Archival Collection
Folder 1 HISTORY (manuscript)
a) Act No. 85 of the 2nd Session of the 1869 Legislature To create the Parish of Tangipahoa,
and providing for the complete organization thereof (3 hand-written xerox copies)
Folder 2 HISTORY (newspaper clippings)
a) “Bicentennial Parish emblem shows history,” Daily Star, August 27, 1975
b) “Bicentennial Parish emblem shows history,” Star Plus, September 3, 1975
c) “Bicentennial notes of local interest,” unidentified newspaper, n. d. (about two
cemeteries; one located approximately a half mile from the intersection of Tickfaw
River and Highway 1045- contains mostly Kemp graves; the second one is west of Greensburg
and north of Highway 10- contains Foster, Harrell, Chance, Watson, Dunn, Rushing,
Wallace, Hughes graves)
d) “Bicentennial notes of local interest,” unidentified newspaper, n. d. (letter from
Abigail Adams to her husband, John Adams, penned June 18, 1775)
e) “Bicentennial notes of local interest,” unidentified newspaper, n. d. (survey made
by the United States Geographer in the 1770s of the coastal area of West Florida)
f) “Bicentennial notes of local interest,” unidentified newspaper, n. d. (St. Helena
g) “Bicentennial notes of local interest,” unidentified newspaper, n. d. (St. Helena
h) “Bicentennial notes of local interest,” unidentified newspaper, n. d. (Revolutionary
i) “Bicentennial notes of local interest,” unidentified newspaper, n. d. (West Florida
j) “Bicentennial notes of local interest,” unidentified newspaper, n. d. (West Florida
k) “Bicentennial notes of local interest,” unidentified newspaper, n. d. (West Florida
l) “Bicentennial notes of local interest,” unidentified newspaper, n. d. (commercial
privileges and
immigration into West Florida)
m) A Bicentennial Double Header, unidentified newspaper, n. d. (bicentennial coins)
n) Great American Happenings: 1754: The fight for who’s who in America
o) Great American Happenings: 1765: The stamp of tyranny
p) Newspaper photographs from Sunday Advocate Magazine: Folks at an outing on Tangipahoa River east of Kentwood in 1901; Ladies and gents
gather for a croquet game on the lawn in the early days of the parish; Old house built
with square logs (They were put in the newspaper to advertise the Tangipahoa Centennial–donated
by Zuma F. Magee, March 29, 1982)
q) Photographs: Baham one room school near Independence; It’s flag day at school.
Maps: West Florida Republic area; Parishes Tangipahoa Parish was formed from; Tangipahoa
Parish, 1869
r) “The Wilderness in full bloom,” Pioneers carving a new life,” Tangipahoa’s history
embodied in crest,” Hammond Vindicator, March 20, 1969 (xerox copy)
s) Tangipahoa Parish Brothers of the Brush, Celebrating the one hundredth anniversary
of Tangipahoa Parish, 1869-1969 (Certificates for Clark Forrest and H. Doyle Magee
which state that they will grow a mustache, full beard, goatee, or sideburns as part
of Centennial celebration)
t) “Tangi Centennial Corn-Train Seal,” Daily Star, January 9, 1969
u) “A Unique Parish, Tangipahoa-Yesterday, Today,” Sun, October 25, 1975
v) “The Civil War in Tangipahoa Parish, Part 9” Hammond Vindicator, June 1, 1983
w) “Growth of Southeastern Louisiana,” Daily Star, June 22, 1966
x) Pleasant Ridge History Dates to 1859, unidentified newspaper, n. d.
y) Pumpkin Center-About 60 Years Ago, Hammond Vindicator, 1967
BOX 1 Continued
Folder 3 HISTORY (booklets)
a) Tangipahoa Parish Resource Unit, Out of Four-One, Tangipahoa, 1869, Tangipahoa Parish School Board, Amite, Louisiana, spiral-bound book containing histories
of Origin and Formation of Tangipahoa Parish, Hammond, Amite, Independence, Kentwood,
Ponchatoula, Roseland, Tangipahoa, Tickfaw, Baptist, Chesbrough, Loranger, Natalbany,
and Spring Creek
b) Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana Centennial, Official Souvenir Program, March 23-29, 1969 (contains a Place-Names study, by John Valsin Coumes)
c) “A Geography of the Parish of Tangipahoa, State of La.,” by Joe D. Henderson, August
1965 (term paper presented to Dr. Robert O. Trout, professor of Sociology & Geography,
La. Polytechnic Institute, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Master’s
Degree in Elementary Education)
d) Archaeological Survey of the Upper Tangipahoa River, by Richard C. Beavers, Malcolm C. Webb, Teresia R. Lamb, and John R. Greene, Archaeological
Research Program, Department of Anthropology, UNO, 1985. This project covered that
area of the river and its drainage system from the Louisiana/Mississippi state line
south to the city of Amite, Louisiana, or roughly the upper half of its length within
Louisiana. Also contains a history of Tangipahoa Parish. (122-page spiral-bound booklet)
e) An Assessment of Prehistoric cultural Resources within the Coastal Zone of Tangipahoa
Parish, Coastal Environments, Inc., B. R., LA, August 1983, (the study represents an effort
to bring into focus the importance of the archaeological resources in the coastal
areas of the parish and to develop reasonable guidelines for their present and future
management-46 page spiral-bound booklet)
Souvenir Album of Hammond, Louisiana by W. H. Jewett, Publisher, 1989
Folder 4 HISTORY (booklets)
a) Louisiana Historical Review, featuring Tangipahoa Parish (Contains Vignettes of Tangipahoa Parish and Towns along
the Railroad, by Edna Campbell-Hammond, Ponchatoula, Amite, Kentwood, Tangipahoa,
Loranger, Manchac, Zemurry Gardens)
b) Tangipahoa Parish Business Review, Great Place for Business, Better Place to Live
c) Century at the Crossroads, Daily Star Publishing Company, February 27, 2000
d) 1983 Citizens National Bank Calendar (Contains photographs of places in Tangipahoa
e) 1986 Citizens National Bank Calendar (Contains photographs of scenes at SLU)
f) Tangipahoa Parish Profile, La. Office of Commerce & Industry, B. R., LA, Oct. 1989
g) Facts and Figures, Tangipahoa Industrial Development Foundation, July 1, 1979 (pamphlet)
h) Kentwood Commercial, Pictorial and Industrial Edition of Tangipahoa Parish, La., Vol. 14, April 1, 1909
(3 xerox copies)
BOX 1 Continued
Folder 5 PROFILES (newspapers)
a) “Profile ’64,” A Business and Industrial Review and Forecast of Southeastern Louisiana’s
rapidly expanding Tri-Parish Area, Tangipahoa, Livingston, St. Helena, Daily Star Feature Section, Jan 31, 1964
b) “Profile ’65,” The Continuing Story of a Tri-Parish Community, Daily Star, January 29, 1965
c) Southeast Louisiana Agri-Dustrial Futurama,” Daily Star, April 7, 1965
d) “Profile ’68,” Daily Star, January 26, 1968
e) “Parish celebrating 100th anniversary,” Hammond Vindicator, March 20, 1969 (3 copies)
f) “Profile ’70,” Daily Star, January 23, 1970
Folder 6 PROFILES (newspapers) Continued
a) “Profile ’71,” A new world of living in the growth center of Louisiana, Daily Star, Jan. 22, 1971
b) “This is the Southeast Louisiana Agri-Dustrial Futurama,” Daily Star, April 12, 1972
c) “Tangipahoa Crossroads,” January 25, 1976
d) “Profile ’79,” Daily Star, February 21, 1979
e) “Profile ’82,” Sunday Shopping Guide, February 28, 1982
f) “Profile ’83,” An in-depth look at community advancements, Sunday Star, February 27, 1983
g) “Profile 1988,” Daily Star, February 28, 1988
h) “Profile on Tangipahoa,” Sunday Star and Guide, February 19, 1989
i) “Profile ’90,” Sunday Star and Shopping Guide, February 18, 1990
j) “Profile, ’91,” Sunday Star and Shopping Guide, February 24, 1991
k) “Profile, ’92,” Sunday Star and Shopping Guide, February 23, 1992
l) “Business Outlook ’94,” Supplement to the Sunday Star, February 20, 1994
m) “Business Outlook ’96,” Supplement to the Sunday Star, February 4, 1996
Folder 1 TOURISM (maps, brochures, newspaper clippings)
a) The Map of Tangipahoa Parish, First Guaranty Bank, n. d. (contains maps of Amite, Hammond, Independence, Kentwood,
Ponchatoula-4 copies)
b) Tangipahoa Parish/Louisiana Map, n.d.
c) Tangipahoa Parish Outdoor Recreation Map, Prepared by the Tangipahoa Parish Tourist Commission, n.d.; also lists Points of
Interest (2 copies)
e) TangipaH2Oa (map of Tangipahoa Parish with mini histories of Kentwood, Amite, Independence, Hammond,
Ponchatoula, and Manchac, list of points of interest, and list of hotels, motels,
& campgrounds-3 copies)
f) Visitors Guide to Tangipahoa Parish (booklet-with mini histories of Kentwood, Amite, Independence, Hammond, Southeastern
Louisiana University, and Ponchatoula; list of points of interest; and list of hotels,
motels, campgrounds, and 1992 calendar of festivals & events-2 copies)
g) Kliebert’s Alligator Farm, Ponchatoula (brochure)
h) Tangipahoa, Its Indian Heritage, (brochure)
i) Campground Owners’ Association (map, lists of campgrounds, fairs, festivals, special attractions)
j) Independence, Louisiana (brochure)
k) Ramada Inn, Hammond, Louisiana (brochure)
l) Holiday Inn, Hammond, Louisiana (brochure)
m) 1987 list of Tangipahoa Parish Fairs & Festivals
n) 1988 list of Tangipahoa Parish Fairs & Festivals
o) 1991 Fairs & Festivals
p) Tangipahoa Parish Tourist Commission, 1996 Calendar of Events
q) Things Looking up for Tourism,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, July 20, 1986
r) “Tangipahoa Tourism,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, March 20, 1988
s) “Up and Down U. S. 51,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, August 21, 1988
t) “Old homes find new life, Bed & breakfasts find visitors,” Daily Star Gumbo, July 8, 1990
u) “Tourism brings $60 million to parish,” Daily Star, May 23, 1991
v) “Center greets 1,300,” Daily Star, August 13, 1991
w) “Parish economy looking strong, reports Burgess,” Daily Star, August 17, 1992
x) “Map omits bluff,” Daily Star, August 17, 1992
y) “Right-wing policies cost (about conventions boycotting N. O.),” Daily Star, Sept. 14, 1992
z) “Bed and breakfast inns enjoy busy season,” Daily Star, September 18, 1992
aa) TangipaH2Oa Parish Tourist Commission car trash bag
Folder 2 AGRICULTURE/DAIRY FARMS (booklets, newspaper clippings)
a) Land Use Classification for Livingston and Tangipahoa Parish, by J. P. Montgomery, United States Department of Agriculture Farm Security Administration
and Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Division of Land Economics, Region VI, Mimeograph
No. 3, Little Rock Arkansas, November 1937
b) Louisiana’s Children of the Fields, State Department of Education of Louisiana, Bulletin No. 1148, 1969, prepared by
Wm. J. Junkin, Jr., Coordinator, Migrant Program and Mrs. Patricia F. Faser, Assistant
(history of education of migrant worker’s children)
c) “Scanning Countryside: From New Camp to Catfish Farm,” by Vic Couvillion, Daily Star, June 26, 1973 (1 st of 5 parts-tour of Tangipahoa Parish from Hammond to Independence
with an SLU environmental studies class)
BOX 2 Continued
Folder 2 AGRICULTURE/DAIRY FARMS Continued (booklets, newspaper clippings)
d) “From A Farmer’s Woes To A Thriving Timber Industry,” by Vic Couvillion, Daily Star, June 27, 1973 (2nd of 5 parts-tour of Tangipahoa Parish from Hammond to Independence
with an SLU environmental studies class)
e) “Final parish bell peppers being harvested,” Daily Star, June 25, 1990
f) “Rain takes crop blame,” Daily Star, January 18, 1991
g) “Vegetables big on area farms, Tangipahoa crop brings growers $11.8 million;” Newspaper
photographs of Ronny Henderson, Anthony Liuzza, and Mike Petitto who produce strawberries,
Sunday Advocate, March 10, 1991
h) Newspaper photograph of a tour of the LSU Hammond Research Station with Amite resident
Regina Bracy and area farmers discussing the different methods of growing bell peppers
i) “Region may see another pepper crop,” Daily Star, June 30, 1991
j) “Tangipahoa leads state in vegetable acreage,” Daily Star, July 3, 1992
k) “Lagoon Demonstration Set,” Daily Star, September 6, 1992
l) Cleanup Focuses On Dairies,” Daily Star, November 25, 1992
m) “Startin’ Early Down on the Farm,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, April 20, 1986
Folder 3 BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY PROFILES (booklets, brochure, newspaper clippings)
a) Crossroads, the meeting of two of the nation’s main arteries of commerce fuels the growth of
Tangipahoa Parish, Special Section, New Orleans CityBusiness, August 12, 1991 (2 copies)
b) Scenic Tangipahoa Parish, Keystone of the thriving Northlake parishes with total access to the Great Gulf
South, Information Guide and Buying Directory (contains short history of Tangipahoa
c) Industrial Guide, Tangipahoa Parish (list of businesses in Tangipahoa Parish)
d) Tangipahoa Industrial Development Foundation (brochure)
e) “Worker shortages developing,” Sunday Advocate, September 2, 1990
f) “Economic boosts sit in local future,” Daily Star, January 21, 1991
g) “Figures indicate lower employment,” Daily Star, January 27, 1991
h) “Tangipahoa Industrial Development Foundation receives $5,000 check from Mayor
Charlie McKaskle, mayor of Hammond,” Daily Star, April 28, 1991
i) “Tax incentives aid 2 companies,” Daily Star, July 9, 1991
j) “Parish jobs increase; jobless rate climbs,” Daily Star, August 27, 1991
k) “Study: More area residents working,” Sunday Star, September 29, 1991
l) “Parish cities make industrial gains,” Daily Star, December 8, 1991
m) “Good old days may return soon,” Daily Star, December 10, 1991
n) “Building increases,” Daily Star, January 8, 1992
o) “Investors scurry to open plant,” Daily Star, January 21, 1992
p) “Parish hailed as big gainer,” Daily Star, March 26, 1992
q) ” ’91 year-end figures show building surge,” Daily Star, March 31, 1992
r) “Parish economy looking strong, reports Burgess,” Daily Star, June 25, 1992
s) “Half of new homes in parish going up in Ponchatoula area,” Daily Star, November 17, 1992
t) Public-Convenience Certificate to Liberty-White R. R.; Liberty-White Railroad Company
Time Table No. 5; Accounting Report on the Liberty-White Railroad Company, June 30,
Folder 4 BRICKMAKING AND FOREST PRODUCTS (letter, magazine)
a) Manuscript by Irene Morris about brickmaking in Tangipahoa Parish (xerox copy)
b) List of Forest Products Producers in State of Louisiana,” Department of Conservation, Division of Forestry, Bulletin No. 24, Vol. V, September
1936 (xerox copies of pages 114-117 showing Tangipahoa Parish producers-donated by
Clark Forrest, Jr., October 31, 1979)
BOX 2 Continued
Folder 4 BRICKMAKING AND FOREST PRODUCTS (letter, magazine) Continued
c) “Tangi’s Forests: Lumber Means Progress,” Hammond Vindicator, March 20, 1969.
d) Safety Peptimist, Vol. 3, No. 10, October 1931 (magazine sent to Reimers lumber companies)
e) “Buried Treasures–Sinker Cypress,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, June 1, 1986
f) Louisiana Cypress Lumber Company, Inc., Ponchatoula, Louisiana, Employees and Their
Occupations as of September 12, 1948
Folder 5 REAL ESTATE (manuscript, letter, newspaper clippings)
a) “The Timberman’s Trail to Tangipahoa Parish as marked by the Houlton Brothers Lake
Superior Piling Company, 1896 to 1929, by Jeanne G. Gewalt, Fall Semester 1985 (research
paper done for Dr. Michael Kurtz, Southeastern Louisiana University)
b) Letter to Dr. Joy Jackson from Gary Salathe, Land Agent for Latter & Blum, Inc.
