Archival Collection
BOX 1 —
The Amite City Independent, September 20, 1879
Home and Farm (Louisville, KY)
1889-January 1, March 1
1890-September 1, December 2
1891-March 15
Louisiana Review (New Orleans), Wednesday, July 22,
The Christian Advocate (New Orleans), February 12, 1891;
May 5, 1892; May 12, 1892 April 30, 1936, Vol. 83, No. 18
Daily Picayune (New Orleans), October 15, 1890; June 21,
The Weekly New Delta (New Orleans), Dec. 24, 1891;
February 18, 1892; June 2, 1892
The Weekly States (New Orleans), Friday, September 4,
Weekly Picayune (New Orleans), April 28, 1892; February 7,
The New Orleans Delta, September 15, 1892; October 17,
Semi-Weekly Times-Democrat (New Orleans)
1896-January 24, January 28, February 14, March 24, April
10, July 31, August 28
1899-April 28, May 19, June 13, June 23
The Florida Parishes (Amite City), October 26, 1892;
November 9, 1892; April 4, 1894
The Franklinton New Era, March 8, 1894; April 12, 1894
The Springville Star (Livingston Parish), August 1, 1894;
May 29, 1895
The Atlanta Constitution
1892, January 5
1895, December 16
1896, March 9, March 16, March 23, April 13, May 18, June 8
The Coming Nation (Tennessee City, TN), January 26,
Appeal to Reason (Girard, Kansas), February 10, 1906
The Southern Vindicator (Hammond, LA), February 19,
The Daily Signal (Crowley, LA), December 12, 1910
Livingston Times
October 4, 1907; Supplement to
Livingston Times, October 11, 1907
October 19, 1911
1918, October 17, December 19
The Louisiana Sun (Hammond, LA), December 20, 1918;
January 24, 1919
St. Helena Echo, February 14, 1919
The Denham Springs News
September 24, 1908
April 5, 1917
September 12, 1918
August 23, 1923
September 7, 1933
August 16, 1934
January 27, 1938
September 7, 1944
Brotherhood Eyes (Dallas), September 2, 1933
The Progress (Hammond, LA), Vol. VII, No. 13, Friday, July
7, 1939
TOTAL: 69 Items
BOX 2 —
The Times-Picayune
1916-June 11
1918-June 22, 26
1918-August 16, 21, 25
1918-September 1, 6, 14, 15, 18, 22, 29, 30
1918-October 1, 3, 5, 9, 10
TOTAL: 19 Items
BOX 3 –Newspapers:
The Times-Picayune
1918-October 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 23, 27
1918-November 3, 7, 17, 21, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30
1918-December 8, 12, 19, 22, 31
TOTAL: 21 Items
BOX 4 –Newspapers:
The Times-Picayune
1919-January 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 12, 17, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
30, 31
1919-February 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10
TOTAL: 23 Items
BOX 5 –Newspapers
The Times-Picayune
1919-February 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22,
23, 24, 25, 26
1919-March 17, 30; April 29; June 11
February 28, 1935; October 7, 1936 (Creole Cook
The Times-Picayune–
New Orleans States
February 12, 1939
September 14, 1941 (Magazine Section)
New Orleans Item (1918)
February 3
August 3, 9
September 14, 27
November 29
New Orleans States, December 24, 1918; March 3,
The Item Tribune, February 7, 1926
Morning Advocate, School and University Edition, Vol. 9,
No. 52, Thursday, Sept. 7, 1933
TOTAL: 31 Items
BOX 6 –Magazines:
The Saturday Evening Post
1892-December 31
1902-February 1, June 7, 19; August 16; October 11, 25
1903-February 21; March 7
1905-November 4
1906-January 20; November 3, 10
1908-May 2; June 20; July 11, 18, 25; September 12
1909-March 13; April 24
1916-November 18, 25; December 2.
TOTAL: 24 Items
BOX 7 –Magazines:
The Saturday Evening Post
1917-February 17; April 21; May 5, 12, 26; June 2, 23, 30;
July 7; September 17; October 13,
27; November 3, 10, 17
TOTAL: 15 Items
BOX 8 –Magazines:
The Saturday Evening Post
1917-December 8, 15, 22, 29
1918-January 19; March 30; April 27; May 4; August 10, 31;
September 14, 21; October 5
1919-July 5; August 9; September 6, 20; October 11, 18;
November 8, 22
TOTAL: 21 Items
BOX 9 –Magazines:
The Saturday Evening Post
1920-January 10; June 19; August 14; September 11; October
30; December 4.
TOTAL: 6 Items
BOX 10 –Magazines:
The Saturday Evening Post
1921-January 15; February 19; March 19; July 16; August 27;
October 1
1929-June 15; July 6
1936-June 6
1944-March 4; December 2
1945-January 27
TOTAL: 12 Items
BOX 11 –Magazines:
The Country Gentleman
1916-November 8, December 2
1918-January 5, July 13, August 10, October 26, November
30, December 21
1919-January 4, February 15, February 22, March 1, March
1944-May, December
1945-February, June
TOTAL: 19 Items
BOX 12 —
Woman’s Home Companion
Ladies Home Journal
1929-January 5, February 2, May 11
1944-November 11
1945-February 10, April 14
TOTAL: 20 Items
BOX 13 –Magazines:
McClure’s, May 1916
World Outlook, September 1919
McCall’s Magazine
1904, Vol. XXXI-May, No. 9; June, No. 10
1907-May, November
1908, Vol. XXXV-January, No. 5
1913, Vol. XLI-October, No. 2
1914, Vol. XLI-April, No. 8
1935-June; September
one n. d.
TOTAL: 9 Items
BOX 14
1. Kodak Supply Catalog, 1904
Southern Photo Messenger, January 1906
Southern Photo Messenger, February 1907; September
Standard Photo Supply Co., cameras, photographic apparatus &
supplies catalog, 1906-07
Corona Manufacturing Co. Photo reproductions catalog No. 4
TOTAL: 6 Items
2. L R&N Night Train Schedule, 1909
Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain Railroad Timetables, 1909
TOTAL: 2 Items
3. Peruna Advertisement Catalog
G.A. Wrisley & Co., White Velvet Soap
Rosebud Perfume Co. Catalog No. 28
Nash Chill and Liver Tonic (brochure)
TOTAL: 4 Items
4. McGregor’s Floral Gems, n. d.
McGregor Bros. Floral Gems Catalog, n. d.
McGregor Bros. Floral Gems, 1891
McGregor’s Floral Gems, Fall 1892
McGregor Bros. Floral Gems Catalog, Spring 1906
TOTAL: 5 Items
5. Reuter’s Seeds, n. d.
Reuter’s Seed Catalog, n. d.
Reuter Seeds Catalog, 1918
Reuter’s Seeds for the South, Spring 1924
Reuter’s Garden Book, Fall-Winter 1933
Reuter’s Seeds For the South, Spring 1937
Reuter’s Seeds, Fall & Winter 1938
Reuter’s Seeds, Fall & Winter 1939
TOTAL: 8 Items
6. J. Steckler Seed Co. Almanac and Garden Manuel, 1909, 1912,
1914, 1915
J. Steckler Seed Co. Ltd. Catalog for the South, n. d.
TOTAL: 5 Items
BOX 14 Continued
7. The Good and Reese Co. Floral Treasures, 1905
John Lewis Child’s Fall Catalog, 1894
John Lewis Child’s Seed Catalog, 1905
A. A. Berry Seed Co. Catalog, 1909
L. J. Farmer, Farmer’s Catalog, 1906
L. J. Farmer, Farmer’s Catalog, 1907
E. C. Green & Son, Seedsmen, Catalog, 1905
Green’s Seeds Catalog, 1908
Green’s Nursery Co., n. d.
