Kenneth Dyson

Kenneth Dyson

Archival Collection




1. Regional Aeronautical Chart, 32″ x 42″

2. Map, City of Hot Springs, Arkansas

3. a) Telegram from Senator Allen J. Ellender to Kenneth E.
Dyson, May 6

b) Letter from Kenneth Dyson to Sis & Frank, Sunday Morn

c) Letter from Kenneth Dyson to Sis & Frank, Sunday

d) Letter from Kenneth Dyson to Sis & Frank, Wednesday

e) Letter from Louisiana State University to President of the
Student Body, Southeastern College, April 27, 1934

f) Letter from Allen J. Ellender, United States Senate to
Private Kenneth E. Dyson, June 2, 1938

g) Letter from George C. Kenney, General, U. S. Army to Mrs.
Kenneth E. Dyson, Holyoke, Massachusetts, May 4, 1945 (Also a
carbon copy)

h) Letter from Milton Heiman, lst Lt., Air Corps to Mrs. Vesta
M. Schilling, Kentwood, Louisiana, August 10, 1945

i) Letter from Mrs. Vesta D. Schilling, Kentwood, Louisiana to
Base Personal Affairs Office, Gulfport, Mississippi, August 11,

j) Letter from Forrest L. Brissey, Jr., Colonel, Air Corps. to
Mrs. Helene Dyson, Holyoke, Massachusetts, August 25, 1945

k) Letter from Forrest L. Brissey, Jr., Colonel, Air Corps. to
Mrs. Helene Dyson, Holyoke, Massachusetts, August 28, 1945

1) Letter from J. M. Hillard, 380th. Bomb. CP-HDQS, APO-337,

Island, September 4, 1945

m) Letter from Mrs. F. C. Schilling to Colonel Forrest L.
Brissey, San Francisco, California, September 11, 1945

n) Letter from Edward F. Witsell, Major General, War Department
to Mrs. Vesta M. Schilling, Kentwood, Louisiana, September 21,

o) Letter from Joe Darwin, Director Department of Veterans’
Affairs, State of Louisiana to Mrs. Vesta M. Schilling, October 1,

p) Letter from Edward F. Witsell, Major General to Honorable
Allen J. Ellender, United States Senate, October 25, 1945

q) Letter from Leon W. Johnson, Brigadier General, U.S.A. to
Mrs. Kenneth Dyson, Holyoke, Massachusetts, November 9, 1945

r) Letter from Douglass MacArthur to Mrs. Hellene Dyson,
Holyoke, Massachusetts, November 13, 1945

s) Letter from D. R. Hutchinson, Brigadier General, U. S. Army
to Perry C. Ragan, Colonel, Adjutant Generals Department, November
27, 1945

t) Telegram from Edward F. Witsell, Acting the Adjutant General
of the Army to Mrs. Vesta M. Schilling, Kentwood, Louisiana, August
4, 1945

u) Telegram from Edward F. Witsell, Acting the Adjutant General
of the Army to Mrs. Vesta M. Schilling, Kentwood, Louisiana, Sept.
18, 1945

v) Sympathy card from General Marshall to Kenneth Dyson’s
sister, Mrs. Schilling

w) Envelope from West Point to Mrs. F. C. Schilling, Kentwood,
Louisiana, June 3, 1941


BOX 1 Continued


x) Envelope from West Point to Mrs. F. C. Schilling, Kentwood,
Louisiana, October 23, 1941

y) Blank envelope with return address of Mrs. Frank C.
Schilling, Kentwood, Louisiana 70444

z) Thank you card from Susan Carey to Mrs. Vesta Schilling,
Kentwood, Louisiana, September 15, 1981

4. Newsletter, Letter No. 10, West Point, New York, March 7,
1946, The Thames

Turbulence 42 (2 copies)