dated January 8, 1988 about naming streets in the Lake Superior Piling Company development
c) “Taking your time can pay off when looking for country land, Tangipahoa Parish
woodlands making dreams come true,” Times-Picayune, July 2, 1988
d) Two large $20 bills with an advertisement on the back for Latter & Blum Inc. Realtors
e) Unsung benefactors in lumber industry,” unidentified newspaper, n.d.
f) “Remembering early Tangipahoa, Unsung benefactors in lumber industry,” unidentified
newspaper, n. d. (xerox copy)
g) “Heirs selling last remains of fallen lumber kingdom, Florida Parishes firm part
of area’s history,” State-Times, n.d. (xerox copy-also xerox map showing area)
Folder 6 LIBRARY SYSTEM (manuscripts, newspaper clippings)
a) “History of the Tangipahoa Parish Library System,” (an oral history project by
Barbara Simon Winfree, April 28, 1978 (2 xerox copies)
b) Untitled Manuscript prepared for 1959 tax election (3 copies)
c) “Tangipahoa Library Saves Taxpayers Money by Operating on Cash Basis,” (manuscript
prepared for 1959 3 mill tax election) (3 copies)
d) “Board to debate repairing branch,” Daily Star, June 28, 1990
e) “Library board member wants sweeping improvements,” Daily Star, August 24, 1990
f) “Library adds to branch book shelves,” Daily Star, October 26, 1990
g) “Pittman’s leaving opens spot on parish library board,” Daily Star, January 25, 1991
h) “Parish libraries see more use,” Daily Star, April 26, 1991
i) “Library director requests opinion on fund use,” Daily Star, April 26, 1991
j) “Jenkins pulls library item from agenda,” Daily Star, June 11, 1991
k) “Library officials continue search for new sits,” Daily Star, June 28, 1991
l) “Kids checking out library this summer,” Daily Star, June 30, 1991
m) “Libraries reward young readers,” Daily Star, August 8, 1991
n) “Donations Proposal Concerns Library Friends,” Daily Star, May 10, 1992
o) “Library Works On Donation Policy,” Daily Star, May 12, 1992
p) “Let Friends speak to library board,” Daily Star, July 12, 1992
q) “Friends seek library input,” Daily Star, July 16, 1992
r) “Library squabble settled,” Daily Star, July 17, 1992
s) “Library board fine-tuning loan policy,” Daily Star, September 4, 1992
t) “Major changes forecast in parish library system,” Daily Star, November 10, 1992
u) “No action taken on Tumey at library board meeting,” Daily Star, November 11, 1992
v) “Library board ousts director Ron Tumey,” Daily Star, November 20, 1992
w) “Library Board Appoints Sledge,” Daily Star, December 1, 1992
BOX 2 Continued
Folder 7 CABLEVISION (newspaper clippings)
a) “Council acts on cable rates,” Daily Star, June 11, 1991
b) “Cable company promises council it won’t increase rates this year,” Daily Star, June 25, 1991
c) “City will tackle cable TV issues,” Daily Star, April 19, 1992
d) “Basic service looks high, but more channels offered,” Daily Star, April 19, 1992
e) “Cablevision adds reduced package at lower price,” Daily Star, May 20, 1992
Folder 8 CHURCHES (booklet, newspaper clipping)
a) Baptist Woman’s Missionary Union of Tangipahoa Association, 1914-1964, prepared for the golden jubilee year celebration and under the direction of the
Tangipahoa Association, Mrs. Joseph H. Simpson, Amite, President, by the committee:
Mrs. J. H. Campbell, Hammond, Mrs. A. L. Ladner, Ponchatoula, Mrs. James Polk Morris,
Jr., Kentwood (history of the organization year by year)
b) “Christmas music heralds the season,” Hammond Vindicator, December 24, 1987 (contains pictures of Tangipahoa churches)
Folder 9 GOVERNMENT (booklet, newspaper clippings)
a) A Study of Parish Government in Louisiana, by L. E. Chandler, Professor Government, College Bulletin, Southeastern Louisiana
College, Vol. XVII, No. 2, January 1960 (2 copies)
b) “Tangipahoa Parish, 1869,” Courthouses of Louisiana (xerox of pages 160 and 161)
c) “Officials meet to seek clout,” Daily Star, December 3, 1991
d) “Local facilities could see more money,” Daily Star, May 31, 1992
f) “Charter authors oppose changes,” Daily Star, July 2, 1992
g) “Volunteers Come Forward For Charter Committee,” Daily Star, July 22, 1992
h) “Charter Proposal Sidelined,” Daily Star, July 28, 1992
i) “Committee will analyze parish home rule charter,” Daily Star, January 27, 1993
j) “Dufreche to become assessor,” Daily Star, May 6, 1991
k) “Parish debt of $1 million nearly paid,” Daily Star, June 12, 1991
l) “Area officials discussing tax collection,” Daily Star, December 22, 1991
m) “Solo parish tax collector must surface by July 1, Daily Star, January 20, 1992
n) “Contract inking expected soon [sales tax collection agreement],” Daily Star, May 1, 1992
o) “Parish can use discretion to repay millions of dollars, Daily Star, June 15, 1992
p) “Tax collection agreement near finalization,” Daily Star, June 16, 1992
q) “Council to discuss tax plan,” Daily Star, June 21, 1992
r) “Vote to renew parish sales tax,” Daily Star, September 27, 1992
s) “Line-item backers mull veto override,” Daily Star, December 23, 1992
t) “Battle lines drawn on line-item issue,” December 29, 1992
u) “Bruno reports overspending,” Daily Star, January 4, 1993
v) “Line-item backers win vote to hire their own council,” Daily Star, January 26, 1993
w) “Tavern owners voice concern over measure,” January 16, 1992
x) “Liquor law abolished,” Daily Star, January 28, 1992
BOX 2 Continued
Folder 9 GOVERNMENT Continued (booklet, newspaper clippings)
y) “Council removes 4th Ward board,” Daily Star, January 29, 1992
z) “Ward 2 Water District misses bond payment,” Daily Star, March 24, 1992
aa) “Better H2O predicted,” Daily Star, June 2, 1992
bb) “Water district consolidation on tonight’s council agenda,” Daily Star, June 8, 1992
cc) “Commissioners appointed for single water district,” Daily Star, September 15, 1992
dd) “Officials act on single water district,” Daily Star, December 28, 1992
ee) “Shelter program creeps [animal control],” Daily Star, September 30, 1992
ff) “Animal control commission on council agenda again,” Daily Star, October 11, 1992
gg) “Animal committee named,” Daily Star, October 14, 1992
hh) “Amite would lease animal shelter site,” Daily Star, December 15, 1992
ii) “Shelter group in dark over site,” Daily Star, December 16, 1992
jj) “Tangipahoa Parish elections,” Daily Star, October 8, 1990
kk) “Sheriff, Burgess returned,” Daily Star, October 20, 1991
ll) “Dufreche, Dahmer win on first tries,” Daily Star, October 20, 1991
mm) “Building boom raises issue, Council mulls strengthening parish construction codes,”
Daily Star, November 23, 1992
nn) “Road work will start by Sept. 24,” Daily Star, September 6, 1990
oo) “Burgess proposes pooling equipment [road building equipment],” Daily Star, Oct. 16, 1991
pp) “Voters approve emergency line,” Daily Star, November 7, 1990
qq) “Council Settles Road Name,” Daily Star, July 9, 1991
rr) “Council plans discussion on naming parish roads,” Daily Star, July 21, 1991
ss) “Idea gives way to name parish roads,” Daily Star, July 23, 1991
tt) “911 commission urges council to name roads,” Daily Star, June 23, 1992
uu) “Tangipahoa Jail Will Welcome Inspection,” Daily Star, August 20, 1990
vv) “Sheriff’s office to operate on $6.6 million,” Daily Star, July 28, 1991
ww) “Jail Expansion Plans Put Back On Track,” Daily Star, August 13, 1991
xx) “Parish Pushes Jail Expansion,” Daily Star, August 27, 1991
yy) “Sheriff gives major’s rank to Fitz, Sticker,” Daily Star, May 6, 1992
zz) “Jail costs questioned,” Daily Star, June 2, 1992
3a) “Campaign ’91,” Daily Star, October 16, 1991
3b) “3 current representatives win; 2 face runoff battles,” Daily Star, October 20, 1991
3c) “Four win return trips to council,” Daily Star, October 20, 1991
3d) “Districts return 4 to senate,” Daily Star, October 20, 1991
3e) “Parish ekes out victory,” Daily Star, October 4, 1992
3f) “Note on vote angers Hebert,” Daily Star, February 9, 1992
3g) “4 area senators named chairmen,” Daily Star, February 9, 1992
3h) “Check list [current and former house members from La.whom the House Ethics Committee
lists as having written checks on insufficient funds at the House bank],” Daily Star, April 19, 1992
BOX 2 Continued
Folder 9 GOVERNMENT Continued (booklet, newspaper clippings)
3i) “Proposed parish districts,” Daily Star, April 29, 1991
3j) “Council protests plan for changing districts ,” Daily Star, May 15, 1991
3k) “Final look at districts set on Tues.,” Daily Star, May 26, 1991
3l) “Ponchatoula to pursue new redistricting plan,” Daily Star, June 14, 1991
3m) “Legislative districts,” Daily Star, October 16, 1991
3n) “Household Facts, Official Census Released [1970],” unidentified newspaper, ca
3o) “1990 census questioned by Nunez,” Lion’s Roar, September 13, 1990
3p) “Parish to lose funding,” Lion’s Roar, September 13, 1990
3q) “Municipalities see population falling,” Daily Star, January 25, 1991
3r) “Hammond disputes census,” Daily Star, January 30, 1991
3s) Poll Tax Receipt, Tangipahoa Parish, La., Dec. 16, 1880, R. Duncan (original)
Folder 10 ORGANIZATIONS (programs, brochure, newspaper clippings)
a) Story-Tellers Club, Season of 1917-1918 (program)
b) Story-Tellers Club, 1918-1919 (program)
c) Story-Tellers Club, 1923 (program)
d) Story-Tellers Club, 1924 (program)
e) Confederate Daughters honor governors, Daily Star, June 14, 1989
f) Krewe of Omega (brochure)
g) Southeast Louisiana Historical Association presents plaques to Ben Eble and Clark
Forrest, Jr., Hammond Vindicator, May 26, 1988
a) 1952 Tangipahoa Parish Telephone Directory (contains Amite City, Independence,
Kentwood, Ponchatoula)
b) 1960 Tangipahoa Parish Telephone Directory (contains Amite City, Independence,
Hammond, Kentwood, Ponchatoula)
PERSONALITIES (manuscripts, magazines, newspaper clippings)
12. A Daily Journal of Trip to Texas, by Alma Jaycox Robertson, 1902 (written for
the Round Table Club of Roseland-xerox copy)
13. Beremie Steele Duncan Diary (1942-1944-xerox copy)
14. “The Life and Public Service of E. John Ellis,” by Robert Cinnamond Tucker, Reprinted
from Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 3, July 1946 (xerox copy)
15. Sketch about Russell Willie (bodyguard to Governor Earl K. Long), The Louisiana Trooper, the official publication of the Louisiana State Troopers Association, Fall 1990
(xerox copy-pages 60-71)
16. “Louisiana military history has a friend: Pat Casey,” Sunday Advocate Magazine, Aug. 18, 1985
17. “Puls Named to Hall of Fame,” The Tangipahoa Farmer, Vol. 17, No. 3, March 1991 (Dr. Elmer E. Puls was named as one of the first five
members of the Louisiana Association of Festivals and Fairs-He taught at Southeastern)
BOX 2 Continued
PERSONALITIES (manuscripts, magazines, newspaper clippings) Continued
18. “Twentieth Century Doctors of Tangipahoa Parish,” by Stephen Weymouth, n. d. (Doctors
included: Edward McGehee, Carlos Alessi, Charles Marion Abbott, Edward Larned McGehee,
Jr., Lucius McGehee, John Walter Lambert, Smylie Scott Anderson, Adolph Paul Delcourt,
Luther Layton Ricks, Marquis Claude Wiginton, Collins Lipscomb, Glenn T. Scott, Jr.,
Clinton Harry Sharp, Jr., and Dennis Parker Granberry, Jr.)
