Chandler Family



  1.  Draft of Southeastern Louisiana College History written by Dr. L. E. Chandler,
  2. Draft of Southeastern Louisiana College History written by Dr. L. E. Chandler,
  3. College Bulletin, SLC, A Study of Parish Government in Louisiana, Vol. XVIL, January 1960, No. 2
  4. “SLC Pioneer Honored,” Daily Star, February 6, 1968 and “Dr. Chandler Retires at SLCII, unidentified paper, no date
  5. Correspondence–Past Student Government Association Presidents Reunion at Southeastern
    November 18, 1961
  6. Souvenir Program, Past Presidents Reunion, Student Government Association at Southeastern
    November 18, 1961
  7. History of Student Government Association, 1925-38, 1938-43 written by Dr. L. E.
    Chandler (Draft)
  8. History of Student Government Association written by Dr. L. E. Chandler
  9. The Lion’s Roar, June 21, 1968
  10. Program of Fiftieth Anniversary Convocation, SLU, March 6, 1975, The Nicholas
    Cefalu Coliseum
  11. “SLU’s 50th Convocation Salutes Faculty, Staff,” The Daily Star, February 20, 1975
  12. Booklet for Fiftieth Anniversary of Southeastern Louisiana University, Fifty Years, Foundation for the Future, 1975
  13. Brochure About Homecoming 184, Week of October 22, 1984 from Alumni Association
  14. Six 5″ x 7″ Aerial Photographs of Southeastern Louisiana University
  15. Two 8″x l0″ Photographs of a group of nine men
  16. Ph.D. and early employment information, 1936-38
  17. Southeastern Louisiana College Employment Contracts and Salary Information, 1936-1967
  18. Southeastern Louisiana College related information and correspondence, 1940-1960
  19. Correspondence and Achievements, 1940
  20. Speeches and Statements, 1939-1960



  1. Pamphlet, Plaquemines Parish Fort Jackson Restored and Reopened, May 1962
  2. Program, Plaquemines Parish Fair and Orange Festival, December 6 & 6, 1980, Fort
  3. Program, Annual Banquet of Phi Kappa Phi, April 10, 1981 at Southeastern Louisiana
  4. Citation to Dr. L. E. Chandler in 1945 from National War Fund, United War Fund
    of Louisiana
  5. “Carlos Marcello, Climb to Power,” The Times-Picayune Dixie, February 14, 1982
  6. “Humphrey Over the Top!, The Daily Star, August 20, 1968 and Dr. Chandler Honored
    on page 6
  7. Louisiana History Outline, 349 pages
  8. The Measure of a Good Kiwanian (Copied from Coral Gables, Florida Club)
  9. Pamphlet, Kiwanis in Brief, A Book of Facts for New Members, Prospective Members
    and Friends
  10. Kiwanis Attendance Regulations
  11. Club Committee Bulletin, Attendance and Membership #1
  12. Recapitulation of Pageant Finances, n. d.
  13. Hammond Kiwanis Club Charter Night Program, November 26, 1940, Casa De Fresa Hotel
  14. Hammond Kiwanis Club, Anniversary Program, November 27, 1941, Casa De Fresa Hotel
  15. Hammond Kiwanis Club Anniversary Night Program, 1940-1943
  16. Letter to Albert W. Brewerton from L. E. Chandler, Kiwanis Club of Hammond, November 18, 1942
  17. List of Major Objectives for Kiwanis, 1943
  18. Card Certifying Dr. L. E. Chandler an officer of the District of La.-Ms.-W. Tenn.
    Kiwanis International, No. 127, 1943
  19. Certificates to Dr. L. E. Chandler for Speaking at Kiwanis International Meetings, 1943 and 1948
  20. Biographical Sketches of International Officers and District Officers for 1942-43,
    La.-Ms.-W. Tenn. District
  21. Program Kiwanis International North Louisiana Division, Hotel Francis, Monroe,
    Louisiana, May 20, 1943
  22. Speech-Tribute to Kiwanians in Military Service
  23. “Tribute to Men in Military Service,” delivered by L. E. Chandler at District
    Convention in Vicksburg, September 3, 1944
  24. Installation Program Pineville Kiwanis Club, First Baptist Church, January 7,
  25. La.-Ms.-W. Tenn. District Kiwanis International, Vol. XIII, No. 3, Jackson, Mississippi,
    December 1947
  26. Official Program, Fifth Annual Convention of Key Club International, Memphis,
    Tennessee, April 23-24, 1948
  27. Ponchatoula Kiwanis Club Charter Night Program, May 26, 1948, Cave Tangi, La.-Ms.-W. Tenn. District 
  28. Program, Memorial Service, 30th Annual Convention, La.-Nls.-W. Tenn. District,
    October 3, 1948
  29. Agenda for Divisional Training Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, December 7,
  30. Report to Club Secretary About Attendance at Kiwanis Meetings, 1943
  31. Report of Lt. Governors Kiwanis International of La.-Ms.-West Tenn. District,
    1943 and 1947
  32. A Record of Kiwanians Who Served as Lieutenant Governors in the La.-Ms.-W. Tenn.
    District of Kiwanis International
  33. Report of District Governor, 1948
  34. Kiwanis Memorial Service, 1952–List of Members who passed away in 1951-52
  35. Pamphlet, Kiwanis Standard Form for Club Bylaws as amended to and including August
    1, 1966
  36. Kiwanis Administration, October 14, 1966
  37. Kiwanis Administration, 1967 Program, Laws and Regulations
  38. Official Program, 30th Annual Convention, La.-Ms.-W. Tenn. District, October 3,
    4, 5, 1948, Edgewater Park, Mississippi
  39. Program for the 44th Annual District Convention, September 23-25, 1962, Gulfport,
    Mississippi–Kiwanis International
  40. Script of the 50th Annual Convention of the Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee
    District of Kiwanis International, Jackson, Mississippi, September 6, 7, 8, 1968



