Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis

Archival Collection


BOX 1 –Miscellaneous Files



1. Certificate from the LSU Alumni Federation for Mrs. Alvern A. Davis, April 6, 1966

2. Citation to Jimmie Davis from LSU, Doctor of Music, Honoris Causa, May 18, 1984


3. Letter from Ed Reed Organization to Maggie Dixon, n. d.

4. Memo and Information Sheet from Nell Fetzer, n. d.

5. Unreadable handwritten letter, n. d.

6. Correspondence about gifts, 1961

7. Letter from Artistic Enterprises, May 13, 1963

8. Letter from Louisiana Military Department, 21 June 1963

9. Letter from Louisiana Department of Agriculture (Dave L. Pearce), October 17, 1969

10. Letter from Bill Lamkin, Photographer, June 19, 1979

11. Letter and Questionnaire from Country Music Foundation, June 1, 1983

12. Letter from University of New Orleans, February 11, 1985

Publicity in Publications

13. Newspaper Clippings About Assassination of Huey P. Long, September 9 and 10, 1935,
Lake Charles American Press (4 laminated pieces)

14. Page 17 from Time, March 13, 1944, Louisiana, Triumphant Minstrel

15. Singin’ Governuh Enjoys City’s Quiet, The Denver Post, September 10, 1946

16. Page 17 from The Roosevelt Review, March 4, 1960, Democrats Fete 1960 State Slate

17. The Register, May 7, 1960, Alvern Davis on cover

18. Jimmie Davis: He’s One of Us, The Register, July 3, 1971 (2 copies); The Legendary Jimmie Davis, Rejoice, Vol. 2, No. 4, Summer 1990 (2 copies)

19. Page 43 from New Business, October 1982, The Sunshine Governor: Was he better than we thought?

20. Of Seat Covers and Sunshine, by Wiley W. Hilburn, Jr., 1987

21. Article and picture of Jimmie Davis and Dr. J. Larry Crain taken at the dedication
ceremony of the Davis Room, BMI, The Many Worlds of Music, Issue Number One, 1987

22. Newspaper article about a high school reunion in which Governor Davis participated,
The Times, Shreveport/Bossier City/Ark-La-Tex, March 19, 1987

23. Press Release about Jimmie Davis Portrait, n.d.

24. Newspaper Clippings from First Administration, 1944-1948

25. Newspaper Clippings from Second Administration to Present, 1960-1984


26. Sermon, John 14:1-6 (16 pages)

27. Handwritten Speech + Lincoln’s Words (2 pages)


BOX 1 –Miscellaneous Files Continued


Speeches Continued

28. The Penalty of Leadership (printed-1 page)

29. Speech, Handwritten on 4 x 6 cards (16 cards)

30. Speech to Small Farmers, n.d. (30 pages)

31. Speech about Changing Southwestern La. Institute to Southwestern Louisiana University,

32. Speech titled The Alumni and Education, n.d.

33. Address to Opelousas Association of Commerce, March 10, 1960 (12 pages)

34. Address to Calcasieu Parish Chamber of Commerce, March 23, 1960 (13 pages)

35. Address at the Joint Legislative Session, Baton Rouge, May 16, 1960 (9 pages)

36. Remarks at Courthouse Dedication, Covington, Louisiana, June 1, 1960 (5 pages)

37. Address to Annual Meeting Natchitoches Chamber of Commerce, October 17, 1960 (4

38. Address on Statewide Radio & Television Network, December 29, 1960 (3 pages)

39. Address on Statewide Television & Radio Network, April 19, 1961 (7 pages)

40. Address for Dedication Ceremonies at Russell Sage Wildlife Management Area, Virginia
Hotel, Monroe, Louisiana, July 25, 1961 (7 pages)

41. Address to Kiwanis Club, Bastrop, August 18, 1961 (7 pages)

42. Address to Pelican Boys State, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, August 21, 1961 (5 pages-2

43. Remarks of Dedication of KTAL Television Station, Shreveport, Louisiana, September
5, 1961 (10 pages)

44. Address to Tenth Annual Country Music Festival, Nashville, Tennessee, November
3, 1961 (10 pages)

45. Remarks at 150th Anniversary of Louisiana Statehood, New Orleans, Louisiana, April
30, 1962 (2 pages-2 copies)

46. Address to National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies, August
22, 1962 (10 pages)

47. Address to Regional Land and People Conference, Loyola University Field House,
New Orleans, Louisiana, October 15, 1962 (4 pages)

48. Address to AFL-CIO Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Sunday, April 6, 1964 (8 pages)

49. Address to Young Men Business Club of Jefferson Parish, Metairie, Louisiana, February
23, 1966 (8 pages)

50. Address to L.S.U. Law Enforcement Institute, LSU Union, December 5, 1968 (12 pages)

51. Address to Bossier Parish Sheriff’s Mounted Patrol Annual Christmas Part, Revana
Inn Restaurant, Bossier City, Louisiana, 7:30 P.M., December 19, 1969 (2 pages)

52. Speech to Chamber of Commerce in Ruston, Louisiana, Louisiana Tech Student Center,
February 10, 1970 (15 pages)

53. Commencement Address, South Lafourche High School, Galliano, Louisiana, May 28,
1970 (15 pages)

54. Speech to the National Association of Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors Annual
Convention, Roosevelt Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 22, 1970, 3 P.M. (2 pages)

55. Fourth of July Ceremony, City Hall, Shreveport, 8:00 A.M., July 4, 1970 (9 pages)

56. Remarks by former Governor Jimmie H. Davis to Louisiana Bandmasters Convention,
Capitol House Hotel, July 21, 1970, 7:30 P.M. (4 pages)

57. Speech to Homer Chamber of Commerce, January 26, 1971 (14 pages)


BOX 1 –Miscellaneous Files Continued


Speeches Continued

58. Speech to Building and Trades Convention, Prince Murat Inn, February 13, 1971
(5 pages)

59. Speech for Mothers’ Day Program, Silent Brotherhood Lodge No. 146 F. S. A. M.,
Coushatta, Louisiana, 8 P. M., May 7, 1971 (9 pages)

