Judge Brent Dufreche Collection

Judge Brent Dufreche Collection

Folder:   Item:

    1. Life insurance policy for Lucien Dufresche signed January 20, 1895
    2. Tangipahoa Publishing Company Capital Stock booklet of certificates dated from August
      1925 to November 1960
  1. Bound book containing the minutes of the annual meeting of the Board of Directors
    and the Executive Board for the Tangipahoa Publishing Company beginning in April 1925
    to 1961
  2. Newspaper Clippings
    1. Newspaper clipping with advertisement for Duncan Kemp, D.A. at the bottom
    2. The Roseland Herald, Vol. XXXIX, No. 30, Friday, January 18, 1929
    3. The Roseland Herald, Vol. XV, No. 33, Friday, March 31, 1905
    4. Denham Springs and Livingston Parish News, Vol. 80, No. 48, Monday, December 18, 1978 clipping of “Livingston aldermen adopt waste ordinance”
    5. Kentwood News, Vol. 11, No. 16, Thursday, March 7, 1963
    6. The Hammond Vindicator, 62nd year, No. 23, Friday, September 3, 1954 clipping of “Unofficial Returns of Second Primary Election”
    7. Tangi Talk,Vol. 26, No. 17, August 25, 1954 clipping of article titled “ Kemp, Burch Say the Swing to Their Side
      Means Victory”
  3. Letters, Documents, and Notes regarding Morrison for Governor
    1. Postcard to Mr. Edward B. Dufreche from “Chip M”, October 27 (no year)
    2. Postcard to Mr. Edward B. Dufreche from “Chip M”, March 26 (no year)
    3. Letter to Brent Dufreche from deLesseps S. Morrison, March 27, 1964
    4. Letter to Ed from Chep Morrison, April 24, 1963
    5. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Rosalie Grad, secretary to Chep Morrison, February 14,
    6. Letter to supporters of Chep Morrison for Governor from Joseph B. Flanagan regarding
      a meeting on February 23rd (no year)
    7. Letter to Brent Dufreche dated November 29, 1971 thanking him for his support during
      campaign (unknown signature)
    8. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Frank M. Edwards, Jr., Sheriff, November 30, 1971
    9. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Gillis W. Long, April 26, 1971
    10. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Ben Tucker, July 28, 1970
    11. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Calude B. Duval, January 28, 1964
    12. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Fred C. Dent, Jr., January 14, 1964
    13. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Tom H. Matheny, January 13, 1964
    14. Fannie E. Burch vs. Dr. J. H. McClendon, Chairman, 21st Judicial District Democratic Executive Committee, and Warren W. Comish petition filed
      September 3, 1960
    15. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Tom H. Matheny, September 7, 1960
    16. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Robert D. Jones, May 11, 1960
    17. Fingerprint card and application for senior membership in Civil Air Patrol for Brent
      Dufreche, January 20, 1962
    18. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Robert D. Jones with attached campaign advertisement,
      April 16, 1960
    19. Letter to Judge Robert Jones from Brent Dufreche, April 19, 1960
    20. Invitation to friends of Chep Morrison to a crawfish boil by Claude B. Duval, February
      22, 1960
    21. Invitation to friends of Chep Morrison to a crawfish boil by Claude B. Duval, March
      8, 1960
    22. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Chep Morrison, January 25, 1960
    23. Letter to Brent Dufreche from W. George Bowdon, Jr., February 8, 1960
    24. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Chep Morrison, January 29, 1960
    25. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Chep Morrison, January 14, 1960
    26. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Claude Duval, January 18, 1960
    27. Notice from Claude Duval regarding Chep Morrison tour in Mexico City, Guatamala, and
      Sans Salvador, January 11, 1960
    28. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Robert J. Mack, December 29, 1959
    29. Memorandum to Scott Wilson from R. W. Farrar, December 18, 1959
    30. Itinerary Morrison and Bowden Ticket, December 18-25, 1959
    31. Letter to Brent Dufreche from R. W. Farrar, Executive Assistant to State Campaign
      Manager, Morrison for Governor
    32. Letter to The Morrison Team from Wiltz W. Wagner, December 23, 1959
    33. Letter to Parish Leaders from R. W. Farrar, Jr., Morrison for Governor