  1. Kiwanis Club of Hammond Newsletters, 1941-1945
  2. Kiwanis Club of Hammond Newsletters, 1950-1957
  3. Kiwanis Club of Hammond Newsletters, 1957-1959
  4. Kiwanis Club of Hammond Newsletters, 1960-19625. Kiwanis Club of Hammond Newsletters, 1963-1968



  1. “Hammond Graveyard Where Peter Hammond, It’s Founder, Is Buried,” Hammond Vindicator, November 5, 1937
  2. “Founder of Town Gave Everything But Data On Self,” Times-Picayune, n. d.
  3. Program for a Home Talent Minstrel Show at East Side Auditorium in Hammond, Louisiana,
    November 30 and December 1, 1927
  4. Letter from Paul N. Cyr, D.D.S. Jeanerette, Louisiana to Mr. Polk Hebert, Jr.,
    Houston, Texas, December 4, 1927
  5. Fishing License, 1929; Digest of Louisiana Fish Laws, 1937-1938; 1938-1939; and
    Digest of Louisiana Hunting and Trapping Laws, 1944-1945
  6. Photograph sent to Polk Hebert by Hans Schneider, November 3, 1950 (Group of Boy
    Scouts at camp)
  7. Landmarks of Louisiana, 22 pictures of Houses
  8. Audubon’s Wonderland of Louisiana, Tour No. 2, 1961, Brochure
  9. The Land of Longfellows Evangeline, Tourist Brochure
  10. See All of Louisiana All Year ‘Round, 40 pages, Tour Guide Booklet
  11. Lovely Louisiana, Year-round Vacation Land, Travel Guide, 240 pages, C. 1950s
  12. The Louisiana Story, 82 pages, 1954
  13. Louisiana’s Deep South, Where to go, What to do, “Year ’round Vacation Land, no
    date, 136 pages (2 copies)
  14. Program and Menu of Testimonial Banquet for Governor-Elect Robert F. Kennon in
    the Roosevelt, April 15, 1952
  15. Certificate from Bomb Reconnaissance Agents’ Schools to Polk Hebert, January 23,
  16. Certificate from the Governor of the State of Louisiana to Polk Hebert, Metairie,
    Louisiana to Advisory Board #2 for Registrants, Jefferson Parish, March 11, 1941
  17. Certificate from U. S. Treasury Department to Polk Hebert for War Savings Program,
    November 15, 1943
  18. Certificate from U. S. Office of Price Administration to Polk Hebert for Meritorious
    Service in War Effort, signed by Harry Truman, February 11, 1946
  19. Bradley Knit Wear Catalog, Spring and Summer, 1923
  20. Advertisement for the Movie Wedding Bills starring Raymond Griffith at the Rialto
  21. Between You and Disaster, Civil Defense Publication, 1956
  22. Red Men of Violence, Dixie, January 8, 1961
  23. Land Use Study, West Thomas Street, Hammond, Louisiana, Nov. 30, 1964, Property
    Service Inc. (Map) (2 copies) 
  24. Letters:
  25. a) 16 January 1952, letter written by Mrs. Mercedes Bulnes, an American woman living with her family in Cuba, to Mrs. C. G. Kidder. Letter discusses the president of Cuba
    and his brother’s designs on purchasing the remaining independently owned molasses
    Letter reflects contemporary economic hardships in Cuba.
  26. b) 31 March 1952, letter from Mrs. Mercedes Bulnes to Mrs. C. G. Kidder. Letter discusses the coup in which Batista ousted Cuban president Prio Socarras. It also
