Remote Work and Learning to Continue Friday, January 24



Archival Collection




1. A. L. C. C. Board of Directors Meeting, March 3, 1960

2. A. L. C. C. Board of Directors Meeting, March 25, 1960

3. Assoc. of La. Chambers of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting, May 6, 1960

4. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce, January, 1960

5. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce, March, 1960

6. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce, April, 1960

7. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce, May, 1960

8. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce, June, 1960

9. Health and Welfare Committee, 1963

10. A. L. C. C. Meeting with Legislators, March, 1960

11. A. L. C. C. List of Louisiana Boards, Etc., 1960

12. A. L. C. C. Meeting, New Orleans, Dec. 18, 1962

13. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce Papers and other miscellaneous Papers
of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1959-60

14. State and District Affairs Committee, 1964

15. A. L. C. C. Executive Committee Meeting, January 19, 1960

16. State Affairs Committee of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1960

17. Louisiana State Chamber of Commerce, 1964

18. Louisiana State Chamber of Commerce, 1965

19. Louisiana Lagniappe, Publication of the La. Assoc. of Chambers of

Commerce (7 issues)

20. A. L. C. C. Town Hall Meeting, March 22, 1962 (Baton Rouge)

21. Association of La. Chambers of Commerce, 1962

22. Southwestern Division, Chamber of Commerce (between 1939 and 1947)

23. S. A. C. C. E. Meeting, Little Rock, March 24-26, 1963

24. Southwestern Institute for Chamber of Commerce Executives (1950’s)

25. S. W. C. of C. Institute, 1946

26. National Institute, Chamber of Commerce, 1939

27. Southern Association of Chambers of Commerce Meeting, 1966 (March 20-22, 1966)

28. Southern Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives, 1964

29. L. A. C. C. M. Meeting Baton Rouge, La., February 26-27, 1965

30. Southern Ass’n. of Chambers of Commerce Executives Meeting, March 15-17, 1959,
Houston, Texas

31. S. A. C. C. E. Annual Meeting, Memphis, March 16-18, 1958

32. Southern Annual Meeting, New Orleans, March 19, 20, 21, 1961

33. S. A. C. C. E. Meeting Papers, 1953

34. S. A. C. C. E. Assoc. of Chamber of Commerce Managers Meeting, Jan. 20 to 22,

35. S. A. C. C. E. Asheville Meeting, March 20-22, 1955




1. “Forward Bogalusa”

2 .”Forward Bogalusa Commercial News”

3. Fiscal–Washington Parish c.

4. Fiscal–Bogalusa

5. Police Jury–Washington Parish

6. Assessments, Millage, Taxes–Bogalusa

7. City Sales and Use Tax, 1955

8. Persons Employed in Bogalusa, 1955

9. Rodent Control

10. Water Discharge Per Foot Second–Pearl River: 1938-54

11. Water Resources–Washington Parish, 1945

12. Electric Meters in Service and Power

13. Fire Losses–Bogalusa

14. Freight Carloadings

15. Express Shipments, Bogalusa, 1956

16. Vocational Education

17. W.A.A.C.

18. Wage Stabilization Board

19. Wages and Hours Regulations

20. Washington Parish Velfare Unit

21. World Government Councils

22. Young Men’s Civic Club

23. Southern Research Institute: Birmingharn, Ala.

24. Square Dance Club

25. Milton C. Taiter, Executive Secretary, La. Farm Bureau Federation, Baton Rouge

26. Beta Sigma Phi–Tau Chapter

27. Correspondence with Time Magazine in regard to background to war articles

28. Banquet speaker from Times-Picayune for Chamber of Commerce in Bogalusa

29. Tourist Information

30. Trade Agreements

31. Underwood Elliott Fisher Co.

32. U. S. Constitution Sesqui Centennial Commission

33. United States Navy Band, Washington, D. C.

34. Veterans of Foreign Wars

35. Boy Scouts

36. Perry Business Schools

37. Portland Cement Association

38. Works Progress Administration

39. Reconstruction Finance Corp.

40. Remington Rand Inc.

41. Reserve Officers Association

42. Richardsontown Playground

43. Small Business

44. Social Service Exchange


BOX 2 Continued


45. Solvay Corporation

46. THE SOUTH (Publicity and Statistics)

47. Southern Regional Council, Inc.

48. Progress Features Syndicate

49. Southeastern Louisiana College: Dedication of Buildings, 1940

50. Public Officials

51. J. Y. Sanders, Jr.

52. H. C. Richardson, U. S. Marshal

53. Harry D. Wilson, Commissioner of Agriculture

54. Honorable M. R. Williams, Representative

55. F. M. Roberts, County Agent, Franklinton, La.

56. Office Supplies




1. Building Permits–Bogalusa

2. Chamber of Commerce Quarters Improvements (1955 )

3. Chamber of Commerce Upkeep and Improvements (1964 )

4. Junior Chamber of Commerce

5. Membership Roaster, August 181 1955 –Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce

6. Census general (1940)

7. City Financial Statistics

8. Economics Conditions of the South

9. Effective Buying Income–Bogalusa

10. Electric Rates–Bogalusa

11. Express Shipments (1956 )

12. Bogalusa Employment (July 1955 )

13. Louisiana State Employment Service (1962) .

14. Louisiana Buying Power

15. Gas Rates–Bogalusa

16. Hotel Registration (October 1955)

17. Hotels-Motels

18. Louisiana State University

19. Library (1945)

20. City Taxation, Bonds, etc.

21. Bogalusa Center of Farms (Forest & Factories)

22. Map of Paper Mi11s–Southeast and Central U. S. A.

23. Government

24. General Facts about Bogalusa (1956)

25. General Facts about Bogalusa (1957)

26. Bogalusa Business Indicators (1966)

27 .Bogalusa Business Indicators (1965)

28. Know Bogalusa

29. Louisiana State Sovereignty Commission

30. Automobile and Truck Registration

31. Agriculture Census Mississippi

32. Agriculture Census Louisiana

33. Discontinuance of “Rebel II 1954

34. Agriculture–Washington Parish

35. Era leader

36. Veterans and Military Affairs (1957)

37. Music

38. Altrusa Club

39. Business and Professional Women’s Club

40. Camp Fire Girls

41. Civic league

42. Civic Music Association (1948-1949)

43. Community Concerts

44. Civitan Club of Bogalusa.


BOX 3 Continued


45. Community Club

46. Exchange Club of Bogalusa

47. General Fed. of Women’s Clubs

48. Jaynes

49. Jaycees-Jaynes

50. Kiwanis Club

51. Knights-Columbus

52. Lions Club

53. Marine Corps league

54. Marine Corps league Auxiliary

55. Masons

56. Milltown Players

57. Church Histories

58. Churches

59. 1954 Census of Agriculture–Louisiana

60. Hotel Registration

61. Charter of Bogalusa

62. United Gas Corporation

63. 1930 Census Statistics

64. 1940 Census Statistics

65. Buy at Home Campaign

66. Bogalusa: The Magic City

67. Automobiles in Washington Parish

68. Bogalusa City Schools




1. American Legion, Bogalusa, La., Magic City, Post No.24, Memos and News Clippings
1958-65 from Bogalusa Daily News.

2. American Legion Auxilary–1959, Bogalusa, La. News Clippings from Bogalusa Daily

3. Bogalusa Men’s Camellia Club, 1962,63, 65–Annual Show News Clippings from the
Annual Show, Memos of Meetings.

4. Bogalusa Country Club, 1938-39 letters, 1957-66 Golf Tournaments and annual reports.

5. Bogalusa Community Chest Appointment of Advisory, Committee members 1948-56, 1950

6. “Pride in Bogalusa”–March 17, 1969-May 7, 1969, Series–“Be Proud of Bogalusa”
printed in Bogalusa Daily News.

7. Mail Volume–1954-55, 2 mail volume reports.

8. Agricultural Statistics–Bogalusa Development of Dairy Industry, 1947 Report on
Agricultural Committee, 1925, 1935, 1940,1954, Farm production report 1934 and 1929.

9. Rail Fall–Bogalusa 1939-1954 (inclusive), all copies.

10. City and County Officials–1958, Oct. 20, 1958. 2 copies of a list of Bogalusa
and Washington Parish Officials.

11. Advertising, 1955, Letters to and from New Orleans Port Record, Reader’s Digest
Louisiana Almanac and Fact Book, A list of social and civic organizations, minutes
from Advertising Board of Directors.

12. Shop in Bogalusa–Advertising Program–6 copies, 1948.

13. Enterprise Advertising, Build Bogalusa, 1936–6 copies.

14. Publicity–Bogalusa articles from Item Tribune Pan-American Society of Tropical
Research, Expedition of 1936, Letters to the Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce from the
Weekly Democrate, Item-Tribune, Dallas Chamber of Commerce, Southwestern Retailer,
Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Memos–1938 Chippings from Daily News–1936, Clippings
from Enterprise–1936, Press News 1935-36.

15. Chamber of Commerce Propaganda and Publicity–1936-1941. Articles from Saturday
Evening Post, 1937 and News Clippings from Alexandria Daily Town Talk–1937.

16. Bogalusa Booklet Committee Minutes of the Meetings, June 13, 1937.-June 21, 1935.

17. Bogalusa, La. Descriptive Literature, 1936, Map of Bogalusa and General Facts.

18. Survey of Civilian Organizations, 1941, Official title of organizations and letters
to these organizations reminding them of their various defense activities, check sheets
for defense activities.

19. Washington Parish, La. Resources and Facilities–1945.

20. Boy Scouts Brochures–1943.

21. Boy Scouts–1943. Memos from the Istrouma Area Council Boy Scouts of America,

Bogalusa Prospect Lists, Payroll Deductions for Boy Scouts from Gaylord Container
Corporation, Brochures from Annual Camporee–Camp Istrouma–Istrouma Area Council
Boy Scout News Clippings from Bogalusa Enterprises, Finance Campaign Report, East
Baton Rouge District Scouts Merit Badge Counselors–Washington District, Mailed list
from Washington District.

22. Boy Scouts~-Finances–1943, Pledge of Services, Money Order Receipts, Analysis
of Budget and Expenditures.


BOX 4 Continued


23. Boy Scouts–Finance Campaign–1943, Prospective List–Advance Gift List, Bogalusa,
1944, Contributions from Gaylord Container Corporation, Bogalusa, La. October 22,
1943 Prospect List.

24. Boy Scouts–1944, Boy Scout Respect List, New Clippings–Times Picayune, Istrouma
Area Council Annual Report, Memos from Istrouma Area Council, Souvenir Program from
LSU Rodeo, Brochures from Camp Istrouma, Boy Scout Report of Subscription Drive-in

25. Boy Scouts–1945, 1946, 1947. Memos Istrouma Area Council, Scouters Bulletin,
Camp Istrouma–1945, Istrouma News, Brochures from Istrouma Council.

26. Boy Scouts–1948-1949-1950. Announcements of Washington Parish District

meetings from the Council President, Warren 0. Watson and the District Chairman, A.
0. Levert, News Letter–The Roundup from the Istrouma Area Council, Minutes of the
Executive Board-8-27-48, Announcements of meetings from the District Chairman, 1949,
John Anthony, 1948-49 Area Finance Campaign New Units of Troops in Washington Parish,
January 24, 1950 Annual Council Meetings.

27. Apparel Manufacturing in Bogalusa, La.–a report.

28. Reproductions of Chamber of Commerce Officers.




1. I. D. Tate (colored)–A membership prospect for the Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce–
1939; 1941–Food Industry Committee of Washington Parish–letter concerning food stamp

Memo from A. R. Yates (Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce)

2. The Texas Company–memos from the Texaco Petroleum Products.

3. R. Theriot Liquor Store #12; News clippings from the Bogalusa Enterprise July 3,
1936 announcing their opening.

4. Stacy Thigpen–614 Mississippi Avenue–Bogalusa, La.; Mr. Thigpen–Director of
Sullivan Memorial Trade School; member of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce–1956; elected
to the Board of Directors of the Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce–1957; Chairman of the
Education Committee for 1957; Memos from A. R. Yates, Manager of Bogalusa Chamber
of Commerce to Mr. Thigpen; Mr. Stacy Thigpen appointed to the Legislative Committee
and to the National

Affairs Committee–1957; News clippings from the Bogalusa Daily News about the $35,000
appropriation for the expansion of the Sullivan Trade School that was vetoed by Gov.
Robert Kennon; Stacy Thigpen elected vice-president of the Louisiana Vocation Association–1957;
Announcements of Chamber of Commerce meetings; Stacy Thigpen, Chairman of 1959 Campaign
of the Bogalusa Community Chest; elected president in 1959; Memo from the Bogalusa
Community Chest.