19. Bryce M. Miller’s description of the Battle of Shiloh as told to Guy Dyson (donated
July 10, 1977)
Folder 20 IRA ELLIS ADDISON (land certificate, estate settlement)
a) Certificate No. 3053 of the Register of the Land Office at Greensburg, Vol. 5,
Page 143, for the west half of the north west quarter of section nine in Township
Six South, of Range Seven East, containing 81 and 19/100 acres [in Livingston Parish
until Tangipahoa Parish was formed], July 1, 1859
b) Estate Settlement, dated April 19, 1875 and April 21, 1892, Conveyance Book #4,
Page 224
Folder 21 SKETCHES OF PERSONALITIES (newspaper clippings)
a) “Singer notes career has highs, lows [Melissa Thorburn],” Sunday Star Gumbo Feature, November 25, 1990 (2 copies)
b) “Twinkle, Twinkle, How we began to light our trees,” Sunday Star Gumbo Feature, December 16, 1990
c) “Lake experts, Sheriff’s search & rescue team enlists reserves with varied skills,”
Sunday Star Gumbo Feature, January 6, 1991
d) “Archer targets Olympics [Jeff Milchanowski],” Sunday Star Gumbo Feature, January 20, 1991
e) “Never a dull moment, Ex-pilot’s escapades add spice to life [Earl Jenevein, Sr.],”
Sunday Star Gumbo Feature, February 3, 1991
f) “Baskets: For centuries weavers create vessels of reed [Johanna Heller],” Sunday Star Gumbo Feature, April 21, 1991
g) “The Deep beckons commercial diver [Hamilton Martin],” Sunday Star Gumbo Feature, September 15, 1991
h) “Poets of Tangipahoa [Deane Settoon Mernagh, Lee Lanier],” by Nicholas Russell
Murray, Hammond Vindicator, November 7, 1985
i) ” ‘Muddy’ Waters in hall of fame [retired commissioner of the Louisiana High School
Athletic Association and former Hammond High School teacher] inducted into the Louisiana
Tech athletic Hall of Fame,” Hammond Vindicator, February 25, 1988
j) “Stepping out with . . . Expressions,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, September 4, 1988
k) “Publishing: parish writers who made it [Ginger Romero],” Daily Star Gumbo, August 24, 1986
l) “The Art Year Begins,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, September 11, 1988
m) “Where the buffalo roam . . in Tangipahoa Parish [Arcola],” Daily Star Gumbo, May 18, 1986
m) “Hulon Reid always a cowboy [Uneedus],” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, July 17, 1988
n) “One man’s art makes another’s cheer [James Gagliano-Wadesboro],” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, August 17, 1986
o) “Busy Carnival Bakers, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, February 25, 1990
BOX 2 Continued
Folder 22 SPECIAL EVENTS (newspaper clippings)
Tangipahoa Parish Fair
a) Tangipahoa Parish Fair Booklet, October 1968
b) “Parish Fair Will Begin Tuesday,” Sunday Star, September 29, 1985
c) “A Century of Parish Fairs,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, October 2, 1988
d) “Exhibit review begins,” Daily Star,” October 4, 1990
e) “Parish Fair Prevails,” Sunday Star, October 6, 1991
f) “Girl injured at fair; crowds pack event,” Daily Star,” October 6, 1991
g) “Tangipahoa Parish Fair,” Sunday Star, Gumbo Feature, October 6, 1991
h) “Parish Seat Getting Ready for Start of Fair Next Week,” Daily Star, September 24, 1992
i) “Workmen Ready Fairgrounds,” Daily Star, September 28, 1992
Tangipahoa Black Heritage Festival
j) “Black Festival Organizers Wonder Where Police Were,” Daily Star, September 4, 1990
k) “SU Freshman to Wear Crown at Heritage Fest,” Daily Star, June 10, 1991
l) “Black Heritage Fest Officials Preparing,” Daily Star, July 11, 1991
m) “Black Tie Affair Offers 1st Look at D. C. Exhibit,” Daily Star, August 14, 1991
n) “Parade Marshal Recalls `Breaking Ice’ in Elections,” Daily Star, August 28, 1991
o) “Heritage Fest Celebrates Freedom,” Sunday Star, September 1, 1991
23. Citizens for a Clean Tangipahoa (brochures)
24. 1987 Newspaper articles about the Tangipahoa River pollution
25. 1988 Newspaper articles about the Tangipahoa River pollution
26. 1989 Newspaper articles about the Tangipahoa River pollution
27. 1991 Newspaper articles about the Tangipahoa River pollution
28. 1992 Newspaper articles about the Tangipahoa River pollution
29. 1993 Newspaper articles about the Tangipahoa River pollution
30. 1995 Newspaper articles about the Tangipahoa River pollution
31. 1996 Newspaper articles about the Tangipahoa River pollution
Folder 1 EDUCATION–HISTORY (thesis)
“A History of Education in Tangipahoa Parish,” by James Morris Perrin, June 1980 (Thesis
presented to the faculty of the graduate school, Southeastern Louisiana University
Folder 2 EDUCATION AND EDUCATORS (manuscripts, newspaper clippings)
a) “Tangipahoa Parish School Bonding Proposal, May 29, 1976, District D– 7th Ward
(2 copies)
b) “Tangipahoa Parish Retired Teachers Reminisce for the Bi-Centennial, 1776-1976,”
(Teachers included: Helen H. Kluchin, Verna Hayden Black, Luther Edward Chandler,
Arabelle Fendlason, Charles Gabriel Felder, Mirla Blades (Mrs. Shelby) McDaniel, Juanita
Conerly McDaniel Peters, Juanita Randall Lambert)
c) “Educators in Tangipahoa,” Strawberries & Cream, August 3 & 4, 1983 (Teachers included: Dr. Luther Dyson, Jack Hite, Lynn Flemming,
Gordon Price, T. C. Spangler, Bill Tate)
d) Records from St. Tammany Parish concerning present day Tangipahoa Roads, Schools,
Deaths (xerox copies donated by Mrs. Amos Neff)
e) 50 newspaper clippings about the school system
Folder 2A EDUCATION AND EDUCATORS (Financial Reports)
a) Tangipahoa Parish School System, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, for the
year ended June 30, 1998
b) Tangipahoa Parish School System, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, for the
year ended June 30, 1999
3. Tangipahoa Advocate (official journal, Parish of Tangipahoa), Vol. 1, No. 14, August 28, 1869
4. The Florida Parishes, Pictorial and Industrial Edition of the Florida Parishes, Vol. 20, No. 18, January
29, 1910 (reprinted 1976)
5. Sun, Vol. 12, No. 31, July 31, 1959; Advertiser, No. 9, February 28, 1964; Hammond Vindicator, April 23, 1964; Home Almanac, Vol. 5, No. 40, October 2, 1968
6. “Edwin Edwards says, Hang in there, Tangipahoa!,” Democratic Voice, Vol. 1, No. 3, August 13, 1983; “Morial endorses Edwards in Hammond,” Democratic Voice, Vol. 1, No. 4, August 20, 1983; “Will Layrisson deliver Tangipahoa to Treen?,” Democratic Voice, Vol. 1, No. 10, October 1, 1983; “Sheriff’s office is broke, Layrisson requests
$2.6 million loan,” Democratic Voice, Vol. 1, No. 11, October 8, 1983
7. The Morning Sun, February 16-March 27, 1991 (These were faxed to Sims Memorial Library)
8. Letter from William Hodding Carter, Jr., Editor-Publisher, The Daily Courier, Hammond, LA to Hermann dated November 1, 1934 (about a lynching tree)
9. “Enterprise donates past issues to SLU Archives,” Enterprise, July 6, 1983
9A. Hammond History Notes (Index to Newspaper Articles about Hammond-donated by Tom
Davidson May 1998)
BOX 3 Continued
Folder 10 AMITE–DISASTERS (newspaper clippings)
a) “Amite Storm Claims Three,” “Town Is Heavily Damaged,” Morning Advocate, April 8, 1940
b) “Town Is Reportedly ‘Practically Wiped Out’ During Night,” Morning Advocate, April 8, 1940
c) “Tornado Cuts Path Through Amite, Leveling Business and Residential Buildings,”
Times- Picayune, April 8, 1940
d) “Homes Crushed, Towns Torn By Battering Wind,” Times-Picayune, April 8, 1940
e) “Tornado Debris Is Cleared From Streets In Amite,” Times-Picayune, April 9, 1940.
f) “Many Homes Wrecked, C hurches Leveled By Terrific Blow, Hammond Vindicator, April 12, 1940
Folder 11 AMITE–ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (newspaper clippings)
a) “New Jobs, New Money, For A New Amite,” Dixie, December 1, 1968
b) “Amite Residents, Leaders Discuss Revitalizing Town,” Daily Star, July 12, 1991
c) “SLU Students Survey Consumers,” Daily Star, July 14, 1991
d) “Task Force Moves To Put Amite In Black,” Daily Star, October 11, 1991
e) “Amite Buildings Tumble Down,” Daily Star, May 1, 1992
f) “Amite Leaders Cut Their Pay To Save For Park,” Daily Star, May 7, 1992
g) “Library, Career Center Launching Job Program,” Daily Star, January 25, 1993
h) “Amite Oysters,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, March 16, 1986
Folder 12 AMITE STEEL MILL (newspaper clippings)
a) “Foundry to reopen,” Daily Star, November 1, 1991
b) “Steel mill deal nears completion,” Daily Star, December 2, 1991
c) “Steel foundry finances falter,” Daily Star, December 31, 1991
d) “Amite steel mill’s for sale–again, Daily Star, January 6, 1992
e) “Tainted trail tags behind Milstid,” Daily Star, January 9, 1992
f) “DA decides to probe mill deal,” Daily Star, January 13, 1992
g) “Court OKs Bid For Amite Steel Mill,” Daily Star, October 6, 1992.
Folder 13 AMITE–EDUCATION/SCHOOLS (newspaper clippings)
a) “School Wants Fence To Deter Intruders,” Daily Star, February 23, 1992
b) “Board Insists On Fencing AHS,” Daily Star, February 24, 1992
c) “Following Crops Hard On Kids [migrant], Daily Star, May 18, 1992
d) “Amite Loses Title In Final Minutes,” Sunday Star, December 15, 1991
Folder 14 AMITE–GOVERNMENT (letter, newspaper clippings)
a) Amite Alderman Results; Roseland Mayor and Chief of Police Results, Daily Star, Oct. 7, 1992
b) “Goldsby Can’t Work At Lallie Kemp,” Daily Star, June 1, 1992. (2 Copies)
c) Letter to Representatives re=Clemons Brothers Lumber Company, Inc.
BOX 3 Continued
Folder 15 AMITE–HISTORY/PROFILE/EVENTS (map, newspaper clippings)
a) City Map & Street Guide
b) Community Profile, La. Office of Commerce & Industry, B. R., LA, October 1989 (xerox
c) “Shucks! Another Festival!,” Dixie, March 4, 1979
d) “Introducing thrifty, friendly, young Amite,” Sunday Star, January 7, 1990
e) “Town Of Amite Marks Birthday,” Sunday Star, November 3, 1991
f) “Alderman Reflects On Past 18 Years [Vince LaBarbera],” Daily Star, December 10, 1992
g) “Blues Festival will Feature Bobby Blue Bland,” Daily Star, June 25, 1991
h) Historic Amite City Louisiana, A Walking Tour (brochure)
i) Scenes From Our History: Row Houses, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, July 27, 1986
j) Scenes From Our History: Felder’s Coffee Shop, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, June 1, 1986
k) Scenes From Our History: Wagons in front of Stewart’s Drug Store, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, May 18, 1986
l) Scenes From Our History: Goldsby’s Drug Store, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, May 4, 1986
m) Scenes From Our History: Huey Long, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, April 27, 1986
n) Scenes From Our History: Berries to Train, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, April 20, 1986
Folder 16 AMITE–LANDMARKS/CHURCHES (manuscripts, brochures, news clippings)
a) “History of Amite/Arcola Presbyterian Church,” Compiled by the Church History Committee:
Mrs. P. A. Bahm, Mrs. Eleanor Voss, Mrs. Marjorie Crowson
b) Establishment of the Episcopal Church in Louisiana/Establishment of the Episcopal
Church in Amite, by Luther H. Dyson, April 18, 1984
c) Amite Church’s Historical Roots Registered, Daily Star, December 26, 1980
d) First Baptist Church, Amite, Louisiana, Centennial, 1876-1976 (Program)
e) Mount Nebo Baptist Church Record (Minutes from 1814-xerox copy)
f) “Amite Landmarks To Be Demolished,” Daily Star, January 24, 1992
g) “Bar Stands Test Of Time [Spitale’s Bar],” Spectrum, vol. 3, no. 1, 1990
h) “Blythewood To Be On Television,” Hammond Vindicator, November 7, 1985 (2 Copies)
i) “Blythewood Plantation holds silver tea and style show,” Hammond Vindicator, Nov. 27, 1985
j) “Down on the Plantation, Blythewood,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, June 12, 1988
k) “Where Fantasies Become Realities!!! Blythewood Plantation,” Tangipahoa Farmer, Mar. 1991
l) Blythewood Plantation (Brochure–2 Copies)
m) “The Camellias Embrace Amite And Hammond Nostalgia,” Hammond Vindicator, Jul. 10, 1986
n) “The Camellias A Treasured Landmark In Amite,” Hammond Vindicator, October 22, 1987
o) Picture of an Unidentified House, News Digest, February 24, 1977
Folder 17 AMITE–PERSONALITIES/OBITUARIES (newspaper clippings)
a) Bolivar E. Kemp obituary, Hammond Vindicator, June 23, 1933
b) Daisy Needham (died 3/16/91) obituary, unidentified newspaper, n. d.
c) Maud Ellis Palmer biography, 7/16/02-4/27/91 (xerox copy)
d) “T. J.’s…For Her [ladies apparel store],” Sunday Star, August 13, 1992
e) Sun publisher [Nicholas Russell] Murray dies, Daily Star, October 26, 1992
f) “Amite Loses Historian,” Daily Star, April 28, 1994
BOX 3 Continued
Folder 18 FRENIER
a) “Historic Efforts Fail to Keep Many from Death at Frenier,” Times-Picayune, October 2, 1915
b) “1915 storm leaves few traces of four area swampland towns,” Daily Star, January 16, 1980
c) “Frenier: a lost lakeside town,” Hammond Vindicator, December 3, 1989
Newspapers donated by Fredrick C. Kopfler, Jr., April 13, 1988
Amite Progress
1. October 1, 1936
2. October 7, 1937
3. March 12, 1942 (2 copies)
4. April 22, 1943
5. June 10, 1943
6. July 22, 1943 (2 copies)
7. July 29, 1943 (3 copies)
8. November 11, 1943
9. July 12, 1945
10. January 21, 1949
11. January 28, 1949
12. November 4, 1949
13. April 7, 1950
14. November 18, 1955
15. February 10, 1956
16. April 13, 1962
17. June 1, 1962
18. September 28, 1962
Tangi Talk
19. May 20, 1953
20. February 8, 1956
21. March 23, 1960
22. March 26, 1969
Tangipahoa Parish News
23. June 14, 1928
24. June 21, 1928
25. July 5, 1928
26. August 2, 1943
Newspapers donated by Bryan Public Library, West Point, MS, Mary Helen Waggoner, Director
Sunday Sun
, Hammond, LA
April 19, 1953 through January 3, 1954
The Sun
, Hammond, LA
January 12, 1954 through December 21, 1954
“Bloody Tangipahoa” articles written by Lee Lanier
Belonging to Early Tangipahoa Parish Marshal
Steam Logging in the Swamps, 16mm (2 copies)
a) “Airport May Shorten 2 Runways,” Daily Star, June 13, 1990
b) “Airport, Cate Lawyers Negotiate,” Daily Star, June 18, 1990
c) “Airport Finds Leader Nearby,” Daily Star, January 29, 1991
d) “Airport Authority Fees Comparable,” Daily Star, July 18, 1991
e) “Airport Needs Better Drainage, Group Told,” Daily Star, November 13, 1991
g) “City Buys 56 Acres South Of Airport,” Daily Star, November 25, 1991
h) “Poirier Likens Airport Board To New Orleans City Council,” Daily Star, March 11, 1992
i) “Airport Might Land 2 Grants,” Daily Star, August 24, 1992
j) “Airport Group Weighs Divers’ Permanence,” Daily Star, September 10, 1992
k) “Airport Nixes Skydiving Query,” Daily Star, December 9, 1992
Folder 2 HAMMOND–ANIMAL SHELTER (newspaper clippings)
a) “Shelter Animals Facing Death,” n. d.
b) “Group Tries To Curb Animal Control Woes,” Daily Star, October 25, 1990
c) “Shelter Could Reopen As Stop-Gap Measure,” Daily Star, March 10, 1992
d) “Vet Relates Reopening Procedures,” Daily Star, March 11, 1992
e) “Hammond Shelter Will Not Reopen,” Daily Star, March 16, 1992
f) “Residents To Restate Opposition To Shelter Reopening,” Daily Star, March 22, 1992
g) “Group Will Recommend New Animal Shelter Site,” Daily Star, May 3, 1992
h) “Neighbors Balk At Shelter Site,” Daily Star, May 6, 1992
i) “Push Continues For Animal Control,” Daily Star, July 5, 1992
j) “Parish Landfill Likely Shelter Site,” Daily Star, July 14, 1992
l) “Parish Adopts Animal Ordinance,” Daily Star, July 28, 1992
m) “Parish Needs To Get Animal Shelter Now,” Daily Star, September 13, 1992
Folder 3 HAMMOND–APARTMENTS (newspaper clippings)
a) Hammond Apartments
b) “Apartment dwellers express concerns over maintenance,” Daily Star, May 8, 1992
c) “Residents, mangers hope to achieve reconciliation,” Daily Star, May 8, 1992
d) “Repair woes concern Tangi Village tenants,” Daily Star, May 8, 1992
e) “Toy, car rules irk residents,” Daily Star, May 10, 1992
f) “Tangi Village faces 40 years of debt,” Daily Star, May 11, 1992
g) “Burgeoning SLU enrollment creates apartment shortage,” Daily Star, August 9, 1992
h) “Developer transforming wrecked site,” Daily Star, August 9, 1992
i) “HUD to renovate Daggs-Reid,” Daily Star, January 12, 1993
a) Hammond State Bank check, dated December 23, 1912
b) “Tangipahoa Man To Face Charges Of Embezzlement,” Times Picayune, April 1, 1917
c) Citizens National Bank, 1934-1984 (silver-colored medallion given for opening of
new building)
d) Citizens Square, June 1984 (brochure showing scenes from Citizens National Bank’s fifty years with Tangipahoa-2
e) Napkins, Citizens National Bank, 1934-1984 (given at opening of new bank building)
BOX 6 Continued
Folder 4 HAMMOND–BANKS Continued
f) Citizens National Bancshares, Inc. 1984 Annual Report.