60. Official Announcement is made by Jimmie Davis in Race for Governor, The Ringgold Record, July 30, 1971

61. Address to Kiwanis Club of Baton Rouge, Noon, August 18, 1971 (13 pages-2 copies)

62. Speech made to announce his Third Candidacy for Governor, n.d.

Campaign Material

63. Hand Ticket, Sure I’m for Jimmie Davis and his Ticket (26 copies)

64. Campaign Buttons, Jimmie Davis is Our Choice for Governor (4)

65. Bumper Stickers, Davis Governor, #6 (Red, White, and Blue-8 copies)

66. Bumper Stickers, Davis For Governor (Green and Black-10 copies)

67. Plastic Envelopes, Jimmie H. Davis Never Raised Your Taxes, He’s One of Us! (2)

68. Anti-Propaganda Campaign Brochures, Married 10 Times (5 copies)

69. Anti-Propaganda Campaign Brochures, Grand Larceny (7 copies)

70. Anti-Propaganda Campaign Brochures, Land Ownership (9 copies)

71. Anti-Propaganda Campaign Brochures, Catholic Priest (5 copies)

72. Inauguration Program, May 9, 1944

73. Program for Testimonial Dinner Honoring Gov. Jimmie H. Davis, March 12, 1964 (2

74. Thank You Cards for Testimonial Dinner

75. Bank Statements for Jimmie Davis Testimonial Fund Raiser

76. Third Campaign for Governor material

77. Biographical Data about Jimmie H. Davis

78. You Are My Sunshine Poster (used as book cover)

Miscellaneous Materials

79. Report Card of Jimmie Davis, October 9, 1909-January 7, 1910

80. Poem by Ronny Salter

81. Confederate States of America, $100 bill

82. Data Sheet About the Sunshine Boys Gospel Singing Quartet

83. Correspondence about Original Hayride Foundation, 1986

84. Letter to Jimmie Hoover from Jimmie Davis, August 22, 1983; Miscellaneous envelopes

Financial Reports About the State

85. Annual Report Louisiana Department of Highways, 1961-62

86. The State of Louisiana, A Report, 1960-1964, The Second Term of Gov. Jimmie H. Davis (3)

87. Executive Budget, State of Louisiana, Fiscal Year 1960-1961

Thesis from Louisiana State University, 1927

88. Comparative Intelligence of Whites, Blacks, and Mulattoes


BOX 2 — Files from Jimmie Davis’s Office


1. Abraham, Wilson P.

2. Adams, Bert A., Representative Vernon Parish

3. Adcock, Jamar W.

4. Addison, William P., M. D., Baton Rouge, Louisiana

5. Adverse Criticism, Write-Ups, Ect.

6. Aggregate-Light Weight (Concrete)

7. Agronsky, Martin

8. Ainsworth, Robert A., Jr.

9. Alexandria Daily Town Talk

10. Addmons, C. R. (Cliff), Representative Sabine Parish

11. Angola

12. Architects Association of Louisiana

13. Arsenal Museum

14. Ashley, Jerry S., Representative Acadia Parish

15. Assessors

16. Associated General Contractors of America, Inc.

17. Aycock, C. C., Lt. Governor

18. Azar, George, Dr.

19. Azar, Dr. Robert R., New Orleans, Louisiana

20. Bandmasters

21. Bankston, Leo V., Baton Rouge, Louisiana

22. Barbados

23. Barham, C. E.

24. Barnett, Ross R., Governor of Mississippi

25. Barnette, Chris-Juvenile Judge, Shreveport, Louisiana

26. Barnwell, R. S., Sr. and Jr., Shreveport, Louisiana

27. Barranger, Kenneth C. (Dick), State Representative Orleans Parish

28. Barron, William Wallace, Governor of West Virginia

29. Baton Rouge Port Commission

30. Beaird Company, Inc., The J. B., Shreveport, Louisiana

31. Beauregard Parish

32. Becnel, D. Elmore, Representative, St. John the Baptist Parish

33. Beeson, James E., Representative Jefferson Parish

34. Belgium

35. Bellmon, Henry, Governor of Oklahoma

36. Bernhard, William F., Jr., Representative East Baton Rouge Parish

37. Benton, Fred G., Sr., Attorney Baton Rouge, Louisiana

38. Berlin

39. Bertrand, Richard J., Representative Lafayette Parish

40. Bethard, Henry W., III, Representative Red River Parish, Coushatta, Louisiana

41. Bienvenu, Bernard J., Professor, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette

42. Board of Supervisors, L.S.U.

43. Boat and Camp

44. Boggs, T. Hale


BOX 2 — Files from Jimmie Davis’s Office Continued


45. Bolton, James C., Alexandria, Louisiana

46. Bond and Building Authority

47. Bond Issue, Roll Call, House and Senate

48. Booth, Harry V.

49. Borden Chemical Company

50. Boucher, Drayton R.

51. Bourg, E. J., Superintendent Division of State Buildings and Grounds

52. Boustany, Alfred F., American Bank & Trust Company, Lafayette, Louisiana

53. Bowdon, W. George, Jr., Mayor, Alexandria, Louisiana

54. Branton, Parey P., Representative, Webster Parish

55. Breathitt, Edward T., Governor of Kentucky

56. Breaux, John

57. Brewer, Albert P., Governor of Alabama

58. Bridges, L S. (Bugs), Baton Rouge, Louisiana

59. Britain

60. Broussard, Sam S., State Senator, 15th District

62. Dale Brown, Photograph

63. Brown, Edmund G., Governor of California

64. Brown, George F.

65. Brown, James H., Jr., Senator

66. Brown, Paul M., Shreveport, Louisiana

67. Brown, Richard E.

68. Brown, W. K., Representative Grant Parish

69. Browne, Robert L, Lafayette Parish School

70. Bryant, Farris, Governor of Florida

71. Bumpers, Dale, Governor of Arkansas

72. Buras, Rodney A., Representative Orleans Parish

73. Burbank, Thomas D., Superintendent of State Police

74. Burgess, Ray W., Director Department of Highways

75. Burk, Jack S., Barnard and Burk, Inc., Engineers, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

76. Bussie, Victor

77. Butler, Willis P., M. D., Shreveport, Louisiana

78. C. C. 73

79. Caddo Parish

80. Calhoun, Reimer, Mansfield, Louisiana

81. Canada

82. Candies, Otto, Des Allemands, Louisiana

83. Cargill, Inc.

84. Carrigan, Bill, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

85. Carter, Mr. Jimmy

86. Cawthorn, Joe T., Mansfield, Louisiana

87. Chambers of Commerce, Louisiana Association of

88. Cattlemen’s Association, Louisiana

89. Chehardy, Lawrence A., Assessor, Jefferson Parish


BOX 2 — Files from Jimmie Davis’s Office Continued


90. Christian, Jack, Mayor-President of Baton Rouge

