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Group Study Rooms

Group Study Rooms

Sims Library has 10 group study rooms on the fourth floor for collaborative study,
class work and research. Study rooms will accommodate 2-6 persons and are available
on a first-come, first served basis to the Southeastern community. Rooms are left
open until an hour before the library closes for students to use as they wish. A single
student using a room may be asked to leave if a group of students needs the space.

Room Facilities

Study rooms are equipped with a table, chairs, and a dry erase board.

Use Policies

Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis. 

Rooms are designed for group collaboration, not individual study. While individuals
may use a room if available, please be aware that groups may request to use the space
and will have priority. 

Lights must remain on in the room when in use.

Study rooms should not be left unattended. The library is not responsible for lost
or stolen items. 

Windows may not be blocked or obscured. 

Library staff reserve the right to enter study rooms at any time.

Study rooms are not soundproof. Groups that are excessively noisy and disturb others
may be asked to vacate the room. 

Furniture or equipment is not to be moved into or out of the study rooms except by
authorized staff.

Violations of these rules may result in removal from the study room or removal from
the library.

Gather all belongings and dispose of trash before leaving the room.

Rooms will be open from 7:30am until 10:00 pm. Rooms occupied at 10 pm will remain
open until the patrons leave or the library closes.