    notes the trouble that this instability has caused American business interests.
  27. c) 22 October 1954, letter from U.S. Administrative Assistant to the President, Bryce
    Harlow, to Mrs. Zoe Kent. Letter expresses thanks for the birthday greetings and for
    the forwarded poems of Mrs. Ignatia Robinson.
  28. d) 1 April, no year, letter from Ms. Marie Woodside to Mr. and Mrs. Polk Hebert. Letter was written from Cuba probably in 1961. The letter Discusses censorship of the mail
    and the Cuban exodus to Miami and other American cities as well as food shortages
    and other hardships in Cuba at the time.
  29. e) 15 August 1961, letter from Marie Woodside, an American woman living in Cuba, to Mr. and Mrs. Polk Hebert in the U. S. The letter discusses an incident in which the
    Cuban government took over Mrs. Woodside’s home and much of her personal property.
    The letter also discusses the lack of provisions and rationing of food in Cuba.
  30. f) 22 February 1962, letter from Marie Woodside to Mr. and Mrs. Polk Hebert. The letter discusses how dismal Christmas was in Cuba in 1961. Basically the letter underscores
    the continued hardships of Cubans under the Castro regime.
  31. g) 17 January 1964, letter from Marie Woodside to Mr. and Mrs. Polk Hebert. Like the previous correspondence from Marie Woodside, this letter again expresses her dissatisfaction with the state of affairs in Cuba. She laments that the government owns everything and that everything is rationed. Marie also states that the Cuban government had expelled all the Spanish priests.
  32. h) 17 June 1964, letter from Marie Woodside to Mr. and Mrs. Polk Hebert. Letter contains more discussion of the hardships in Cuba.
  33. i) 4 October 1920, legal document, chattel mortgage of Charles C. Whittington. This mortgage sets Whittington’s legal debt to Nat A. Kent at $10,466.46.
  34. Scrapbook, dated 30 March 1901. Scrapbook contain contemporary newspaper clippings.
  35. Newspaper clippings:
  36. a) Times-Picayune, 8 August 1957, “Stroke is Fatal to Adm. Butler.” During the Spanish-American War Admiral Butler was aide to Capt. Gridley.
  37. b) “Fire When Ready.” unidentified article, n.d. Photograph of Mrs. Stuart D. Rose,
    great-granddaughter of Capt. Charles Gridley, christening the U.S.S. Gridley.
  38. c) New Orleans Item, 12 May 1953. Various articles. Of principle interest is Mrs. Ignatia Robinson reaching the age of 103 yrs.
  39. d) Times-Picayune, 30 April 1954. Various articles. Another article on Mrs. Ignatia Robinson.
  40. Southeast Louisiana Historical Papers, Vol. 10, 1984-85



  1. Some Kentuckians and Other People, Poemsby Mary Willis Shuey; Also letter enclosed from the Author to Marion Kent Kidder, dated December 4, 1964
  2. He Sez it Like He Seezs It, by Carl Drude, Jr., Ponchatoula, LA, 1999
  3. 80 Years of Change, by Earl Pack Marshall, 1977
  4. Hazlehurst, Copiah County, Mississippi, Its Early Settlers and Families, Edited by Hartwell Cook, 1985