91. Chrysler Corporation

92. Churches

93. Churchill Farms

94. Ciaccio, Philip C., Representative-Ward 9, Orleans Parish

95. Clark, Felton G., President, Southern University

96. Clarke, Jack, Shreveport, Louisiana

97. Clarke, Thompson L.

98. Clausen, Dr. Thomas G.

99. Clay, John W., Nashville, Tennessee

100. Clayton, Carl (Plat on West-Side Mall)

101. Clement, Frank G., Governor of Tennessee

102. Clemmons, Bryan, Sheriff, East Baton Rouge Parish

103. Clemons, A. C., Jr. (Senator), 14th District, Calcasieu, Allen, Jefferson Davis,
Beauregard, Cameron

104. Cleveland, W. J., Senator Acadia Parish

105. Cockerham, Roland, Collector of Revenue

106. Coco, Chester J., Marksville, Louisiana

107. Comiskey, James A., City Councilman, New Orleans, Louisiana

108. Comiskey, James E., 2070 Poydras Street, New Orleans, Louisiana

109. U. S. Department of Commerce

110. Commercial Bank & Trust Company, Franklin, Louisiana

111. Commercial National Bank, Shreveport, Louisiana

112. Complimentary Articles

113. Complimentary Correspondence

114. Consultant

115. Consuls

116. Connally, John, Governor of Texas

117. Coon, John E., State Fire Marshal

118. Corbett, James J., Athletic Director, L. S. U.

119. Costa Rice

120. Cotton Bowl Athletic Association

121. Cotton Brothers Baking Co., Inc.

122. Crawford, Joan

123. Crescent River Port Pilots Association

124. Crime

125. Cross, James P., New Iberia, Louisiana

126. Cuba

127. Curet, Bernard

128. Cutrer, Hugh E., Jr., Director-Board of Registration

129. Cypremort Point

130. Dager, Antonio, Consul General De Colombia

131. Dallas Morning News

132. Dalton, John M., Governor of Missouri


BOX 2 — Files from Jimmie Davis’s Office Continued


133. Dalton, John N., Governor of Virginia

134. Daniel, Price, Governor of Texas

135. Dark, Alvin

136. Davis, Henry

137. Davis, Governor Jimmie H., Miscellaneous News Items, etc.

138. Davis, Jackson B., Senator Caddo Parish

139. Davis, Winborn E., Department of Hospitals, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

140. Deblieux, J. D., Attorney, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

141. De Fee, Jack, Chairman, Racing Commission

142. Defense, Secretary of

143. Deichmann, Charles E., Senator Orleans Parish

144. DeLee, Stuart, Coroner of Caddo Parish

145. Delhi Dispatch, The

146. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

147. Dempsey, Jack

148. Denmark

149. Dent, Fred C., Baton Rouge, Louisiana

150. Department Heads, Roster

151. Di Salle, Michael V., Governor of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio

152. Dinwiddie, George S.

153. Dietzel, Paul

154. Diesi, Frank J., Senator, 16th Senatorial District

155. DeRidder Chamber of Commerce

156. Dixon, Margaret

157. Dixon, Dr. Richard H. (Colored), Second Temple Baptist Church, 130 Northland
Avenue., Buffalo, New York

158. Dodd, Bill (William J.)

159. Dowling, Richard A., Attorney, New Orleans

160. Downs, J. Earl, Commissioner of Public Safety, Shreveport, Louisiana

161. Downs, U. T., Former Sheriff Rapides Parish

162. Driver Education

163. Ducrest, Malquin, Mrs., St. Joseph, Louisiana

164. Dumas, Woodrow W., Baker, Louisiana

165. Duplantier, Adrian G., State Senator, 4th District, Wards 6 & 7, Orleans Parish

166. DuPont De Nemours & Company

167. Dupuis, George F., Sr.

168. Dyson, Alvin, Representative Cameron Parish

169. Duval, Claude B., Houma, Louisiana

170. Durham, Max H., Jr., Hammond, Louisiana

171. Durham, J. Murray, Bossier City, Louisiana

172. Durham, Grady

173. Durand, Alton, Representative St. Landry Parish

174. East Louisiana Hospital, “Funny Business” (Sex Tonic)

175. Ecuador


BOX 2 — Files from Jimmie Davis’s Office Continued


176. Eddleman, H. Leo, President, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

177. Editorials

178. Editorials, Complimentary

179. Education, State Department of

180. Edwards, Edwin, Congressman, Crowley, Louisiana

181. Eisenhower, Dwight D.

182. Election Results, 1960

183. Election Results, 1971-72

184. Ellender, Allen J., United State Senator

185. Ellington, Buford, Governor of Tennessee

186. Ellis, Frank B.

187. Emergency Resources Planning Committee

188. Ensminger, Arthur D.

189. Ethyl Corporation

190. Eustis, Laurance, Jr., Senator, 7th District, Orleans Parish Wards 12 & 13

191. Evans, W. J. “Red,” Architect, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

192. Ewing, Robert “Honey,” New Orleans, Louisiana

193. Executive Orders

194. Falgout, Wollen J.

195. Fannin, Paul, Governor of Arizona

196. Faser, Chris, Jr.

197. Faubus, Governor Orval E.

198. Faulkner, Jimmy

199. Favrot, Clifford F.

200. Fenner, Darwin S., New Orleans, Louisiana

201. Fetty, Max

202. Fields, T. T., Representative, Union Parish

203. Fink, Olaf J., Senator

204. Firmin, Lee C.

205. First Baptist Church, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

206. First Methodist Church, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

207. Fiscal Session

208. Fitzgerald, John G., Sheriff of Jefferson Parish, Gretna, Louisiana

209. Fitzmorris, James E., Jr., Councilman, New Orleans, Louisiana

210. Fleming, Raymond H., Adjutant General

211. Floyd, Chester, Representative, LaSalle Parish

212. Folsom, James E., Former Governor of Alabama, Cullman, Alabama

213. Foti, D. C., Mayor of Donaldsonville

214. Fountain, Pete, New Orleans, Louisiana

215. Fournet, John B., Chief Justice Supreme Court of Louisiana, New Orleans, Louisiana

216. Fowler, Douglas, State Custodian of Voting Machines

217. France

218. Frank, Morris, The Houston Chronicle, Houston, Texas

219. Freeland, Barton W., Sr., Crowley, Louisiana


BOX 2 — Files from Jimmie Davis’s Office Continued


220. Freeman, Richard W., P. O. Box 1140, New Orleans, Louisiana

221. Frey, L. T., Saline, Louisiana

222. Friends of Jimmie Davis