James J. H. Gregory’s Annual Seed Catalog for 1880
Geo. H. Mellen Co., Bulbs, Roses, and Plants Catalog, Autumn
H. G. Hastings & Co., Seedsmen Catalog, n. d. (2 copies)
TOTAL: 13 Items
8. Internal Baths Brochure
Book of Coins and Information
Sewing Machine Owner’s Manuel
Planet Jr. Farm and Garden Tools
International Illustrated Stock Book, n. d. (2 copies)
TOTAL: 5 Items
9. Henry Clews & Co. Investment Guide, 1910
Richard Carter Co. Inc., Steam Driven Vehicles
Par Excellence Post Cards
TOTAL: 3 Items
BOX 15
Government Crop Reports, 1915
Field Agent’s Handbook of Agricultural Statistics,
Brief History of Controversy Between Train, Engine, and Yard
Men and the Sunset Lines,
November 13th to 17th, 1913
TOTAL: 3 Items
2. Red Cross Magazine (sales pamphlet-5 copies)
Red Cross Magazine Cover Letter
Red Cross Christmas membership campaign pamphlet, 1917
Red Cross Christmas membership application, filled out by Miss
Lillie Carter, 1917
Farm Canning Machine Company (booklet)
Epileptic Attacks and the Converse Compound
Boyer Beauty Preparations (2 brochures)
Alliance Tobacco Company Flyer
Brown Fence and Wire Co. Flyer
Important information about your Spencer Garment (Corset
TOTAL: 15 Items
3. Wright and Taylor Distillers Catalog
South Sulphur Mineral and Oil Company Flyer
Advertisement for the moving picture feature “Passion Play”
Mallinckrodt Chemicals advertisement from Standard Photo Supply
Co., New Orleans, LA
TOTAL: 4 Items
4. (17) postcards. (6) advertisement cards
TOTAL: 23 Items
5. U.S. Public Health Service publication. n. d.
Columbia Music House advertisement flyer
Bodley Bros. Cane and Cotton Wagons
Baird-North Co. Gold and Silversmith’s catalog
Standard Engine Co. Catalog and order form
Norwich Aspirin Brochure
Oscar Donaldson Department Store, ad flyer
F. N. Volckmann Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Price list for
Y.M.D.C. Grand Ball Invitation, Springfield, LA, October 13,
National War-Savings Committee, applications (3)
National Child Welfare Association. Flyer on influenza
Documents concerning a Suggested Procession and Pageant for the
Patriotic Play Week conducted by The Children’s Bureau of the U. S.
Dept. of Labor and the Child Welfare Department of the Women’s
Committee of the Council of National Defense, 1918 (12 items)
TOTAL: 25 Items
BOX 15 Continued
6. Account of the Memphis Reunion of the United Confederate
Veterans and the Sons of
Confederate Veterans, 1904
19th century book on phrenology, partial copy, n. d., n. a.
The Collector and Commercial Lawyer, 1894, n. a.
James Fullerton, Attorney and Counselor at Law, “Procedures,
Pensions, and Bounties, for Soldiers and their heirs
TOTAL: 4 Items
A Story of the Progress of Ohio During Governor Judson Harmon’s
Administration, 1912
The Southern Reporter, Vol. 58, No. 7, June 8, 1912
The Southern Reporter, Vol. 67, No. 1, February 6,
West Publishing Co. Docket, “Non-Partisan Judiciary Nominations”
by Hon. Arthur
Remington, May, 1909
West Publishing Co. Docket, “Governor Chas. E. Hughes, the
Lawyer in Politics” by Hon. J. T. Newcomb, March 1909
West Publishing Co’s Docket, “The Jury” by Hon. E. C.
O’Rear, February-March 1910
The American Law School Review, Vol. 2, No. 1, November
TOTAL: 7 Items
8. Confiscatory Legislation, Who Advocates These Laws and Why,
n. d.
Committee on Foreign Affairs Report on the Panama Exposition.
May 12, 1910 (2 copies)
Mammy’s Lil’ Wild Rose, Denison’s Select Plays, by
Lillian Mortimer, 1924
Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Businessmen,
February 1929
Mississippi Album, n. d.
Biographical Sketch of James Ballow: The Smallest Living
Man, 1896
The Agricultural Blaster, May 1912
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root pamphlet, 1896
TOTAL: 9 Items
9. “Methods of Exterminating the Texas Fever Tick,” by H. W.
Graybill, D.V.M, Farmers’
Bulletin 498, 1915
Bureau of Railway Economics publication, “Railways and
Agriculture, 1900-1910” Bulletin No. 45, 1912
U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Bureau of Entomology and Plant
Quarantine, Screw Worm
educational and control program pamphlet, 1935
U. S. Dept. of Agriculture inquiry into Return of Acreage, sent
to W. B. Rownd (form is left blank), May 15, 1890
U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, March Grain Report, March 8,
Letter from U. S. Dept. of Agriculture to T. C. Carter
concerning crop reporting, February 18, 1909
(2) Letters from U. S. Dept. of the Interior to M. C. Rownd
concerning land survey,
February 7, 1907, February 20, 1907
BOX 15 Continued
U. S. House of Representatives, “Revenue for the Philippine
Islands,” a speech by Hon.
Samuel M. Robertson of Louisiana. December 18, 1901
TOTAL: 10 Items
10. Sears, Roebuck and Co. Catalog, Optical Goods, 1908
Sears, Roebuck and Co. Catalog, Books and Stationery, 1907 (2
Sears, Roebuck and Co. Catalog, White Goods, 1920
Sears, Roebuck and Co. Catalog, launderite, sheets and pillow
cases, n. d.
TOTAL: 5 Items
11. National Remedy Company Catalog, n. d.
Red Ball and Conco Product Catalog, June 1933
Novelty Catalog, n. d.
Richardson Silk Co., Art Department Premium List, n. d.
Dennison Manufacturing Co. Art and Decoration in Crepe and
Tissue Paper, Catalog, 1905 Dennison Manufacturing Co. Art and
Decoration in Crepe and Tissue Paper, Catalog, 1905
TOTAL: 7 Items
BOX 16
1. Ledger containing land claims and plots with delineations by
latitude and longitude and
acreage. Consists of Louisiana properties primarily within
Livingston Parish.
TOTAL: 1 Item
2. Stenographer’s notebook with college lecture notes written in
it. It is stamped with an
L.S.U. seal and belonged to W. S. Rownd.
Legal notes of W. S. Rownd in stenographer’s notebooks (3
TOTAL: 4 Items
3. Small notebook with spelling words for state test, also
contains math notes
A writing book for practicing handwriting
Haaren’s New Writing Books, n. d.
TOTAL: 3 Items
4. Pure Gold for the Sunday School, Book of Hymns, 1871
Child’s Scripture Question Book, prepared for the American
Sunday School Union
The Bible Mode of Baptism, by Rev. J. E. Mahaffey. n.
St. Paul on Holiness, by Rev. L. L. Pickett
The Idealism of Jesus, by W. John Murray, n. d.
A Catechism for Infant Classes, by W. G. E. Cunnyngham,
D.D., 1895
Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Novena, Hymns, and Prayers,
The Board of Lay Activities of the Methodist Church Publication,
n. d.
Minutes of the Seventh Annual Tangipahoa River Baptist
Association, September 1895
TOTAL: 9 Items
American Bee Journal,
46th Year, 1906-January 18, November 8, 22; 47th Year,
1907-April 18
G. B. Lewis Company Beeware Catalog, 1908 and 1909
TOTAL: 6 Items
Gleanings in Bee Culture, The A. I. Root Co.
Vol. XXIX, No. 7, April 1901
Vol. XXXII, 1904; No. 18, September 15; No. 19, October 1; No.
22, November 15;
No. 24, December 15
Vol. XXXIII, 1905; No. 18, September 15; No. 21, November 1
Vol. XXXIV, 1906-No. 4, February 15; March 15
Vol. XXXV, 1907-No. 6, March 15; No. 20, October 15
Vol. XXXVI, 1908-No. 1, January 1
TOTAL: 13 Items
BOX 16 Continued
7. C. H. W. Weber Bee Keeper Supply Catalog, April 1901 &
Fred W. Muth Co., Bee Keeper Supplies Catalog, 1905, 1906, &
n. d.
A. I. Root Co. Bee-Keepers’ Supply Catalog, 1906 (3
copies); n. d.; 1943
TOTAL: 10 Items
Bee Pranks, n. d.