5. B. Z. Thomas Service Station–Columbia Street–Bogalusa, Louisiana: B. Z. Thomas
elected member of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce–1936 and renewal in 1957; Absent report
from annual meetings; Memos from personalized selling course; Statement of Dues–Chamber
of Commerce, 1945, 1946, & 1947.

6. G. E. Thomas Service Station–1935: Member of the Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce;
committee member of the Industrial Survey Committee–1935-36; Vice chairman of the
membership committee–1935-36; Member of the Pearl River Bridge Committee of the Chamber
of Commerce–1936; Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors–1937; News clippings concerning
the Thomas family; Appointment to the Major Highway Committee; Member of the

train Suspension Committee–1938; Member of the Finance Committee of the Merchants
Division–1939; President of Rotary Club–1939; Member of Health Unit Committee–1938;
Re-elected to Board of Directors–1941; Member of Bus Franchise Committee–1941.

7. G. E. Thomas Auto Parts: Memos from the Bogalusa 1953 Chamber of Commerce–1942;
War Chest Committee–1944; Chairman of Salvage Committee–1945′ Re-elected to All
committees currently on; 1953 G. E. Thomas Died (news clippings).

8. George Thomas 85 Taxicabs, Fourth Street, Bogalusa, La.: 1943-1947–Member of Bogalusa
Chamber; Memos board meetings.

9. Miss Mae Thomas, Parish Health Nurse, 301 Mississippi Avenue, Bogalusa, La.: 1941–
Member of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce; Memos from the Bogalusa Chamber of, Commerce.

10. J. K. Thurman–1939-1959, 134 Redwood Avenue, Bogalusa, La.: Member of the National
Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Commerce–1957; 1957–Member of Highways Committee;
Member of Community Chest Transportation Committee–1944; Aeronautics Committee.

11. H. I. Tisdale-1936-1939, Bogalusa, La.: Member of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce

12. Toastee Sandwich Shop–1947, Alabama Avenue, Bogalusa, LA.: Mr. E. M. O’Bryan,
Owner; Member of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce


BOX 5 Continued


13. Steve Trascher (Service Station), Columbia Street, Bogalusa, La.: 1937-1944 Member
of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce.

14. Triangle Service Station–1935-1941; Gordon Banister, Prop., 401 Columbia St.
Bogalusa, La.: Member of Young Men’s Division of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce. Manager
of the Bogalusa Stationery Comp.–1937.

15. Tri-State Transit Co., W. H. Johnson, Pres., Shreveport, La. 1939-1945: Bus Line
Operated between Bogalusa, La. and Jackson, La.; Member of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce;
Airline Service from Jackson, Ms.; Railroad service.

16. Tucker’s Funeral Home (colored, 802 Columbia Street, Bogalusa, La. Contribution–
1944-1945 to Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce.

17. C. E. Tullos Service Station–1935-1940, Third Street, Bogalusa, La. Member of
the “Forward Bogalusa” Good-Will Committee of the Chamber of Commerce–1935-36.

18. L. H. Tullos-1936-1941, Columbia Street, Bogalusa, La.: Member of the Bogalusa
Chamber of Commerce.

19. Union Bag & Paper Corporation, P. F. McMahon, President Manager, Fourth Street

Member of the “Forward Bogalusa” Program Committee–1935; Member of 1936-37 Program
of Work Committee; McMahon family moved to Georgia because of a job placement as manager
of the Union Bag Co.

20. United Gas Corporation–l946-1959, 445 Columbia St., Bogalusa, La. George Gates,
Jr., United Gas Log–May 1946. Industrial committee, Bogalusa Community Chest Employment
Changes–1948. United Gas Ad. in Time Magazine–March 1949; United Gas Ad–1950, 1953;
Veteran and Military Affairs Committee–1951; Transportation and Communication Committee–
1952; National Affairs Committee Board of Directors Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce “Highlights”
June 1958; Vice chairman of the Veterans and Military Affairs Committee; Airline Memo;
United Gas Corporation Ads.

21. United Gas Pipeline Company–1936-1945, G. O. Myers Section Foreman, Bogalusa,

Louisiana; Mr. L. P. Mullin; Ordinance for the Gas Piping Code; L. P. Mullin Board
of Directors, Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce; Boy Scout Commissioner; Superintendent
of United Gas Pipe Line Company; Newspaper clippings concerning the United Gas Pipeline

22. United Gas Public Service Company, S. L. Robertson, Manager, Columbia St. Bogalusa,
La. 1935-1945 Ordinance–Gas Piping Code; La. Public Service Commission–Order No.2090;
Louisiana Public Service Conunission VS. Interstate Natural Gas Co., Inc.; Receipts
of membership dues to the Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce; Newspaper Clippings concerning
United Gas Public Service Co; Industrial Committee, 1940–Sam Ricks–Arrangements
Committee; Fire Prevention Committee; Secretary Manager of United Gas Pipeline Comp.;
Tom Browne–Industrial Committee.

23. D. R. Ulmer, Group Manager, Southern Bell Tel. & Tell. Co., 113 Memphis St., Bogalusa,
La.–1929-1945. Member of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, Highway Marking Committee.

24. Val’s One Stop Service Station, Montgomery Street, Bogalusa, La.–1942. Member

of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce.

25. Varnado Bus Line–1937-1939. Bogalusa Paper Co., Bogalusa, La. Business and

Personal Record-1935.


BOX 5 Continued


26. M. I. Varnado, Attorney at Law, Washington Bank & Trust Co. Bldg.–1935-1939.

Member of Bogalusa Chamber of Conunerce; Special Conunittee of Home Financing Business
and Personal Record.

27. John W. Vaughn–1938-1945, 124 Huron Avenue, Bogalusa, La. Member of Bogalusa

Chamber of Conunerce; Aeronautics Committee.

28. R. B. Vaughn, Great Southern Lumber Co., Bogalusa, La.–1936-37. Member of Bogalusa
Chamber of Commerce.

29. Verger Service Station, South Columbia Street, Bogalusa, La. 1947-1949. Merchants
Division of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce.

30. Dan M. Wadsworth, Chemist, 420 Roomie Road–1936-1947. Business and Personal


31. Dr. R. R. Ward, Physician, City Drug Store Bldg., Bogalusa, La.–1936-1951. “Forward
Bogalusa” Good Will Conunittee, War Chest Conunitte; Health and Sanitation Committee.

32. Warner’s Drug Store, Berkley Warner, Prop., 402 Columbia St., Bogalusa, La.–

1935-1949. Business and Personal Membership Certificate.

33. Dr. W. W. Warner, Physician, Warner’s Drug Store Bldg., 402 Columbia St. Died
Jan. 23, 1938. Member of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce.

34. Warnick’s Variety Store–1937-1945, Mrs. Chas. Warnick, Prop., Columbia St., Bogalusa,
La. Member of the Bogalusa Chamber of Conunerce; Member of the Merchants Division;
Receipts of Dues.

35. Wascom’s Grocery, Eighth Street, Bogalusa, La.–1947. Mr. Arnett Wascom, Owner.

Member of Bogalusa Chamber of Conunerce, Merchant Division.

36. Louis Wascom, Bogalusa Paper Co., Bogalusa, La.–1936-37. Member of Bogalusa

Chamber of Conunerce, Member of Athletics Committee.

37. Washington Bank & Trust Company, J. B. Lindsley, Pres., 300 Austin Street, Bogalusa,
La.–1936-1952. Chairman of “F & G” Bonds–War Finance Committee, Chamber of Commerce
Business and Personal Record. Bank Reports Listings, Officers, Resources, and Liabilities,
news clippings, Bank Almanac–Feb. 6, 1953.

38. Washington Parish Grocery & Grain, Columbia Street, Bogalusa, La.–1943-1945.

Member of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce.

39. Washington Parish Grocery & Grain, S. F. Simmons, Prop. Columbia Street, Bogalusa,
La.–1935-1945. Program of Work Committee, News Ads, Member of Bogalusa Chamber of

40. F. W. Watts, Manager, Bogalusa Grain & Gro. Co., Bogalusa, La.–1939. Member of
Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce.

41. L. L. Webb, Manager–1935-1946, Membership Committee of Bogalusa Chamber of

Commerce, Civic Affairs Committee.

42. H. L. Weems, 1936, Bogalusa, La. Member of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce.

43. J. L. Wiess, Bogalusa, La. 1936-37. Member of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Young
Men’s Division, Statistics Committee.

44. Dennis Welch, Gaylord Container Corporation, 1937 member of Bogalusa Chamber of



BOX 5 Continued


45. Ralph P. Welsh, G. F. Poole Mortuary, Inc., 314 Jackson St., Bogalusa, La.–1936-1943.
Member of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Young Men’s Division-Secretary, News clippings
concerning family member of Board of Director.

46. Geo. L. Werckley, Pharmacist, Bogalusa Stores Company, Bogalusa, La.–1939-1943.

Member of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Young Men’s Division. W. U. Special Committee.

47. Western Auto Associates Store, Columbia St., Bogalusa, La.–1939-1943. C. Rodney
Mills Ticket Committee Annual Banquet, Member of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, Chairman
of Merchants Division, Board of Directors–Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, Post Office
Sub Station Committee of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1944-1959 W. S. Howell-Owner
of Western Auto, Program of Work Committee, Highway Committee, Pearl River Navigation.

48. Western Union Telegraph Company, Mrs. A. M. Ruger, Mgr., Fourth Street, Bogalusa,
Louisiana. Business and Personal Record for Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, Ernest Dowell,
Manager–1939, A. T. Dedeaux, Manager-!940-42, Mrs. Nema Magee, Manager-1950.

49. G. H. Wheler, Bogalusa Paper Company, Bogalusa, La.

50. D. H. White, Superintendent of Power, Bogalusa Paper Company, Bogalusa, La.–
1935-37. Purchasing agent of the White Wood Products~ Business and Personal Record.

51. White Eagle Bus Line, 210 Albama Ave., –1945-1950. Anthony Seals & 0. B. Keith–
Transportation Committee; La. Public Service Com.; Notice of Hearings, News clippings
concerning White Eagle Buses.

52. H. B. White, Pres., White Wood Products Co., Bogalusa, La.–1935-37. Industrial
Survey Committee, Business and Personal Record, Clippings concerning White family.

53. H. C. White, Secty.-Tres., White Wood Products Co., Bogalusa, La.–1935-37. Member
of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Finance Committee, News clippings concerning White
family, President of Bogalusa High School Atlethic Association, Major Highway Paving
Program Committee.

54. White Wood Product Company, Caroline Avenue, Bogalusa, La., 1938-1948. Receipts

of dues, News Ads., News clippings concerning White Wood Products. H. B. White, Pres.
Memos; D. D. White–memos–grandson of H. B. White, Chairman of Membership Committee
for the Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture Committee, Aeronautics Committee.

55. Motor Division, White Wood Product Company, Bogalusa, La.–1941. Proceedings

of Auto Dealers Special Finance Committee held at Chamber of Commerce.

56. White Motor Company, 428 Austin St., Bogalusa, La. B. B. White–1947-1948.

57. White Way Groceries, C. A. Varnado, Prop., Covington, La. Newsclippings concerning

White Way Groceries.

58. S. R. Williamson, Bogalusa Paper Co., Bogalusa, La. 1935-38. Member of Industrial
Survey Committee for Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce.

59. Willie’s Super Service, Columbia St., Bogalusa, La.–1947. Merchants Division

Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce.

60. H. E. Willis, City Engineer, City of Bogalusa, Bogalusa, La. Member of Industrial
Survey Committee for Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, Highway Marking Committee, News
clippings concerning the family of H. E. Willis, Transportation Committee, 1935-1944.