g) Home Reference Guide, Inc., compliments of the Citizens National Bank Family (booklet with banking information,
history of Citizens National Bank, histories of the presidents of the bank, a short
history of Tangipahoa Parish, other information)
h) “Central Progressive Bank Expands,” Hammond Vindicator, March 13, 1986
i) “Guaranty Chief Quits,” Daily Star, December 23, 1992
a) “City Sales, Use Taxes Climb Again,” Daily Star, June 28, 1990
b) “City Collections Rise 25 Percent,” Daily Star, October 5, 1990
c) “State’s Voters Give La. Chance To Run Lottery,” Sunday Star, October 7, 1990
d) “City Must Diet,” Daily Star, May 16, 1991
e) “Budget: City Will Spend $11.8 Million,” Daily Star, May 19, 1991
f) “City’s 2% Cuts Save $20,000,” Daily Star, July 16, 1991
g) “Cost Overrun Woes Linger With Council,” Daily Star, July 24, 1991
h) “New Millage Hikes Property Taxes,” Daily Star, August 13, 1991
i) “City Looks To Teens To Raise Money For Hangout,” Daily Star, September 4, 1991
j) “City May Borrow $1 Million To Avoid Cash Flow Crunch,” Daily Star, September 18, 1991
k) “Teen Spot To Close For Lack Of Money,” Daily Star, October 30, 1991
l) “Property Taxes Soar,” Daily Star, November 29, 1991
m) “Neighbors Enjoy Sales Tax Spurt,” Daily Star, January 20, 1992
n) “School Board Will Turn Tax Collector,” Daily Star, April 22, 1992
o) “New Jobs Account For Budget Increase,” Daily Star, June 1, 1992
p) “City Wants To Create Fund For Emergencies,” Daily Star, June 1, 1992
q) “City Wants New Tax To Fund Recreation,” Daily Star, June 23, 1992
r) “City Tax Collections Jump 13 Percent,” Daily Star, July 14, 1992
s) “Mayor Disputes Parish Figures,” Daily Star, August 12, 1992
t) “Downtown Taxes Won’t Increase,” Daily Star, September 4, 1992
u) “Hammond Voters Reject Measure By 2-1 Margin,” Sunday Star, October 4, 1992
v) “How Millage Would Affect Property Taxes,” Daily Star, January 5, 1993
a) Letter regarding shipping supplies (Cooperatives of Louisiana, Inc.), dated March
27, 1946
b) “Hammond–All Its Berries Aren’t In One Basket,” May 11, 1952
c) “Planned Industrial Park Is Long Awaited Project,” Sun, November 10, 1974
d) “Consultant: City lags in labor market,” Daily Star, June 29, 1990
e) “Slide show impresses officials,” Daily Star, July 27, 1990
f) “Winn-Dixie now shipping groceries,” Daily Star, August 23, 1990
g) “Center Would ‘Incubate’ Business,” Daily Star, October 25, 1990
h) “Investors Buy Part Of Westpark Village,” Sunday Star, December 16, 1990
i) “Neill Will Expand Somewhere,” Daily Star, December 24, 1990
j) “Barbering: The Long And Short Of It [Sanitary Barbering–Sam Penzato and Joe Perrone],”
Sunday Star, Gumbo Feature, August 25, 1991
k) “City Sees Small Business Expanding,” Daily Star, July 7, 1991
l) “Pilot Facility Opens At I-12,” Daily Star, August 21, 1991
BOX 6 Continued
Folder 6 HAMMOND–BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY Continued (newspaper clippings)
m) “Hammond Manufacturer Expanding,” Sunday Star, September 15, 1991
n) “Alfalfa Co. Going To Texas,” Hammond Sunday Star, October 27, 1991
o) “Mall Tells Plans,” Daily Star, December 11, 1991
p) “Growing Local Firm Gets Enterprise Zone,” Daily Star, January 13, 1992
q) “Restaurant To Open In Drusilla’s Site,” Daily Star, January 29, 1992
r) “Sanderson To Expand,” Daily Star, February 21, 1992
s) “Delchamps to Build Facility For Its Fleet,” Daily Star, March 9, 1992
t) “Winn-Dixie To Double Local Store,” Daily Star, March 10, 1992
u) “Sonic Drive-In Will Be Constructed Here,” Daily Star, March 26, 1992
v) “Local Business Show Scheduled For June,” Daily Star, April 2, 1992
w) “Trey Yuen,” Dixie, June 7, 1981
x) “Chinese Chefs Add Local Flair,” Daily Star, April 8, 1992
y) “Trey Yuen 1st restaurant to complete alcohol course,” Daily Star, May 13, 1992
z) “Math Prof Crunches Numbers, Cuisine,” Daily Star, April 7, 1992
2a) “T.K. Valve Wins State’s Lantern Award,” Daily Star, May 7, 1992.
2b) “Retired Dairy Farmer Markets New Brew,” Daily Star, May 17, 1992
2c) “Winn-Dixie Starts $3 Million Store,” Daily Star, May 14, 1992
2d) “Walgreens Opens In New Location,” Daily Star, June 8, 1992
2e) “Neill Corp. Buys Former Bank Building,” Daily Star, June 16, 1992
2f) “Wal-Mart Confirmed As Site Developer,” Daily Star, July 22, 1992
2g) “Snag Develops In Wal-Mart Deal,” Daily Star, August 14, 1992
2h) “Land Deal OKd, School Board Will Sell To Wal-Mart,” Daily Star, September 2, 1992
2i) “City Annexes Supercenter Site Over Small Business Owners’ Pleas,” Daily Star, Sept. 16, 1992
2j) “Wal-Mart Buys 1st Land For Supercenter,” Daily Star, September 17, 1992
2k) “Wal-Mart Project Raises Traffic Worries,” Daily Star, September 6, 1992
2l) “Wal-mart To Sign Papers For Land Purchase Today,” Daily Star, September 15, 1992
2m) “Wal-Mart Continues Acquiring,” Daily Star, October 9, 1992
2n) “Cate Heirs Sell Downtown Acres,” Daily Star, November 25, 1992
2o) “Feed Company Plans To Build,” Daily Star, November 20, 1992
2p) “Southeastern Plays Big Role In Area,” Daily Star, December 18, 1992
2q) “Expansion Presents Gift Shop With Challenge For Christmas,” Sunday Star, Dec. 27, 1992
2r) “Counterfeit Panic Unfounded, Says Feds,” Daily Star, December 11, 1992
2s) “Supercenter Construction To Start Soon,” Daily Star, December 7, 1992
2t) “Wetland Woes Delay Wal-Mart,” Daily Star, February 2, 1993
2u) “Furniture Gallery To Open,” Daily Star, April 24, 1991
2v) “Craftsmen: Strength In Numbers,” Morning Advocate Magazine, October 27, 1991
2w) Directory Hammond Square (brochure)
Folder 7 HAMMOND–BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY–Super Collider (newspaper clippings)
a) Information on Site Selection Process for DOE’s Super Collider, United States General Accounting Office, October 1989
b) “Sen. Sees Magnets Coming Here,” Daily Star, August 13, 1990
c) “Hammond High On Magnet Factory,” Sunday Advocate, December 2, 1990
d) “LSU Scientists Part Of Super Collider Project,” Sunday Advocate, December 20, 1990 e) “Super Collider Cost Rises,” Daily Star, May 10, 1991
BOX 6 Continued
Folder 7 HAMMOND–BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY–Super Collider (newspaper clippings)
f) “Collider Project Gets Formal OK,” Daily Star, May 23, 1991
g) “Collider Moves Closer to Full Funding,” Daily Star, June 16, 1991
h) “Project Gets $1 Million Boost From State,” Daily Star, July 1, 1991
i) “Funding Ax Misses SSC In Senate,” Daily Star, July 14, 1991
j) “Magnet Maker To Renovate Facility,” Daily Star, July 25, 1991
k) “Magnets Pull In Major Funding,” Sunday Star, August 4, 1991
l) “Visitors Hear How Magnets Will Work,” Daily Star, August 9, 1991
m) “SSC Might Unlock Door To ‘Big Bang’,” Daily Star, August 9, 1991
n) “Baker Expects Continuing Battle Over Super Collider Appropriations,” Daily Star, June 19, 1992
o) “Congress Puts Super Collider In Peril,” Daily Star, June 18, 1992
p) “Super Collider Boosters Rally For Showdown,” Daily Star, July 5, 1992
q) “Officials Key Hopes On Project,” Daily Star, July 5, 1992
r) “Senator Crusades For Super Collider,” Daily Star, July 8, 1992
s) “We Must Support Super Collider,” Daily Star, July 9, 1992
t) “Magnet Plant Letters Asked,” Daily Star, July 13, 1992
u) “Officials Await SSC Funding,” Daily Star, August 5, 1992
v) “Cooperative Effort Gave Birth To Class,” Hammond Sunday Star, October 4, 1992
w) “Graduates Pull Together In Hopes Of Building Magnets,” Sunday Star, October 4, 1992
x) “Johnston: Collider Success Crucial,” Daily Star, October 15, 1992
a) “Company Hiring 25 From Area,” Daily Star, October 5, 1990
b) “Firm Expects Magnet Work,” Daily Star, October 9, 1990
c) “2,000 Apply to Build Project’s Magnets,” Daily Star, January 18, 1991
d) “Execs Reveal Hammond’s Big Lure,” Sunday Star, January 27, 1991
e) “General Dynamics Begins Training,” Daily Star, April 29, 1991
f) “General Dynamics Plans Open House,” Sunday Star, August 4, 1991
g) “Magnet Maker Picks Plant Manager,” Daily Star, August 6, 1991
h) “Renovation Next Item On List,” Sunday Star, August 11, 1991
i) “Construction Firms Look Over GD Plant,” Daily Star, October 21, 1991
j) “Magnet Makers Pull Off 1st Working Batch,” Daily Star, February 9, 1992
k) “Magnet Firm Files Permit,” Daily Star, June 10, 1992
l) “General Dynamics Operating Normally,” Daily Star, June 19, 1992
m) “General Dynamics Persists,” Daily Star, July 5, 1992
n) “Magnet Plans Completed,” Daily Star, August 14, 1992
o) “New Plant Going Up By Airport,” Daily Star, September 21, 1992
p) “General Dynamics Bringing Cryogenics To City,” Daily Star, September 25, 1992
q) “Graduates Pull Together In Hopes Of Building Magnets,” Sunday Star, October 4, 1992
s) “General Dynamics’ Magnets Will Bend Speeding Protons,” Sunday Star, February 28, 1993
BOX 6 Continued
Folder 9 HAMMOND–BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY–Sanderson Farm (booklet)
a) Family Matters, The Story of Sanderson Farms, Inc., by Joe Frank Sanderson, Jr. (presentation, dealing with the history of Sanderson
Farms, Inc., delivered at a “1992 Mississippi Meeting” of The Newcomen Society of
the United States held in Jackson when Dewey R. Sanderson, Jr., Joe Frank Sanderson
and Joe Frank Sanderson, Jr., were guests of honor and Joe Frank Sanderson, Jr., was
speaker on May 26, 1992)
b) Gullett Gin Company, Amite, Louisiana (xerox from Ninth Biennial Report of the
Department of Commissioner of Labor and Industrial Statistics of the State of Louisiana,
a) Newspaper photograph of men of First Baptist Church (1920s), Hammond Vindicator, February 4, 1988
b) Baptist Message, Vol. 84, No. 40, October 17, 1968 (contains a section on Hammond-2 copies)
c) “Greenfield Church marks centennial,” Daily Star, November 21, 1975
d) “First Baptist Church Holds Banquet,” Hammond Vindicator, September 17, 1987
e) “First Baptist Celebrate Centennial Year,” Hammond Vindicator, January 28, 1988
g) “Baptist Groundbreaking,” Hammond Vindicator, March 3, 1988
h) “Baptist Church Moves Sanctuary Downstairs,” Hammond Vindicator, March 10, 1988
i) “Historical Sketch of Hammond First Church,” unidentified newspaper, n. d.
j) First Baptist Church bulletins; April 16, no year; February 7, 1943; December 5,
a) Holy Ghost Parish Memorial Review, 1902-1962
b) “Holy Ghost First Catholic School In The Parish,” Hammond Vindicator, January 28, 1988
c) “Catholic Services Reach Out To Help All,” Sunday Star, July 28, 1991
d) “Churches plan special Masses in Ott’s memory,” Daily Star, November 30, 1992
e) “Bishop Ott’s warmth touched Hammond,” Daily Star, December 2, 1992
f) “Holy Ghost Pastor Dies Unexpectedly,” Daily Star, December 4, 1992
Holy Ghost Catholic Church Dedication Booklets, Mass and Tour, March 15, 2002
BOX 6 Continued
a) First Christian Church (Pamphlet)
b) Dedicatory Services, Reimers Memorial Educational Building, First Christian Church,
January 19, 1958 (pamphlet)
c) “A Teenage Tribute to Dr. Marvin O. Sansbury,” memorial by Toby Sanford, H.H.S.
April 1962
d) “Christian Church Rally Day Highlighted with Centennial,” unidentified paper, Oct.
29, 1987
a) “Fiftieth Anniversary Grace Memorial Church,” Hammond Vindicator, October 28, 1938
b) “Grace Memorial In Early Age/Grace Memorial Today,” Daily Star, October 9, 1963
c) “History of Grace Memorial Church,” by Isabel Lovel, Hammond Vindicator, October 17, 1963
d) “Grace Church: A Hammond Landmark,” Dixie, August 14, 1966
e) “Vestrymen of Grace Memorial Church, 1938, unidentified newspaper, October 24,
f) “An Elegy To An Historical Episcopal Churchyard,” Daily Star, March 26, 1971
g) “Old Episcopal Church Takes Historical Slant,” Daily Star, March 16, 1973
h) “Church Cited As Landmark,” Daily Star, March 16, 1973
i) “Church a Memorial to Tangipahoa Settlers,” The States-Item, June 4, 1973
j) “Local graves hold heroes, memories,” Hammond Vindicator, November 5, 1981
k) “The Messenger, Grace Memorial Church” (Bulletin, 1943)
a) Hammond Area Churches (list)
b) History of Hammond Churches. Study sponsored by AARP
c) “Union Sunday School, Zenobia-Country Social Center,” Murray Newspapers, Sept. 11, 1974
d) “Presbyterians Had Part In Early Church Organization,” Hammond Vindicator, Dec. 31, 1987
e) Bulletin from First Presbyterian Church, October 15, 1981; obituary for Mrs. Lillian
Butler (mother of Virginia Romero)
Folder 15
a) Welcoming Packet, St. Paul Lutheran Church (2 Copies)
b) 1987 Church Directory and 1992 Church Directory, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Hammond, LA
16. “75 Years: 1893-1968,” A History of St. Paul Lutheran Church (2 Copies)
17. St. Paul Lutheran Membership List, April 1, 1969 (2 Copies)
18. Bulletin: Solemn Installation of Pastor David H. Ritt at St. Paul Lutheran Church,
July 13, 1969; Bulletins for 1992 and 1993 (4 scattered copies)
19. Church Records of St. Paul Lutheran Church since May 15, 1942
20. Legal Papers for St. Paul Lutheran Church (Xerox Copies)
21. Records of Congregations of St. Paul Lutheran Church since September 1911
22. St. Paul Lutheran Church Records since July 2, 1922
BOX 6 Continued
Folder 23
a) A Century of Fellowship: The History of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Ponchatoula and
Hammond, 1893-1993, by Joy. J. Jackson (booklet)
b) Celebrating 100 Years, 1893-1993, St. Paul Lutheran Church, May 23, 1993 (2 copies)
c) St. Paul Lutheran Church Photographic Directory, 1993
a) First United Methodist Church bulletin dated March 31, 1985
b) First United Methodist Church bulletin dated August 4, 1985
c) “Landmark Church Converted Into City Hall Annex,” Hammond Vindicator, July 9, 1987
d) Pamphlet on the Methodist Church, 1889-1948
25. Minutes of the meeting of the congregation May 8, 1921, authorizing formation
of Stock Company as Holding Corporation for property to be used by the Federated Church
of Hammond. (2 pages)
26. Document concerning the liquidation of the Federated Church Realty Company, and
the transfer of the stock of the congregational church to the First Presbyterian Church
of Hammond (2 pages)
27. Original Charter of the Presbyterian Church of Hammond (2 pages)
28. Charter of the present First Presbyterian of Hammond, which is an amendment to
the former charter; also minutes of the meeting of the congregation approving this
charter (9 pages)
29. I) The names of the entire present church roll (5 pages)
II) The names of the officers of the church (1 page)
III) The names of the building committee of this church built in 1950 (1 page)
30. Copy of the ground breaking service, March 5, 1950 (1 page)
Bulletin containing Order of Services, November 12, 1950 (1 only)
31. Historical sketch of this church (1 page)
32. The former church building on Magnolia and Thomas Streets (1 picture)
The new church building (newspaper article with picture)
The Pastor, Rev. Archie C. Ray under whose ministry this building was erected (1 picture)
Folder 1 HAMMOND–EDUCATIONSCHOOLS (newspaper clippings)
a) “Hammond Schools, 1909-1910,” unidentified newspaper photos (xerox copy, n.d.)