5. Broadside poster to form an American Legion Post with
handwritten note on other side

6. Invitations and Programs

a) Invitation to Commencement Exercises at Kentwood High School,
Monday, May 23, 1932 at 8:00 p.m. from Kenneth Dyson

b) Invitation to Graduation Exercises of the Class of 1942 of
the U. S. Military Academy on Friday, May 29, West Point, New York
(Found inside invitation– a Pass Card, a ticket to Graduation
Exercises, a ticket to the Baccalaureate Service for Mrs. F.C.
Schilling, and a place card for Kenneth Earl Dyson)

c) Program for the Graduation Exercises for Class of 1942,
Friday, May 29, 1942. (Found inside Program–a program for the
Graduation Service at 11:00 in The Cadet Chapel, Wednesday, May 27,

d) Program (a little booklet) for Graduation Week, West Point,
1942 (2 copies)

e) Program for Dedication of Memorial Plaques, honoring the
Graduates of West Point Who Gave Their Lives in Battle During World
War II, erected by their Classmates, October 6, 1949. (811 x 1011

f) Address by General Hoyt S. Vandenbert, Principal Speaker at
the Dedication of Memorial Plaques in Cullum Hall, United States
Military Academy, West Point, New York, October 6, 1949 (2

7. Corps of Cadets Calendar for 1939 (Inside calendar is a
Schedule of Fourth Class Christmas Week Activities, 1938)

8. Newspapers and clippings

Boston Evening Globe, Saturday, October 15, 1938, 1

b) Boston Traveler, Saturday, October 15, 1938, 1 section

The Philadelphia Inquirer, Sunday, December 1, 1940, 2
pages and 2 parts of Picture Parade

d) Clipping-Unidentified paper date

e) Clippings-3 pages of xeroxed clippings, unidentified
papers and dates

f) Clipping-A picture of West Point’s First Graduating
Class of World War II and a picture of Section B of the 1942 Class
at the United States Military Academy.

g) Clipping-About appointment of Kenneth Earl Dyson to West
Point, Also

xerox copy of clipping

h) Clipping-Xerox copy about 21-Year-Old Privates to Report
to West Point

i) Three clippings about Mrs. Schilling donating $30,000 to SLU

Foundation in memory of her brother Kenneth Earl Dyson (May


BOX 1 Continued



a) Certificate appointing Kenneth Earl Dyson a cadet of the U.
S. Military Academy, July 1, 1942

b) Bachelor of Science from West Point to Kenneth E. Dyson, May
29, 1942 (In round cylinder)

c) Certificate of Commission, 2nd Lieutenant of Infantry, May
29, 1942 (In round cylinder)

d) Certificate from the Rankin Aeronautical Academy, Tulare,
California to 2nd Lieutenant Kenneth E. Dyson, Inf., August 21,

e) Certificate of Commission, 2nd Lieutenant in the Air Corps,
by transfer from the Infantry Arm, February 10, 1943

f) Certificate to Kenneth Earl Dyson appointing him temporarily,
a Major in the Army of the United States, May 27, 1945

g) Certificate of Commission to Kenneth Earl Dyson, First
Lieutenant in the Air Corps, May 29, 1945

h) Certificate awarding the Purple Heart to Major Kenneth E.
Dyson, September 18, 1945

i) Certificate in Grateful Memory of Major Kenneth E. Dyson who
died in the service of his country in the Pacific Area, July 12,
1945, signed Harry Truman

j) Certificate in Memoriam from SLC to Kenneth Dyson, May 8,

10. Miscellaneous

a) Poem (There’s a Reason)

b) Receipt for Poll Tax for the Year 1929 for Mrs. F. C.

c) Card in memoriam for Frank C. Schilling from Kentwood Masonic
Lodge No. 248

d) Membership card from SLU Alumni Association for Vesta
Schilling, December 31, 1983


a) The Purple Heart (In Case)

b) Air Medal (In Case)

c) Pins (7 small pins)

d) A token

e) Braid




a) Carter, C. C.
Simple Aerodynamics and The Airplane. The Ronald Press
Company, New York, 1940, 510 pages, hardback

b) Munson, Major Edward Lyman, Jr.
Leadership For American Army Leaders. Washington, The
Infantry Journal, 1941, 96 pages, hardback

c) Marks, Lionel S.
Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook. McGray-Hill Book Company,
Inc., New York and London, 1930, 2264 pages, hardback

The New Infantry Drill Regulations, United States Army.
The Military Service Publishing Co., Pennsylvania, 1939, 230 pages,

The Log Log Duplex Decitrig, Slide Rule, No. 4081, A
. Keuffel & Esser Co., New York, 1938, 102 pages,

f) Herlin, Emil.
War Atlas, A Handbook of Maps and Facts. The Foreign
Policy Association, 1942, 92 pages, paperback

g) Waugh, E. D. J.
West Point. The Macmillan Company, New York, 1944, 246
pages, hardback

h) Banning, Kendall.
West Point Today. Funk & Wagnalls Company, New York
and London, 1937, 310 pages, hardback




The Officers’ Guide, 7th Edition. A Ready Reference on
Customs and Correct Procedures Which Pertain to Commissioned
Officers of the Army of the United States. The Military Service
Publishing Company, Harrisburg, Pa., 1942, 488 pages, hardback

Personal Finance and Management for the Army Officer.
United States Military Academy West Point, New York, 1942, 121
pages, hardback

Official Register of the Officers and Cadets. United
States Military Academy For The Academic Year Ending June 30, 1938,
203 pages, paperback

Official Register of the Officers and Cadets. United
States Military Academy For The Academic Year Ending June 30, 1939,
199 pages, paperback

Official Register of the Officers and Cadets. United
States Military Academy For The Academic Year Ending June 30, 1940,
201 pages, paperback

The Pointer, A Calendar for Cadets. Notebook

g) Horridge, Richard, Editor-in-Chief.
The Howitzer, 1942. 538 pages, hardback




The Pointer, Volume XVI, 1938; September 9, No. 1;
September 23, No. 2; October 7, No. 3; October 21, No. 4; November
4, No. 5; December 2, No. 7; December 16, No. 8; 1939; January 2,
No. 9; January 13, No. 10; January 27, No. 11; February 10, No. 12;
February 24, No. 13; March 10, No. 14; March 24, No. 15; April 7,
No. 16; April 21, No. 17; May 5, No. 18; May 19, No. 19, June 2,
No. 20 (19 issues)

The Pointer, Volume XVII, 1939; September 8, No. 1;
September 22, No. 2; October 6, No. 3; October 20, No. 4; November
3, No. 5; November 16, No. 6; December 1, No. 7; December 15, No.
8; 1940; January 2, No. 9; January 12, No. 10; March 22, No. 15;
April 5, No. 16; April 19, No. 17; May 3, No. 18; May 17, No. 19;
June 7, No. 20 (16 issues)

The Pointer, Volume XVIII, 1940; September 13, No. 1;
September 27, No. 2; October 11, No. 3; October 25, No. 4; November
8, No. 5; November 22, No. 6; December 6, No. 7; December 20, No.
8; 1941; January 3, No. 9; January 17, No. 10; January 31, No. 11;
February 14, No. 12 (2 copies); February 28, No. 13; March 14, No.
14; March 28, No. 15; April 11, No. 16; May 9, No. 18; June 6, No.
20 (19 issues)




The Pointer, Volume XIX, 1941; September 12, No. 1;
September 26, No.2; October 10, No. 3; October 24, No. 4; November
7, No. 5; November 21, No. 6; December 5, No. 7; December 19, No.8;
1942; January 2, No. 9; January 16, No. 10; January 30, No. 11;
February 13, No. 12; February 27, No. 13; March 13, No. 14; March
27, No. 15; April 10, No. 16; April 24, No. 17; May 8, No. 18; May
22; No. 19; May 29, No. 20 (20 issues)

Rank ‘N’ File, August 1942

Air Force, Official Service Journal of the U. S. Army Air
Forces, Vol. 25, No. 7, December 1942

Assembly, Vol. I, No. 4, January 1943

Assembly, Vol. IV, No. 4, January 1946

Life Magazine, November 3, 1941

Life Magazine, June 15, 1942