1. Patten Brothers Music Store

2. Mr. N. D. Ott, Manager, Bogalusa Stores Co.

3. One Stop

4. Nunnally Ford, Inc.

5. Nehi & R. C. Cola Company

6. J. M. Murray, Gaylord Container Corporation

7. Moody’s Drug Store

8. T. J. McDaniel, Sr., Gaylord Container Corporation

9. I. A. Magnitzky, Gaylord Container Corporation

10. Louisiana Power & Light Company

11. A. D. Levert, Gaylord Container Corporation

12. Kayman’s (Dry Goods), Sidney Kayman, Prop.

13. E. A. Holcombe, Sr., Gaylord Container Corporation

14. Holland Motors, Inc.

15. J. S. Harrison Wood Products

16. Haik Furniture Store

17. Gulf Mobile & Ohio Railroad Company

18 Frank A. Graves

19. First State Bank & Trust Co.

20. The Family Bakery

21. The City of Bogalusa

22. Bogalusa Motors, Inc.

23. W. J. Willoughby, Ass’t-Treas., Great Southern Lumber Co.

24. F. W. Woolworth Company, F. Hansen, Mgr.

25. Hugh M. Wright, Great Southern Lumber Co.

26. Wright Furniture Company

27. M. L. Wuescher, Comptroller, Great Southern Lumber Company

28. M. L. Wuescher, Jr., Bogalusa Paper Company

29. A. R. Yates, Secretary-Manager, Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce

30. A. R. Yates, Sec.-Mgr., Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, First State Bank Building

31. A. R. Yates, Sec.-Mgr., Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, First State Bank Building

32. A. R. Yates (Same as above)

33. C. Z. Young




1. R. E. Paxton, Gaylord Container Corporation, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

2. M. A. Pope, South Columbia Street, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

3. H. E. Rester, Information for Western Trip, 1958.

4. ” S “–Correspondence to and from Chamber of Commerce

5. Seal-Russell Furniture Co., Inc., 306 Columbia St., Bogalusa, Louisiana.

6. N. H. Seirsdale, Gaylord Container Corporation, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

7. Standard Insurance Agency, Mrs. Sarah C. Welsh, Manager, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

8. A. Suter~ Gaylord Container Corporation, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

9. Sutherland-Welch Hardware, 423 Columbia St., Bogalusa, Louisiana.

10. Trascher Service Station, H. B. Casanova, Owner, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

11. “W”–Correspondence to and from Chamber of Commerce

12. Ray Wallis, 803 Roomie Road, Bogalusa, La.

13. Warnick’s Variety Store, 419 Columbia St., Bogalusa, Louisiana.

14. Washington Parish Grocery & Grain Co., 409 Columbia St., Bogalusa, Louisiana.

15. Washington Bank & Trust Company~ Austin St., Bogalusa, Louisiana.

16. White Real Estate Agency, Georgia Avenue, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

17. White Wood Products Company, H. B. White, Pres., Bogalusa, Louisiana.

18. WHXY, Pine Tree Inn, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

19. Wright Furniture Company, Inc., 540 Columbia Street, Al Weight.

20. C. H. Allen, Manager, Land & Tax Department, Crown Zellerbach Corp, Bogalusa,

21. Alvin’s Gulf Service, 706 Avenue F, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

22. American Brewing Company

23. Ames Dry Goods Store~ 519 Columbia St., Bogalusa~ Louisiana.

24. Arlt’s Flower Shop, Franklinton Highway, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

25. Anderson’s Garage, 1201 S. Columbia Street, George R. Anderson

26. Art Studio & Gift Shop, L. A. Mornhinveg, Prop., Austin St., Bogalusa, La.

27. Atlas Stores, Inc., 520 Columbia Street, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

28. Fred Augustine, Gaylord Container Corporation, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

29. Chamber of Commerce Materials, Bogalusa, Louisiana

30. ” B “–Correspondence to and from Chamber of Commerce

31. B & C Super Market, 821 Columbia Street, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

32. B. H. S. Real Estate, c/6 M. A. Berenson, Bogalusa, Louisiana

33. Bank’s General Agricultural Supplies, South Columbia St., Bogalusa, La.

34. Blue Ribbon Food Service, Inc., Bobby Joe Graham, Manager.

35. Bogalusa Broadcasting Co., P. 0. Box 811, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

36. Bogalusa Daily News, 318-320 East 5th Street, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

37. Bogalusa City Lines, Inc., Bogalusa, Louisiana.

38. Bogalusa Fruit Exchange, F. T. Runfalo, Prop., Columbia Street.. Bogalusa, La.

39. Dwight A. Boyd.. 1004 Jefferson, Bogalusa~ Louisiana.

40. Chief W. E. Boyd.. Bogalusa Police Department.

41. Jonnie E. Branch~ Jr., 558 S. Columbia St., Bogalusa.. Louisiana.

42. W. C. Bullock, 527 Atlanta Street~ Bogalusa, Louisiana.

43. E. LaVone Burruss, 526 Kentucky Ave., Bogalusa.. Louisiana.

44. Mr. H. E. Cassidy1 Bogalusa Oil Company~ Bogalusa.. Louisiana.


BOX 7 Continued


45. Champagne Esso Service, 401 Columbia St., Wilson J. Champagne.

46. James C. Cooper, 922 Avenue L, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

47. Dr. Clifford Crain, 214 Alabama Avenue, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

48. Rev. Robert B. Crichlow, E. S. M. Methodist Church.

49. F. C. Ratliff, GayloI:’d Container Corp., Bogalusa, Louisiana.

50. Farmer’s Auto Service Station, 501 Columbia St., Bogalusa, Louisiana.

51. C. E. Garner~ GaylordContainer Corporation, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

52. W. G. Mothershead, 421 First Avenue, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

53. M. Marx Sons, 424 Columbia, Bogalusa, Louisiana.




1. Harold O. Marquart, Gaylord Container Corp.

2. Magazine Lumber Company (M. S. Baer, Jr., General Manager)

3. M. B. Monroe

4. Dr. J. A. Lincoln

5. Kennedy Brothers

6. Kivett & Reel

7. John J. Goss, Gaylord Container Corp.

8. Holden’s Service Station

9. Colonial Creosoting Company

10. Columbia Road Land Company

11. Bogalusa Scrap Material Company

12. Vent-Lite of Louisiana, Inc.

13. Goldman & Son

14. Letters to persons with last names beginning with “D”

15. Letters to persons wi th last names beginning wi th “F”

16. Letters to persons with last names beginning with “H”

17. Letters to persons wi th last names beginning wi th “M”

18. Letters to persons with last names beginning with “L”

19. Richard A. Engerran, Gaylord Container Div., Crown Zellerbach Corp.

20. Gaylord Container Corp.

21. Gaylord Container, Mill Division

22. Gaylord Container, Container Division

23. Red Bird Ice Cream Company

24. Red Bird Ice Cream Company

25. Red Bird Ice Cream Company

26. Letters to persons with last names beginning with “S”

27. Vertrees Young, executive vice-president, Gaylord Container Corp.

28. Vertrees Young, executive vice-president, Gaylord Container Corp.

29. Vertrees Young, executive vice-president, Gaylord Container Corp.



Newspaper clippings on Bogalusa, Louisiana–Varied subjects for 1936, 1937 & 1938.


BOX 10

File Walter Gage–Pearl River 1938-1954.

Black 3-ring binder Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, January 1964-December 1964.

Black 3-ring binder Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, January 1966-December 1966.

Brown binder Boy Scouts, 1939.

Brown binder Boy Scouts, 1940.

Brown binder LPSC Docket 6515, Transcript of Hearing in Bogalusa, La., April 27,1954.

Loose in boxes LPSC Docket 6515, Transcript of Hearing in Bogalusa, La., April 27,
1954 (Copy).

LPSC Docket 6515, Transcript of Hearing in Bogalusa, La., March 25 &

26, 1954.


BOX 11

Board of Directors of the Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce. (Duplicate Minutes), 1935-36
through 1947.


BOX 13


1. Annual Reports of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce: (2) 1939-40, (2) 1942-43,

(3) 1945-46, (1) 1952, (3) 1955, (2) 1944-45, (1) 1953, (1) 1949, (3) 1951,

(4) Membership Rosters, August 1, 1935.

2. Annual Reports: (1) 1954, (1) 1947-48, (1) 1965 Activities Report, (1) 1938-39,

(2) 1935-36, (13) 1937-38.

3. Annual Reports: Summary of Activities (3) 1936-37, (2) 1940-41, (2) 1938-39,

(13) 1944-45.

4. (1) Daily News, Bogalusa, Louisiana, Thursday, July 18, 1963.

Brown Binders

1. Municipal Airport 1935-1936-1937-1938-1939.

2. Municipal Airport 1940-1941.


5 Miscellaneous (Newsclippings etc.) 1959.

6. Chief Gill, 1973.

7. Housing Bogalusa.

8. Mill Town Players.

9. Housing-Dwelling Units, 1954.

10. 1960 Census–Housing.

11. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, Merchants Division News.

12. (16) copies Charter of the City of Bogalusa.


BOX 14


1. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, January 24, 1939, WLW, Salute to Bogalusa.

2. Radio Broadcasting, 1939, 40, and 41.

3. W.N.O.E.–Bogalusa Marches On” May 31, 1940.

4. Material on Bogalusa (1935-61)

5. 1947 Census of Manufactures

6. Market Data Book, 1951

7. “Buy-at-Home CAMPAIGNS” 1953

8. Bogalusa City Officials, n. d.

9. Business–1945 Plan Book

10. Business Survey, 1945-46

11. Business Census, 1935-1939

12. 1958 Census of Business

13. Louisiana Regional Market Area, 1954-55

14. Industry, 1945 Plan Book (3 Copies)

15. Industry–Louisiana (1941 and 1945 booklets)

16. Industrial Surveys, General (1946)

17. Industrial Bogalusa (Aerial Photographs-1948)

18. Business Activity (1936)

19. Basic Industrial Location Factors (1947-49)

20. Central Labor Union, 1958-64

21. LABOR (1944, 1956-58)

22. Location Map of Bogalusa (1944, 1956)

23. Bogalusa Family Survey of Jobs and Markets (1945-48)

24. Area Location-Bogalusa (1937)

25. Central Trades & Labor Council, 1964

26. Bogalusa Business Indicators, 1962

27. Assassins (1968)

28. Community Party Candidates (1968)

29. Memoranda-Press News, February 21-March 8, 1954

30. “KNOW BOGALUSA” 1940 Population (1930-40)

31. “KNOW BOGALUSA” Retail Volume (1929-46)

32. “KNOW BOGALUSA” Manufacturing (1919-1946)

33. Bogalusa Brochure, 1957

34. Bogalusa Brochure, July 1954

35. Bogalusa Pamphlets, July, 1955

36. Bogalusa Pamphlets, 1956

37. Bogalusa Pamphlets, 1957

38. Bogalusa Pamphlets, 1962

39. Bogalusa Pamphlets, 1964

40. Bogalusa Pamphlets, July, 1953

41. Bogalusa Pamphlets, May, 1951

42. Bogalusa Pamphlets, 1940

43. NASA

45. Bogalusa Missile Project Day, July 16, 1963 (Literature)


BOX 14 Continued


46. Bogalusa Missile Project Day, July 16, 1963 (Newspaper Clippings)

47. General Facts About Bogalusa, November 1964

48. Association of Louisiana Acadians (1936, 63) w/photo

49. City Maps (1959-?)

50. Maps, Bogalusa and Washington Parish, Yoakum, Texas and Lavaca, Dewitt Counties,

also letters, notes, etc. 1956-68

51. Maps and Information (1939-54)

52. World Calendar (1943 & 44)

53. Col. D. T. Cushing, V.P. & G. M., Great Southern Lumber Company, Bogalusa, La.
(1929- )


BOX 15

Tan Bound Book:

Engineering Report covering Preliminary Studies & Cost Estimates of Proposed Street
& Drainage Imrpovements for the City of Bogalusa, Louisiana (Maps included), April

Blue Bound Book:

Investigative Report on creation of a Planned Industrial Park for the City of Bogalusa,
Louisiana (Maps included), July 1968.

Beige Bound Book:

Investigative Report on Improvement to George R. Carr Memorial Airport for the City
of Bogalusa (Maps included), April 1967.

Grey Bound Books (2):

City of Bogalusa, Financial Statements and Supplementary Date, December 31, 1973.

Grey Bound Book:

City of Bogalusa, Federal Revenue Sharing Fund, December 31, 1973.