    34. Letter to Chep Morrison from Joe Greco, Mayor of Tickfaw, December 28, 1959
    35. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Lloyd G. Teekell, December 15, 1959
    36. Letter to Morrison-Bowden Ticket from Mrs. Oliver G. Delatte, Sr., January 5, 1960
    37. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Jack N. Dyer, January 5, 1960
    38. “Reprint of Letter to Jimmy Davis from F. A. Wallis, Zachary, Louisiana, October 12,
    39. “Women for Morrison” list of newspapers endorsing Chep Morrison for Governor
    40. Letter to Parish and District Leaders from R. W. “Tom” Farrar, Jr., January 4, 1960
    41. Letter to supporters of Chep Morrison for Governor from Chep Morrison
    42. Letter to Parish Leaders from R. W. Farrar, Jr., December 26, 1959
    43. Letter to Brent Dufreche from R. W. Farrar, Jr., with attached Morrison-Bowden Campaign
      request for commissioners, December 21, 1959
    44. Letter to District and Parish leaders from Claude Duval with attached list of campaign
      headquarters staff
    45. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Roy Gianelloni, 6th District Campaign Manager, December 17, 1959
  4. Letters, Documents, and Notes regarding Morrison for Governor
    1. Memo to Phyllis Dennery from Tom Farrar, December 15, 1959
    2. Letter to Brent Dufreche from R. W. Farrar, December 15, 1959
    3. Letter to Brent Dufreche from M. J. Daigle, October 14, 1959
    4. Note: Prof. C. B. Temple, O. W. Dillion High School, Kentwood, La, Coloned Trade School
    5. Precinct spreadsheet
    6. Morrison Campaign Fund Receipts and Disbursements as of Nov. 30, 1959
    7. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Fred G. Benton, Nov. 24, 1959
    8. Letter to District and Parish Managers from Claude Duval with attached letter to be
      placed as advertisement in local papers, Nov. 23, 1959
    9. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Paul C. Tate, November 27, 1959
    10. Letter from Paul C. Tate announcing candidacy for State Insurance Commissioner
    11. Change in itinerary for Tuesday, December 1, 1959
    12. Supplemental itinerary Morrison-Bowden Ticket, Nov. 30-Dec. 4
    13. Letter to District and Parish leaders from Claude Duval, November 27, 1959
    14. Letter to District and Parish leaders from Claude Duval
    15. Letter to District and Parish leaders from Claude Duval, December 1, 1959
    16. Itinerary Morrison-Bowden Ticket, Nov. 30-Dec. 4
    17. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Chep Morrison, November 25, 1959
    18. Proposed itinerary for November 23-29, 1959
    19. Letter to Members of the Board of Directors, Times-Picayune Publishing Company from
      prominent members of New Orleans community (no signatures), November 11, 1959
    20. Statement issued by Chep Morrison after the Times-Picayune endorses his opponent
    21. Copy of Endorsement taken from The Plainsman, Zachary, Louisiana, Thursday, October
      22, 1959
    22. Letter to Mrs. Zadie Hano from Brent Dufreche, November 24, 1959
    23. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Zadie Hano, November, 17, 1959
    24. Letter from Brent Dufreche inviting the public to attend a political meeting
    25. Proposed Itinerary for November 16-22, 1959
    26. Letter to Brent Dufreche from G. A. O’Connor, November 10, 1959
    27. Lyrics to parody of “Whole World in His Hands” by Melvyn “Red” Baudoin and Roland
      A. Robichaux
    28. Receipt to Brent Dufreche for $35.00 for the Ponchatoula Beauty Pageant, November
      1, 1959
    29. Telegram to Brent Dufreche from Claude Duval, October 29, 1959
    30. Telegram to Brent Dufreche from Claude Duval, November 10, 1959
    31. Letter to Brent Dufreche from M. J. Daigle, November 10, 1959
    32. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Paul C. Tate announcing candidacy for State Insurance
    33. Ad against Morrison and Davis by the Institute for Public Service, Baton Rouge
    34. Letter to Claude Duval from Ben Tucker, October 19, 1959
    35. Itinerary November 9 – 15, 1959
    36. Letter to District and Parish leaders from Claude Duval, October 29, 1959
    37. Letter to District and Parish leaders from Claude Duval with attached newspaper ads
      endorsing Chep Morrison, October 20, 1959
    38. “Labor’s Watchdog Committee Report All working Men of Louisiana Hear This!! Is Jimmy
      Davis Your Friend?”