(2) bulletins from the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture regarding Bee
diseases, June 5, 1909, n. d.
The Rearing of Queen Bees, by E. F. Phillips, Department
of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 55
TOTAL: 4 Items
BOX 17
All Out on the School Front, n. d.
Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 78th
Congress, First Session, March
26, 1943
TOTAL: 2 Items
Lloyds Commercial Guide, January 1898
Public Duties of Educated Men, An Address By William F.
Herrin, June 14, 1910
TOTAL: 2 Items
3. Dr. Harter’s Medicine Co. Almanac, 1895, 1896
Afro-American Almanac, 1896
Hostetter’s Illustrated United States Almanac, 1892, 1894,
Dr. J. H. Mclean’s Almanac, 1892
The Southern Almanac, 1892
Ayer’s American Almanac, 1896
Mother’s Weather Guide Almanac, 1899
Royster’s Almanac, 1931
Dr. Miles New Weather Almanac, 1934
TOTAL: 12 Items
Ladies Birthday Almanac, 1904, 1906, 1907 (3), 1912, 1931,
1932, 1933, 1935, 1936
TOTAL: 11 Items
Spencerian System of Penmanship, workbook, 1888
Hansell’s Practical Penmanship, workbook, n. d.
Hansell’s Practical Penmanship, workbook, n. d.
School notebooks with penmanship, history notes, and diagramed
sentences in it, n. d. (2)
TOTAL: 5 Items
6. Dr. Morses Indian Root Pills Almanac, n. d.
Important Announcement Changing Potash Prices, 1915
Blank form for ordering nitrites from Nitrate Agencies Co., n.
Hemingway’s Insecticides and Fungicides pamphlet, n. d.
The Hancock Inspirator, brochure, n. d.
Glover’s Scientific Methods for the Care of the Scalp and Hair,
The New John Henry Book: Synopsis of the Story, 1904
Good Times Ahead, an informational poster published by the
Nitrate Agencies Co., n. d.
The New Woman, information for Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound, n. d.
Famous McKinley Edition of 10 cent Music, 1905
Soldiers and Sailors Council for National Prohibition, card
expressing support of prohibition
Reliance Smoking Tobacco, promotional card
TOTAL: 12 Items
BOX 17 Continued
Words and Things: The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia,
TOTAL: 1 Item
8. Montgomery Ward and Co. Fall and Winter Catalog, 1931-32
TOTAL: 1 Item
BOX 18
Forest and Stream, October 1924
Outdoors South
, October 1924
Outdoor Life, December 1924
TOTAL: 3 Items
Cosmopolitan Magazine, n. d.
TOTAL: 1 Item
Cosmopolitan Magazine, August 1907; February 1914
TOTAL: 2 Items
Cosmopolitan Magazine, May 1916; June 1916
TOTAL: 2 Items
Screenland, July 1927
Movie Mirror, October 1933
TOTAL: 2 Items
The Wide World Magazine, June 1900
Popular Mechanics Magazine, July 1927
TOTAL: 2 Items
Western Story Magazine, March 17, 1928
Wings, The Magazine of Air Adventure Stories, April
TOTAL: 2 Items
Juvenile Scholars Quarterly, January 1896
Good Stories, February 1896
Good Reading, December 1905
TOTAL: 3 Items
The Arm Chair Library, August 1895
Success Magazine, April 1906
The Southern Firemen’s Journal, May 1, 1909
TOTAL: 3 Items
BOX 19
1. R. E. Hardy Co. Automobile and Gas Engine Accessories,
January 1906
B. F. Avery & Sons, Brochure on the genuine Avery plow
B. F. Avery & Sons, Manufactures. Brochure on the two-horse
disc plow
B. F. Avery & Sons Farm Year Book, 1912
H. Dudley Coleman Machinery Co., Power transmission
Chicago Household Guest
TOTAL: 6 Items
2. DeLoach Mill Manufacturing Co., Saw Mill machinery, 1890
DeLoach Mill Manufacturing Co., Catalog, 1908
DeLoach Line of Engines, Boilers, and Gasoline Engines (2
TOTAL: 4 Items
3. Brooks Boat Manufacturing Co. Catalog of small boats,
White, Van Glahn & Co.’s Catalog No. 90
TOTAL: 2 Items
4. Siegel Cooper Co. 1907 Christmas Catalog
Arthur D. Perkins’ Rubber Hand Stamps
Sears Roebuck & Co. Gasoline Engines, Steam Engines, and
Sears Roebuck & Co. Sporting Goods Catalog, No. 115
TOTAL: 4 Items
5. Dr. Granger’s Health Guide, 2nd ed.
Dr. Granger’s Health Guide, 3rd ed.
Health Almanac, Louisiana State Board of Health, 1916
Springfield LBR. Co., clothing advertisement
Pierce’s Memorandum and Account Book, 1888
Catalog of Standard Merchandise for United Profit Sharing
Coupons, 1929-30
TOTAL: 6 Items
6. Lake Lure Camp for Girls Prospectus, n. d.
Pocket Almanac and Account Book, 1889-90
TOTAL: 2 Items
Schwartz’s Vehicles
Joseph Schwartz Co. Ltd., Fine Vehicles, circa 1880
J. M. Hanson’s Newspaper and Magazine Agency, 1905-06
TOTAL: 3 Items
BOX 19 Continued
8. The Antikamnia Tablet Calendar, 1910
Out Fishin’ Coca Cola Calendar, 1934
Pierce’s Memorandum and Account Book, 1881-82
Ingersoll’s Paints Prospectus
French Passementeries, Latest Novelties. n. d.
TOTAL: 5 Items
9. Doan’s Directory of the United States
Price list for Justus Roe & Sons’ measuring tapes
The Electric Era, German Electric Agency pamphlet
“West Texas, the Land of Opportunities,” booklet, n. d., n.
Sycamore Cash Store, Springfield, Louisiana, Flyer, n. d.
TOTAL: 5 Items
10. Lane Bryant Fashion Catalog, 1933
The Hub, men and boys clothing catalog, 1898
Bowsky’s, Spring and Summer Catalog, 1916
L. V. Settoon, Hammond La., clothing catalog, Fall-Winter
W. and H. Walker Co. Dry Goods Catalog, n. d.
TOTAL: 5 Items
BOX 20
Clothing articles and other assorted items
(1) ladies hat
(1) pillow cover
(1) wool sock
(1) ladies head piece
(3) men’s collars
(2) men’s cuffs
(1) men’s vest
(1) pair ladies undergarment
(1) man’s shirt
(1) ladies girdle
(2) pieces of linen
(1) napkin
(2) ladies fans
(1) silver Illinois Central railroad spike
(1) pair of scissors
(1) eye glass case
(1) razor case
(1) eat zig-zag button
(1) shell-casing caliber .32 .40
(1) Union pin U.M.C. Co. 12
(1) Peace symbol ring
(1) silver Herringbone weave ring
(1) wire ring
(1) gold earring
(1) amber heart bracelet
(1) St. Christopher medallion
(1) charm bracelet
(1) collar fob
(2) plastic boxes
(1) dress pattern
(1) Easter egg decorating kit
(1) chain with black bow
(1) copy of “The Bicycle Boy,” 1896
(1) Ledger belong W. W. Carter and Co. 1865
(1) film case containing 2 packets of unknown white
TOTAL: 41 Items
BOX 21 –Magazines:
National Watchman, n. d.
Vickery’s Fireside Visitor
1895, Vol. XXII-October 1, No. 1
1896, Vol. XXII-February 1, No. 9; July, No. 16
One n. d.
Farm and Fireside
May 1, 1895
October 1, 1898
The Fireside Gem, January 1896
Louisiana Farm Bureau News, February 1, 1925
Louisiana Edition of the Bureau Farmer, July 1928
The Plowboy and Country Farmer, November 1897, Vol. 9, No.