1. Old Records, Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce.

2. Re-organization of Chamber of Commerce (1934-35)

3. H. Rap Brown (1968), news clippings.

4. Politics, 1963.

5. Ralph deToledano (1965).

6. George Dixon (1965).

7. Kenneth L. Dixon (1965).

8. Politics, 1966.

9. Politics, 1964.

10. Politics, 1963.

11. Walter Lippmann (1965).

12. Assistant Chief Billy Gill.

13. Attorney General (1975).

14. John Alsop (1965).

15. Gallup Poll.

16. Bogalusa City Schools, September, 1961.

17. Robert S. Allen, Paul Scott.

18. Holmes, Alexander.

19. Richard Wilson.

20. Alice Widener.

21. Tom Wicker (N.Y. Times).

22. Lyle Wilson.

23. Frank Van der Linden.

24. Thurman Sensing.

25. Austin Scott.

26. Edity Kermit Roosevelt.

27. Victor Riesel.


BOX 15 Continued


28. Clayton Rand.

29. Sylvia Porter.

30. Drew Pearson.

31. Edgar Ansel Mowrer.

32. Samuel Lubell.

33. Robert Morris.

34. Cartoons.

35. Educational Facilities, 1957.

36. Bogalusa City Schools, November 1963.

37. 1930 Information

38. Information.

39. Introductions, etc.

40. July 21.

41. July 22.

42. July 23.

43. July 27.

44. July 28.

45. July 29.

46. July 30.

47. July 31.

48. Churches.

49. Industries.


BOX 16


1. Tom Anderson

2. Jim Bishop

3. Bruce Biossat

4. Constantine Brown

5. Willima F. Buckley

6. Art Buckwald

7. North Callahan in New York

8. Louis Cassels

9. Raymond J. Cramley

16 Grey Booklets:

1914-1939 Bogalusa Silver Jubilee Celebration.

1 Gold Booklet:

1914-1964 Bogalusa Golden Jubilee–Program.


10. Henry J. Taylor

11. J. F. ter Horst

12. Bascom M. Timmons

13. John Chamberlain

14. Last Stand KKK April 11-12, 1965

15. Community Chest, 1948.

16. 1969 Campaign–Commerce Division (Prospects) Workers List.

17. Duplicate copies of 1959 Finance Reports.

18. Duplicate copies of 1960 Finance Reports.

19. Air Line Newspaper Clippings, 1957.

20. Air Line Newspaper Clipping, 1958

21. Air Line Newspaper Clipping, 1958.

22. Aeronautics (1960)

23. Aeronautics (1960)

24. Aviation (1960)

25. Aviation (1960) (Airline) Southern Airways Discontinues.

26. Aviation Committee Meeting, Tuesday, March 29, 1960.

27. Airline Newspaper Clippings, 1960.

28. Airline Newspaper Clippings, 1960.

29. World Calendar.

30. Misc. Aeronautics

31. Aeronautics.

Gold Book:

Civil Aeronautics Board–Docket No. 8438–Exhibit No.30

Brown Binders:

South Central Area Local Service Case, Docket No. 7939 at al (1956-1957), Bogalusa,
Louisiana Application For scheduled Airline Service.


BOX 17


1. Outline for Brief for Veterans Hospital, 1944

2. G. I. Hospital Applications

3. Veteran Hospital Brief, 1944

4. Health Activities–Hospitals, Etc. 1941-42, Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce

5. Health & Welfare Committee, 1965

6. Health Education, Dr. Ben Freedman

7. Bogalusa Community Medical Center Improvements

8. Medical Care for the Aged (Soc. Sec.), 1962

9. 1955 Health and Sanitation

10. 1952 Health & Sanitation Committee

11. Item Animated Weekly, 1914

12. Rat Campaign, 1944

13. Washington Parish Health Unit, 1936-37-38-39

14. Responses Received on Health Survey, November 1938

15. Health & Sanitation Committee, 1952

16. Health & Sanitation Committee, 1961

17. 1957 Health & Sanitation

18. 1957 Health & Sanitation

19. 1958 Health & Sanitation.

20. Insect Spraying Program, Business Districts, June 1958-October 1958

21. Health & Sanitation Committee, 1959

22. Rat Extermination Campaign, 1953

23. 1948 Rat Control Program

24. Guidance Village, Inc.

25. 1947 Health & Sanitation Committee

26. Health & Sanitation Committee, 1948

27. Health & Sanitation, 1945-46

28. Pasteurized Milk Proposition, 1941-1942

29. Insurance

30. Congressman Gillis Long

31. Congressman F. Edward Hebert

32. Hon. Allen B. Ellender, Senator

33. Hon. Frank Ellis, Senator

34. Hon. Russell B. Long, U. S. Senator

35. Hon. Robert F. Kennon

36. Congressman Overton Brooks

37. Hon. Jimmie H. Davis, Governor of Louisiana

38. Jimmy Morrison

39. Judge’s Salary, etc.

40. Licenses

41. Fire Apparatus

42. Great Southern Lumber Company

43. Films

44. T. Fitzwilliams Company


BOX 17 Continued


45. Contract for Jail

46. Leases

47. Automobile Licenses

48. Mayor

49. The Greenduck Company

50. 1963–Washington Parish Health Unit–Annual Report

51. License tags & Plates

52. Governor Richard W. Leche

53. Hon. Allen J. Ellender

54. Theo. G. Bilbo

55. Governor Jimmie H. Davis, Baton Rouge

56. Hon. Frank B. Ellis, Senator

57. Congressman Hale Boggs


BOX 18


1. The Kingdom of Kingfish, 1939.

2. Bogalusa Traffic Safety Campaign, 1941-1942..

3. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce–Constitution & By-Laws.

4. Southern Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives, 1966.

5. 1966 Organization List (Social & Civic).

6. Bogalusa, Louisiana (facts about)

7. Halladay Products.

8. Congressional Correspondence, Airline Case, 1939 ET AL-1957.

9. General-Oral Argument to C.A.B., May 21, 1958.

10. 1969 Minutes, Bogalusa Community Chest, Bogalusa, Louisiana.

11. 1949 Minutes, Bogalusa Community ChestJ Boga1usaJ Louisiana.

12. Executive Committee, Community Chest Committee, 1947.

13. Boy Scouts (1935-1939).

14. Istrouma Area Council/Boy Scouts of America (1940-45).

15. Boy Scouts (1940-45).

16. Boy Scouts (1940-45).

17. Boy Scouts (1963).

18. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce/Constitution & By-Laws.

19. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce (1959-67).

20. Chamber of Commerce (Bogalusa 1935-1948).

21. Health Information (1940, 1956J and 1963).


BOX 20


1. 1942 Circular Letters.

2. 1943 Circular Letters.

3. 1944 Circular Letters.

4. 1945 Circular Letters.

5. 1946 Circular Letters.

6. 1947 Circular Letters.

7. 1948 Circular Letters.

8. 1949 Circular Letters.

9. 1950 Circular Letters.

10. 1951 Circular Letters.

11. 1952 Circular Letters.

12. 1953 Circular Letters.

13. 1954 Circular Letters.

14. (misc) Chamber of Commerce Etc.. 1928.

15. 1928-1932 (Bogalusa Airport).

16. Trade days 1928 & 1925 Trade days.

17. 1920 (Old Chamber of Commerce Records).

18. 1921 (Old Chamber of Commerce Records).

19. 1922 Chamber of Commerce.

20. 1923 Chamber of Commerce.

21. 1924 Chamber of Commerce.

22. 1925 Chamber of Commerce.

23. 1926 Chamber of Commerce.

24. 1927 Chamber of Commerce.

25. Chamber of Commerce (Pamphlets).


BOX 21


1. 1935 Circular Letters

2. 1936 Circular Letters

3. 1936 Circular Letters

4. 1938 Circular Letters

5. 1939 Circular Letters

6. 1940 Circular Letters

7. 1941 Circular Letters

8. 1955 Circular Letters

9. 1956 Circular Letters

10. 1958 Circular Letters

11. 1959 Circular Letters

12. 1967, Catalog of Publications, United Community Funds & Councils of America.

13. American Airlines

14. Capital Airlines

15. Delta Airlines.

16. Eastern Airlines.

17. National Airlines.

18. J. C. Crawford, Trans Texas.

19. Fair Share Giving Schedule, 1966.

20. Tables of Giving (Objective Committee).

21. Tables of Giving (Objective Committee), 1947/8-1970.

22. A.F. of L. Endorsements Letter, UNITED CAMPAIGN.

23. Division Quotas.

24. 1965 Quotas.

25. Quotas 1966 Campaign.

26. 1962, Division Quotas.

27. 1961, Division Quotas.

28. Crown Zellerbach Corporation Subscriptions.


BOX 22


1. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce–1958.

2. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce–1958.

3. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce–1959-Jan. I-May 30.

4. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce–1959-June 1-Oct. 31.

5. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce–1959-Nov. I-Dec.

6. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce–1959 GRG.

7. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce–1960.

8. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce–1960.

9. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce–1961.

10. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce–1961.

11. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce–1961.

12. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce–1961.

13. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce–1960, 61, 62-GRG.

14. Association of Louisiana Chambers of Commerce–1963.

15. A.L.C.C. Meeting with Legislators, March 1960.

16. A.L.C.C. Legislative Bulletins, 1960.

17. A.L.C.C. Board of Directors Meeting, May 8, 1959.

18. A.L.C.C. Membership, Officers, Directors, Exec. Committee, 1960.

19. A.L.C.C. Executive Committee Meeting, June 20, 1960.

20. A.L.C.C. Board Meeting, May 8, 1961/Annual Meeting, May 9, 1961.

21. A.L.C.C. Meeting, Baton Rouge, February 6, 1962.

22. A.L.C.C. Annual. Meeting, Tuesday, May 15, 1962.

23. A.L.C.C. Meeting, New Orleans, February 28, 1963.

24. La. State C. of C Board of Directors Meeting, Feb. 19, 1964.

25. La. State C. of C. Board of Directors Meeting, Sept. 23, 1964.

26. La. State C. of C. Board of Directors Meeting, March 4, 1965.

27. La. State C. of C. Board of Directors Meeting, Nov. 3, 1965.

28. La. State C. of C. Board of Directors Meeting, March 16, 1966.

29. A.L.C.C. Chapter and By-Laws.

30. A.L.C.C. Finances–Budget–Audits.

31. Little Hoover Commission Recommendations, 1962.

32. Louisiana Reorganizational Study Commission, 1961.

33. A.L.C.C. District Meeting, Hammond, March 3, 1961.

34. Louisiana State Chamber of Commerce Meeting, Sept. 24, 1963.

35. Louisiana State Chamber of Commerce Meeting, June 2, 1964.

36. Annual Meeting Louisiana Chamber of Commerce, May 12, 1965, Baton Rouge, La.

37. Louisiana State Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting, May 24, 1966.

38. Louisiana State Chamber of Commerce, 1966.

39. Louisiana State Chamber of Commerce, 1965.

40. Pre-legislative conference, April 7, 1966.

41. Business Climate Meeting, Alexandria, November 20, 1957.


BOX 23


1. Supreme Court of Louisiana, No. 41,897–Gulf, Mobile, & Ohio Railroad Company,
(Appellee) VS. Lou1siana Public Service Commission, ETAL (Appellant)

2. Armed Forces Day–Meeting, May 13, 1957

3. Veterans and Military Affairs Committee

4. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce–1935, 36,37,38,39,40 & 43.

5. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce–1950, 51,52,53, 57,58,60 & 61

6. Sales Tax for Schools-1960

7. Louisiana State Chamber of Commerce, 1959

8. Vertress Young’s Picture, August. 15, 1962

9. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, 1960

10. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, November 1962

11. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, December 1962

12. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, August 1963

13. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, June 1963

14. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, July 1963

15. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, May 1963

16. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, April 1963

17. ALCC, Jan., 1960-May, 1960

18. Meeting–Louisiana State Chamber of Commerce, Maych 28, 1963

19. Louisiana Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting, May 28, 1963

20. Louisiana Chamber of Commerce, 1963

21. Louisiana State Chamber of Commerce, 1963

22. Meeting with Legislators, Bogalusa, May 8, 1963


BOX 24


1. Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, January 1962

2. Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, February 1962

3. Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, March 1962

4. Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, April 1962

5. Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, May 1962

6. Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, June 1962

7. Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, July 1962

8. Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, August 1962

9. Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, September 1962

10. Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, October 1962

11. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, January 1963

12. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, February 1963

13. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, March 1963

14. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, September 1963

15. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, October 1963

16. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, November 1963

17. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, December 1963

18. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, 1964

19. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, 1965

20. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, 1966

21. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Newsletter, 1967

22. Memoranda, 1955


BOX 25


1. Senator John H. Overton

2. Paper Making Process, 1950

3. City Map Committee, 1942

4. Mississippi Valley Association, 1936-1948

5. L. H. Mulina, Sheriff of Washington Parish, Franklinton, Louisiana

6. L. 0. Murrell, County Agent

7. National C9nsumer Credit Reporting Corp.

8. James L. McLemore

9. National Emergency Council

10. National Farm Chemurgie Council

11. National Youth Administration

12. New Orleans Item Engraving Company

13. Louisiana Manufacturer’s Association

14. Louisiana Police Association

15. Louisiana Municipal Review

16. State Fair, Shreveport

17. Louisiana Wildlife Federation’s Convention

18. Lions Club

19. Lists (1941-52)

20. Central Labor Union

21. Congressman George S. Long

22. Manufacturer’s Records

23. Louisiana Conference and Social Welfare, Lafayette, Louisiana

24. Junion College


26. Kee Lox Manufacturing Co., 301 Carondelet Building, New Orleans

27. Jaycees and Jaycee Clippings

28. Hon. Delos Johnson, Attorney-at-Law, Franklinton, Louisiana

29. Miscellaneous

30. League of Women Voters

31. Navy Recruiting


33. Junior Chamber of Commerce

34. Garden Club

35. Greater Louisiana Citizens Committee

36. Walter Green, Franklinton, Louisiana

37. Dr. J. K. Griffith, Representative

38. T. H. Harris, Superintendent of Education, Baton Rouge

39. Senator Pat Harrison

40. Hon. Fred J. Heintz, Representative, Covington, Louisiana

41. EDIPHONE (Voice Writing)

42. Endorsements

43. Fair Practices Board, 1945

44. The FREEMAN–(FEE Publication)


BOX 25 Continued


45. Fingerprinting

46. Wm. M. Colmer, Representative

47. Louisiana Congressman

48. Crescent City Engraving Company, 424 Camp Street

49. Department of Commerce

50. Civil Service (1942)

51. The Foundation for Economic Education, Inc., Irvington-On-Hudson, New York

52. Dameron-Pierson Company, 400 Camp Street, New Orleans

53. Business and Professional Women’s Club

54. Dale Carnegie Courses


56. Civic League

57. Bogalusa City Schools

58. Bogalusa High School Athletic Association

59. Bogalusa Stamp Club

60. D. L. Bornman, County Agent, Franklinton, Louisiana

61. British Ambulance Corp., Inc., (Thumbs up Cavalcade)

62. James T. Burns

63. Business Colleges

64. Altrusa Club

65. American Metal Products Corp., 3672 Park Ave., St. Louis, MO


67. American Road Builders Association

68. M. L. Bath Company, Limited, Shreveport, Louisiana

69. Hon. B. E. Bickham, Representative, Franklinton, Louisiana.


BOX 26


1. Chamber of Commerce) 1930) Bogalusa) Louisiana

2. Whiteway Jubilee) April 3rd) 1930) Columbia Street

3. Chamber of Commerce) 1931

4. Post Card Views) 1931

5. Chamber of Commerce) 1932

6. Trip to Moultrie) Georgia) 1932

7. TAXATION) 1932

8. Canning Factory) 1932

9. Farming) 1932

10. Tick Eradication) 1928-32

11. Mr. P. 0. LeBlanc

12. Publicity) 1935

13. 1928 Information

14. Louisiana Chamber of Commerce) 1926-1932

15. Conventions) 1929-1930

16. Advertizing

17. 1929 Information

18. Post Office

19. Secretarial Associations–Schools

20. Consumer Price Index

21. Cost of living DATA

22. 1934-1935 Before Reorganization


BOX 27


1. History of Bartow County

2. First Settlers of Upper Geogia

3. Historic Georgia Families Compiled by L. L. Rigsby (Misc. xerox pages)

4. Georgia Land Grants, Wilkes County, 1783-1800, Smith

5. Greene County, Georgia

6. Lincoln County, Georgia

7. History of Jones County, Goergia, 1807-1907, Miscellaneous

8. Complete Census of Jones County Georgia, 1820

9. Jackson in the 1820 Georgia Census

10. History of Stewart County, Georgia (Selected pages) 1958

11. 1850 Census of Sumter County, South Carolina

12. Abbeville County, South Carolina, Cemetery Records

13. Cherokee County, South Carolina, Cemetery Records

14. Greenville County, South Carolina, Cemetery Records

15. Laurens County, South Carolina, Church Records

16. Newberry County, South Carolina, Cemetery Records (1844-1870)

17. Union County, South Carolina, Cemetery Records

18. Spartanburg County, South Carolina, Marriage and Obituaries

19. Edgefield County, South Carolina, Marriages

20. Spartanburg County, South Carolina, Deed Books “A” 1784

21. History of Elbert County, Georgia, 1790-1935 (Miscellaneous pages)

22. 1800 Census, Edgefirld County, South Carolina

23. 1820 Census of Kershaw District, South Carolina

24. (1 brown binder) Cemetery Records of Upper South Carolina, Union, Spartanburg,

Cherokee and Greenville Counties (A. R. Yates–1949)

25. Abbeville District, South Carolina, Early Land Records

26. Chester County, South Carolina, Deed Book “C”-1768-1793

27. 1800 Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina

28. 1800 Census, Laurens County, South Carolina

29. 1820 Census of Fairfield District, South Carolina

30. 1820 Census of Lancaster District, South Carolina

31. Union county South Carolina, Cemetery Records

32. Union County South Carolina, Estate Settlements

33. 1820 Census of Col1eton District, South Carolina (St. Bartholomews Parish, St.
Paul Parish and St. George Parish)

34. Spartanburg County, South Carolina, Will Books I, II, 1804-1829.

35. Edgefield County, South Carolina, Wills 1775 (Book A)

36. Spartanburg County, South Carolina, Cemetery Records

37. Mississippi Revolutionary Soldiers, Family Records

38. Laurens County, South Carolina, Cemetery Records

39. Old 96 District South Carolina, Land Records 1784-85

40. Mississippi Genealogical Exchange, Vols. 1&2 (Selected pages)

41. “History Stories of Milledgeville and Baldwin County” (Selected pages)

42. “Georgia Land and People” (Selected pages)


BOX 27


43. “History of Dodge County” (Selected pages)

44. Genealogical File (misc. data)

45. (Green folder)–Newberry County, South Carolina–Wills~ 1775-1810 (93 selected
pages from books A, B, C. D)

46. (Green folder) South Carolina–Index to Cemeteries and Index to names

47. “Coweta County Chronicles for One Hundred Years with an Account of the Indians
from Whom the Land was Acquired and Some Historical Papers Relating to its Acquisition
by Georgia, with Lineage Pages.” (COMPLETE COPY)

48. Genealogical file (Yates, Smith, Gideon, Cooper, Richardson, Patty, Robbins, Turner,
Collins, Stanley, Tarrance, Lowe, Hogue, Gunn, Gerrald, Barnett, Bentley, Gildon,
March, Terry, Brown, Mann, and Estes). Several Copies


BOX 28


November 1950, Telephone Directory, Bogalusa and Franklinton

August 1955, Telephone Directory, Bogalusa and Franklinton

1. Washington Parish Fair, 1945

2. Washington Parish Fair, 1946

3. Washington Parish Fair, 1947

4. Washington Parish Fair, 1948

5. Washington Parish Fair, 1949

6. Washington Parish Fair, 1950

7. Washington Parish Fair, 1951

8. Washington Parish Fair, 1952

9. Washington Parish Fair, 1953

10. Washington Parish Fair, 1954

11. Washington Parish Fair, 1955

12. Washington Parish Fair, 1956

13. Washington Parish Fair, 1957

14. Washington Parish Fair, 1958

15. Washington Parish Fair, 1959

16. Washington Parish Fair, 1960

17. Washington Parish Fair, 1961

18. Washington Parish Fair, 1962

19. Washington Parish Fair, 1963

20. Washington Parish Fair, 1964

21. Washington Parish Fair, 1965

22. Washington Parish Fair, 1966

23. Washington Parish Fair, 1967

Washington Parish Free Fair Catalogs–1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1963, 1964,
1965, 1966, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1978, and 1979.


BOX 29


1. U. S. Weather Bureau, FREEZE DATA, Bogalusa, Louisiana (1955)

2. U. S. Weather Bureau, FREEZE DATA, Columbia, Mississippi (1955)

3. U. S. Weather Bureau, FREEZE DATA, Covington, Louisiana (1955)

4. U. S. Weather Bureau, FREEZE DATA, Franklinton, Louisiana (1955)

5. U. S. Weather Bureau, FREEZE DATA, Hattiesburg, Mississippi (1955)

6. U. S. Weather Bureau, FREEZE DATA, Pearlington, Mississippi (1955)

7. U. S. Weather Bureau, FREEZE DATA, Poplarville, Mississippi (1955)

8. U. S. Weather Bureau, FREEZE DATA, Wiggins, Mississippi (1955)

9. Building Permits, Bogalusa, Louisiana, 1963 and 1964

10. 1968 Clean Up-Paint Up-Fix Up Campaigne, Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Publicity