    39. Receipts for telephone and telegraph and power and light services for Morrison Headquarters
    40. Morrison Campaign Fund Receipts and Disbursements as of October 31, 1959
    41. Letter to Mr. Herlmon Forbes from Brent Dufreche, November 6, 1959
    42. Letter to Mr. Gerald O’Connor from Brent Dufreche, November 6, 1959
    43. Letter to Wanda Duvernet at the Morrison Headquarters from Brent Dufreche
    44. Letter to Chep Morrison/Brent Dufreche from Helen H. Kluchin
    45. Letter to District and Parish leaders from Claude Duval, October 22, 1959
    46. Letter to District and Parish leaders from Claude Duval, October 19, 1959
    47. Letter to Brent Dufreche from D. R. Gianelloni, September 24, 1959
    48. Handwritten list of names and cities
  5. Letters, Documents, and Notes regarding Morrison for Governor
    1. Letter template sent to active supporters
    2. Letter to Gerald A. O’Connor from Chep Morrison, September 5, 1959
    3. Letter to Zadie Hano from Chep Morrison, October 4, 1959
    4. Letter to Chep Morrison from Don S. Harper, October 2, 1959
    5. Letter to Brent Dufreche from M. J. Daigle, October 12, 1959
    6. Letter to Zadie Hano from Brent Dufreche, October 4, 1959
    7. Letter to Ben Tucker from Chep Morrison, October 11, 1959
    8. Letter to Mrs. William C. Davoll from Chep Morrison, October 12, 1959
    9. Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Armand Joseph from Chep Morrison, September 28, 1959
    10. Letter to I. Z. Williams from Chep Morrison, September 25, 1959
    11. Letter to Edward F. Dufresne (maybe to Brent Dufreche) from A. P. Tugwell, State Treasurer,
      September 24, 1959
    12. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Zadie Hano, October 7, 1959
    13. Ad claiming Jimmie Davis cannot be for segregation based on his integrated club in
      Palm Springs, January 7, 1949 (original news paper)
    14. Letter to Tyra Cooper from Chep Morrison, September 3, 1959
    15. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Chep Morrison, September 14, 1959
    16. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Chep Morrison, September 15, 1959
    17. Letter to Wanda Duvernet, Morrison Headquarters from Brent Dufreche, September 28,
    18. Letter to I. B. Bankston from Chep Morrison, August 28, 1959
    19. Handwritten notes of names and places attached to a letter to Brent Dufreche from
      Chep Morrison with attached sample itinerary, August 25, 1959
    20. Letter to Ivy Ard from Chep Morrison, August 25, 1959
    21. Letter to Mrs. Thomas O. McCarroll from Chep Morrison, September 4, 1959
    22. Ripped pages from a receipt book dated from August 9 to October 28, 1954
    23. Letter to Tom Matheny from Chep Morrison, September 5, 1959
    24. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Tom H. Matheny, September 8, 1959
    25. Letter to Brent Dufreche from Chep Morrison, August 29, 1959
    26. Handwritten note with the name and address of Albert LeGard
    27. Telegraph to Brent Dufreche from Chep Morrison, September 4, 1959
    28. Empty envelope with the word “politics” written on the front
  6. Letters, Documents, and Notes
    1. Multiple receipts for campaign ads for Fannie Burch and Duncan Kemp
    2. Empty envelope addressed to Brent Dufreche
    3. Ad to the Women of Hammond regarding Fannie Burch speech in Hammond City Hall on August
    4. Overdraft notice for the 21st District Democratic Association, 04/25/1955
    5. Overdraft of the 21st District Democratic Association statement
    6. Handwritten draft of speech on platform for Representative of Tangipahoa Parish
    7. List of Collections for 21st District Democratic Association
    8. Typed copy of speech on platform for Representative of Tangipahoa Parish
    9. List of Collections for 21st District Democratic Association
    10. “Primary Election Law” 5 copies
    11. Ad for Burch, Kemp, and Anglade
    12. Copy of speech made by Brent Dufreche
    13. List of Collections for 21st District Democratic Association
    14. Letter to James Barnett from John Wells Harrell, July 7, 1954
    15. “Title 18 – Elections”
    16. Letter from Norman P. Vernon asking for support for re-election of Clerk of Court
      for Tangipahoa Parish, October 1959
    17. Letter to Brent Dufreche from James E. Fitzmorris, Jr., November 20, 1978
    18. Photographs: 4 of a man in a suit next to a framed degree, 1 of a car and building,
      and 1 of a plot of land
    19. Large empty folder