b) “High School Begins With $5,000,” Hammond Vindicator, March 20, 1969 (xerox copy )
c) “New School Zones For Hammond Set,” Daily Star, July 27, 1971
d) “Eastman School Kindles Old Memories,” Daily Star, May 18, 1976
e) “Early Hammond Teachers,” Hammond Vindicator, May 29, 1976
f) “Spectacular Advancement In Schools,” Hammond Vindicator, March 6, 1986
g) “Education On The Move With Expansive Program,” Hammond Vindicator, July 2, 1987
h) “Michael Holly Receives Award For Design On St. Thomas School,” Hammond Vindicator, July 16, 1987
i) “Hammond Settler Provided Early Schoolhouses Here,” Sunday Star, August 30, 1987
j) “At Turn Of Century Hammond Schools Among Best,” Daily Star, August 31, 1987
k) “Annie Eastman High School Completed In Spring 1924,” Daily Star, September 1, 1987
l) “Hammond Schools Prospered For Years,” Daily Star, September 2, 1987
m) “Voters In ’60 OK School Bond Issue,” Daily Star, September 3, 1987
n) New Horizons – Public Education in Hammond, Supplement to Sunday Star, August 30, 1987
o) Listing of Area Schools with enrollment statistics, 1990
p) “Real Issues Obscured By HHS Clash,” Sunday Star, April 28, 1991
q) “Asbestos May Cause Problem Between City, School Board,” Daily Star, June 11, 1991
r) “Board Quiet On Changes For HHS,” Daily Star, July 10, 1991
s) “Someone Will Oversee HHS Changes,” Daily Star, July 11, 1991
t) “5 Think Procedures Should Be Revealed,” Daily Star, July 12, 1991
u) “Board Discloses Recommendations For HHS,” Daily Star, July 18, 1991
v) ” ‘The Kids Loved Me, And I Loved Them,’ ” Sunday Star, September 22, 1991 (2 Copies)
w) ” ’70 Tors’ Title Taught Town A Lesson,” Daily Star, October 20, 1991
x) “Local Automotive Program Gets National Certification,” Daily Star, April 2, 1992
y) “Games People Play Intrigue HHS Students,” Daily Star, April 23, 1992
z) “Educators Sing Praises Of Whole Language Project,” Daily Star, May 21, 1992
2a) “Dropout Prevention Program May Not Be Re-Funded At HHS,” Daily Star, June 24, 1992
2b) “Hammond High Will Keep Dropout Prevention Class,” Daily Star, June 26, 1992
2c) “Board Approves Sabbatical Leave For HHS Principal,” Daily Star, July 9, 1992
2d) “HHS Principal Wants Year Off,” Daily Star, July 7, 1992
2e) “HHS Teacher Named La.’s Best in Science, Math,” Daily Star, September 11, 1992
2f) “Chrysler Techs Train At Technical School Here,” Daily Star, September 23, 1992
2g) “8G Money Gives Westside New Computer Reading Lab,” Daily Star, August 3, 1992
2h) “Bond Issue Passes,” Daily Star, January 18, 1993
2i) Will of the Class of 1921, Hammond High School (donated by Marion Slocum Hummer,
September 1995)
2j) Scenes From Our History: Hammond High School on 105 S. Orange St., 1914
a) Motion Picture of Hammond Schools and SLC, 1945 (donated by C. Howard Nichols October
28, 1982)
BOX 7 Continued
a) “Our Town: Hammond 1982”
b) “Our Town II: The Campus”
c) Fall Issue 1981-82 (2 Copies)
d) Issue 1, Volume 4, Fall 1982
e) Issue 2, Volume 4, Spring 1983
f) Issue 1, Volume 5, 1983-84
a) “Hammond’s Guaranty Gallery Hosts LSU Architecture Exhibit This Month,” Lion’s Roar, February 21, 1991
b) “Banks Offer Low Rates To Spur Downtown Work,” Daily Star, January 30, 1991 c) “Downtown Grant Application Needs Possible Uses Listed,” Daily Star, April 24, 1991
d) “DDD Spends On 2 Brochures,” Daily Star, July 30, 1991
e) “DDD Gets Matching Grant For Rehabilitation Project,” Daily Star, September 18, 1991
f) “DDD Gets Grant For Industrial Development,” Daily Star, September 23, 1991
g) “Effort Planned To Quiet DDD, CBDA Differences,” Daily Star, October 18, 1991
h) “Group Tries to Calm Downtown Spat,” Daily Star, October 30, 1991
i) “DDD Holds Bright Hopes For Lights,” Daily Star, November 27, 1991
a) Hammond, Louisiana, “Crossroads of America,” published by Hammond Chamber of Commerce
b) Employment Agencies Listing
c) Hammond Realtors List
d) “Hammond’s Economy–College First, Berries Second,” Dixie, May 1, 1966
e) “Census Completed: City Population Hiked to 13,357,” Daily Star, November 15, 1966
f) “Hammond OK’s Census Report,” Daily Star, November 23, 1966
g) “Many area properties put on auction block,” July 18, 1991
h) “Census takers start calling on Hammond households,” Sunday Star, September 13, 1992
i) “Hammond Leaders Plot Landscaping Project,” Daily Star, September 11, 1991
j) “City Wins Housing Grant,” Daily Star, September 11, 1991
k) “City Hopes To Obtain Downtown Cate Land,” Daily Star , September 24, 1991
l) “City Gets Funds,” Daily Star, November 18, 1991
m) “Highway Beautification Begins,” Daily Star, May 5, 1992
n) “Hammond to Undergo Clean City Scrutiny,” Daily Star, May 8, 1992
o) “Hammond Trails Pack In State Quest,” Daily Star, May 22, 1992
p) “Experts Promise Plant Survival In U.S. 51 Landscaping Project,” Daily Star, May 26, 1992
q) “Focus Groups Told Of Southeastern’s Impact,” Southeastern Magazine, Summer 1992
r) “Billboard Uprooted From New Landscaping,” Daily Star, June 12, 1992
s) “Developer plans to construct 55 homes in Hammond area,” Daily Star, June 29, 1992
t) “SLU Impact On Local Economy Termed ‘Major’,” Lion’s Roar, October 22, 1992
u) “Commercial Work Booming Locally,” Daily Star, October 27, 1992
v) “Shoppers Brighten Season For Merchants,” Sunday Star, December 20, 1992
w) “Economy Improves,” Sunday Star, February 28, 1993
BOX 7 Continued
Folder 6 HAMMOND–GOVERNMENT (newspaper clippings)
a) Ordinance No. 353, C.S., dated November 14, 1960 (Regarding the illegality of doing
harm to birds and wild fowl-xerox copy )
b) Highlights of Hammond and its Government (pamphlet-2 copies)
c) “Hammond–Form Of Government,” Daily Star, July 6, 1964
d) “Darouse Says, ‘Exercise In Reform'”, Sun, May 12, 1974
e) “Zoning Ordinance For The City Of Hammond,” Hammond Vindicator, October 31, 1974
f) “Charter Panel Sets Regular Meeting Dates,” Daily Star Plus, December 3, 1975
g) “Anderson Against City Government Change,” Sun, January 18, 1976
h) “City Charter Group Not Alone In Study,” Sun, January 18, 1976
i) “Council-Manager Form Discussed,” Sun, February 15, 1976
j) Election Guide supplement to Daily Star, Citywide Elections June 4, 1977 (2 Copies)
k) A Proposed Home Rule Charter For The City Of Hammond, prepared by the Public Affairs Research Council for United States District Judge
Lansing L. Mitchell, dated April 11, 1977 (booklet-2 Copies plus xerox copy)
l) “A Proposed Home Rule Charter For Tangipahoa Parish, February 7, 1979 (Insert to
Daily Star, plus xerox copy)
m) “Hammond Fighting Drugs,” Sunday Advocate, February 4, 1990
n) “Hammond readies pay, job plan,” Daily Star, October 16, 1990
o) “Firefighters, Police Help Kill Pay Plan,” Daily Star, October 17, 1990
p) “60% choose to pass millage in Hammond,” Daily Star, November 7, 1990
q) “Councilmen discuss Eastman gym,” Daily Star, December 30, 1990
r) “Council Wants Low Income State Grant,” Daily Star, January 3, 1991
s) “Club wants use of old gym,” Daily Star, January 18, 1991
t) “City Must Answer Suit In 15 Days,” Daily Star, May 7, 1991
u) “Dangerfield Gets $10,000 To Repair Park,” Daily Star, May 8, 1991
v) “Agriculture Chief Tours, Sees Damage,” Daily Star, May 17, 1991
w) “Official’s Quest Targets Crime,” Daily Star, July 17, 1991
x) “Trial Could Clear Pay Plan Picture,” Daily Star, August 18, 1991
y) “Council moving ahead with gym plans, Daily Star, September 16, 1991
z) “Council dedicates gym for library use,” Daily Star, September 18, 1991
2a) “City to spend additional $43,000 on recreation,” Daily Star, December 5, 1991
2b) “New suitors call on aging bell [Annie Eastman gym],” Sunday Star, December 15, 1991
2c) “Council may name new president,” Daily Star, July 7, 1992
2d) “Dangerfield calls limits 1-man ploy to oust him,” Daily Star, October 21, 1992
2e) “Council sends terms proposal to committee,” Daily Star, November 18, 1992
2f) “Council gives $1,000 to high school for trip,” Daily Star, November 18, 1992
2g) “Dangerfield Questions Vial’s Computer Link,” Daily Star, December 16, 1992
2h) “Hammond declares war on unkempt property,” Daily Star, January 3, 1993
2i) “Council gets peek at city remapping,” Daily Star, January 15, 1993
BOX 7 Continued
a) Some Major Hammond Fires, Equipment, Fire Chiefs, donated by Davidson (3 copies)
b) “Hammond has a destructive fire,” New Orleans Daily Picayune, July 25, 1896 (handwritten xerox copy donated by James Michael Ryan, April 21, 1983)
c) “New Center Dispatches Firefighters,” Daily Star, July 23, 1991
d) “Downtown grill blazes,” Sunday Star, November 10, 1991
e) “Outlying Areas Considered For Fire Protection Contract,” Daily Star, November 21, 1991
f) “Fire Witnesses Back Up Owner’s Claims,” Daily Star, January 20, 1992
g) “Fire leaves restaurant in debris,” Daily Star, January 13, 1991
h) “City Gets Class 3 Rating,” Daily Star, February 18, 1992
i) “Fire District Offers City $67,500,” Daily Star, February 27, 1992
j) “Contract Stalemate Ends-Almost,” Daily Star, March 5, 1992
k) “Arsonists Burn Masonic Hall,” Daily Star, May 11, 1992
l) “Water System Capacity Blamed For Fire Rating,” Daily Star, June 4, 1992
m) “Chief, Coach Get Council Turndowns,” Daily Star, July 12, 1992
n) “Ordinance 510 C.S. City Of Hammond Criminal Code,” Hammond Vindicator, September 21, 1967
o) Picture of Billboard Advertising Police Pay, Daily Star
p) “City jail may be in peril,” Daily Star, June 12, 1991
q) “Police Unhappy With Millage Panel,” Daily Star, June 15, 1990
r) “City considers sending inmates to parish to cut costs, crowds, Daily Star, June 19, 1990
s) “Police Will Patrol Neighborhoods On Foot,” Daily Star, July 18, 1991
t) “Banks, Citizens Like New Patrol,” Sunday Star, August 11, 1991
u) “Community can discuss needs of jail,” Daily Star, September 16, 1991
v) “Neighborhood Patrol Ends; Meeting Set,” Daily Star, September 20, 1991
w) “Experts discuss jail,” Daily Star, September 20, 1991
x) “Residents Push Mayor For Patrol,” Sunday Star, September 22, 1991
y) “Neighborhoods to get added police protection,” Daily Star, October 14, 1991
z) “Writing Tickets: Captain Says It’s All In Line Of Duty,” Daily Star, January 19, 1992 2a) “City Adopts Police Plan,” Daily Star, January 22, 1992
2b) “City OKs Police Plan For Grant,” Daily Star, April 8, 1992
2c) “150 City Youths Will Serve As Junior Police,” Daily Star, May 27, 1992
2d) “City Children Become Junior Police Officers,” Daily Star, June 7, 1992
2e) “Ticket Tally Crucial To City hall Finances,” Daily Star, June 8, 1992
2f) “West Charles Residents Like Patrol,” Daily Star, August 20, 1992
2g) “Community Policing Will Start Next Week,” Daily Star, September 10, 1992
2h) “College Drive Residents Greet Officer,” Daily Star, September 15, 1992
2i) “City Ponders Christmas Giveaway Of Unclaimed Bikes,” Daily Star, November 6, 1992
BOX 7 Continued
a) “About 80 protest high sewer bills,” Daily Star, September 5, 1990
b) “Council Finds Money For More Sewer Work,” Daily Star, June 14, 1991
c) “Sewer Work Starts Plans On Wardline,” Daily Star, August 15, 1991
d) “Money Coming For Sewerage,” Daily Star, August 20, 1991
e) “City OKs Sewer Bid For New Area,” Daily Star, August 21, 1991
f) “Sewerage Science Fascinates Foreman,” Daily Star, December 1, 1991
g) “Gaseous Earthly Emissions Sabotage Sewage Sanitation,” Daily Star, December 1, 1991
h) “City Studies Cost Of Hauling Trash,” Daily Star, June 16, 1991
i) “City Garage Gets Tune-Up; Backlog Of Work Disappears,” Daily Star, October 25, 1992
j) “Panel Brainstorming Hammond’s Garbage,” Daily Star, November 22, 1992
k) “9 Take On City Garbage Issue,” Daily Star, November 22, 1992
l) “BFI, City To Discuss Trash Pickup Fee,” Daily Star, June 19, 1994
m) “Hammond Begins Water Project,” Daily Star, May 29, 1991
n) “Hammond Promises Fight Against Chlorination,” Daily Star, February 7, 1992
o) “Chlorination Order Seems Inevitable,” Daily Star, April 15, 1992
p) “City Water Cited For Bacteria Count,” Daily Star, April 15, 1992
q) “Water Districts Won’t Merge,” Daily Star, June 23, 1992
r) “FmHA Expected To Call Water District’s Loan,” Daily Star, July 16, 1992
s) “City Signs Anti-Chlorine Petition,” Daily Star, July 22, 1992
t) “State Gives Boil Order,” Daily Star, July 23, 1992
u) “City Officials Hope State Will Lift Boil Order By Tomorrow,” Daily Star, July 24, 1992
v) “Water Supply Declared Safe,” Daily Star, July 26, 1992
w) “Hammond Joins Tangipahoa Trend Toward Chlorination,” Daily Star, July 28, 1992
x) “Engineer Will Recommend Permanent Chlorination,” Daily Star, August 3, 1992
y) “Water District Plan Has Sound Basis,” Daily Star, August 5, 1992
z) “Hammond Moves To Permanent Chlorination,” Daily Star, August 5, 1992
2a) “Hammond Water Gets Clean Bill Of Health,” Daily Star, August 11, 1992
2b) “Treated Water Meeting State Standards,” Daily Star, November 4, 1992
a) “Commission Will Ask City To Seek Director,” Daily Star, August 23, 1991
b) “City Search Narrows To 6,” Daily Star, December 5, 1991
c) “Quandary No. 2,” Daily Star, July 12, 1992
d) “Babineaux Begins Works As Director,” Daily Star, August 25, 1992
e) “Babineaux Gets Recreation Post,” Daily Star, September 16, 1992
f) “Recreation Body Backs Tax Proposal,” Daily Star, September 22, 1992
g) “U. S. 51 widening to start Thursday,” Daily Star, June 10, 1990
h) “City will request U. S. 51 changes,” Daily Star, July 2, 1990
i) “Road Work Stays Ahead Of Schedule,” Daily Star, January 24, 1991
j) “Spangler To Study Weird Intersection,” Daily Star, May 8, 1991
k) “U.S. 51 Widening Almost Done,” Daily Star, May 8, 1991
l) “U.S. 51 Expansion Nears Completion,” Daily Star, May 20, 1991
BOX 7 Continued
m) “City May Revise Fagan Intersection,” Daily Star, July 14, 1991
n) “Widening Set For Spot On U.S. 51,” Daily Star, August 16, 1991