11. Banks

12. Bogalusa–Gateway to Greater New Orleans (1957)

13. American Chamber of Commerce Exeutives, 1954-55

14. American Chamber of Commerce Executives, 1956

15. American Chamber of Commerce Executives, 1957

16. American Chamber of Commerce Executives, 1958

17. American Chamber of Commerce Executies, 1959

18. American Chamber of Commerce Executives, 1960

19. American Chamber of Commerce Executives, 1962

20. American Chamber of Commerce Executives, 1963

21. American Chamber of Commerce Executives, 1965

22. Istrouma Area Council (1941) Boy Scouts of America

23. General Statistics of Bogalusa, Louisiana, 1949

24. General Statistics of Bogalusa, Louisiana, 1950

25. General Statistics of Bogalusa, Louisiana, 1951

26. General Statistics of Bogalusa, Louisiana 1952

27. General Statistics of Bogalusa, Louisiana 1953

28. General Statistics of Bogalusa, Louisiana 1954

29. General Statistics of Bogalusa, Louisiana 1955

30. General Statistics of Bogalusa.. Louisiana 1956

31. General Statistics of Bogalusa, Louisiana 1957

32. General Statistics of Bogalusa, Louisiana 1958

33. General Statistics of Bogalusa.. Louisiana, 1959

34. General Statistics of Bogalusa, Louisiana, 1960

35. General Statistics of Bogalusa, Louisiana, 1962

36. Bogalusa Employment, July 1957, Survey

37. Employment Survey, Bogalusa, 1956

38. Bogalusa Employment Survey, 1955

39. Bogalusa Employment Survey, 1953

40. Employment of Handicaps (1952-1955)

41. Louisiana Division of Employment Security–Annual Reports, 1954, 1955, 1956 &

42. EMPLOYMENT, Etc. (1936-61)

43. Chamber of Commerce (1961-1966) Misc.

44. Louisiana’s Alert Program for Municipal Development (Chamber of Commerce)

45. PROCEEDINGS–Joint Highway Meeting, Slidell, Louisiana, September 23, 1940


BOX 30


1. Samuels Tailoring Company VERSUS Rice Woolen Mills

2. D. Bienn VERSUS F. R. William

3. A. S. Anderson VERSUS Ed Montgomery

4. Kohlman Brothers and Sugerman VERSUS H. P. Green and C. C. Pickard

5. J. W. Richardson VERSUS V. I. Hood

6. C. C. Snider Cig. & Tob. Co. VS V. I. Hood

7. English American Tlg. Corp. Ltd. VS Rice Woolen Mills

8. Harry B. George VS H. Hall

9. AAA-105 (Paper Clippings–1952-53)

10. Horizon Clubs (Clippings 1952-53)

11. Conservation (Clippings 1952-53)

12. Civic Organizations of Bogalusa (1962 Clippings)

13. School Committee (Clippings 1962)

14. Conventions and Tourists Committee (Clippings 1962)

15. Construction and Housing (Clippings 1962)

16. B & PW Club (Clippings 1959-62)

17. Bogalusa Building–total (Clippings 1959-60)

18. Business Opportunities Committee (Clippings 1962)

19. City Beautiful Committee (Clipping 1962)

20. Civilian Defense Committee (Clippings 1961-62)

21. Labor Day Activities, 1962 (Clippings)

22. Health and Welfare Committee (Clippings 1961-62)

23. Civil Air Patrol (Clippings 1952-53)

24. Highways and Streets Committee (Clippings 1961-62)

25. CTLC (Clippings 1959-60)

26. Charity Hospital (Clipping 1959)

27. CANDIDATES for Different Offices (Clippings 1959)

28. City of Bogalusa (Clippings 1958-62)

29. C of C (Clippings 1958-60)

30. Bowling Center (Clippings 1960)

31. American Legion & Auxiliary (Clippings 1958-60)

32. Industrial Development Committee (Clippings 1961-62)

33. Municipal & Parish Affairs Committee (Clippings 1961-62)

34. Pearl River Waterway Committee (Clippin 1962)

35. Public Relations Committee (Clippings 1962)

36. Safety Committee (Clippings 1962)

37. Transportation Committee (Clippings 1961-62)

38. Trade Promotion Committee (Clippings 1962)

39. The Picayune Item (Clippings)

40. The Slidell Times (Clippings)

41. The St. Tammany Farmer (Clippings)

42. Reserve & Veteran Service

43. Misc. Clippings 1939-42

44. Crown Zellerbach (Clippings 1960-70)

45. Amaranth (Clipping 1960)


BOX 30 Continued


46. Altrusa Club (Clippings 1958-61)

47. Aeronautics (Clippings 1958-59)

48. Agriculture (Clippings 1959)

49. TUNG (Clippings 1952-53)

50. Docket No. MC29957 Sub 64 (1957) Witness-Rountree-Exhibits 1-13/w Photographs

51. Misc. Clippings 1966

52. Clippings 1952, Service Men

53. Clippings 1953, Service Men

54. Misc. Clippings, 1961

55. Misc. Clippings, 1962

56. Misc. Clippings, 1960 & 65

57. Misc. Clippings, 1966

58. Misc. Clippings, 1970


BOX 31


1. Governor Sam H. Jones, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

2. Hon. W. H. Sullivan MEMORIAL

3. New Orleans “AIRCADE” 1928

4. Southeastern Diesel Schook, Inc. (1937)

5. Southern Association Chamber of Commerce Executives–ANNUAL CONVENTION PROGRAMS
(1961, 65 and 66)

6. St. Tammany Parish Fair Catalog, 1963

7. Ninth and Tenth Annual Miss Washington Parish Pageant (1965 & 66)


1. January 1938-June 1938

2. June 1938-December 1938


BOX 32


1. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce–Annual Meeting, April 26, 1943

2. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce–Highway Committee (1924-31)

3. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce–Trade Days, 1926

4. S.A.C.C.E.-Annual Convention, San Antonio, March 8-9-10. 1953

5. S.A.C.C.E.-Annual Convention, San Antonio. March 8-9-10, 1953

6. S.A.C.C.E.-Annual Convention, Winston-Salem, N. C., March 27-29, 1949

7. American Chamber of Commerce Executives

8. Annual Meeting, Mobile. March 16-18, 1952

9. “SOUTHERN” Mobile 1952

10. Southeastern Institute. Organization. 1942-1943

11. Southern Commercial Secretaries Association (File A)

12. Southern Commercial Secretaries Association (File B)

13. A. R. Yates

14. Southern Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives, 1954

15. “SOUTHERN”–Biloxi, 1941

16. “SOUTHERN”‘–Winston-Salem, 1949

17. Southern Secretaries Convention. April 3-4-5, 1938


19. Richmond Times Dispatch/Richmond. Virginia. April 29, 1939

20. Misc. Chamber of Commerce, 1939

21. S.C.S.A. (Southern Commercial Secretaries Association), 1942-47

22. S.C.S.A. Annual Convention/Houston, TX, March 21-23, 1937

23. NACOS (The National Association of Commercial Organization Secretaries), 1936-41

24. NACOS, 1937-48

25. NACOS, 1936

26. NACOS, Annual Convention, Oct. 23-26, 1938


28. NATCHITOCHES ENTERPRISE, Natchitoches, LA (July 23, 1942, Sept. 10, 1942,

Dec. 23, 1943, April 13, 1944, and April 26, 1945)

29. THE WEEKLY DEMOCRAT/Poplarville, MS, Thursday, June 6, 1957


BOX 33


Controversy involving reinstatement of passenger train from Slidell to New Orleans.

1. #49181.. City Memo Brief

2. Louisiana Public Service Commission (1955 & 56) (LITTLE REBEL) No. 6515, 6189,
6622, 6123, 6805, 6786, and 7007

3. 1954 Transportation Committee (LITTLE REBEL)

4. 18485, ICC Decision

5. E.B.R. Court Judgment, April 26, 1954

6. 49181 City Motion to Dissolve Injunction, 1954

7. 41,897 Supreme Court Decision

8. E.B.R. Court Judgment, May 21, 1954

9. #1343 Court Judgment, April 9, 1954

10. U. S. Court #1343, Brock Exhibits “A”-“Z”

11. 19th Judicial District Court #49,181.. Brock Exhibits “A”-“Y”

12. Louisiana Public Service Commission #4944 (1948)

13. Nov. 1949–Petition to the Louisiana Public Service Commission

14. Transportation Committee, 1960

15. City of Bogalusa vs. G.M. & 0.R.R.–1960.. 1961 (TRESTLES & RIGHTS-OF-WAY)

16. Misc. Clippings,. 1953, 1967-1969.

17. Photographs–Protestants Exhibit (X-l.. X-2, X-3, X-4, X-5)

X-I–Villery Street Underpass

X-2–Intersection 17th Street & F.M.&O.

X-3–Superior Avenue Crossing Over G.M. & 0. Intersection, Austin Street

X-4–Derbigny Street Crossing

X-5–Okechobee Street Crossing


BOX 34


1. CREDIT BUREAU, 1925-27

2. CIGAR MFGS., 1929


4. Hon. E. R. Cassidy, Mayor, City of Bogalusa

5. Dr. Benjamin Spock (Clippings) 1968

6. SHRINE CLUB, 1968-67 (Clippings)

7. Rotary, 1967-68 (Clippings)

8. POLLS, 1968 (Clippings)

9. Downtown Idea Exchange, 1963, 1967, 1965

10. Parish National Bank (1967-68), Clippings

11. Community Chest Report, 1964 by Vertress Young

12. ZONING (1968), Clippings

13. Fortas–THORNBERRY, 1968 (Clippings)

14. INGLESIDE, 1968 (Clippings)

15. Membership Committee.. 1935-37

16. Membership Campaign Data, 1937.-39

17. Membership Renewals, BogalusaChamber of Commerce.. 1936-37

18. Membership & Finance Committee

19. Membership Rosters

20. 1947 Chamber of Commerce Survey

21. 1951 Chamber of Commerce Survey

22. 1953 Membership Committee

23. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Calendars of Events, 1935-39

24. Canada, 1935-58

25. Puerto Rico, 1936-52

26. South America, 1939-50

27. Central America, 1939

28. Cuba, 1937-58

29. Peru, 1940

30. Bolivia, 1956

31. Bermuda, 1937

32. Poland, 1948

33. Philippines Island, 1939-52

34. Panama, 1936

35. Union of South Africa, n. d.

36. Switzerland, 1945

37. Mexico, 1936-62

38. China, 1945

39. American Chamber of Commerce, Mexico.. 1936-58

40. London Chamber of Commerce, London, Canada~ 1935, 1936

41. RESUME OF DEVELOPMENT, “Little Rebel,” April 1, 1955

42. Veterans and Military Affairs Committee Meeting, Memorial Day, May 22, 1952

43. 1956, Veterans and Military Affairs (Clippings)

44. Art Pruden, 1962-64

45. Harrison Wood Products, 1962


BOX 34 Continued


46. G. H. Whallen Jr., Furniture Production, 1962

47. National Association of Furniture Manufacturers, 1962

48. George Adair, 1962

49. Letters from Harrison’s Customers, 1962

50. Building, Rittiner Engineering Company, 1962

51. Resume of Efforts on Reviving J. S. Harrison Wood Products, Inc, Jan. 3, 1963

52. John W. Moore, 1962-63

53. A. F. Jones, Roanoke Woodworking Corp, 1962

54. Hal1aday Wood Products, Inc., Special Audited Financial Statements for the six

month period ended, February 28, 1963 (3 copies)

55. J. S. Harrison Wood Products, 1962-63

56. B. C. of C. Membership Certificates and Cards 1949-45

57. B. D. of C. Membership Affairs 1941-42

58. B. C. of C. Community Sign Boards, 1939

59. Bogalusa Manufacturing, 1935, 1937, 1939, 1947, 1954

60. B. C. of C. Directories, Telephone, 1958, 1959

61. B. C. of C. Directories, City, 1958

62. “An Appeal to Reason” Pamphlet by B. C. of C. , 1935

63. 1949 Mrs. Effie Breland Day-Writer (Mrs. Lloyd Day), LOST EDEN

64. 1948-49, Gaylord Container Corp., Pulp Mill Flow Diagram

65. B. C. of C., Advertising and Publicity Committee, 1951

66. B. C. of C.~ 1948-52, Publicity Committee and Advertising

67. Gulf South Advertising Program, 1939

68. PUBLICITY, 1944

69. “Bogalusa, Industrial City” (LA. Commerce and Industry, 1940), “Trend of Louisiana
Business,” “Louisiana Natural Resources Statistics”

70. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE, B. C. of C., 1947

71. B. C. of C. Annual Reports, 1936-37


#1 Louisiana Business Review, Vol. 19″ No. 6, June 1955

#2 Bogalusa, Louisiana, Major Thoroughfare Plan, June 1967

#3 Bogalusa, Louisiana-Economy and Population, September 1966

#4 Crown Zellerbach-Southern Timber Division Environmental Guide: Topics include:

1) Intro., 2) Dumping, 3) Special Strips, 4) Harvesting, 5) Road Construction, 6)

7) Chemicals, 8) Site Preparation, 9) Drainage, 10) Corporate Image.


BOX 35


1. Southern Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives, Corpus Christi, 1950

2. Southern, Chattanooga, 1951

3. Southwestern Institute, 1942-53

4. Southwestern Institute, July 1944

5. Southwestern C. F. C. School, 1935-41

6. Southeastern Institute for Chamber of Commerce Executives, 1953

7. Southeastern Institute úor Commercial Organization Executives, 1944-46

8. Southeastern Institute for Commercial and trade Organization Executives, 1936-40

9. National Institute for Organization Management, 1950-57

10. Post Card Committee, 1936-39, Bogalusa

11. B. C. of C. Ticket Committee for 1942 Annual Banquet

12. B. C. of C. 1962 Campaign, (Pledges)

13. United Fund Table of Giving, n. d.

14. 1967 Employee List, B. C. of C.