223. Frye, William W., Dean L. S. U. Medical School

224. Fuller, Parrish, Oakdale, Louisiana

225. Fullilove, W. Crawford, Jr., Shreveport, Louisiana

226. Fuqua, Henry L. (Deceased) Former Governor of Louisiana

227. Futrell, P. Elmo, Jr., Mayor of Pineville, Louisiana

228. Future Farmers of America

229. Germany

230. Hoover, J. Edgar

231. Hunt, H. L., Dallas, Texas

232. Jackson Parish

233. Long, Earl K.

234. Long, Mrs. Huey P. (Rose)

235. Retarded Children

236. Salvation Army, The

237. Shea, George Beverly, Western Springs, Illinois

238. Speech Material-Stump

239. Sunshine Bridge

240. Thank You Letters (Miscellaneous)

241. Thomas, Sam, Jr., Ruston, Louisiana

242. Thurmond, Strom, U. S. Senator from Georgia

243. Toledo Dam Project

244. Treen, David

245. Triche, Risley, Representative Assumption Parish

246. Truman, Harry S.

247. Weill, Gus



Certificates (framed)

1. The LSU Alumni Federation Hereby Designates Mrs. Alvern A. Davis An Honorary Life
Member In Grateful Recognition of a Good Friend and Admirable Ally In the Service
of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, April 6, 1966

2. The Smithsonian Institution presents to Anna Davis this certificate of Appreciation
in official recognition of your contributions to the programs and objectives of the
Smithsonian Institution, October 25, 1981

3. The Smithsonian Institution presents to Governor Jimmie Davis this certificate
of Appreciation in official recognition of your contributions to the programs and
objectives of the Smithsonian Institution, October 25, 1981

Certificates in Padded Covers

4. Louisiana College, Pineville, Louisiana Alumni Award for Distinguished Achievement,
James H. Davis has been selected by the faculty, the Board of Trustees, and the Alumni
Association of Louisiana College to receive this award of merit because his distinguished
accomplishments have brought honor to his Alma Mater, May 21, 1960

5. Treasury Department of The United States of America, U. S. Savings Bonds Division
Know Ye, that, reposing special confidence in the Patriotism, Integrity and Diligence
of Governor Jimmie H. Davis, I do hereby appoint him Honorary Chairman, Louisiana
Savings Bonds Committee and do authorize him to execute and fulfill the duties of
that office in promoting the sale of U. S. Savings Bonds, July 3, 1961

6. Maison Acadienne Francaise of The University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette,
Louisiana, Governor Jimmie Davis has been designated an Honorary Acadian, April 10,

Certificates (Unframed)

7. Certificate Commissioning Governor Jimmie Davis an Arkansas Traveler, June 24,

8. Certificate from James H. “Jim” Brown, Secretary of State, making Honorable Jimmy
Davis and Honorary Secretary of State of Louisiana, September 24, 1981

9. Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana, This is to Certify that James
Houston Davis having demonstrated the highest qualities of leadership, devotion, and
service in the advancement of education in the State of Louisiana, is hereby granted
the degree of Doctor of Laws, May 17, 1985


10. Presented to Governor Jimmie Davis in Appreciation for Being Responsible for Camp
Moore Museum, 1963, May God Bless You, Camp Moore Chapter U. D. C., S. C. V. – C.
of C., Founders Day, September 21, 1985


Sunshine & Shadows, Jason Berry Explores the Musical and Political Legacies of the
Late Gov. Jimmie Davis, Gambit Weekly, November 28, 2000, Vol. 21, No. 48 (2 copies)



1. Red Photograph Album with Governor Jimmie H. Davis embossed on lower right hand
corner (album has two picture holders, but no pictures)

2. White Photographs Album Governor Jimmie H. Davis, 1961 embossed in center (album
of photographs contains events of interest during dedication ceremonies of the Russell
Sage Wildlife Management Area in Monroe, Louisiana, Tuesday, July 25, 1961

3. Cuff Link Case, containing black and silver cuff links

4. Cuff Link Case, no cuff links

5. Cuff Link Case, no cuff links

6. Cuff Link Case, no cuff links

7. Gold ring in case

8. Earrings in case

9. Change holder with wood cover

10. Boots, yellow

11. Watch, Omega name and symbol and Automatic on top of face, with Seamaster in lower part of face.
Date window on right side by stem. Pearl-like background with gold lines for numbers.
Band is alligator per faded lettering on back of band: Genuine alligator and 11/16.
Seamaster and Omega symbol in center of back.

Inscription on back

outer circle: To Jimmie Davis

From His Friends

inner circle: A valued man who has given more than he has received

Watch given to Jimmie Davis’s son on February 7, 2001



1. Statue of a horse and a calf, gold colored

2. Razor, Norelco

3. Razor, AEG P

4. Photographs of Jimmie Davis and Sunshine on the Capitol Steps (250 copies)

5. Eye glasses in case

6. Eye glasses in case

7. Car Keys

8. Car Keys, gold

9. Check stubs in a binder, dated 5/26/44 through 3/25/46

10. Plaque, round, wood, with U – R My Sunshine, Jimmie H. Davis, Governor

11. Hat, brown



1. Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

2. A Few Letters of Many Thousands Selected at Random, that a governor receives, 1960-1974

3. Newspaper Clippings, April 21, 1961-October 5, 1961

4. Newspaper Clippings, October 5, 1961-March 16, 1962

5. Newspaper Clippings, June 28, 1962-October 13, 1962

6. Newspaper Clippings, October 12, 1962-March 21, 1963

7. Newspaper Clippings, February 18, 1965-October 1, 1970

8. Newspaper Clippings, March 1967-1970

9. Newspaper Clippings, January 28, 1971-1983



Framed Photographs

1. Campaign Poster, #6 Davis, He’s One of Us!, 18″ x 14 1/2″

2. You Are My Sunshine, original sheet music, 16 1/2″ x 20 1/2″

3. Photograph of Chris Faser, Executive Secretary to Gov. Davis, Governor Jimmie Davis,
and Pat Patterson, 1960 Campaign Manager, 17 1/2″ x 20 1/2″



Framed Photographs

1. Magazine article, “A Continuing Commitment to Country Music” (Pictures in the article
are of Jimmie Davis, Patsy Cline, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Elvis Presley, and
Johnny Cash), 12 1/2″ x 18 1/2″

2. Certificate from Hadi Temple, Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Council of North America, March 30, 1985, 15
1/2″ x 18 1/2″

3. Drawing “The Best of Pete’s Land Rover Laughs” (shows a radio playing You are my
Sunshine in a desert), 9″ x 11 1/2″

4. Photograph of Lt. Gov. J. Emile Verret, Gov. Jimmie H. Davis, and Atty. Gen. Fred
S. LeBlanc from first administration, 1944-1948 (signed by Jimmie Davis and says “Emile
and Fred were two of the best friends I’ve ever had”), 8 1/2″ x 10 1/2″



Framed Photographs

1. Photograph of Jimmie Davis, The Peckerwood Hill Kid; The Minden Flash; Earl Long,
The Winnfield Wizard, 11 1/2″ x 14 1/2″

2. Photograph of Anna and Jimmie Davis on stage with three musicians, 11 3/4″ x 14

3. Photograph of Lt. Governor J. Emile Verret, 1944-1948, New Iberia, Louisiana, sitting
at a desk (inscribed “To a great Louisiana Governor Jimmie H. Davis, my friend and
commander in chief from his first Lieutenant Governor J. Emile Verret), 12 3/4″ x
14 3/4”

4. Photograph of Anna and Jimmie Davis with an unidentified lady, 11 3/4″ x 14 3/4″

5. Program from Democratic Victory Dinner, Thursday, March 3, 1960, Roosevelt Hotel,
New Orleans, Louisiana, 12 1/4″ x 18 1/4″



Framed Photographs

1. Certificate from the State of South Carolina, John C. West, Governor, In grateful
recognition for her interest in and friendship to the State of South Carolina and
her people, I do hereby confer upon Mrs. Jimmie (Anna) Davis, The Order of the Palmetto,
June 23, 1972, 15″ x 18″ Matt Board

2. Color photograph of Gov. Jimmie Davis escorting a young lady dressed in a ball
grown, 16″ x 20″ Matt Board

3. Enlarged copy of Jimmie Davis’s Louisiana Drivers License, License Number 1, 11
1/2″ x 16″

4. Photograph of Jimmie Davis made for his movie “Louisiana” in the Park Pavilion,
Thibodaux, Louisiana, 11 1/2″ x 14 1/2″

5. Photograph of Governor Davis’s Bedroom at the Old Mansion, The Mansion is now the
Louisiana Arts and Science Center on North Boulevard, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 16″
x 18″


BOX 10


1. Chickens Come Home to Roost, Message and Testimony by Governor Jimmie Davis, 1972

2. All Time Favorite Hymns, compiled by Jimmie Davis

3. Your Are My Sunshine, The Jimmie Davis Story, by Gus Weill

The Angry Scar: The Story of Reconstruction by Hodding Carter

You are my Sunshine: The Jimmie Davis Story by Gus Weill, (2nd book)

The Southerner and World Affairs by Alfred O. Hero


1. “U-R My Sunshine” Campaign Buttons (13); “Davis Governor” Bumper stickers (8)2. The Register, July 3, 1971; features Jimmie Davis (2 copies)




1. A Child Is Born, by Jack Mainord and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Co., Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

2. A Day Without Prayer, by Jimmy Davis

Vern Music Company, Box 2626, Baton Rouge, LA 70821

3. A Million Treasures, by Dottie Rambo and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, INC., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

4. Ain’t That Beautiful Singing, by Ronnie Self

Cedarwood Publishing Company, INC., 815 16th Ave. South, Nashville, Tennessee 37203

5. Beyond This Valley, by Jack Campbell and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Co., Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA 71104

6. Blood On The Silver, by J. Graydon Hall and Jimmie Davis

Gospeltone Music Publications, P. O. Box 5188, Nashville, Tennessee 37206

7. Born To Serve The Lord, by Bud Chambers (2 copies)

Jimmy Davis Music Company, INC., 836 Rutherford St., Shreveport, Louisiana

8. By His Stripes Ye Were Healed, by Everett Hurley and Jimmie Davis (2 copies)

Jimmy Davis Music Company, 836 Rutherford St., Shreveport, Louisiana

9. Called To Follow Jesus, by H.M. Michener, Ike Davis, and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 1331 Lakeridge Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70802

10. Christ Is The Answer, by Jimmie Davis and Wally Fowler (3 copies)

Vern Music Co., INC, 843 Delaware St., Shreveport, Louisiana

11. Come A Little Closer, by Charles Goodman and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

12. Come Out Of The Night, by Roy Carter

Recorded on Columbia Record by The Chuck Wagon Gang

Gospeltone Music Publications, P. O. Box 5188, Nashville 6, Tennessee

13. Cool Chilly Water, by Jimmie Davis and Wilbur Jones (2 copies)

Vern Music Company, 843 Delaware St., Shreveport, Louisiana

14. Crown Of Thorns, by Jimmie Davis and Jack Mainard

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

15. Diamonds And Gold, by Bud Chambers and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Co., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

16. Don’t Tear The Old House Down, by Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, INC., P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70815

17. Don’t Weep For Me, by Jimmie Davis (2 copies)

Vern Music Company, P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70815

18. Friend In Jesus, by Lynn Ourso and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70815

19. From Earth To Somewhere, by Dottie Rambo and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, 836 Rutherford St., Shreveport, LA

20. Give Me A Heart Like Thine, by Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, INC., 836 Rutherford St., Shreveport, LA 71104

21. Glory Hill In The Sky, by Billy Joe Norris and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Co., Inc., 836 Rutherford St., Shreveport, LA 71104

22. God’s Gonna Give Me A Mountain, by Margaret Rose and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, INC, P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70815

23. God Never Gives A Thorn (Unless He Leaves A Rose), by Jimmie Davis and Bob Willis

Vern Music Company, INC., P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70895

24. Going Home For Christmas, by Jimmie Davis (3 copies)

Vern Music Company, P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70895


BOX 1 — SHEET MUSIC Continued


25. Have We Forgotten God?, by Charles G. Adams and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA 71104

26. He Is Real, by Thurman Bunch and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

27. He Must Die, by Dottie Rambo and Jimmie Davis

Jimmy Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

28. He Wrote My Name In Blood, by Jimmie Davis (2 copies)

Vern Music Company, INC., P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70815

29. He’ll Be There, by Charles Goodman and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

30. He’s Able, by Jimmie Davis and Walter Bailes

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

31. He’s The Savior of The World, by Thurman Bunch and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

32. Heaven’s Avenue, by Tom Lloyd and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, Inc., P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70815

33. Heaven’s Hall of Fame, by C.S. Grogan and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Corp., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

34. Here’s Your Child Again, by Alice Wilson and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, Inc., P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70815

35. Holding On To Jesus, by Bud Chambers and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

36. House Of Clay, by J. S. Eastman and Jimmie Davis (3 copies)

Vern Music Company, INC., 836 Rutherford St., Shreveport, Louisiana

37. I Drank Of That New Wine, by Ernie Goff and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Co., Inc., P. O. Box 2626, Baton Rouge, LA 70821

38. I Know A Man Who Can, by Jack Campbell and Jimmie Davis (3 copies)

Vern Music Co., INC, 836 Rutherford St., Shreveport, Louisiana

39. I Know What I Meant, by Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Co., Inc., 843 Delaware Street, Shreveport, LA

40. I Need No Mansion Here, by C. S. Grogan (2 copies)

Vern Music Co, INC., 836 Rutherford St., Shreveport, Louisiana

41. I Overlooked A Savior (While Searching For A King), by Alma Strickland and Jimmie

Vern Music Co., Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

42. I Still Believe That It’s True, by Jimmie Davis and Bob Willis (3 copies)

Vern Music Company, Inc., P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70895

43. I Take Thee, My Dear (Wedding Song), by Landis Rogers and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

44. I Want To See Jesus “First of All,” by Jimmie Davis (2 copies)

Jimmy Davis Music Co. INC., 836 Rutherford St., Shreveport, Louisiana

45. I Was There When It Happened, by Fern Jones and Jimmie Davis (3 copies)

Vern Music Company, INC., P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70895

46. I Wouldn’t Take Nothin’ For My Journey, by Charles Goodman and Jimmie Davis (3

Jimmy Davis Music Company, INC., 836 Rutherford St., Shreveport, Louisiana

47. If You Love Him, Let Him Know, by John Rostill. Special note version and arrangement
by Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., P. O. Box 2626, Baton Rouge, LA 70821

48. I’m Going Home To Watch The Flower Bloom, by J. S. Eastman and Jimmie Davis (2

Vern Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA


BOX 1 — SHEET MUSIC Continued


49. I’m Just Going Home, by Charles Adams and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA 71104

50. In The Beginning, by Dottie Rambo and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

51. It Was Love, by Thurman Rambo and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

52. It’ll Be All Right (In The Morning), by Dee Gaskin and Jimmie Davis (2 copies)

Jimmy Davis Music Company, INC., 1331 Lakeridge Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70802

53. It’s Christmas Time Again, by Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

54. It’s Enough For Me, by Dee Gaskin and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 1331 Lakeridge Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70802

55. Jesus Is A Soul-Saving Man, by Gordon Terry and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., P. O. Box 2626, Baton Rouge, LA 70821

56. Jesus, Jesus, by Claude E. Reed and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, Inc., P.O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70815




1. Keep Your Eye On The Cross, by “Jay-Bee” McBroom and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Co., Inc., Box 2626, Baton Rouge, LA 70821

2. Lay Your Burdens At The Feet Of Jesus, by Bob Edwards and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

3. Led By Invisible Hands, by Carl R. Lane and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Co., Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA 71104

4. Let Jesus Lead The Way, by Jonny Roberts and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, 843 Delaware Street, Shreveport, LA

5. Let Me Smell The Flowers, by Jimmie Davis, Huey Simms, and Eddie Bishop (2 copies)

Vern Music Company, INC., P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70815

6. Let Me Walk With You Jesus, by Jimmie Davis (2 copies)

Jimmy Davis Music Co., INC., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

7. Let’s All Shine For Jesus, by Wanda Ballman and Jimmie Davis (2 copies)

Jimmy Davis Music Co., INC., P. O. Box 2626, Baton Rouge, LA 70821

8. Living, by Wanda Ballman and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, Inc., P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70815

9. Living By Faith, by Ernie Goff and Jimmie Davis (2 copies)

Jimmie Davis Music Company, INC., 1331 Lakeridge Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70802

10. Long Long Journey, by Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Corp., P. O. Box 2626, Baton Rouge, LA 70821

11. Look Up, by Davis Ingles, Steve Pringle and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

12. Lord Have You Forgotten Me?, by Gene Taylor and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Co., Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

13. Lord, I’m Coming Home, by Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Corp., 843 Delaware Street, Shreveport, LA


BOX 2 — SHEET MUSIC Continued


14. Lord Is There Room In Your Mansion For Me? by Wanda Ballman and Jimmie Davis (3

Jimmy Davis Music Company, INC., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, Louisiana

15. Louisiana, This One’s For You, by Jimmie Davis and Bob Willis (2 copies)

Vern Music Company, INC., P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70895

16. Making Reservations (To Meet Jesus In The Sky), by Fay Deaton and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, INC., P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70895

17. Meet The Savior, by Bob Edwards and Jimmie Davis

Gospeltone Music Publication, P. O. Box 5188, Nashville, Tennessee 37206

18. Memories Coming Home, by Elizabeth Russell and Wriston Thompson (2 copies)

Jimmy Davis Music Co., INC., P. O. Box 2626, Baton Rouge, LA 70821

19. My Boy Is Coming Home, by Charles Freeman, Franklin Davis, and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Co. and Swan Sea Music Co., 836 Rutherford St., Shreveport, LA

20. My Heart Can See, by Dottie Rambo and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

21. My Little Boy Blue, by Albert S. Williams

Jimmie Davis Music Co., Inc., Box 2626, Baton Rouge, LA 70821

22. My Lord Will Lead Me Home, by Vern Adams (2 copies)

Vern Music Company, INC., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

23. My Visit To Heaven, by Dottie Rambo and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Co., Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

24. My Wasted Past, by Jimmie Davis and Jim Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford St., Shreveport, LA

25. Nearing A City, by Don McHan and Jimmie Davis (3 copies)

Jimmie Davis Music Company, INC., 1331 Lakeridge Drive, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802

26. No One But Jesus Understands, by Patty Pfeiffer and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford St., Shreveport, LA

27. No Room At The Inn, by Anna Allen and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Corp., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

28. One Door To Heaven, by Jimmie Davis and Dottie Rambo

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford St., Shreveport, LA

29. One More Valley, by Dottie Rambo and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford St., Shreveport, LA

30. Ol’ Sentimental Fool, by Danny Boyles and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, Inc., P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70895

31. Rivers, by Gerald D. Williams and Jimmie Davis

Gospeltone Music Publications, Box 2626, Baton Rouge, LA 70821

32. Shake The Nail-Scarred Hands Of Jesus, by Charles G. Adams and Jimmie Davis (3

Gospeltone Music Publications, P. O. Box 2626, Baton Rouge, LA

33. Sniffles, by Carl Morgan and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, inc., 836 Rutherford Ave., Shreveport, LA

34. She Touched The Hem Of His Garment, by Tom Lloyd and Jimmie Davis (2 copies)

Vern Music Company, INC., P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70815

35. Sheltered In The Arms Of God, by Dottie Rambo and Jimmie Davis (3 copies)

Jimmie Davis Music Co., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

36. Show Me The Way, by Peter Krovchak, Louis Ciccanti, and Jimmie Davis (3 copies)

Vern Music Company, INC., P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70815

37. Someone To Care, by Jimmie Davis (3 copies)

Jimmie Davis Music Co., INC, 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA


BOX 2 — SHEET MUSIC Continued


38. Somewhere There’s A Friend, by Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, 843 Delaware St., Shreveport, LA

39. Soul Train To Glory, by Tom Lloyd and Jimmie Davis (2 copies)

Jimmie Davis Music Company, 1331 Lakeridge Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70802

40. Sweet Mystery, by Jimmie Davis and Zeno Goss

Jimmie Davis Music Co., Inc., 843 Delaware Street, Shreveport, LA

41. Take Me Home, by Byron Hames and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, Inc., P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70815

42. Take Me Over To The Other Side, by Gordon Bellecose and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Co., Inc., P. O. Box 2626, Baton Rouge, LA 70821

43. Take The Hand Of A Pilgrim, by Martha Carson and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

44. Tell The Angels I’m On My Way, by Danny Stewart and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford St., Shreveport, LA

45. Thank God For Such A Mother, by Jimmie Davis and Jim Davis

Vern Music Company, 843 Delaware Street, Shreveport, LA

46. That’s Why Jesus Went To Calvary, by Gene Taylor and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Co., Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA 71104

47. The Dark Valley, by Dottie Rambo and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music co., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

48. The Early Morning Hours, by Roy Carter

Gospeltone Music Publications, P. O. Box 5188, Nashville 6, Tennessee

49. The Good Lord Walks With Me, by Dottie Rambo and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Co., Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA 71104

50. The Hand That Rocked My Cradle (Rules My Heart), by Floyd C. Reeves and Jimmie

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA 71104

51. The Highest Hill, by Bud Chambers and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Co., Inc., P. O. Box 2626, Baton Rouge, LA 70821

52. The Land That Needs No Sin, by John D. Bacon, Jimmie Davis, and N. W. Allphin
Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

53. You Ae My Sunshine (original sheet music)

Louisiana This One’s for You (Handwritten)



— SHEET MUSIC Continued


1. The Last Few Miles (On My Knees), by Bob Willis and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, Inc., P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70895

2. The Last Mountain, by Bob Willis and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70895

3. The Last Supper, by Bill Harmon and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford St., Shreveport, LA

4. The Last Walk, by Bob Willis and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70895-5826

5. The Other Side Of The River, by Jimmie Davis and Bob Willis (2 copies)

Vern Music Company, INC., P.O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70815

6. The Three Nails, by Jimmie Davis (2 copies)

Jimmie Davis Music Co., INC., 1331 Lakeridge Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70802

7. There Is No Mountain (That We Can’t Climb), by Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 1331 Lakeridge Drive, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802

8. There’s NOTHING My God Can’t Do, by Dottie Rambo and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

9. This Is Just What Heaven Means To Me, by Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Co., Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

10. To My Mansion In The Sky, by Jimmie Davis and Jim Davis (3 copies)

Jimmie Davis Music Co., INC.,836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

11. Touch The Hand Of The Lord, by Charles Goodman and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Co., Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

12. Travel Me Home, by Zeno Goss and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Co., Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

13. Wait For An Answer, by Jimmie Davis and Dottie Rambo

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

14. Washed In The Blood, by Michael A. Morgan, Jeff Elliott, and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, Inc., P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70815

15. What Could I Do Without Jesus?, by Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 1331 Lakeridge Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70802

16. What’s That In Your Hand, by Margaret Mabry and Jimmie Davis

Vern Music Company, P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70895-5826

17. When A Million Years Is All Over, by Jimmie Davis (2 copies)

Vern Music Company, INC., P. O. Box 15826, Baton Rouge, LA 70815

18. When All Goes Well, by Dottie Rambo and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

19. When I Prayed Last Night, by Jimmie Davis (2 copies)

Jimmie Davis Music Corp., 843 Delaware Street, Shreveport, LA

20. Which Road Leads To Heaven, by Dottie Rambo and Jimmie Davis (3 copies)

Jimmie Davis Music Company, INC., 836 Rutherford Street , Shreveport, Louisiana

21. Whisper A Pray, by David Reece and Jimmie Davis (3 copies)

Jimmie Davis Music Company, INC., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, Louisiana

22. White Robes, by B. A. Merver and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

23. Will You Be Saved?, by Lari Goss and Jimmie Davis

Jimmie Davis Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, LA

24. You Can Have Him, by Jack Mainord and Jimmie Davis (3 copies)

Vern Music Company, Inc., 836 Rutherford Street, Shreveport, Louisiana


BOX 3 — SHEET MUSIC Continued


25. Without Him, by Mylon R. LeFevre

LeFevre: Sing Publishing Co., P. O. Box 43703, Atlanta, Georgia 30336

26. Favorites As Sung by Jimmie Davis

A collection of some of Jimmie Davis’s favorite music. (Xerox copy)

27. Jimmie Davis Song Folio

Peer International Corporation Selling Agents

Southern Music Publishing Co., Inc., 1619 Broadway, New York, N.Y.

28. Jimmie Davis Folio of Favorite Songs (Xerox copy)

Jimmie Davis Music Corporation, 1619 Broadway, New York 19, N.Y.

29. Jimmie Davis Song Folio (Xerox copy)

Peer International Corporation

Southern Music Publishing Co., Inc., 1619 Broadway, New York, N.Y.

30. Jimmie Davis Folio of Favorite Songs (Xerox copy)

Jimmie Davis Music Corporation, 1619 Broadway, New York 19, N.Y.

31. Collection of Individual Sheet Music (Xerox copies)

1. The Answer to “Nobody’s Darling But Mine”, by Jimmie Davis

2. Sweetheart of West Texas, by Jimmie Davis and Bonnie Dodd

3. In My Cabin To-Night, by Jimmie Davis

4. Walls of White, by Jimmie Davis and Lou Wayne

5. There’s An Old Fashioned House On A Hillside, by Jimmie Davis and Walter Lane (3

6. New Worried Mind, by Jimmie Davis and Ted Daffan

7. Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes, by A.P. Carter

32. Great Sons for Choir and Quartet, compiled by Jimmie Davis




1. Jimmy Davis: Hello Sunshine

1986 Morningstar Records, Box 213, Hendersonville, TN 37077

Produced by: Eddie Crook and Owen Bradley

Songs include:

Hello Sunshine

I’ve Never Been This Homesick Before

I Cannot Find The Way Alone

We’ll Be Singing Hallelujah

Let Me Walk With You Jesus

Suppertime In Glory

The Unclouded Day

Window Shopping For A Blessing

Someone To Care

No One To Welcome Me Home

2. Jimmie Davis: The Last Walk

1985 Morningstar Records, Box 213, Hendersonville, TN 37077

Produced by: Eddie Crook

Songs include:

The Last Walk

Jesus Showed Me The Way

How Long Has It Been

My Lord Will Lead Me Home

Break Me Lord, Break Me

A Queen Without A Crown

What’s That In Your Hand?

Peace In The Valley

I Won’t Leave Without You

Cool Chilly Water

3. Audiodiscs, Old Transcription written on cover: Shelter From the Storm, The King
& I, Leave It There, The Glory Land War, My Childhood Home, and I Got More Than My
Share written in ink on the label.

4. Jimmie Davis Songs of Faith including: Who At My Door is Standing, That Glad Reunion
Day, My Lord Will Lead Me Home, Nothing



Tape No.


Singing You Are My Sunshine at the dedication of the Davis Room in Sims Memorial Library
in Hammond, Louisiana. October 26, 1986

7009. TORME’, MEL

Singing You Are My Sunshine on record “Together Again” with Buddy Rich.


Alumni Band circa 1982, Chords and Solo and You Are My Sunshine played within the
song “Second Hand Gold” written by Howie Smith.


You Are My Sunshine Live from 4 Queens in Las Vegas


You Are My Sunshine

7011. BROWN, RAY


You Are My Sunshine “Jazz at Santa Monica”


You Are My Sunshine “N. O. & All That Country Jazz”


You Are My Sunshine “The Soul of Toots Thielemans”


You Are My Sunshine “Outer Thoughts”


Going Home For Christmas

White Christmas

Silver Bells

Joy To The World

Forgive Me, Santa

It’s Christmas Time Again

Go Tell It On The Mountain

Silent Night

Beautiful Star Of Bethlehem

Away In A Manger

Blue Christmas

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer



Tape No.


Lonesome Whistle

Worried Mind


Nobody’s Darling But Mine

I Just Dropped In To Say Goodbye

It Makes No difference Now

Dating A Memory

Columbus Stockade Blues

Without Love (There Is Nothing)

Where The Red River Flows

My Mary

You’ll Be My Last Love

You Are My Sunshine

Is It Too Late Now

There Won’t Be A Wedding

The Beginning Of The End


Hang On To The Memories

You Are My Sunshine

I’ll Just Keep Hanging On

Shackles and Chains

Nobody’s Darlin’ But Mine

Lonesome Whistle

There’s A New Moon Over My Shoulder

Louisiana This One’s For You

Where The Old Red River Flows

Goin’ To The Function

The Beginning Of The End

This Old Suitcase

It Makes No Difference Now

Pretending She’s You

Welcome To The Club

A Boy, A Dream And A Dog

Columbus Stockade Blues

Is It Too Late Now?



Tape No.


Dear Son

You Are The Rock I Lean Upon


I Bowed On My Knees And Cried Holy

This Old Suitcase

To My Mansion In The Sky

It’s Heaven Calling Me

You Are My Sunshine

Someone To Care

I’ll Meet You In The Morning

Last Few Miles On My Knees

Dating A Memory

Two Glasses Of Buttermilk

Going Home For Christmas

A Queen Without A crown

Louisiana This One’s For You

The Last Mountain

The Sea Of Galilee


It’s Moving Time

My Mansion In Glory

The Rouge Side Of The Mountain

Behold I Stand At The Door And I Knock

One More Valley

That Sounds Like Home To Me

I’m Just As Rich As You

Are You Washed In The Blood

Shake The Nail-Scarred Hand Of Jesus

I Was There When It Happened


Sitting On Top Of The World

There Won’t Be A Wedding

Don’t Close The Door

The Beginning Of The End

I Had Someone Else Before I Had You

(And I’ll Have Someone After You’re Gone)

Aunt Dinah’s Quiltin’ Party

Is It Too Late Now

Rocks In The Mountain

I’ll Be True To The One I Love

Where The Old Red River Flows

Lonesome Whistle

Always Remember



Tape No.


Bury Me Beneath The Willow

Born To Lose

I’d Trade All Of My Tomorrows (For Just One Yesterday)

Another Story (Another Time, Another Place)

Anywhere, Anytime

You’ll Be My Last Love

Faded Love

I Wish I Had Never Seen Sunshine

Green, Green Grass Of Home

There Goes My Everything



Peace In The Valley

A Queen Without A Crown

The Three Nails

Just A Closer Walk With Thee

Just A Little Talk With Jesus

I Bowed On My Knees And Cried Holy

My Lord Will Lead Me Home

Will The Circle Be Unbroken

To My Mansion In The Sky

Amazing Grace


Ready Or Not (He’s Coming Again)

That Sounds Like Home To Me

God Gave Me The Green Light

The Last Mountain

We’ll Be Singing Hallelujah

Resurrection City

I’ve Got Jesus

Guilty Of Love (In The 1st Degree)

Don’t Be Someone That Jesus Don’t Know

My Lord Will Lead Me Home