o) “Columbus Drive Road Construction To Lead Many Commuters Down Slow Road To SLU,”
Lion’s Roar, June 25, 1992
p) “Wardline Work To Regain Top Priority,” Daily Star, September 24, 1992
q) “S. Morrison Project Hits Some Snags,” Daily Star, November 9, 1992
r) “City To Ask Parish For Road Work,” Daily Star, November 23, 1992
s) “Schools Plead For Turning Lanes,” Daily Star, December 1, 1992
t) “ICG Won’t OK Columbus Crossing,” Daily Star, January 6, 1993
u) “Neighbors Oppose Day Care Move To South Holly,” Daily Star, April 24, 1991
v) “Zoners OK Change For Aquarium Builder,” Daily Star, August 14, 1991
w) “SLU Violates Zoning Rules,” Daily Star, February 4, 1992
x) “City Cites SLU For Violations,” Daily Star, February 12, 1992
y) “Billboard Sprouts Up And Upsets Landscapers,” Daily Star, February 20, 1992
z) “Smith Won’t Talk About Trailer Issue,” Daily Star, February 20, 1992
2a) “Zoners Put Townhomes On Hold,” Daily Star, March 19, 1992
2b) “City Officials, SLU Reach Trailer Truce,” Daily Star, March 27, 1992
2c) “West Morris Property Owners Band Together,” Daily Star, April 1, 1992
2d) “Developers plan Cate St. townhomes,” Daily Star, April 3, 1992
2e) “West Morris Preservation District OK’d,” Daily Star, May 6, 1992
2f) “Zoners May Expand Landscaping District,” Daily Star, August 12, 1992
2g) “Hammond Cautions Sign Erectors,” Daily Star, September 18, 1992
2h) “2 Subdivision Developers Seeking Final OK,” Daily Star, November 9, 1992
2i) “Hammond Neighbors Organize,” Daily Star, November 19, 1992
2j) “Council Focuses On High Weeds,” Daily Star, November 30, 1992
a) “Library Here is Assured, Will of Mrs. Carrie Miller Provides Site, Fund For Memorial;
Court Contest Concluded,” Progress, January 19, 1938
b) Our Library, Miller Memorial Library (1984-85 brochure)
c) “Knowledge Pours from Local Library,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, May 17, 1987
d) “Pittman promises to work with city on Miller Branch,” Daily Star, July 5, 1990
e) “$10,000 set aside for Miller,” Daily Star, July 27, 1990
f) “Purser To Run City Branch,” Daily Star, January 29, 1991
g) Newspaper Photo of Friends of the Library Donation, Daily Star, June 14, 1991
h) “Library Board Asked To Look At Building,” Daily Star, July 18, 1991
i) “City Branch Still Looks For Space,” Daily Star, July 25, 1991
j) “Offer Made To Double Library Size,” Daily Star, September 5, 1991
k) “Council Dedicates Gym For Library Use,” Daily Star, September 18, 1991
l) “Library To Erect Sign At Annie Eastman,” Daily Star, October 4, 1991
m) “Location Lures Suitors To Annie Eastman,” Daily Star, January 17, 1992
n) “Local Library Would Benefit,” Daily Star, July 27, 1992
o) “City Counts On Tax Passage To Build New Library,” Daily Star, September 23, 1992
BOX 7 Continued
p) Newspaper advertisement encouraging votes for passage of millage to build new library,
Daily Star, September 25, 1992 (xerox copy )
q) “Food For Fines,” Daily Star, January 6, 1993
a) “Crisis Pregnancy Center Gets Dream Home,” Daily Star, July 18, 1991
b) “Care-At-Home General Meeting,” Daily Star, February 9, 1968
c) Full page thank-you listing donors and volunteers who helped with the Richard Murphy
Hospice Foundation 1991 Gala Gone With The Wind party, Daily Star, May 15, 1991; Richard Murphy Hospice Foundation, Summer 1989 Newsletter
d) “Gala Recreates Old West For Fund-Raiser,” Daily Star, May 6, 1992
e) “Group Seeks Shelter Help”, Daily Star, November 13, 1992
f) “200 Waiting For Housing”, Daily Star, November 13, 1992
g) “Samaritan Center will open,” Daily Star, September 4, 1992
h) “Center still planned [Salvation Army Samaritan Center],” Daily Star, December 21, 1992
a) “Dr. and Mrs. Marquis Claud Wiginton: 1933-1959.” (Paper Written by Myrtle Hejtmancik)
b) Program – Seventh Ward Hospital Dedication, April 17, 1960
c) “First Hospital In Hammond Built During ‘Horse-And-Buggy’ Days,” Daily Star, Oct. 5, 1966
d) “Hammond’s First Hospital,” Hammond Vindicator, October 23, 1986
e) “Red Carnations For The Doctors On Their Special Day,” Hammond Vindicator, April 2, 1987
f) “Seventh Ward Opens Hospice Program,” Daily Star, August 20, 1992
g) “Hospital Opens Facility,” Daily Star, September 9, 1992
h) “Women’s Pavilion Major Addition,” Sunday Star, September 11, 1992
i) “Buyout Rumored,” Daily Star, December 4, 1992
j) “7th Ward To Purchase Westpark,” Sunday Star, December 6, 1992
k) “Medical Marriage Under Way,” Daily Star, December 22, 1992
l) “Hospitals Merge”, Sunday Star, January 10, 1993
m) “Hospital Board Hires Architect From Atlanta,” Daily Star, January 28, 1993
n) “Program Honors Wiginton Memorial Hospital,” Tangi Talk, July 14, 1993
o) “Experience It…The Seventh Ward General Hospital Difference” (Public Relations
p) Program –Honoring Wiginton Memorial Hospital Staff (xerox copy )
q) “Hammond’s First Hospital Built Ahead Of Its Time,” xerox copy of newspaper article,
a) Hammond Vindicator, February 19, 1932 edition (reprint)
b) “The Origination Of The Vindicator,” Hammond Vindicator, April 7, 1988
c) “Making the Daily Star,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, October 8, 1989
d) Star Wins Eight Awards,” Daily Star, May 19, 1991
e) Blank invoice for the Daily Courier
f) Progress stationary (5 sheets)
BOX 7 Continued
Folder 14 RAILROADS/AIRPORTS (letters, plans, photograph, magazine, book)
a) Letter to Donna E. Robbins from Illinois Central Gulf Railroad dated November 15,
1974 about the old Freight Station located on East Railroad Avenue between Hanson
and Coleman Avenues
b) Main Line of Mid-America, by Carleton J. Corliss (xerox copies of pages 180, 200, 201, 298, 299, and 300)
c) Floor plan of the I.C.R.R. Hammond, LA Freight Depot (other railroad depot plans are in the Miscellaneous map drawer)
d) Letter to Ms. Linda Walden from Illinois Central Gulf Railroad dated October 17,
1983 about the old Freight Station on Coleman Avenue (also information attached to
e) Letter to David W. Burton from Colonel James G. Bogle, U. S. Army Retired dated
July 5, 1987 about an instrument (probably a poker used on steam engines-photograph
f) Hammond Freight Depot, Southeast Louisiana Flea Market, 101 E. Coleman Ave. (brochure-2 copies)
g) “Original railroad depot, Hammond Vindicator, September 25, 1986
h) “Community rallies to depot’s aid,” Daily Star, October 16, 1990
i) “Train Stations, Then and Now,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, January 3, 1988
j) “The Crimson Flyer,” by Judge Leon Ford III, Green Diamond, Illinois Central Historical Society Issue #23/24
k) Hammond Army Air Field and Early Aviation in the Hammond Area, by Judge Leon Ford III, 1996, soft cover, 87 pp.
BOX 8 Hammond School Register and Grade Books
1. 1902-1905 (2 pieces)
2. 1904-1905 (1 piece)
3. 1905-1906 (1 piece)
4. 1906 (1 piece)
5. 1906-1907 (1 piece)
6. 1906-1907 (1 piece)
7. 1907-1908 (7 pieces)
8. 1908-1909 (8 pieces)
9. 1909-1910 (1 piece) no date (2 pieces)
10. 1909-1910 (13 pieces)
BOX 9 Hammond School Register and Grade Books
1. 1910-1911 (7 pieces)
2. 1910-1911 (7 pieces)
3. 1911-1912 (7 pieces)
4. 1911-1912 (6 pieces)
5. 1912-1913 (7 pieces)
6. 1912-1913 (5 pieces)
7. 1913-1914 (6 pieces)
8. 1913-1914 (7 pieces)
BOX 10 Hammond School Register and Grade Books
1. 1914-1915 (8 pieces)
2. 1914-1915 (10 pieces)
3. 1915-1916 (3 pieces)
In front of the First Grade Book for Fleda H. Spencer is: 1) Rules and Regulations,
Adopted July 6, 1915 by Tangipahoa Parish School Board and Sanitary Code of Louisiana
State Board of Health, Relative to Schools 2) Contract with Miss Fleda Spencer 3)
two mimeographed letters from A. C. Lewis, Supt. of Tangipahoa Parish School Board,
dated September 1, 1915
4. 1915-1916 (3 pieces)
5. 1915-1916 (3 pieces)
6. 1915-1916 (3 pieces)
7. 1916-1917 (6 pieces)
8. 1916-1917 (6 pieces)
9. 1918-1919 (2 pieces)
10. 1919-1920 (4 pieces)
BOX 11
Hammond Junior High and Elementary School PTA
1. 1965-1966
2. 1967-1968
1. Newspaper clippings, 1965-1969
2. Yearbook, 1966-67 Session
3. Newsletters, Financial Report on Bar B-Que, National Junior Honor Society
4. Founders Day Programs, February 10, 1966; National Congress of Parents and Teachers,
February 17, 1966
5. Membership Award and Scrapbook Award, 1965-66
6. Thank you letter from Third Grade, 1966
7. Photograph and three negatives of Christmas Float
8. Programs, invitations, and Parent-Teacher Prayer
9. Pamphlets, booklets, etc.
Hammond Rotary Club
1. 1922-1972
2. 1932
BOX 12
a) Historic Downtown Hammond (Brochure–4 Copies)
b) Hammond, La., One of the Most Progressive Towns in the South, Louisiana Sun, Oct. 5, 1894
c) Hammond Vindicator Golden Jubilee Edition, April 10, 1942 (3 sections)
d) “Terrific Hurricane Visits This Area Last Friday Doing Great Damage,” Hammond Vindicator, September 26, 1947
e) “Early History of Hammond Compiled By Old Residents Here,” Hammond Vindicator, October 22, 1948
f) “Hammond’s Main Street In 1894,” Hammond Vindicator, October 22, 1948 (2 Copies)
g) “Early History Of Hammond Given at Rotary Club Meet,” Hammond Vindicator, Oct. 22, 1948
h) “Remember? Horse And Buggy Days In Hammond,” Hammond Vindicator, Oct. 22, 1948 (2)
i) “Hammond Scene About Fifty Years Ago,” Hammond Vindicator, October 22, 1948
j) “Additional History Of Hammond Furnished By Mertie Lou Barnes,” Hammond Vindicator, October 22, 1954 (3 copies)
k) “Hammond-Past And Present,” Daily Star, August 5, 1964
l) “How Hammond Was Born,” Dixie, August 9, 1964 (2 Copies)
m) Letter from Illinois Central Railroad to Miss Velmarae Dunn, dated August 27, 1968,
regarding railroad history in Hammond
n) “Early View Of Magnolia Street,” (newspaper photograph) Daily Star, March 6, 1969
o) “The Railroad: Catalyst For Progress,” newspaper article, n. d. (xerox copy)
p) “History In The Sky,” newspaper article, n.d. (xerox Copy)
q) “The Early Days of the Strawberry Industry,” (xerox copy of newspaper photograph)
Hammond Vindicator, March 20, 1969
r) “Do You Remember The Largest Shipment Of Berries To Move From Tangipahoa,” newspaper
article, n. d. (xerox copy)
s) “100 Years of Strawberries,” newspaper article, n. d. (xerox copy)
t) “Around Hammond,” newspaper article, n. d. (xerox copy)
u) “Lumber Hauled By Ox Team,” newspaper article, n. d. (xerox copy)
v) “Parade Day” and “Fair Day,” Hammond Vindicator, March 20, 1969 (xerox copy)
w) “Ninety Years Of Serving Hammond,” Hammond Vindicator, March 20, 1969 (xerox)
x) “Electricity Arrived In 1899,” Hammond Vindicator, March 20, 1969 (xerox copy)
y) “Peter Hammond,” Daily Star, April 14, 1972 (2 xerox copies)
z) “Pictures Out Of Our Past,” Dixie, May 7, 1972
2a) “Hammond For The Past Eighty Years,” Hammond Vindicator, February 15, 1973 (4)
2b) “More History…by Jack Bahm,” Hammond Vindicator, March 8, 1973
2c) “From The 1942 Anniversary Edition,” Hammond Vindicator, April 11, 1974
2d) “Pages From The Past” April 10, 1942, Hammond Vindicator reprint, April 11, 1974
2e) “The Way It Used To Be,” Daily Star, August 27, 1975
2f) Sun, July 4, 1976, (xerox copy of Special Bicentennial Issue–Includes articles: “Jefferson
Approves Louisiana Purchase” and “Louisiana Granted Statehood” (3 Copies); “Federal
Troops Leave Louisiana,” (3 Copies); “Unsung Benefactors In Lumber Industry”)
2g) “A History Of Hammond,” Hammond Vindicator, September 17, 1981
2h) “Hammond’s Street Names Tell Story,” newspaper article, n.d. (2 xerox copies)
2i) “History Told In Street Names,” Hammond Vindicator, May 22, 1986
2j) “Downtown District Looking Up,” Hammond Vindicator, July 31, 1986
2k) “City’s Lamplighters Honored Railroad Role Cited,” Hammond Vindicator, December 4, 1986
BOX 12 Continued
Folder 1 HAMMOND–HISTORY Continued
2l) “Nostalgic Street Lamps ‘Good News’ For City,” Hammond Vindicator, December 31, 1987
2m) “The Good And Bad News About 1987,” Hammond Vindicator, January 7, 1988
2n) “Snow Scenes Of Area People Playing,” Hammond Vindicator, February 11, 1988
2o) “Unearthed Bottle Holds History,” Sunday Star, October 30, 1988
2p) “Hammond’s Great Train Robbery Made History,” Hammond Vindicator, January 5, 1989
2q) “Hammond;” “19th-Century Charm Makes It A Nice Place To Live Or Just Visit,” Sunday Advocate Magazine, December 17, 1989
2r) “Hammond Will Celebrate 103rd Birthday Sunday,” Daily Star, September 30, 1992
2s) Manila envelope containing 1) photo of first Hammond High School, 2) photo of
teachers of 1919-1910 (sic), 3) photo of Fair Day in Hammond at turn of the century,
4) photo of train scene
2t) “Recollections Of Hammond, 1925-1945,” by Judge Henry Mentz, n. d. (xerox copy)
2u) Hammond, the Strawberry Center of Louisiana, by G. B. Campbell, n. d. (xerox copy)
2v) “Peter Hammond, Founder,” By Thomas S. Ellis (xerox of pages 368-372) from Eastern Louisiana: A History of the Watershed of the Ouachita River and the Florida
Parishes, compiled by George T. Goodman for the Historical Record Association
2w) Hammond, Louisiana (Three-page paper distributed at State Flower Show banquet,
Mar. 1959
2x) Louisiana Municipal Review, June 1966 (contains articles about Hammond)
2y) “Hammond, Louisiana, and its Swedish Founder,” by Isabel Nelson Lovel, The Swedish Pioneer Historical Quarterly, Vol. XVIII, No. 4, October, 1967 (pages 221-226)
2z) Letter to Jay Workman c/o Morning Advocate from Consolato Generale D’Italia regarding Consular Agents in Louisiana, dated March
16, 1978 (xerox copy)
3a) Hammond Centennial 1889-1989, Supplement to the Daily Star, October 15, 1989
3b) “Some history lies in forgotten cemetery [Greenville Park],” Daily Star, August 2, 1992
3c) Contents of cornerstone box of old Hammond City Hall (Built 1922, demolished 1968-69)
3d) Communication of Masonic Temple regarding Jerusalem Temple Shrine Band.