15. U. S. Congressional and Senate Correspondence, April 1958

16. NASA, July and August 1961

17. Space Laboratory Meeting, August 28, 1961

18. Manned Space Flight Laboratory, 1961

19. Space Laboratory, 1961

20. Manned Space Flight Laboratory, 1961

21. Manned Space Flight Laboratory, 1961, Criteria

22. Manned Space Flight Laboratory, 1961, Sanitary Sewers

23. Manned Space Flight Laboratory, 1961, Railroad

24. Manned Space Flight Laboratory, 1961, Wage Scales

25. Manned Space Flight Laboratory, 1961, Water

26. Manned Space Flight Laboratory, 1961, Pearl River Waterway

27. Space Laboratory, Site Location

28. Space Laboratory, Communications, 1961

29. Space Laboratory, Gas, 1961

30. Space Laboratory, Electric Power, 1961

31. Manned Space Flight Laboratory, 1961, Airports

32. Manned Space Flight Laboratory, 1961, Highway Access

33. Manned Space Flight Laboratory, 1961, Housing

34. Manned Space Flight Laboratory, 1961, Education

35. Employment Survey, MASA Space Laboratroy, 1961

36. Annual Women’s Edition, 1966 (Boga1usa Daily News) Historic

37. Annual Women’s Edition, 1966 (Bogalusa Daily News) Historic


Brown Binder:

Community Chest Data, ALABAMA, 1946


BOX 36


1. Water Supply Characteristics of Louisiana Streams, 1963

2. 1950 Campaign, Table of Givings

3. Community Chest Letterheads, 1947-1969-(None between 1947-58)

4. Americanism/Anti-Communist, 1961-62

5. Conservation, 1955

6. Conservation, 1948-49

7. Conservation, 1957

8. Conservation, 1951

9. Conservation, 1964 (Soil & Water)

10. Forests of People (La. Forestry Association), 1962

11. Soil Conservation Service Meeting, February 27, 1962

12. Forestry & Conservation Committee, 1960

13. Forestry & Conservation Committee, 1961

14. Forestry & Conservation Committee, 1962

15. Louisiana Forestry Association Meeting, September 20, 1962

16. Angie Watershed, 1960, 1961, 1962, & 1963

17. Bogalusa Watershed, 1961, 1962, 1963

18. Bogalusa Watershed, 1964-1965

19. Bogalusa Water, 1955

20. Bogalusa Water, 1960

21. Bogalusa Water Situation, 1960

22. Water, 1963

23. Bogalusa Watershed Applications~ 1962

24. Water, 1964

25. Pearl River Valley Development Association, 1962-63

26. Water Resources Committee, 1965

27. Water Resources & Waterways Committee, 1966

29. Stream Pollution, 1940

30. Shrine Club (1956-1971)


1. Softball Game, Bogalusa Shrine Club vs. Knights of Columbus, August 24, 1956


BOX 37


1. $500,000.00–25 Year Bond

2. “Help Build Louisiana” (Nov. 9, 1954) , Louisiana Power & Light Company

3. “Right to Work” Law, 1954

4. Franklinton Milk Plant, 1959, 1960.. 1961, 1962

5. Whitestone Associates, San Diego, California, 1963

6. Area Economic Development Conference, Hammond, September 25, 1963

7. Whitestone Associates, San Diego, California, 1963

8. Louisiana Invests in Industry, 1963

9. George B. Mitchell–Cooked Foods, 1962, 1963

10. Bogalusa Industries Unlimited, 1961

11. Tri-State Enterprises, Bogalusa, Louisiana

12. Site and Facilities Cub-Committee, 1962

13. Franklinton Milk Plant

14. Haspel Clothing Company, Prospect, 1963

15. Polyethylene Manufacturing Proposition, 1962

16. Milk Plant

17. Bogalusa Industries, Unlimited, 1960-1961

18. Milk Plant, Clippings, 1953

19. Milk Processing Plant Publicity, 1953

20. Gulf States Industrial Conference, 1946-52

21. Industrial, 1955

22. 1949-50 Veterans & Military Affairs

23. Veteran & Military Affairs Committee, 1951

24. 1952 Veterans & Military Affairs

25. 1955 Veterans and Military Affairs

26. Veterans & Military Affairs Committee, 1965

27. Veterans Memorial Committee

28. 1946 Veterans Memorial Committee

29. Armed Forces Day Proclamation, 1953

30. Advertising Committee, 1961

31. Citizens Military Advisory Committee

32. Draft Board Location, 1948

33. Climate–Louisiana–Bogalusa, 1931-55

34. Triplicate Board of Directors Minutes, Misc.

35. City Licenses Issued, 1935-50

36. U. S. Weather Bureau, Freeze Date, (8 Points), 1955

37. Special Board of Directors Meeting August 28, 1956

38. Wholesale Trade Census, Louisiana

39. Wholesale Trade Census, Mississippi

40. Washington Parish Resources and Facilities, 1958

41. Washington Parish Resources & Facilities, 1958

42. Community Chest Committee Meeting, September 3, 1947

43. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1939

44. Tung Research Laboratory, 1965

45. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, August Bonus Days, August 14, 21, 28, 1965


BOX 38


1. Christian Science Monitors, 1969-70

2. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce (Excerpts from the Board of Director, June 4, 1935-
October 20, 1936)

3. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce (One Excerpt-Board of Director, February 4, 1937)

4. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce–Out of town invitations and reservations-Annual Meeting,
May 10, 1937

5. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce–Annual Banquet, May 10, 1937

6. Young Men’s Division–B.C.C., April 25, 1938

7. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1939

8. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1940

9. B.C.C.–Annual Business Meeting, April 29, 1940

10. B.C.C.–Annual Meeting and Banquet, 1940

11. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1940 (Membership List)

12. B.C.C.–Annual Meeting, 1940-41

13. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1941

14. B.C.C.–Annual Banquet, May 15, 1941

15. Selective Service System–Reemployment–1941, Paper written A. R. Yates

16. B.C.C.–Excerpts from Board of Directors Meeting, 1941

17. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1943

18. B.C.C.–Excerpts from Board of Directors Meeting, 1943

19. B.C.C.–Est. of Veterans Archives, 1943

20. September 1943 Washington Parish, Louisiana–Ownership Map of Sections 8-9-16
& 17; Township 4 South-Range 13-East

21. Local Ticket Sales–Annual Banquet–May 25, 1944–Governor Jimmie Davis Speaker

22. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1944; 42-43 Annual Report–Membership Roster, 1944

23. B.C.C.–Annual Banquet–May 25, 1944 (Out of town reservations)

24. B.C.C.–Annual Banquet Information, 1944

25. B.C.C.–Excerpts from Board of Directors Meeting, 1944

26. Franklinton Chamber of Commerce, 1944

27. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, May-November 1944

28. B.C.C.–Selective Service System, 1945

29. B.C.C.–Excerpts from Board of Director’s Meeting, 1945

30. B.C.C.–Excerpts from Board of Director’s Meetings, 1946

31. B.C.C.–Selective Service Papers, 1946

32. List of White Veterans, World War II, Washington Parish, 1946-47

33. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1947

34. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, December 1947

35. B..C.C.–Annual Banquet, February 8, 1949

36. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce (Misc.) 1930’s

37. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce (Misc.) 1940’s

38. B.C.C.–Correspondence with D. L. Watts–Southern Supply Company, 1940’s

39. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce (Misc.), 1935-1947

40. B.C.C. Accounts Symbols Used

41. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Accounts, 1934-41

42. City of Bogalusa–Blue Print of Proposed Airport (9-10-35)


BOX 38 Continued


43. B.C.C. (Misc.)

44. Bogalusa Newspaper Clippings, 1940-52

45. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Accounts, 1941-45

46. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Accounts, 1945-49

47. The Robinson Company, Inc.–Batteries, 1953


BOX 39


1. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, Annual Banquet, February 20, 1951

2. B.C.C.–Annual Meeting, February 20, 1951

3. B.C.C.–Annual Banquet, March 4, 1952

4. Industrial Committee, 1954

5. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce (Misc.), 1950’5

6. Better Business Bureau Correspondence, 1950-67

7. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1951-58 (~1isc.), 1953-Wage Rate Survey

8. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1952-47 (Misc.)

9. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Accounts, 1950-66

10. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1960’5; 1962 List of Social & Civic Organizations;
Report on Bogalusa City Schools; “Freedom from Ignorance” by Joel L. Fletcher, President
of University of Southwestern Louisiana

11. Christian Science Monitor–June 1970 (Indians and Blacks)

12. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1959 (letter)

13. B.C.C. Newspaper Clippings (Veterans and Military, 1962)

14. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1964

15. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1960-65

16. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1964-65

17. B.C.C.–Sexor–1965, 66, and 67

18. Newspaper Articles, 1966

19. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1966

20. Newspaper Articles, 1967

21. B.C.C.–Xerox, 1966-67

22. Bogalusa Rotary Club’s publication “The Hub” 1968-69

23. Newspaper Clippings, 1969-70

24. Newspaper Clippings, 1957-65

25. 2 books each of 1) City of Bogalusa; Sales and Use Tax of 1955; 2) Charter and
By Laws; Louisiana Retailers Association, 1946

26. B.C.C.–Finances, 1953

27. B.C.C.–Annual Financial Statements (20 years)

28. B.C.C.–Aetna Insurance Group Claim, 1960’5

29. Reference Calendar, 1758-2027

30. B.C.C.–1955-65

31. Gaylord Container Corp., Layout-Bogalusa (no date)


BOX 40


1. U. S. District Court, Eastern District Louisiana–Civil Action #49,181; Answers–Gulf,
Mobile & Ohio Railroads Co. VS. Louisiana Public Service Commission, May, 1954 (9

2. U. S. District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana–Civil Action #1343; Gulf,
Mobile & Ohio Railroad Co. VS. Louisiana Public Service Commission, April 9, 1954
(14 copies)

3. U. S. District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana–Civil Action #1343; Gulf,
Mobile & Ohio Railroad Co. VS. Louisiana Public Service Commission, April 2, 1954
(12 copies)

4. Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Railroad: Correspondence Bogalusa City Council, Public Service

5. Mississippi Public Service Commission VS. Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Railroad Company–
Docket #11563

6. Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Railroad Co. VS. Louisiana Public Service Commission–Motion
to Dissolve the Restraining Order #49181, April 1954 (13 copies)

7. U. S. District Court–Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Railroad Company VS. Louisiana Public
Service Commission No.1343, Civil Action, April 1954

8. U. S. District Court–B. M. & O. Railroad Co. VS. Louisiana Public Commission,
#1343 Civil Action (Different from File #7)

9. Gulf, Mobile, & Ohio Railroad Co. VS. Louisiana Public Service Commission, No.
49181, April 1954

10. State (District) Court Case, G. M. O. Railroad Company VS. Louisiana Public Service
Commission (May 1954)

11. G. M. & 0. Railroad Co. VS. Louisiana Public Service Commission #49181

12. G. M. & 0. Railroad Co.–I.C.C. Finance Docket 18485

13. (2) Certificates; State of Louisiana/Wade O. Martin, Secretary of State for the
New Orleans Great Northern Railroad Company; Charter of the New Orleans Great Northern
Railroad Company; Preamble and Resolutions unanimously adopted by the stock holders
of the New

Orleans Great Northern Railroad Company


BOX 41 — Miscellaneous Bogalusa


1. Trade Days, 1929

2. Bogalusa Rotary Club Certificate of Incorporation, 1931

3. First State Bank & Trust Company, 1937-1955

4. Singing Convention Committee, 1941

5. Earl K. Long, Lieutenant-Governor and Governor, 1937-1957

6. Bogalusa Silver Jubilee, 1914-1919

7. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Membership Lists, 1939-1956

8. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Miscellaneous File, 1951-1958

9. Sullivan Memorial Trade School Silver Anniversary, 1955

10. 1956 Newspaper Articles

11. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1966

12. Booklets

13. Bogalusa Chamber Membership material

14. Bogalusa Golden Jubilee, 1914-1916

15. Correspondence with Foreign Chambers of Commerce

16. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1964-1967

17. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1960-1966

18. Manned Space Flight Laboratory, 1961

19. Bogalusa General Contractors and Gross Volume of Work

20. “Economical Sketch of Bogalusa” by Glynn Hebert, April 10, 1975

21. C.L. Fuhrmann – Veteran Service Officer

22. Gone With the Wind program

23. First Class Shoe Repairing Shop

24. E.B. Flaherty, Instructor, Sullivan Memorial Trade School

25. D.G. Foil – Asst. Cashier, Washington Bank & Trust

26. H.J. Foil, Purchasing Agent, Bogalusa Paper Company

27. L.B. Foil, Secretary-Treasurer, Finance Security Co.

28. First State Bank & Trust

29. Dr. S.J. Fontano, D.D.S.

30. Leon Fontano (Grocery, Saloon & Cafe)

31. Sam Formagus

32. E.E. Fortenberry, Salesman, The Russell Company

33. M.C. Fortenberry, Salesman, The Russell Company

34. Jamie Francis, Y.M.C.A.

35. Louis L. Freemin


BOX 42 — Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Membership Files


1. O.H. Campbell, Sales Manager, Great Southern Lumber

2. Eli Cantrell, Bogalusa Coca Cola Bottling Co.

3. Carter Tire Service

4. O.P. Carter, General Sales Manager, Great Southern Lumber

5. H.B. Casanova, Dixie Auto-Lec Store

6. Carr’s Appliance Company

7. Buck Carroll, 86 Taxicab Co.

8. O.H. Campbell, Bogalusa Lumber Co.

9. H.E. Cassidy, Manager, Bogalusa Oil Company

10. J.H. Cassidy, President, Finance Security Co.

11. J.H. Cassidy, Jr., Attorney-at-Law

12. J.P. Cassidy, Great Southern Lumber Co.

13. Joe P. Cassidy, Jr. & Associates

14. W.L. Caston, Inc.

15. Mr. W.L. Caston, Jr.

16. The Catherine Shops

17. Mr. A.M. Cesario

18. Joe Cefalu, Sr. Store

19. Dr. L.R.B. Centanni

20. Victoria Cerniglia

21. Casario’s Garage

22. W.A. Chandler, Superintendent, Great Southern Lumber Co.

23. City Service Station

24. City Drug Store

25. A.C. Clay

26. John L. Clements, Tour Boss, Bogalusa Paper Co.

27. Coakley’s Grocery

28. J.S. Cocke, Bogalusa Paper Co.

29. M.E. Cody, General Manager, Bogalusa Paper Co.

30. Cohen’s Furniture Company

31. Columbia Street Hotel

32. Columbia Street Red & White Grocery

33. Community Grocery

34. Tony Collett

35. R.C. Cook Funeral Home (Colored)

36. Corkern’s Cash & Carry

37. Corner Cash Store

38. Mr. Ed. L. Cowan, Gaylord Container Corp.

39. Cowgill Oil Company

40. Cowgill Service Station

41. H.G. Cowgill, Contractor

42. Dr. S.E. Crain, DDS

43. Dr. Clifford W. Crain


BOX 42 Continued — Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Membership Files