The Furrow
Spring 1927, Vol. XXXII
July-August, 1930, Vol. XXXV
Farm Journal and Farmer’s Wife, April 1944
Farm Journal and Farmer’s Wife
, November 1944
9. The Country Review, Baton Rouge, May 2, 1913, Vol. II, No.
Southern Agriculturist, November 1944
The Trucker & Farmer, December 1910, Vol. 3, No. 1
Farm and Ranch
1919, Vol. 38-February 1, No. 5; February 15, No. 7;
February 22, No. 8
March 1, No. 9; May 3, No. 18; August 16, No. 33; October 18,
No. 42
November 8, No. 45; November 15, No. 46; November 22, No. 47
December 13, No. 50; December 20, No. 51
The Progressive Farmer
September 4, 1915, Vol. XXX, No. 36
March 1943, Vol. 53, No. 3
1944, Vol. 59-January, No. 1; December, No. 12
February 1945, Vol. 60, No. 2
TOTAL: 35 Items
BOX 22 –Magazines:
American Home Magazine Illustrated Library, September
The New Idea, January 1897, Vol. 4, No. 1
July 1891, Vol. 3, No. 9
March 1925, Vol. XXXVII, No. 5
People’s Literary Companion, November 1897, Vol 29,
No. 4
The Weekly Welcome for Young and Old, Nov. 10, 1895, Vol.
8, No. 45
The Mayflower, September 1891, Vol. VII, No. 9
The Home Friend, September 1912, Vol. IX, No. 7
The People’s Home Journal
November 1892, Vol. VII, No. 11
June 1895, Vol. X, No. 6
December 1895, Vol. X, No. 12
September 1914, Vol. XXIX, No. 9
April 1915, Vol. XXX, No. 4
Holland’s, the Magazine of the South, February 1945,
Vol. 64, No. 2
The Modern Priscilla, May 1916, Vol. XXX, No. 3
Christian Herald, An Illustrated News Weekly for the Home,
Aug. 7, 1920, Vol. 43, No. 31
The People’s Popular Monthly, January 1917, Vol.
XXII, No. 1
The Ladies’ World, August 1916, Vol. XXXVII, No.
The Delineator
July 1894, Vol. XLIV, No. 1
May 1909, Vol. LXXIII, No. 5
December 1912, Vol. LXXX, No. 6
January 1913
November 1934
The Youth’s Companion
February 20, 1896
September 8, 1898
October 27, 1898
The Youth’s Companion Announcement, 1898
March 23, 1899
August 24, 1899
Sunshine for Youth, September 1896, Vol. 10, No. 8
Young People’s Weekly, August 9, 1891, Vol. 5, No.
Harper’s Weekly, , May 7, 1898, Vol. XLII, No.
Golden Moments, n. d.; March 1891, Vol. 12, No. 3
Practical Housekeeper, February 1891, Vol. 5, No. 2
TOTAL: 34 Items
BOX 23 –Magazines:
The American Legion Magazine, September 1944
TOTAL: 1 Item
The American Magazine, July 1943
TOTAL: 1 Item
The Red Book Magazine, October 1908
TOTAL: 1 Item
Good Housekeeping, April 1933
TOTAL: 1 Item
Good Housekeeping, April 1943
TOTAL: 1 Item
Liberty, December 4, 1937, Vol. 14, No. 49; June 1942;
October 21, 1944
TOTAL: 3 Items
True Story, July 1943, Vol. 48, No. 8; March 1945, Vol.
52, No. 2
TOTAL: 2 Items
The Literary Digest, December 5, 1914, Vol. 49, No. 23;
January 16, 1915, Vol. 50, No. 3;
September 25, 1915, Vol. 51, No. 13
TOTAL: 3 Items
The Literary Digest, August 25, 1917, Vol. LV, No. 8;
Sept. 22, 1917, Vol. 55, No. 12
TOTAL: 2 Items
The New Illustrated Magazine: February 1899
Ainslee’s Magazine, Vol. IV, No. 5, December 1899; Vol. VII, No.
6, January 1902
TOTAL: 3 Items
Top Notch, September 1933
The Black Cat, August 1897
TOTAL: 2 Items
BOX 24 –Fashion and Clothing Catalogues:
1. Stix, Baer, and Fuller D. G. Co. and Grand Leader; Spring and
Summer 1914; One n. d.
TOTAL: 1 Item
2. The Bedell Co., Fall 1914
TOTAL: 1 Item
3. Siegel Cooper Company, Catalogue No. 42, Fall and Winter
Styles, 1906-1907
TOTAL: 1 Item
4. Boston Store, n. d.
Boston Store Fashion Catalog, Summer 1907
Boston Store, Women’s clothing catalog, 1907
TOTAL: 3 Items
5. National Cloak and Suit Co., New York Fashions Catalog,
National Cloak and Suit Co., Fall and Winter, 1912-1913
TOTAL: 2 Items
6. National Cloak and Suit Co., Fall and Winter, !913-1914
TOTAL: 1 Item
7. National Cloak and Suit Co., n. d.
TOTAL: 1 Item
8. Sears and Roebuck and Co., July-August Sale, 1918
Sears and Roebuck and Co. General Catalogue, 1933
TOTAL: 2 Items
9. J. B. Greenhut Co., Style and Bargain Book, Fall-Winter
Greenhut-Siegel Cooper Company, New York Styles Catalog,
Fall-Winter 1912-13
First National Co-operative Society, Men’s Ready-to-Wear
Clothing Catalog, Spring-
Summer 1905
Philipsborn, women’s clothing catalog, Fall-Winter 1907-08
TOTAL: 4 Items
10. Chicago Mail Order Co., 1929
Maison Blanche, n. d.
Leon Godchaux, Spring and Summer Catalog, 1894
Leon Godchaux Fashion Catalog, Spring-Summer 1895
D. H. Holmes Co. Ltd., Spring styles for 1915 in women’s and
children’s shoes
White, Van Glahn and Co. Summer Bargains, 1906 (brochure)
TOTAL: 6 Items
BOX 25
Weekly News Letter, Published by the U.S. Dept. of
1916-October 25; November 1
1917-January 10; January 17; November 28; March 21; March
28, September 17 1919-January 19
1921-April 27
TOTAL: 10 Items
Crop Reporter, Published by U.S. Department of
September 1906
November 1906
Monthly Crop Report
, published under the authority of the Secretary of
1915-December 30
TOTAL: 6 Items
3. The Florida Velvet Bean and Related Plants, U.S. Dept of
Agriculture Pub., 1910
Changes in Farm Values, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Pub.,
Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, U.S. Dept. of
Agriculture Pub., 1906
Live Stock and Miscellaneous Agricultural Statistics,
1910, U.S. Dept. of Agri. Pub., 1911
The Drain Upon the Forests, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
Pub., 1907
What Forestry Has Done, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Pub.,
Suggestions to Homesteaders and Persons Desiring to Make
Homestead Entries, U.S.
Dept. of the Interior Pub., 1909
The War, The Farm, and The Farmer, U.S. Treasury Dept.
Pub., 1918
U. S. Government Bonds of the Third Liberty Loan, U.S.
Treasury Dept. Pub., 1918
Open Letter to “All Patriotic Americans,” from the U.S.
Treasury Dept., March 28, 1918
TOTAL: 10 Items
Farmer’s Bulletin, Published by U.S. Dept. of Agriculture,
November 11, 1913
Yearbook of the Department of Agriculture, 1909
TOTAL: 2 Items
BOX 25 Continued
5. Denham Springs Collegiate Institute, Annual Catalogue,
1897-98, (2 copies)
Franklinton Central Institute, Annual Catalogue, 1892-93
Franklinton Central Institute, Brochure, n. d.
Franklinton Central Institute Commencement Exercise Brochure, n.