BOX 6 (flat box)


  1. The Daily Picayune, March 8, 1911, American Troops Sent to Mexican Border
  2. The Times-Picayune, September 16, 1923, Rotogravure Supplement (some pictures of Hammond included) (2 copies)
  3. Morning Advocate,1926, Fuqua Dies at Mansion
  4. The Times-Picayune, June 6, 1944, Allied Invaders Strike at France
  5. The Times-Picayune, April 13, 1945, Roosevelt is Dead
  6. New Orleans States, April 13, 1945, Truman Tackles War
  7. The Times-Picayune, April 14, 1945, Roosevelt’s Body on Way Home
  8. New Orleans States, April 14, 1945, Say Yank Spearheads 12 Miles From Berline
  9. The Times-Picayune, New Orleans States, April 15, 1945. Roosevelt is Paid Capital’s Homage
  10. The Times-Picayune, April 16, 1945, Still, Sad Notes of ‘Taps’ Heard as Roosevelt is Buried at Home
  11. New Orleans States, April 16, 1945, Truman Calls for Unity
  12. The Times-Picayune, April 17, 1945, Three U. S. Armies Smash Ahead Within 85 Miles of Red Forces
  13. New Orleans States, April 17, 1945, 21 Americans and Britons Held as Hitler Hostages
  14. The Times-Picayune, November 20, 1947, Queen Elizabeth’s Wedding
  15. New Orleans States, November 20, 1947, Queen Elizabeth’s Wedding
  16. The Natchez Times, February 28, 1958, About Pilgrimage
  17. Unnamed Paper, May 1, 1963, Hammond Industry
  18. Louisiana, The Sunday Item Tribune, February 26, 1939
  19. How the West was Won Series of LifeMagazine, 1959

BOX 7 (flat box)

  1. The Times-Picayune, January 25, 1937 (100th Anniversary Edition)
  2. The Progress, May 6, 1938, Hammond, Louisiana (Anniversary Edition)
  3. The Times-Picayune, January 8, 1973
  4. The Times-Picayune, January 9, 1973
  5. The Times-Picayune, January 23, 1973 (Lyndon Johnson death)
  6. The States-Item, December 26,1972 (Harry Truman death)

BOX 8 (flat box)

  1. Cloth “Military Map of the Island of Cuba,” dated 1897 (3 pieces)
  2. Ku Klux Klan Robe, probably dates from around 1915



  1. Kent Family Genealogy
  2. Family Tree of Amos Kent (2 copies)
  3. “The Kents of Kentwood”
  4. Information on the Kents, including obituary of Amos Kent
  5. Historical Southern Families: Volume I by John Bennett Boddie, 1957
  6. Louisiana Genealogical Register, Vol. XIII, No. 3, Sept. 1966; Kent and Moody Family Record as Given in a letter by Moses Kent, Oct. 19, 1860
  7. Kent-Amacker Family Papers
  8. Memories and Me by Zoe Kent cook, recollections of author 1913-1979
  9. Eli Victor Preston by Zoe Preston Kenti. Ancestry of Marion Dean Kent by Marion Ruth Chandler
  10. Clippings related to Captain Charles Gridley’s family
  11. “A Groups of Notable Old Ladies” by Thomas Hotchkiss July 1909
  12. “Nation’s Heroine Dies Saturday” no date
  13. “Death Crowned his Greatest Act” June 7, 1898
  14. “14 Men Killed on the U.S. Battleship Missouri” no date
  15. Picture of John Gridley, Killed in Action
  16. two clippings related to sinking of Battleship Missouri
  17. “Captain Gridley Tablet Unveiled at Naval Academy,” no date
  18. Clipping related to marriage of Helen Gridley
  19. Kidder Family
  20. Letter from Ms. Kate Corbin to Helen Kidder Starnes, August 1948
  21. Photo of Margaret Muirhead Grant
  22. “The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal, 1870-1914″ by David
  23. “My Journey to the Paris Exposition” by T.W. Kidder
  24. “So Great a Cloud of Witnesses”f. Ancestors of Davis E. Chandler and Marion Ruth Kidder Chandler
  25. “One Line of the Price Clan” by Oberia Price of Trever Price; Family of Dr. Luther
    Edward Chandler