3e) Masonic Temple “Program for the Day,” dated June 27, 1922
3f) History of Women’s Improvement League
3g) Masonic Temple letter detailing “Contents of Box”
3h) Proclamation by the Mayor proclaiming June 27, 1922 as a legal holiday, plus listing
of contributors towards the purchase of land on which to build City Hall (xerox copy
3i) Document donating land for the building of City Hall (xerox copy)
3j) Listing of members of Livingston Lodge No. 160, F. & A.M. plus Hammond chapter
3k) Hammond State Bank statement as of May 5, 1922 (xerox copy)
3l) “An Outline of the Hammond Chamber of Commerce, Inc.” by E. A. Herring, Secretary,
dated June 27, 1922 (xerox copy)
3m) Member List of Hammond Chapter No. 48, R.A.M. plus Kenneth Commandery No. 9.,
K.T. (xerox copy)
3n) “Hammond Honors Hammander of Hammardal,” Tangipahoa Place Names, by John Coumes,
Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, January 1, 1989
3o) Souvenir Album, Hammond, Louisiana, Reprint from 1897 publication, 1989 (5 copies)
3p) Our Cherished Roots, Hammond’s Centennial Trail, 1889-1989, by Edna Campbell, c. 1987
3q) Downtown buildings are part of city history, Daily Star, n. d.
3r) Picture Out of Our Past [Mr. & Mrs. Fred Van Prevost of Tangipahoa parish], Dixie, August 24, 1969
BOX 12 Continued
a) “When Is A Father Not A Father?,” Sun, July 8, 1966 (2 Copies)
b) “Cate Marker A Hot Potato,” Daily Star, 1968
c) “New Cate Marker Unveiled At Ceremonies In Square,” Daily Star, August 6, 1968
d) “Hammond Day Ceremony Set,” Times Picayune, March 10, 1972
e) “Cate Descendant Asks Fountain Marker Study,” Daily Star, March 21, 1972
f) “Fountain Bubble Trouble,” Daily Star, March 22, 1972
g) “Save Us From The Cate-Hammond Feud,” Hammond Vindicator, March 23, 1972
h) “Hammond-Cate Dispute Deplored,” Daily Star, March 27, 1972
i) “Toil, Trouble,” Lion’s Roar, April 6, 1972
j) “Cate Descendants Take Fountain Feud To Court,” Daily Star, April 10, 1972
k) “Council Sets Saturday As Peter Hammond Day,” Daily Star, April 11, 1972
l) “Hammond Plaque Set Up,” Daily Star, April 11, 1972
m) “Dedication Ceremonies, Ribbon Cutting, Peter Hammond Plaque, Hammond Vindicator, April 12, 1972
n) “Cate Suit Rejected By Court,” Daily Star, April 14, 1972 (2 Copies)
o) “Ceremonies Mark Dedication Of Peter Hammond Fountain,” Hammond Vindicator, April 17, 1972
p) “Fountain Dedicated,” Daily Star, April 17, 1972
q) “Equal Time Now?,” Lion’s Roar, April 20, 1972
a) Hammond Map and Street Guide distributed by Citizens National Bank (3 Copies)
b) Hammond Map and Street Guide distributed by Thomas Funeral Homes
c) Hammond City and Parish Map (yellow) (3 Copies)
d) Large Hammond Map distributed by Citizens National Bank (3 Copies)
e) Map of downtown Hammond and buildings, drawn by Ron Barthet, Daily Star, Dec. 27, 1984
f) Hammond, Crossroads of the Sunbelt (booklet c. 1984-World’s Fair)
g) Hammond, Crossroads of the South (pink color brochure-2 Copies)
h) You’ll Like Hammond, Louisiana (brochure-4 Copies)
i) Hammond, Louisiana, distributed by Hammond Association of Commerce (brochure)
j) Welcome To Hammond, Louisiana, Strawberry Capital of the World (48-page booklet-2)
k) Helping Newcomers Become Tangipahoa Citizens, compiled by The Citizens National Bank (34-page booklet)
l) Profile of Hammond, published by Industrial Committee of the Association of Commerce,
November 1953
m) Official 1960 City Directory Preface Brochure, Hammond, Louisiana
n) Mullin-Kille and the Hammond Vindicator City Directory Supplement, 1962
o) “Text Of Gulf South Research Institute Brochure On City,” Daily Star, April 6, 1965
p) “Tangipahoa Growth Makes Top 10 List,” copy of newspaper article dated March 14,
1984, Hammond Chamber of Commerce Publication
q) Hammond Community Profile, La. Office of Commerce & Industry, October 1989
r) “Why The Rush To Hammond?,” City Business, January 29-February 11, 1990
s) 1990 Statistical Portrait of Hammond, LA, Government Documents Department, Sims
Memorial Library, SLU
BOX 12 Continued
t) Local Cost of Living statistics, prepared for Hammond Chamber of Commerce by Dr.
Yu Hsing, January 28, 1991
u) Hammond Louisiana, Crossroads of America, Demographic Report of Hammond, Louisiana
v) Crossroads: Tour Guide of Tangipahoa Parish (xerox copy)
w) History & Tour Information On Hammond/Surrounding Area (xerox copy)
x) General Information (Voter registration, Driver’s License, Fishing/Hunting License,
y) Listing of Campgrounds in the Hammond area, compiled by the Hammond Chamber of
z) Recreational and Cultural Offerings in Hammond
2a) Hammond–Summer Training Camp of the New Orleans Saints Football Team; Hammond
2b) Southeastern Louisiana University and Community (brochure)
Folder 4
Hammond Historical District Revitalization Plan, by Janie Moon Chauvin (Thesis, December
Folder 5
Appraisal of Columbia Theater and J. C. Penny Building in Hammond for Mike Sharp,
Cutting Pike Investment, Inc., December 1, 1980
a) Land abstracts in Tangipahoa Parish Court House to August 1, 1889
b) Land Abstract of Mrs. Ella B. Spencer, born Leet, widow of L. D. Spencer to Earl
E. Spencer, dated 3/31/1945
BOX 13
a) “The Log Cabin–Home Of Strawberry Auctions,” Hammond Vindicator, September 21, 1967
b) “Architect’s Renovation Restores Original Design [to Morrison Building],” Daily Star, October 11, 1982
c) “Boos Building Becoming Restaurant,” Hammond Vindicator, December 5, 1985
d) “Memories Follows Fire Destruction [Neelis Emporium],” Hammond Vindicator, Feb. 20, 1986
e) “‘For Whom The Bell Tolled’ Remembered [Seventh Day Baptist Church],” Hammond Vindicator, March 13, 1986
f) “End Of An Era [Thomas Funeral Home],” Hammond Vindicator, April 10, 1986
g) “Link Award Preset Presented To Happy Stop,” Hammond Vindicator, May 4, 1986
h) “June, The Dairy Month, Stirs Nostalgic Thoughts [Ice Cream Factory on N. Cypress],”
Hammond Vindicator, May 29, 1986
i) “Hammond Has Had A City Hall Since 1926,” Hammond Vindicator, June 19, 1986
j) “A New Downtown Furniture Arises,” Hammond Vindicator, July 27, 1986
k) Historic Architecture of Downtown Hammond, Coloring Book
l) “Noah’s Ark Stirs Nostalgia As Memories Are Revived,” Hammond Vindicator, Nov. 6, 1986
m) “Post Office An Important Place In Town,” Hammond Vindicator, February 12, 1987
n) “Family Drug Store Firm Marks 50 Years Counting Pills And Filling Prescriptions,”
Hammond Vindicator, February 26, 1987
o) “Saving Bits of the `Deco’ Decade [about buildings in Hammond],” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, April 26, 1987
p) “June, The Month Of Traditions And Heritage [Ice Cream Factory on N. Cypress],”
Hammond Vindicator, June 25, 1987
q) “‘La Cafe’ Reflects A Side Walk Cafe Influence,” Hammond Vindicator, July 23, 1987
r) “Zenobia Church A Monument To Church And Early School,” “Thomas Funeral Home residence
building soon to be memory,” Hammond Vindicator, August 13, 1987
s) “Thomas Landmark Residence Is History [Thomas Funeral Home],” Hammond Vindicator, August 20, 1987
t) “Railroad And Post Office Linked In Importance To City,” Hammond Vindicator, November 19, 1987
u) “History Of The Dantone Fruit Market And Store,” Hammond Vindicator, December 3, 1987
v) “Historic Barber Pole Moved,” newspaper article, n.d.
w) The Heritage Of Local Barber Shops,” Hammond Vindicator, February 25, 1988
x) “The Best Of The Old Strawberry Season,” Hammond Vindicator, March 3, 1988
y) Measuring Columbia Theatre for LSU Design class, Daily Star, October 25, 1990
z) “Old Eastside School May House State Agencies,” Daily Star, June 25, 1991
2a) “Rayburn Tries To Aid SLU’s Building Request,” Daily Star, July 8, 1991
2b) “Well-Wishers Dedicate `Tootsie’s Alley’,” Daily Star, December 5, 1991
2c) “Developers Plan Cate St. Townhomes,” Daily Star, April 3, 1992
2d) “Neill Corp. buys former bank building,” Daily Star, June 16, 1992
2e) “City Claims Annie Eastman Property,” Daily Star, July 8, 1992
2f) “Improvements To Pharmacy Stir Debate,” Sunday Star, November 8, 1992
2g) “Hammond Declares War On Unkempt Property,” Daily Star, January 3, 1993
2h) “Trading Post Fulfills Nostalgia Yearnings [Lotus Trading Post],” unidentified
newspaper, n.d.
BOX 13 Continued
a) Echoes From The Attic and Poems II, 1967, by Edna Campbell (contains articles about houses)
b) Echoes From The Attic and Poems III, 1968, by Edna Campbell (contains articles about houses)
c) Echoes From The Attic and Poems IV, 1969, by Edna Campbell (contains articles about houses)
d) Echoes From The Attic and Poems V, 1970, by Edna Campbell (contains articles about houses)
e) “The Oaks,” newspaper article, n.d. (xerox copy)
f) “The ‘Oaks,’ Hammond, La., Fire in Hammond, The Oaks Hotel Burned,” Times-Democrat, October 13, 1905 (xerox copy)
g) “The Oaks Hotel In Ashes,” Hammond Vindicator, n. d. (xerox copy)
h) “The Oaks Burned,” newspaper article, n. d. (xerox copy)
i) “Hammond-Oaks Hotel Burned Down At Noon,” Daily Picayune, n.d. (xerox copy)
j) “The Old Oaks Hotel Comes Alive In DAR Program,” Hammond Vindicator, January 29, 1987
k) “Focus is on the Mighty Oak as it Stars Again and Again,” Hammond Vindicator, June 5, 1986
l) “And Where To Now, Casa De Fresa?” Daily Star, September 12, 1972
m) “Hotel Was City’s Story [L Shaped Casa de Fresa],” Sunday Advocate, May 2, 1976
n) “Fire Strikes Casa De Fresa Hotel,” Daily Star, April 22, 1979
o) Pictured stationary of Casa de Fresa (xerox copy)
p) “Eulogy to Old Hotel Casa de Fresa” by Edna Campbell (xerox copy)
q) “Descendant of Landmark Hotel of Past Discovered [St. James Hotel],” Hammond Vindicator, December 5, 1985
r) “Memories Reviewed Of St. James Hotel, A Hammond Landmark,” Hammond Vindicator, May 21, 1987
s) “Feeding Chickens At Breckholdt Hotel Stirs Nostalgia For Relative,” Hammond Vindicator, April 3 & 10, 1986
t) “Albert Tolle Built Houses To Last,” Hammond Vindicator, June 1, 1983
u) “Zatarain Home On National Register,” Hammond Vindicator, February 13, 1986
v) “Winding Paths Lead To Plantation House [Mashburn’s Restaurant],” Hammond Vindicator, August 28, 1986
w) “The Villars, Only A Memory,” Hammond Vindicator, September 18, 1986
x) “Ironic Fate Echoes From Charred Walls Of Historic Home,” Hammond Vindicator, November 20, 1986
y) “Snarled Echoes Rise Again From Charred Ruins Of June Landmark,” Hammond Vindicator, February 12, 1987
z) Scenes From Our History: June Landmark Home, 408 E. Coleman St., Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, February 15, 1987
2a) “Voss Home Of 1907 Still Stands Tall And Is Well Preserved,” Hammond Vindicator, June 18, 1987
2b) “Memories Of Legendary Seamstress Linked With Old House [Thomas Cate Home],” Hammond Vindicator, July 30, 1987
2c) “‘Crescent House’ Steeped In Hammond’s Heritage,” Hammond Vindicator, January 5, 1989
2d) “Casa de Fresa Being Remodeled for First of Year Reopening,” unidentified newspaper,
August 31, no year
2e) “Fire strikes Casa de Fresa Hotel,” Sunday Star, April 22, 1979
BOX 13 Continued
a) “New Cate marker Unveiled At Ceremonies In Square,” Daily Star, August 6, 1969
b) Building a Tree House in Cate Square (photo), Daily Star, June 19, 1990
c) “Caroling In [Cate] Square,” Lion’s Roar, December 6, 1990
d) Christmas Lights in Cate Square (photo), Daily Star, December 11, 1990
e) “Historic Preservationists OK Cate Square Lights,” Daily Star, June 7, 1991
f) “Clarke Cottage–Monument To Park Donor,” Hammond Vindicator, July 11, 1985
g) “Parks’ Future Ignites Debate,” Daily Star, June 19, 1991
h) “Park Project,” Daily Star, June 21, 1991
i) “Council Adopts Parks Plan Changes,” Daily Star, July 17, 1991
j) “City OKs Park Plan With SLU,” Daily Star, August 1, 1991
k) “Parks Debate Flares,” Daily Star, August 7, 1991
l) “Trustees Authorize Final OK For Park,” Daily Star, August 27, 1991
m) “1st Ball Could Go Out At New Park By Next Year,”, Daily Star, June 19, 1992
n) “Parish will fix park damage,” Daily Star, December 3, 1992
o) “Gathering Recalls Quest For Peace [Martin Luther King Park],” Sunday Star, January 20, 1991
p) “Park Honors King [Martin Luther King Park],” Daily Star, January 22, 1991
q) “Park Pavilion Dedicated [Martin Luther King Park],” Daily Star, July 12, 1992
r) “Mooney Pool To Be Renovated,” Daily Star, April 24, 1992
s) “Council Considers Refurbishing Looted Park,” Daily Star, May 12, 1992
t) “Hammond’s Heritage Of Magnificent Live Oaks,” Hammond Vindicator, September 3, 1987
u) “The Mighty Hammond Oak,” xerox copy of newspaper article, n. d.