Vanderbilt University, Law Dept., Register and Announcement,
Vanderbilt University, Law Dept., Announcement and Register,
George Peabody College for Teachers, 1920
English and Classical School Announcement, 1892-3
Memphis Hospital Medical College, Annual Announcement and
Catalogue, 1892-93
Tulane University, Law Dept., Announcement, 1909-10
University of Tennessee, Summer School of the South, Record,
Holden High School Graduation Invitation, 1969
Hammond High School Graduation Invitation, 1969
Carmel High School Graduation Invitation, 1969
TOTAL: 14 Items
6. Louisiana State University, Charter and By-Laws of the
Society of the Alumni, 1905
Louisiana State University Commencement Exercise Brochure,
Louisiana State University, Circular of Information, 1911
Louisiana State University, Announcement, 1908-09
Louisiana State University Catalogue, 1906
The Alumnus (L.S.U.), October 1908; April 1909; July
TOTAL: 8 Items
7. International Correspondence Schools (lessons):
How to Proceed With Your Studies; Rules and Suggestions on How
to Prepare and
Send Your Papers and Inquiries
Land Surveying; Geometrical Drawing; Elements of Algebra Parts
1, 2, and 3
Arithmetic Section 1, 2, 3, 4 (2 copies), 5 (First Edition), 5
(Third Edition), and 6 (2)
Formulas; Tables
TOTAL: 18 Items
8. Livingston Agricultural and School Fair, October 1913
Livingston Parish Agricultural and School Fair, (2 copies)
October 1915
Livingston Parish Fair, October 1938
TOTAL: 4 Items
Jefferson Davis’s Camel Experiment, by Walter L. Fleming,
L.S.U. Bulletin, April 1909 (2)
TOTAL: 2 Items
10. Letter of Transmittal, Annual Report of the Public Schools
of the State of Louisiana for the Year Ending December 31, 1870, by
Thomas W. Conway
TOTAL: 1 Item
BOX 26
Case and Comment, A Monthly Journal for Lawyers, March
1909; August 1909
Corpus Juris: A Complete and Systematic Restatement of the
Whole Body of the Law, n. d.
American and English Encyclopediaof Law and Practice,
TOTAL: 4 Items
The Law Book News, March 1909
The Jurisprudence of Lawlessness, by Thomas J. Kernan,
Results, The Chicago Correspondence School of Law,
Brochure, n. d.
TOTAL: 3 Items
A Review of the Cyclopedia of Law and Course of The American
Correspondence School
of Law, by The American Correspondence School of Law, 1908
The American Correspondence School of Law, Lectures:
Public Corporations
Domestic Relations
Real Property
The Law of Evidence
The Law of Bailment
Equity or Chancery Jurisprudence
Pleading and Practice
The Law of Common Carriers
TOTAL: 9 Items
4. Legal notes in long tablet form (2 tablets)
TOTAL: 2 Items
5. Legal notes in long tablet form
TOTAL: 1 Item
Has the Supreme Court Committed Us to Socialism? by Joseph
I. Kelly, A Lecture
Delivered to the Roman Law Class at LSU, October 8, 1906 (2
Rules of the Supreme Court of Louisiana, by Chief Justice
Joseph A. Breaux, 1911
Comparison of the Constitutions of 1898 and 1913, by W. O.
Hart, 1914
Supreme Court, Succession of George W. Watterston, n. d.
Supreme Court of the state of Louisiana, Case no. 19,340, Rownd
versus Comish, 1912
Fragments of Louisiana Jurisprudence, by W. O. Hart, 1907.
TOTAL: 7 Items
BOX 26 Continued
The Arguments For and Against Train-Crew Legislation, by
the Bureau of Railway
Economics, 1913
McEnery Script: Argument in Favor of Ventress Resolution and
Against Toomer Bill, by
J.G. Hauser, n. d.
A Review of the Proposed Amendments to the Constitution,
by W. H. Mclendon, 1904
Calendar of the House of Representatives of the State of
Louisiana. Second regular session,
Monday, June 13, 1910
Calendar of the House of Representatives of the State of
Louisiana, Second Session, June
20, 1910
The Tariff: Protesting Against the Admission of Phillipine
Sugar and Other Products Free
of Duty, to Compete with American Agricultural Industries,
Speech of Murphy J.
Foster, June 16, 1909
Constitution of the State of Louisiana, 1879
Constitution of the State of Louisiana, 1898
Ordinances of the Police Jury of the Parish of Livingston
TOTAL: 9 Items
BOX 27
Memorandum Books and Ledgers:
Account Book of E. G. Carter, Merchant’s & Farmer’s Bank,
Ponchatoula, La.
Swift’s Fertilizers Memorandum Book
J. C. Penny Co. Memorandum Book
Pierce’s Memorandum and Account Book (2 copies)
F. S. Royster Guano Company, Memorandum Book
Large Memorandum Book
Deering Light Draft Harvesting Machines Memoranda Book, book has
land section notes
written in it
Garrett’s Snuff Memoranda Book, book has numerical notes written
in it
Small memoranda book, 1890
Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic Memoranda Book
TOTAL: 11 Items
Memorandum and Account Books:
Pocket Almanac and Account Book, 1889-90, (2 copies).
Memorandum Book
Memorandum Book, belonged to Tullia Carter.
Large Business type check-book, with records.
TOTAL: 5 Items
Botanical Notebook with pressed plants.
Memorandum Books (2) containing verse and the signatures of
friends and acquaintances of
Ms. Lillie Carter, dated 1888
Elementary Spelling Book
Dandy Line Spelling Tablet, used as a Memoranda Book
Wigwam Spelling Blank, used as a Memorandum Book
TOTAL: 6 Items
4. Memorandum Book, 1919-20
A. H. Lewis Medicine Co., Memorandum Book (2 copies)
Memorandum Book with initials E. B. R. on it
Swift’s Fertilizers Memorandum Book
Buyer’s Want Book, S. & J. Katz & Co., Memorandum Book,
St. Joseph Almanac
TOTAL: 7 Items
5. Ledger book, contains various notes and transactions during
TOTAL: 1 Item
He Went for a Soldier, by John Strange Winter, 1898
Lady Roslyn’s Pensioner, by Mrs. Harriet Lewis, n. d.
TOTAL: 2 Items
BOX 28
1. Ledger belonging to T. C. Carter dated 1 June 1894
Order Book of W. B. Rownd, records purchases from 22 August
1905-1 May 1906
Order Book of W. B. Rownd, records purchases from 18 May 1906-31
December 1906
TOTAL: 3 Items
2. Ledger belonging to W. B. Rownd, dated 1891-1892
TOTAL: 1 Item
3. Ledger belonging to W. B. Rownd, dated 1901-1902
TOTAL: 1 Item
4. Ledger belonging to Tullia Carter, ledger is dated 1871, but
the only entry is dated 1879
Ledger belonging to Mrs. A Carter, entries begin in 1897 and
continue until 1923
TOTAL: 2 Items
5. Ledger belonging to T. C. Carter, dated 1910-1914
Memoranda book, 1915-1921
Workmen’s time book of Tim Robinson, records his hours in the
brickyard, 8 April 1897
Ledger Book, dated 1853
TOTAL: 4 Items
Ledger pages, single:
S. C. Tucker bill 1893
Richardson and Carter in account with Charles Richardson,
Tunnage and Settoon to Carter and Kemp for J. J. Bazoon, n.
Charles Murray account with Carter and Craig, 1892
P. J. Faust account with Carter and Craig, 1893
Final accounts of George Richardson, papers reflect final
payment to creditors, slave
property is mentioned, 1859; 6 separate documents. Among
creditors mentioned is Samuel Hyde
George Richardson in account with C. T. Buddicke and Co.
Mr. Walmsley to convey trunk to Springfield, 1859
Mrs. Walmsley to Mr. T. Carter, 1858
George Richardson to B. J. Impson, 1853
George Richardson to B. J. Impson, 1854
T. C. Carter in account with B. Spiller, 1892
Evins timber account, 1864
Tullius Carter Blood River, 1888
R. R. Richardson timber account, n. d.
T. Carter to E. Spunk, 1880
T. C. Carter in account with J. Davis, 1891
Receipts recording transactions from Jan. 27, 1875; Nov. 5,
1874; July 31, 1876; Nov. 27
BOX 28 Continued
T. C. Carter log price, 175 charge $.5 each
Case of C. E. Eugene verses C. V. Pariche, No. 877, Sept. 20,
TOTAL: 25 Items
Handwritten Checks and Receipts:
Mr. T. Carter to D. W. Thompson for making copy of sheriff bond
$1.50, received payment
from Mr.T. Carter this 23rd of October 1858, D. W. Thompson
On or before the first day of November next, I promise to pay to
J. W. Bales or bearer the
sum of nineteen dollars for bales received, Alexander Clayton,
March 28, 1861
Ponchatoula, La. April 3, 1858, Mr. George Richardson in account
with A. G. Carter,
money collected for building bridge.
