spanish-English dictionary and full text for reference books and general interest magazines.
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Sage Knowledge – Provides access to ebooks in the social sciences, including scholarly monographs, reference works, handbooks, series, and professional development titles.
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Sanborn Maps–Louisiana(now called Digital Sanborn Maps–Louisiana) Sanborn fire insurance maps provide historical information on the growth and development of cities, towns, and neighborhoods. They are large-scale plans containing data that can be used to estimate the potential risk for urban structures.
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Serials Directory – Provides bibliographic, subscription, and access information for popular and scholarly U.S. and international serial publications, including newspapers.
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Statistical Abstract of the United States, Online Edition – The Statistical Abstract of the United States, Online Edition is a comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the U.S. with over 1400 browseable and searchable tables.
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Statistical Abstracts of the World, Online Edition – The Statistical Abstracts of the World provide summaries of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of many different countries.
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WorldCat – Indexes and provides information on library locations of materials at libraries worldwide.
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Other Resources

Biography in Context – Provides full-text biographical information on people from throughout history, around the world, and across all disciplines and subject areas.
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