v) “Live Oak Tree Stands As Monument [Hollis Davis Home],” Hammond Vindicator, May 31, 1988
w) “Walnut Tree Is Bicentennial Project [Mt. Vernon Walnut Tree beside Hammond Post
Office],” Daily Star, August 1, 1975
x) “Hammond Ceremony To Dedicate Marker [Mt. Vernon Walnut Tree beside Hammond Post
Office],” Hammond Vindicator, February 4, 1988
y) “Dying Tree Summons Strength For Final Display,” Daily Star, April 2, 1992
a) Listing of Hammond’s Organizations and Clubs, n.d.
b) Listing of clubs and organizations in Hammond, July 1980
c) History of Livingston Lodge No. 160, 1859-1959, Hammond, Louisiana (Booklet)
d) Rotary Club of Hammond No. 1144, 1951-52 (small booklet)
e) “Kiwanis Club Donates,” Lion’s Roar, April 4, 1991
f) “Bachelors, Including SLU Students, To Be ‘Auctioned’ [Hammond Jaycees Club],”
Lion’s Roar, September 27, 1990
g) Hammond Chamber of Commerce and SLU Alumni Association announcing Third Annual
Convocation Picnic (flyer)
h) “Brochure Would Tout Hammond [Hammond Chamber of Commerce tourism brochure], Daily Star, May 16, 1991
i) “Chamber Dedicates Efforts To Troops,” Sunday Star, January 21, 1991
BOX 13 Continued
j) “Abel Wins Chamber Presidency,” Sunday Star, November 24, 1991
k) “Chamber Event Previews Future Home,” Daily Star, October 23, 1992
l) Hammond Cultural Foundation (brochure–2 copies)
m) Hammond Cultural Foundation (Designed by Ford Agency II) (brochure)
n) Hammond Cultural Foundation in the historic Levy Building (brochure)
o) “A Folklife Showcase” Exhibit sponsored by the Hammond Cultural Foundation
p) “A Folklife Showcase,” sponsored by the Hammond Cultural Foundation, October 1985
(Exhibit Program)
q) Flyer advertising the Folklife Market, October 19, 1985
r) “Folklife Represents Culture Arts, Crafts And Living,” Hammond Vindicator, October 2, 1986
s) “The Image of Hammond, A Centennial Celebration,” sponsored by the Hammond Cultural
Foundation, May 2-19, 1989 (Exhibit Program–2 copies)
t) “Arts Group Raises Membership Goal [Hammond Cultural Foundation],” Daily Star, June 3, 1991
u) “$35,000 Awarded For Area Arts [Hammond Cultural Foundation],” Daily Star, July 12, 1992 v) “Party, Gifts Brighten Day For 150 Migrant Students,” Daily Star, December 14, 1990
w) “Founders Break Ground For Boys & Girls Club,” Daily Star, June 5, 1992
x) “Parish Crimestoppers Want To Strengthen,” Daily Star, July 16, 1992
y) “Round Table Club Guests,” Daily Star, n.d.
z) “Carnival Magic, Hammond’s Krewe of Omega enjoys 9th year,” Sunday Star, January 22, 1995
a) Information regarding establishment of a Stewart Memorial Day. Also included: xerox
copy of Stewart obituary, died April 13, 1908 (xerox copy)
b) “Card of Thanks” for kindnesses shown following the death of Dr. Ernest D. Elliott
c) “Chum Anderson Passes Away Suddenly After Many Weeks Illness,” Hammond Vindicator, n.d. (xerox copy)
d) Obituary: Fred B. Clark, n.d.
e) “The Stroller” – tribute to Marvin Sansbury, died February 22, 1962
f) “Retired Pastor Succumbs Thursday Following Surgery,” Hammond Vindicator, March 1, 1962
g) “HHS Senior Pays Tribute To Dr. Sansbury,” newspaper article, April 5, 1962
h) “Jefferson Hughes – Peter Hammond Relative Dies [January 17, 1975],” newspaper
article, n.d.
i) Obituary: Mrs. Parmys Nesom Schilg Dies, April 4, 1975
j) Obituary: Ouida Robertson Cooke, died March 31, 1984
k) Obituary: Mrs. Cora B. Blush, died May 14, 1984
l) Obituary: C. Max Clardy, died February 4, 1986
m) “Former SLU Professor Dies (Helen Pyburn),” Hammond Vindicator, December 1986
n) “Well-known Horticulturist Edna Szymoniak Dies,” Hammond Vindicator, March 26, 1987
o) Obituary: Dudley Sadie Johnson, died July 4, 1987
p) “Dr. John Thames Dies At 75,” Daily Star, October 20, 1987
q) “Dr. Thames Dies After Years As A Family Doctor,” Hammond Vindicator, November
5, 1987
r) Obituary: Ida Freeman Isom, died March 3, 1988
s) “A Tribute To Estelle Stire A Friend To All,” Hammond Vindicator, March 17, 1988
t) “Founder Of Forbes Furniture, Marie Mitchell Forbes Dies,” Hammond Vindicator, March 24, 1988
BOX 13 Continued
u) Obituary: Evelyn Matthews Imbraguglio, died June 24, 1988
v) Obituary: Clifford Gordon Webb, died January 21, 1990
w) “Hammond Druggist Dies Sunday At 75 [John Eitel Guess, Jr.],” Daily Star, Sept. 13, 1990
x) “Local Eye Doctor Recalls Pharmacist As Fun-Loving [Pat Welsh],” Daily Star, Oct. 10, 1990
y) “Former Vice President Cecil H. Warren Dies Monday,” Lion’s roar, March 7, 1991
z) Program – Memorial Service for Miss Opal Carl, March 26, 1991
2a) “Nursing School Founder Opal Carl Dies At 89, Memorial Service Held March 26 In
Hammond,” Lion’s Roar, April 4, 1991
2b) “Parish Assessor Dies At 71,” Daily Star, May 3, 1991
2c) “Cate Granddaughter Dies,” Daily Star, December 6, 1991
2d) “Wiley Sharp Dies On Farm,” Daily Star, August 17, 1992
2e) Obituary: Charles B. Joiner, died January 14, 1993
2f) Civic Leader [Hans] Schneider Dead at 90, Daily Star, April 23, 1997; Hammond Vindicator, April 30, 1997
a) “Judge Nat Tycer Will Be Retired,” Times-Picayune, May 4, no year
b) “21st Judicial District Court Judge to receive disability retirement,” Hammond Vindicator, n.d.
c) Full page advertisement with photos of employees participating in Penney’s Employees’
Day, Hammond Vindicator, June 27, 1952
d) Full page advertisement with photos of employees participating in Penney’s Employees’
Dollar Day, Hammond Vindicator, July 6, 1952
e) Jeff D. Hughes, Jr. elected president of the Louisiana Forestry Assoc., newspaper
photo, n.d.
f) “Jefferson Hughes, A Hammond Pioneer,” Hammond Vindicator, March 20, 1969 (xerox copy)
g) “Angelo Lobue: A Beautiful Philosophy,” Hammond Vindicator, March 20, 1969 (xerox copy)
h) “The Pioneering Families: The Mooneys and Neelises,” newspaper article, n.d. (xerox
i) “Hammond’s Medal Of Honor Hero [Raymond “Mike” Clausen, Jr.],” Dixie, Nov. 28, 1971
j) “Jack Bahm Honored On Birthday”, newspaper article, no date
k) “Meet Jack Bahm,” Murray Newspapers, October 30, 1974 (xerox copy)
l) “Bahm’s Echoes Resound Today,” Hammond Vindicator, March 20, 1986
m) “Meet Brooks Robinson [Hammond’s Police Chief],” Murray Newspapers, November 13, 1974; Model Railroaders [Brooks Robinson], Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, February 7, 1988
n) “Mrs. John Perrone: ‘We made everything’,” Murray Newspapers, May 28, 1975 (3 xeroxes)
o) “Perrone Tradition Continued,” Hammond Vindicator, August 19, 1982
p) “Sanford: His Days Are Crowded [Royal Sanford, director Chamber of Commerce],”
Daily Star, August 5, 1974
q) “Albert E. Tolle: A Master Builder’s Art,” Murray Newspapers, November 10, 1974 (2 copies)
r) “Meet Macon Oswalt,” Murray Newspapers, December 4, 1974
s) “Billups support of SLU abundant,” Alumni News, Fall 1981
t) “Local philanthropist dies today at home,” Daily Star, November 8, 1989
u) Town & Country Garden Club plants a tree at Hammond Developmental Center in memory
of W. L. Buddie Billups, January 20, 1995 (program–2 copies)
v) “Edna Szymoniak Celebrates Birthday,” Hammond Vindicator, January 16, 1985
w) “Southeastern Honors Puls,” Hammond Vindicator, December 4, 1986
x) “Dr. Ralph R. Pottle Honored On Birthday,” Hammond Vindicator, April 16, 1987
BOX 13 Continued
y) “Carr Celebrates 94th Birthday,” Hammond Vindicator, August 27, 1987
z) “Mertie Fourmy Lives History Through Memories Of Her 95 Years,” Hammond Vindicator,
October 1, 1987
2a) “First Christian Church Honors Schneiders On Golden Wedding Anniversary,” Hammond Vindicator, March 3, 1988
2b) “Strawberry Festival King Famed as Railroad Buff and Author, Vindicator, April 14, 1988
2c) “Hammond Man Journeys to Soviet Union, Daily Star, June 7, 1990
2d) “Pigno Reflects On Career As He Awaits Prison Term,” Sunday Star, July 8, 1990
2e) “Judge Ford Retires,” Livingston Leader, July 19, 1990
2f) “Deputy Susie Visits Barbara Bush,” Sunday Star, October 28, 1990
2g) “Legion Publication Features ‘Susie’,” Daily Star, July 31, 1991
2h) “Deputy Susie Signs Contract With Disney,” Daily Star, August 27, 1991
2i) “Kentwood Nurse Joins Best 100,” Daily Star, April 23, 1991
2j) “Vial Sees City Progress,” Daily Star, June 2, 1991
2k) “Foster Stuck To Facts,” Daily Star, July 17, 1991
2l) “Hammond Native Recalls December 7,” Daily Star, July 17, 1991
2m) “Artist Draws Attention In Florida Community,” Daily Star, August 9, 1991
2n) “Spotlight Artist–JoAnn Peco,” Daily Star, August 14, 1991
2o) “Name of N.Y. Library Honors Local Native Robert Kinchen,” Daily Star, September 18, 1991
2p) “May Addison,” Sunday Star, September 22, 1991
2q) “Local Architect’s Christmas Mail Brings Special Invitation [John Gewalt],” Daily Star, December 24, 1991
2r) “Hammond Teacher Gives Scholarship [Kevin Brown],” Daily Star, February 26, 1992
2s) “Cold feet, warm hearts lead couple down south [Martin Solis’s],” Daily Star, March 29, 1992
2t) “Power trip turns off this Exec [Ed Melendreras, LP & L manager],” Sunday Star, Aug. 9, 1992
2u) “Book Features Local Greats [Louisiana Sports Legends: The Men and Women of the
Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame, by Jerry Byrd],” Daily Star, August 13, 1992
2v) “School Principal Pens Biography Detailing Great-Grandfather’s Life [Karl Ingram],”
Sunday Star, October 18, 1992
2w) “107-Year-Old Recollects Century Of Work, Mothering Her Children [Emma Howell],”
Sunday Star, October 25, 1992
2x) “Teen Creates Serpentine Strip [Arthur Simon],” Daily Star, November 9, 1992
2z) “[Elizabeth] Gilbreath To Dance In New Orleans Ballet,” Daily Star, January 27, 1993
3a) A Man to Tote The Lumber [Jack Bahm], June 6, 1974
a) Sketch of Peter Hammond, by Randall
b) “Peter Hammond,” Daily Star, April 14, 1972 (originally appeared in Hammond Vindicator, November 5, 1937 which was written by Thomas S. Ellis, an Amite attorney-3 copies)
c) Hammond, LA, by G. B. Campbell, Hammond-Ponchatoula, La. Classified and Business Directory, 1948 (pages 4 & 5)
d) “Peter Hammond, Founder of City,” notes for publication 10/22/48 (4-page paper)
e) “Peter Hammond Family,” (4-page paper)
f) “Peter Hammond Genealogy and Hammond, LA History,” (2-page paper)
g) “Court Records, Early Settlers,” notes used for publication 10/22/48 (2-page paper)
h) A piece of a newspaper column about Peter Hammond
BOX 13 Continued
a) Sketch of Charles E. Cate, by Randall
b) “Charles Emery Cate, An Enterprising Town Developer,” Sunday Advocate, January 23, 1966 (2 copies)
a) “Morrison Boulevard paved with history and interlined with memories of Congressman,”
Hammond Vindicator, July 27, 1986
b) “Morrison receives street sign,” Daily Star, August 1, 1986
c) “Morrison honored by Chamber of Commerce,” Hammond Vindicator, August 7, 1986
d) “Jimmy Morrison inducted into Hall of Honors,” Hammond Vindicator, November 27, 1986
e) “It’s official and now Morrison Boulevard,” Hammond Vindicator, December 23, 1986
f) “Mrs. James H. Morrison arranges historic photographs for the dedication of the
Morrison Room in the Linus A. Sims Memorial Library,” Hammond Vindicator, January 29, 1987
g) “Dedication of library honors Morrison,” Hammond Vindicator, February 5, 1987
h) Hand drawn map of Shadowcreek – Home of Honorable and Mrs. James Morrison
i) “Jimmy Morrison, 1908-00, A Public Life,” Hammond Daily Star, July 25, 2000
a) “Blue Laws, full lists of Connecticut’s famous puritan enactments,” unidentified
newspaper, n.d.
b) “A Proclamation, President McKinley to the People of the United States,” unidentified
newspaper, n. d.
c) “New York Takes a Rich Prize,” “Havana is Hemmed In,” “Bombardment Comes Next,”
“Blanco Rushing Men to Batteries,” “A Thousand Troops Taken,” “A Letter From Gomez,”
“The Spanish Are After Him,” “Burned All of Their Remembrances,” “Spanish Cabinet
Resigns,” (Spanish-American War news), unidentified newspaper, April 23, 1898
d) “Second Call for Volunteers,” ” How It Was Arranged,” “Surprise in Store,” (Spanish-American
War news), Boyd’s Torpedo, Vol. 1, No. 1, Monday, May 16, 1898, 7 O’clock Edition
e) “Sampson Heard From,” “We Lost 800 Men,” “And They didn’t,” “Alger’s Hopes,” “A
Great Opportunity,” “They Are Excited,” Boyd’s Torpedo, Vol. 1, No. 9, Tuesday, May 24, 1898, Second Edition
f) “On the Death of General Washington,” Ulster County Gazette, Vol. II, Num. 88, Saturday, January 4, 1800
g) “Lee’s Last Address, He Announces to His Gallant Troops the Close of the Struggle,
His Brief but Graphic Letter to President Davis, Telling the Story of the Last Days
of the Confederacy,” unidentified newspaper, n. d.
h) Invitation to the formal opening of the rooms of the Memphis Cotton Exchange, Oct.
15, 1885
Folder 11 MR & MRS. JOHN V. BAIAMONTE, SR. DONATION (naturalization, birth certificate
& army discharge papers)
a) Certificate of Naturalization of an Italian Immigrant, Vincenzo Baiamonte, May
26, 1922; Birth Certificate of his wife, the former Giuseppa Maria Levation (xerox
copies donated by their son, April 21, 1969)
b) Army discharge papers of an Italian Immigrant, Filippo Giarratano (He settled west
of Tickfaw-xerox copy donated by his daughter April 21, 1969)
BOX 13 Continued
12. “Report on History of Annie Eastman School and The Eastman Family,” compiled by
Zylpha Eastman, 1949 (xerox copy)
13. “Ginger Romero And her Strawberry Labels,” Strawberries & Cream, April 7 & 8, 1982
14. Sketch about Isabel Lovel (the first woman to receive a bachelor’s degree in art
at Southeastern Louisiana University), by Joy Jackson (3 copies); “Legion discusses
membership [Isabell Lovell, president of the Hammond Auxiliary 156 was hostess],”
Daily Star, September 5, 1974; