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User Education

Mon.-Thurs. 7:30am-4:45pm, Fri. 7:30am-11:15am / Sims 130 / Contact Dayne Sherman / 985-549-3965

User Education

Sims Memorial Library provides library instruction for Southeastern students, faculty
and staff, designed to bridge the gap between Southeastern’s classes and the library’s
information resources.   

Course-Integrated Instruction

Working in collaboration with professors and other classroom instructors, the Coordinator
of User Education and other library faculty provide course-related library instruction
on request. Topics of instruction vary widely, from instruction on how to use the
databases available for a particular field, using Southeastern’s online catalog, to
using the Internet for research. This instruction can take place in one of our classrooms.
For more details, call 549-2027 or fill out the online request for Library Instruction.

Library Assignment Consultations

The Coordinator of User Education can help Southeastern faculty design assignments
that offer Southeastern students a successful and challenging library experience.
For ideas about the creation of effective library assignments for your students, faculty
may consult with the Coordinator of User Education.


Name Title Phone Room
Dayne Sherman Head of Reference & Coordinator of User Education  985-549-3965  Sims 130