Mr. George Richardson, at sight please pay B. J. Taylor or
bearer $100 and charge the same
to account of yours truly, B. J. Impson, Springfield Louisiana
Sept. 6, 1853
Ponchatoula, June 29, 1859, Mr. George Richardson to C. Jones,
receipt for dry goods
$101.59, one day after date, I promise to pay J. J. Matt or
bearer the sum of $ 101. 59 with
eighty percent from date until paid for value received this
April 29, 1856
letter to Mr. O. F. Terry from M. T. Carter requesting payment
for logs cut on his land,
December 5, 1878
TOTAL: 7 Items
BOX 29
1. The Twentieth Century Songbook, 1904
Folio Leaves for Piano or Cabinet Organ, 1939
TOTAL: 2 Items
Les Plaisirs de L’Allemagne or The Chants of the
Danube, A set of Waltzes composed for
the piano forte, n. d.
TOTAL: 1 Item
3. Sheet music book, n. d.
TOTAL: 1 Item
The Eclipse Musical Folio, 1892
When the Clouds Have Passed Away, by W. M. Jerome and
Seymour Furth, 1918
Song Favorites, For Schools and for the Home Circle,
TOTAL: 3 Items
5. Standard and Popular Sheet Music and Music Books Catalog,
The Bromo Seltzer New Edition 52 Popular Selections, ‘Until
Then’ by Geo. M. Vickers,
n. d.
Good-bye France,
by Sergeant Irving Berlin, 1918
TOTAL: 3 Items
6. Conservatory Library, Kohler Practical Method for the
Pianoforte, Book Three, 1918
TOTAL: 1 Item
7. The Two Friends, A Collection of Admired Vocal Duets, n.
The Christian Herald and Signs of Our Times, sheet music
Fall Into Line, by W. H.
Gardner, 1896
TOTAL: 2 Items
There’s a Service Flag Flying at Our House, by Thomas
Hoier and Bernie Grossman, and
Al. W. Brown, 1914
Longing for Home, by Albert Jungman, 1917
You’ll Be There to Meet Them (When The Boys Come
Home), by Jeff Branen and Dick
Heinrich, 1918
Pleasures of Home
Little Annie Rooney, by W. T. Francis, 1890
TOTAL: 5 Items
9. Large book of sheet music, n. d.
TOTAL: 1 Item
BOX 29
10. Large book of sheet music, n. d.
TOTAL: 1 Item
11. Record Jacket, “Famous Selections from the World’s Greatest
TOTAL: 1 Item
12. Woodland Echoes Book of Sheet Music, n. d.
Miscellaneous sheet music
TOTAL: 2 Items
13. Book of sheet music, incomplete
TOTAL: 1 Item
BOX 30
1. Chicago House Co., catalog, n. d.
TOTAL: 1 Item
2. White Bicycle & Sundry Co., Catalog No. 19, n. d. (2
Rice-Born Hardware Co. Catalog, 1894
T. H. Jones & Co. Catalog, n. d.
Pittsburg Perfect Welded Fence Brochure, n. d.
Chrysler Brochure, n. d.
TOTAL: 6 Items
3. White Brothers Co., Jewelry, Watches, Silverware, and
Diamonds Catalog, 1914-15
C. P. Barnes & Co. Jewelers, n. d.
B. Barnett, Jewelry Catalog, n. d.
B. Barnett Watch-maker and Manufacturing Jeweler, 1913 (2
J. Lynn & Co. Jewelry Catalog, n. d.
Weinfurter’s Jewelers Catalog, n. d.
TOTAL: 7 Items
4. Union Book and Novelty Co., Pocket Order Book, n. d.
G. W. Dillingham Co. Publishers, Popular and Standard
Publications Catalog, 1904
Ohio Carriage Manufacturing Co. “Good Buggies and How they Are
Made,” 1906
Iszard-Warren Co., Inc., Scientific Instruments Catalog, n.
Iszard-Warren Co. Sterling Surveying Instruments and Drawing
Materials, 1910 (2 copies)
TOTAL: 6 Items
Care and Treatment of Stock and Poultry, by Dr. L. D.
LeGear, 1929
Purina Hog Chow promotional booklet, 1930
Sunny Side Shetland Pony Farm Catalog, 1896
Scientific Poultry Feeding and Management, published by
Rosenbaum Brothers, 1923
Ford Model “A” Instruction Book, 1928
Pittsburg Perfect Fencing promotional handbook, n. d.
International Stock Dip promotional booklet on Mange and other
Parasitic Diseases, n. d. Japanese Oil Handbook, n. d.
Nitrophoska promotional booklet on fertilizers for southern
crops, n. d.
Harrison Bros. & Co. Inc. promotional booklet on the
chemistry of paints, 1898
TOTAL: 10 Items
BOX 30 Continued
6. Gerde, Newman & Co., Wholesale Grocers, flyer “Cash
Specials,” 7 December 1933
Advocate Publishing Company flyer, n. d.
Nassau Card Co. price list of “Fashionable Visiting Cards,” n.
The Walton Co., advertisement for one quart of 20 yr. old
whiskey, with order blank, 1904
Daily Trade Bulletin (published in Chicago)
October 30, 1917
May 10, 1919
April 25, 1921
March 13, 1923
TOTAL: 8 Items
The Century Magazine, n. d.
Munsey’s Magazine, n. d.
TOTAL: 2 Items
The Leisure Hour Library, February 1884
The Educational Screen,
October 1928, Vol. VII, No. 5
What To Do, April 1, 1916, Vol. 7, No. 14
TOTAL: 3 Items
BOX 31
1. Knights of Honor, Constitutions and General Laws, 1892
Knights of Honor, Term Life Insurance Plan pamphlet, n. d.
Knights of Honor promotional pamphlet
Receipts from Banner Tent No. 72, March 31, 1911 and April 29,
Photo of Sol Klotz, Grand Dictator of Knights of Honor
Invitation to the Knights Grand Ball, April 13, 1898
Listing of committee members of the Grand Ball
Knights of Honor Ball program, September 5, 1906
Application of reinstatement in the Knights of Honor (Blank)
TOTAL: 10 Items
2. Letter from Knights of Honor to W. S. Rownd containing
instructions for the government
of subordinate lodges and their officers in making out death
Envelope addressed to W. S. Rownd
Application for Blanks for Death Proofs
Blank death notice
TOTAL: 4 Items
Knights of Honor Reporter
1895-January, April; 1896-February
1906-October, July; 1907-January, February, March,
1908-February 1908; 1909-June, August
1911-March; 1913-August
1914-January; (3 copies with n. d.)