44. T. A. Crain Dairy

45. W. E. Crain (Grocery & Market)

46. Mr. James W. Criscoe

47. Crowes’ Service

48. Crystal Grill

49. Cuban Liquor Company, Inc.

50. Frederick Cushing, Bogalusa Paper Company

51. L.J. Davis, Machinist, New Orleans Corrugated Box Co.

52. Davis Products

53. B.L. Davis, Manager, The Russell Company

54. Carter Insurance Agency, Inc.

55. Mr. Z.A. Davis, Manager, The Russell Company

56. Delos Market


BOX 43 — Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Membership Files


1. Dickens Drug Store

2. Gary Dildy, Athletic Director, Bogalusa High School

3. S.L. Dittmer, Bogalusa Paper Co.

4. Dixie Auto-Lec Store

5. Dixie Auto-Lec Store

6. M.C. Dorman

7. Double-Dip Ice Cream Co.

8. A.J. Douglas, Cleaner & Hatter

9. T.T. Dunn, Bogalusa Paper Co.

10. C.F. Dunnam, Sales Manager, Singer Sewing Machine Co.

11. L.D. Dunnaway, Bogalusa Paper Co.

12. Durden Service Station

13. A.B. Eberts, V.P. & Manager, Bogalusa Indemnity Co.

14. C.E. Eichelberger

15. E.L. Engerran, Managing Editor, Bogalusa News

16. Mr. Richard A. Engerran

17. O.H. Engerran, Accountant, Great Southern Lumber Co.

18. Andrew Entrevia (Hauling Pulp Wood)

19. Rev. O.P. Estes, Pastor, First Baptist Church

20. Family Bakery

21. Federal Clothing Co.

22. Dr. P.E. Finley, DDS

23. Special Board of Directors Meeting, August 28, 1956

24. Louisiana Wholesale Trade Census, 1933-1960

25. Mississippi Wholesale Trade Census, 1944-1958

26. Washington Parish Resources & Facilities, 1958 (2 Copies)

27. Community Chest Committee Meeting, September 3, 1947

28. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce

29. Tung Research Laboratory, 1965

30. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce August Bonus Days, August 14, 21, 28, 1965

31. Bogalusa Golden Jubilee Official Program (5 Copies)

32. Information for 1940 Census

33. C. of C. Speech to Ministerial Alliance, January 15, 1964

34. Jaycees

35. Junior Livestock Show

36. Industrial Development

37. IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electric Workers) Union

38. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce

39. Bogalusa Municipal Airport

40. Louisiana and Mississippi Statistics, 1930-35

41. Politics, 1956 (Americans for Eisenhower)

42. Miscellaneous Correspondences, 1930s

43. Miscellaneous Correspondences, 1940s

44. Miscellaneous Correspondences, 1950s


BOX 44 Bogalusa Race Relations


1. Race Relations May 1 – 23, 1965

2. Race Relations May 24, 1965

3. Race Relations May 25, 1965

4. Race Relations May 26 – 31, 1965

5. Race Relations June 4 – 6, 1965

6. Race Relations June 7 – 9, 1965

7. Race Relations July 1 – 9, 1965

8. Race Relations July 10 – 14, 1965

9. Race Relations July 15, 1965

10. Race Relations July 16, 1965

11. Race Relations July 17, 1965

12. Race Relations July 18, 1965

13. Race Relations July, 1965

14. Miscellaneous 1965 David Lawrence newspaper columns

15. Miscellaneous 1965 Fulton Lewis, Jr newspaper columns

16. Miscellaneous 1965 Al Kuettner newspaper columns

17. Miscellaneous 1965 Irene Corbally Kuhn newspaper columns

18. Miscellaneous 1965 Russell Kirk newspaper columns

19. Miscellaneous 1965 James J. Kilpatrick newspaper columns

20. Miscellaneous 1965 Paul Harvey newspaper columns

21. Miscellaneous 1965 Charles O. Gridley newspaper columns

22. Miscellaneous 1965 Evan & Novak newspaper columns

23. Miscellaneous 1965 Race Relations clippings and letters


BOX 45 Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Misc. and Committees


1. 1930s miscellaneous Chamber of Commerce material

2. 1933, 1937-1940 Health Unit Committee

3. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Membership Roster, 1935

4. 1938 miscellaneous Chamber of Commerce material (including Annual Banquet)

5. 1940s miscellaneous Chamber of Commerce material

6. 1940-1941 Health Unit Committee

7. 1943 miscellaneous Chamber of Commerce material

8. 1943-1945 Health & Sanitation Committee

9. 1946 Health & Sanitation Committee

10. 1947, 1949-1950 Health & Sanitation Committee

11. 1950s miscellaneous Chamber of Commerce material

12. 1950 miscellaneous Chamber of Commerce material

13. 1951 Health & Sanitation Committee

14. 1953 Health & Sanitation Committee

15. 1954 Chamber of Commerce material

16. 1954 Health & Sanitation Committee

17. 1954 Washington Parish Health Unit Annual Report

18. “The History of the Sanitarian,” by Ben Freedman, as printed in Modern Sanitation,
November and December issues, 1954

19. 1956 Health & Sanitation Committee

20. 1960s miscellaneous Chamber of Commerce material (including Annual Banquet)

21. 1960 Health & Sanitation Committee

22. Fire Ant Program, 1961

23. 1962 Health & Welfare Committee

24. 1963 Health & Welfare Committee

25. 1964 Health & Welfare Committee

26. Office and Personal Memos of A.R. Yates, 1965-1966

27. 1966 Health & Welfare Committee


BOX 46


1. Bogalusa Fire Department

2. Merchants Division News (1947)

3. Community Chest (1951)

4. 1963 City of Bogalusa Overtime

5. 1964 City of Bogalusa Overtime

6. 1965 City of Bogalusa Overtime

7. Miscellaneous Louisiana Booklets

8. Meeting Notes

9. Charles Cassidy, First State Bank and Trust Co.

10. Louisiana Education Survey Notes

11. Civil Rights Acts (1957, 1960, 1964)

12. Civil Rights Bill (May-June, 1964)

13. Racism

14. Civil Rights Marches and Boycotts

15. Bogalusa Race Relations Clippings (June, 1965)

16. Bogalusa Race Relations Clippings (1964-1965)

17. Bogalusa Race Relations Clippings (1965)

18. Miscellaneous Race Relations Material

19. Ku Klux Klan – Bogalusa

20. Poor Peoples March on Washington, D.C. (May-July, 1968)

21. “Hate” Mail

22. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Race Relations (1965-66)

23. Racial Controversy

24. Jet Magazine Clippings

25. Magazine Clippings on Civil Rights and Vietnam

26. Alabama Civil Rights Clippings

27. Newsweek Civil Rights Clippings

28. Time Civil Rights Clippings

29. Miscellaneous Race Relations Material


BOX 47 Bogalusa Race Relations Press Clippings


1. Volume 1 – January, February, March, 1965

2. Volume 2 – April, 1965

3. Volume 3 – May 1 – 24, 1965

4. Volume 4 – May 25 – 31, 1965

5. Volume 5 – June 1 – 3, 1965

6. Volume 6 – June 4 & 5, 1965

7. Volume 7 – June 6 – 30, 1965

8. Volume 8 – July 1 – 14, 1965

9. Volume 9 – July 15 – 20, 1965

10. Volume 10 – July 21 – 31, 1965


BOX 48


1. Army Recruiting

2. Visit of the Army Advisory Council to Camp Polk, LA, February 19-21, 1952

3. Conference for Army Advisory Committee, February 20, 1952

4. Second Meeting of Chamber of Commerce at City Hall, August 12, 1920

5. Comprehensive Basin Study Pearl River Basin, 1965

6. Clippings: N. O. States Item, Bogalusa Daily News, N. O. Times Picayune, 1952-1965

7. Louisiana Educational Survey, 1942

8. Student Unrest Around U. S. A., 1960s

9. The Informer (Negro newspaper)

10. Pieces of Louisiana Sun

11. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1962 and 1965

12. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, Constitution

13. Newspaper clippings, 1941-1950s

14. Memorandum, Discontinuance of the Rebel (railroad), March 9-28, 1954

15. Memorandum, Discontinuance of the Rebel (railroad), March 9-28, 1954

16. Gulf, Mobile & Ohio, GM&O Schedules

17. Rebel, Summary of actions taken, February 21, 1954-March 22, 1955

18. Memoranda-Rebel, March 29

19. Press Clippings, Rebel, March 29

20. Rebel, Related Material; InitialRebel Trip, June 29, 1935

21. American Tung News, Poplarville, Mississippi, Vol. 16, No. 5; Newspaper clippings
about Tung, April 4, 1965

22. Biography from The Story of Louisiana, by Adlai Robin Yates, 1960 (copy of pages 516 & 517)


BOX 49


1. Sullivan and Bogalusa News Story

2. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce

3. American Red Cross, 1941-42, 1951, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1954, 1963

4. American Red Cross, 1966-1968

5. 57th Birthday of W. H. Sullivan

6. Reorganization of Hall-A-Day

7. Monthly Statistical Report (BPO), 1964

8. Free Southern Theater

9. Outsiders File

10. A. Z. Young

11. The Councilor, March 5, July 15, July 31, 1965

12. The Thunderbolt, Birmingham, Alabama, June 1965

13. R. C. Knight; Civil Rights Photographs (14 originals)

14. The Bogalusa Story, C R D

15. Race Relations Letter, 1965

16. Special Civil Rights Fund, F. & B. Supplies, 1970

17. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce Membership Rosters, 1935 and 1937

18. Bogalusa Division, Crown Zellerbach Corporation, March 20, 1964 (booklet)

19. Queens Meet in N. O. before [Mardi Gras] Ball in Washington, D. C., Times-Picayune, February 17, 1961 (newspaper clipping)

20. Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce

21. Bogalusa Golden Jubilee, June 30-July 4, 1964, Official Program (3 copies)

22. Crown Zellerbach Corporation, January 4, 1965 (reprint from Pulp and Paper)


BOX 49



23. First State Bank & Trust Bank Forms (blank)

24. Reservations for Chamber of Commerce Barbacue, 1957

25. Programs of two plays at State Theatre, Bogalusa; “George Washington Slept Here”
A comedy in Three Acts, June 5, 1942; “Night of January 16”, A Murder Trial in Three
Acts, January 29, 1943

26. Advertisement, “Cooperation to Hold Prices Down”

27. The American Waterways Operations, Inc., March 26, 1966, Vol. XXIII, No. 12

28. Newspaper Clippings, 1956

29. Hotel Registrations, October 1955, Pine Tree Inn, Hotel Redwood, Del-Mar Hotel


BOX 50


1. School Incidents, 1969-70

2. Commission Council Meetings, Bogalusa, 1964

3. Commission Council Meetings, Bogalusa, 1965

4. Civil Rights Protests, 1967

5. Court Minutes, 1964

6. Court Minutes, 1964

7. Court Minutes, 1965

8. Court Minutes, 1965

9. Affidavit for Arrest, City of Bogalusa, 1926


BOX 51


1. Southern Airways; Exhibits of Trans-Texas airways

2. Clippings from Magazines, 1965

3. Publicity Committee, 1936-37

4. Greater New Orleans Hails the New Union Passenger Terminal and a New Era in City
Government Under a New Charter, New Orleans States, Saturday, May 1, 1954 (2 copies)