Joe Demarco

Joe Demarco

Archival Collection


1. Ledger from Joe Demarco Store, 118 N. Cate Avenue,

2. Ledger from Joe Demarco Store, 118 N. Cate Avenue,

Bread and Respect: The Italians of Louisiana, by Anthony
Margavio and Jerome Salomone (xerox of pages 105 and 106 about Joe

4. Photographs (scanned on the computer):

a) 1932, Mary, Johnnie, Daddy, Vito, Vito (2½ x

b) ca. 1934, La. Dept. of Agriculture berry inspector with three
men looking on (3 x 4½)

c) Joe Demarco, strawberry association broker (3 x 4½)

d) Auctioneer with berry buyers from Chicago and Eastern
Seaboard Cities (3 x 4½)

e) Farmers waiting to find out what berries would bring from
auctioneers (3 x 4½)

f) Loading strawberries for shipment to Chicago (3 x

g) ca. 1934, Joe Demarco Store and filling station on U. S. Hwy.
51, ½ mile south of I-55,

across from Little Johnny’s Seafood (3 x 5)

h) In store– Mr. Autin, John J. Dimarco, Dominic Casiopia,
Lewis Alack, Joe Pomitere

i) Cow on Joe Demarco’s farm

j) Joe Demarco Home, Side view

k) Joe Demarco Home, Front view

l) Family Gathering, Joe Demarco in rear

m) Joe Demarco on tractor, home in rear

n) Joe Demarco on tractor

o) Tractor in field

p) Joe Demarco, Strawberry Association Broker

q) Tourist Court, Forest Grill

r) Joseph Dimarco, 1937, 52 years old, color

s) Joseph Dimarco, 1937, 52 years old, B&W

t) Demarco Strawberry label

u) Demarco Family, Children of Joe: (back rowsons) Frank,
Joe, Sam, Vincent, Johnny;

(front rowdaughters) Mary Demarco Huebinger, Cecilia
Demarco Giannobile, Anna Deliberto Demarco (wife of Joe and mother
of children), Vita Demarco

v) Joe and Anna Demarco, Memorial picture

w) Demarco sons: Frank, Joe, Sam, Vince, and John

x) Demarco daughters: Cecilia, Vita, and Mary

5. Strawberry Labels: 4 Joe Demarco Brand, Hammond, LA; 1
Hungarian Brand; 1 Ponchatoula Brand; 1 Springfield, H. L. Wall
Produce Assn. 1 Market Brand, Emile Colona, Hammond, LA

6. Xerox copies of personal papers of Joe Demarco

a) Social Security Card

b) An Agreement

c) Death Certificate

d) Naturalization Certificate, 1945, for Joe Demarco

e) Naturalization Certificate, 1946, for Anna Demarco

f) Marriage License, Joe De Marco and Antonina Deliberto

g) Letter dated September 4, 2001 to Hammond Downtown
Development District about Joe Demarco Memorial Statue Project

h) Newspaper clipping: Downtown get grant for Demarco Statue,
Daily Star, September 11, 2001

i) Newspaper clipping: Obituaries for John J. Demarco and Joe

1 strawberry pint