TOTAL: 18 Items
4. Knights of Honor, Official Circular No. 1, n. d.
Proceedings of the Grand Lodge, Knights of Honor, State of
Louisiana, Twenty-Seventh
Annual and Twenty-Eighth Conventions Held in New Orleans, LA,
March 4, 1908 and March 14, 1910 (1 book)
TOTAL: 2 Items
The Bee Hive, September 1911, October 1912, August 1913,
April 1914
Supplement to The Bee Hive, February 1911
TOTAL: 4 Items
The Pocket Magazine, January 1897
Sturm’s Magazine, May 1910
TOTAL: 2 Items
7. The World Today, October 1907, one copy with no date (2
The Review of Reviews, September 1911, October 1920
TOTAL: 4 Items
BOX 32
1. Grocery Receipts, 1859-1935
TOTAL: 48 Items
2. General Merchandise Receipts, 1866-1941
TOTAL: 41 Items
3. Pharmaceutical Receipts, 1889-1933
TOTAL: 13 Items
4. Hardware Receipts, 1881-1931
TOTAL: 15 Items
5. Lumber Receipts, 1887-1943
TOTAL: 75 Items
6. Shipping and Dray Receipts, 1891-1931
TOTAL: 17 items
7. Standard Oil Receipts (1928-1931)
TOTAL: 5 Items
Knights of the Maccabees of the World
Pamphlet, “Our Accumulated Funds, Their Uses,” 1909
The Ancient Maccabees, by John S. Leonhardt, M.D., n. d.,
(2 copies)
Knights Maccabees promotional circulars, (6 copies)
TOTAL: 9 Items
Political Memorabilia:
Broadside, Fuqua and Bouanchaud on the Ku Klux Klan
Speaking schedule for the Complete the Work Ticket, Huey P. Long
and O. K. Allen
(8 copies)
Circular entitled “Don’t Let Them Disfranchise You,” which
encourages Long supporters to
pay their poll tax, attached is a note from Long’s office (13
Broadside, Long’s Reply to Standard Oil Company “Standard Oil
versus The People”
Homemade sign, Carter’s daily ?s. Shall I go or write? Why
doesn’t the Ponchatoula Road
Board Do Something?
Flyer addressing Ohio taxes
Blank Affidavits affirming age for 1904 general state election
(10 copies)
Peoples Party State Ticket, Livingston Parish, n. d.
Twenty-fifth Judicial District Primary Election ballots,
September 17, 1904 (3 copies)
Official Ballot, Democratic Party, Second Primary Election,
Livingston Parish, February 25,
BOX 32 Continued
Democratic Party, Sixth Congressional District, Livingston
Parish, Primary election, blank
ballot, September 3, 1912 (6 copies)
Democratic Party, Parish Democratic Primary, Livingston Parish,
Sample Ballot, September
12, 1916
Democratic Party, Livingston Parish, Primary Sample Ballot,
January 20, 1920 (5 copies)
Democratic Party, State Democratic Primary, Livingston Parish,
Sample Ballot, September
14, 1920 (10 copies)
Political handout, “A single obstruction now stands in the way
of the progress of the state”
–From the platform adopted by the Foster Convention, 1891
Political handout, “Future–Gambling: A single obstruction now
stands in the way of the progress of the state”–From the platform
adopted by the Foster Convention, February 3, 1892
Political handout, “John Pickett, The Would-be Judas of the
People’s Party”
Speech of Honorable Theodore S. Wilkinson, at Brusly Landing,
August 3, 1907
Bulletin entitled “Proscription, Let Us Remember, Set No Bad
Examples,” issued by the
Fuqua Campaign Committee
Literary Digest Presidential election opinion poll,
Calling cards with the name of the candidates on them. Names
Louis F. Harris, for Sheriff of Livingston Parish
D. B. Steele, for State Auditor
J. S. Settoon, for State Senator
C. P. Dunbar, for Registrar of the State Land Office.
W. S. Guitrau, for Assessor of Livingston Parish
W. S. Rownd, for State Senator (2 copies)
M. Carter Rownd, for Representative, Parish of Livingston.
Andrew S. Herron, for Representative to the 48th Congress
Handouts for solicitation of votes for W. S. Rownd for State
Senator, (5 copies)
Handouts soliciting approval of Act No. 95 which would have
moved the Livingston Parish
seat, July 5, 1882 (2 copies)
“The Song of the Anti-Politicians,” n. d.
“To the Members of the Farmer’s Union,” n. d.
Open Letter soliciting votes for election to Circuit Court
Judge, candidate’s name is
unknown, n. d.
Letter from Clay Elliot to unknown party asking same to act as
commissioner for primary
and election returns, n. d.
The Political Objection!, “The Question of the Hour” Series No.
10, Published under the
Auspices of the Progressive League of Louisiana
What Will You Do? If Unjust Legislation Increases Your Truck
Cost $200 to $1,000 Per
Year Per Truck? Will you sit and let Louisiana Legislature Do
TOTAL: 88 Items
BOX 32 Continued
Legal Documents:
Agreement to purchase/sell, Cutting Pike Investment Corp. and
Celeste Legendre agree to
purchase a house in Hammond, November 10, 1964
Judgment by 21st Judicial District Court, finds for the
plaintiff, Simpson H. Sharp and
against Noah Sullivan, December 5, 1947
Handwritten notes on the case of Devall vs. Cooper, n. d.
Handwritten certification as to the correctness of a bill in the
case of Sarah A. Dunn vs.
Sheriff T. C. Hill, April 12, 1873
Partial document recording the holding of a public auction held
by Sheriff Simpson Sharp,
July 7, 1906
Blank Department of the Interior Relinquishment form
Blank Dept. of Agriculture crop reporting forms, August 1914,
September 1914
Blank U. S. Army inquiry form as to the character of Norman A.
Patterson, sent to Miss
Lillie Carter for her comments, August 16, 1934
Blank Dept. of Labor, Children’s Bureau Child Registration form
used in a study to
determine the development of the country’s children
Royalty Deed, Frank Richardson sells his mineral rights to
Simpson Sharp, June 4, 1947
Sworn testament that J. P. Stiller owes C. H. Russell $7.31
Blank Dept. of Labor, Children’s Bureau, Weighing and Measuring
test, n. d.
Certification of W. B. Rownd as Supervisor of Registration for
the 6th Ward of Livingston
Parish, September 22, 1876
Blank Dept. of the Interior Application for Repayment (2
Certificate naming Miss Grace Rownd as Commissioner for the
Registration of women in
Precinct no.1, Ward 6, Livingston Parish, October 10, 1917
Road Overseer’s Commission for M. C. Rownd, January 4, 1912
Sheriff’s Tax Deed Sales of Immovables, July 14, 1898
Homestead Application, May 20, 1862, October 3, 1887
Property tax assessment form of Ms. Tullia Carter, 1903
Blank Civil Litigation forms for land claims, n. d. (2
Statement on the Succession of Andrew Wells, prepared by M. T.
Carter and E. T. Russell
Poll List of Ward 6, Livingston Parish, 1910
Notes on a case involving property formally belonging to James
Farmer, n. d.
Description of the Farmer tract of land, n. d.
Testimony of Levi Spiller on the final accounts of George
Coleman, January 5, 1874
General Bond, case of Joe Belurson v. Rev. Francis Gross, May
24, 1907
Warranty Deed, from Mrs. A. Carter to W. S. Rownd, October 28,
Chattel Mortgage, November 13, 1922
Mortgage document regarding Nannie K. Sharp and Wiley H. Sharp,
June 21, 1954
Document conveying land to Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. from
Simpson Sharp,
notarized by Judge Leon Ford, n. d.
Land Purchase Document, February 3, 1872
Court Order, Livingston Parish Court, January 2, 1873
Official Notice of Mandatory Tuberculosis Eradication, n. d. (2
TOTAL: 35 Items
BOX 32 Continued
Insurance Documents:
Premium notice to Mr. Leonard S. Hutchinson, Guaranty Income
Life, 1935
Pamphlet, “Your Future in 15 Words”
Premium Receipt Book, First National Life
Policy of Roy Coats with General Exchange Insurance Corp., April
23, 1932
Policy of Simpson H. Sharp with Aetna Insurance, November 12,
Letter from McCain & Cate, Hammond, representing New
Hampshire Fire Insurance Co. to
Mrs. Nannie K. Sharp regarding windstorm loss, October 4,
Letter from Aetna Insurance to New Hampshire Fire Insurance Co.
requesting that the
policy holder’s name be changed from Estate of Simpson H. Sharp
to Nannie K. Sharp,
September 24, 1957
Statement appointing E. W. Butler of Madison, GA, J. C. Porter
or J. R. Leal of Rome, GA
as Attorneys-in-fact for voting on stock issues, 1912 (statement
was not signed)
Letter from Rome Insurance Company announcing the annual
stockholders meeting for July
2, 1912
Endorsement issued by New Hampshire Fire Insurance Co.
describing the insured dwelling
of Estate of Simpson Sharp and amending the name of the insured
to read Mrs. Nannie K. Sharp, September 23, 1957
TOTAL: 10 Items
12. Share Certificate, General Securities Co., belonged to W. S.
Rownd, July 13, 1925
TOTAL: 1 Item
Drawings of “Comes the Revolution,” showing the White House
inundated by papists, artist
unknown (2 copies)
Drawing of a tugboat named
Arthur, artist unknown
Drawing of a heart, artist unknown
TOTAL: 4 Items
Report Cards:
Blank Report Card
Monthly School Report by Teacher D. C. Carter, October 2,
TOTAL: 2 Items
15. Tax Documents (1908-1964)
TOTAL: 20 Items
BOX 32 Continued
Surveying Documents:
Field Notes for Sections 1, 2, and 11 in Township 8 South, Range
6 East, Greensburg
District, Louisiana, surveyed by D. A. Watterston, 1853
Field Notes for Section 5, Township 8 South, Range 7 East,
Greensburg District, LA.,
surveyed by R. C. Brent, 1846
Sketch and Field Notes of Sections 11, 12, 13, and 14, Township
8 South, Range 6 East,
Greensburg District, La., June 6, 1907
Geo. P. Schmidt, surveyor to Mrs. V. Smith regarding her 50
acres of property, September
23, 1907
Instructions Governing Repayments, Department of the Interior,
January 22, 1901
Surveying Class notes and exercises (5 documents, n. d.).
Notes of M. C. Rownd regarding survey of 40 acres for Cd. Hill,
March 21, 1910
Township graphing paper with notes, n. d.
TOTAL: 11 Items
17. Miscellaneous promotional mail outs and advertisements for
businesses (1860s-1950s)
TOTAL: 84 Items
18. Miscellaneous bills, receipts, and blank order forms
TOTAL: 69 Items
19. Miscellaneous Business Correspondence (1877-1964)
TOTAL: 20 Items
Mineral Rights Documents:
State of Louisiana License to Sever Natural Resources, granted
to T. C. Carter, April 25,
1921 and July 29, 1921 (2)
Guarantee of the Cross Stream Oil and Development Co., sale of
land to Simpson Sharp,
June 23, 1921
Deposit slip from the Texas Company recording payment to estate
of Simpson Sharp,
deceased, March 4, 1952
Statement from the Texas Co. to J. A. Minton, March 1, 1909
Invoice from the Texas Co. to J. A. Minton, September 21,
Letter from Springfield Oil Company asking stockholders to remit
the balance of their
subscriptions on their stock, July 3, 1923
Annual Land and Lease Rental Account check from Sun Oil Company
to DePhillips-Sharp
Farms Inc., December 31, 1964
Deposit slip recording Sun Oil Co. deposit into account of
DePhillips-Sharp Farms Inc.,
January 2, 1965
Annual Land and Lease Rental Account check stub from Humble Oil
& Refining Co., to
Nannie K. Sharp, January 31, 1957
Stipulation of Interest Document, Pan American Petroleum Corp.
with Nannie K. Sharp,
June 1, 1957
Letter to Mr. Simpson Sharp from Cross Stream Oil &
Development Co. regarding
investment in the company.
TOTAL: 12 Items
BOX 33
1. Bank Statements and Canceled Checks from Ponchatoula Bank and
Trust Co., Accounts of
Miss Lillie Carter and Roy Coats (1927-1935)
TOTAL: 223 Items
2. Bank Statements and Canceled Checks from Farmers State Bank
and Trust Co., account of
Nannie K. Sharp (1955-1964)
Letter from Farmers State Bank and Trust to Nannie K. Sharp
regarding payment on a note,
March 9, 1956
TOTAL: 397 Items
3. Bank Statements, Canceled Checks, Deposit Slips, and a letter
to Nannie K. Sharp
regarding an extension on payment from Guaranty Bank and Trust
Co., Accounts of Nannie K. Sharp and Earl George Carter
TOTAL: 142 Items
4. Bank Statements, Canceled Checks, and Note Payments form
Livingston State Bank,
Accounts of Simpson Sharp and Nannie K. Sharp, (1946-1962)
TOTAL: 141 Items
5. Bank Statements, Canceled Checks, and Correspondence from
Merchants and Farmers
Bank and Trust Co., Accounts of Earl George Carter, Lillie
Carter, Grace A. Rownd, and Leonard Hutchinson (1906-1933)
TOTAL: 156Items
6. Canceled Checks and Correspondence from Livingston Bank,
Accounts of Simpson Sharp
and Grace Rownd (1928-1933)
TOTAL: 12 Items
7. Canceled Checks from Citizens National Bank, Accounts of Ray
Coats and Grace Rownd
TOTAL: 23 Items
8. Bank Notes and Correspondence from Fidelity National Bank,
Account of Nannie K. Sharp
TOTAL: 4 Items
9. Canceled Checks from Albany Bank, checks have been changed
from Ponchatoula State
Bank to Albany Bank. Account of Simpson Sharp (1930)
TOTAL: 11 Items
10. Checks payable by George A. Pike (1879)
TOTAL: 3 Items
BOX 33 Continued
11. Canceled Check from Bank of Baton Rouge, Account of W. S.
Rownd (1908)
TOTAL: 1 Item
12. Bank Note from Amite River Bank, Account of Simpson Sharp
TOTAL: 1 Item
13. Bank Statement from Tangipahoa Bank and Trust Co., Account
of L. Hutchinson (1933)
TOTAL: 1 Item
14. Check payable by Murphy and Palmer to W. S. Rownd (1932)
TOTAL: 1 Item
15. Check Book with Record from Marine Bank and Trust Co.,
Account holder unknown
TOTAL: 1 Item
16. Check Book with Record from The Bankers National Bank
TOTAL: 1 Item
17. Assorted Post Cards and Calling Cards
TOTAL: 59 Items
School Notes:
(3) pages of Law School Notes on L.S.U. letterhead, n. d.
(1) page of Law School Notes on Knights of Honor Letterhead
(1) page of Grace Rownd’s History notes
(1) page of sentence diagraming
(1) page of W. C. Rownd’s Arithmetic Notes
(4) pages on the Lewis and Clark Expedition
(1) page on Christopher Columbus
(1) page on Alaska Territory
(3) pages on Government of U. S.
(5) pages of notes on Physics
(1) Geography quiz
(15) pages of Surveying notes
(2) Review sheets for History 56c, L.S.U.
TOTAL: 38 Items
BOX 33 Continued
(6) Township graphing paper maps
(1) Isogenics map of U.S. West Coast, 1886
(1) 1931 Standard Oil Road map of Arkansas and Louisiana
(1) Picayune Map of New Orleans, 1906
(1) Distribution and Severity of Potato Rot in the United
States, 1885
(1) Detailed map of Dr. Livingstone’s Route across Africa,
TOTAL: 11 Items
20. Assorted Stamps
TOTAL: 40 Items
Hall, Wedge & Carter (1920)
Lang William Co. (1920)
Settoon Brothers (1898)
Settoon Brothers (1899)
Settoon Brothers (1910)
J. S. Settoon & Son (1931)
J. S. Settoon (1935)
Farmers & Merchants Grain Co., Inc. (1932)
The Merchants & Farmers Bank & Trust Co. (1930)
Merchants & Farmers Bank & Trust Co. (1930)
Edwards Motor Co. (1933)
Martin Veneer Co. (1934)
E. W. Vinyard (1932)
E. W. Vinyard (1934)
A. J. Pusey (1934)
Ponchatoula Farm Bureau Association (1935)
Dendinger Mercantile Co. (1935)
Wright & Anderson, Inc. (1935)
Sharp’s Store (1959)
M. D. Wiginton, B. S. M. D. (1932)
M. C. Wiginton, B. S. M. D. (1933)
M. D. Wiginton, B. S. M. D. (1936)
The First National Bank (1939)
Carter’s Logs (1935)
Motor Co. (1935)
The Times Democrat, October 20, 1912
“Largest class on record wins Loyola Diplomas,” unidentified
newspaper, 1924
TOTAL: 34 Items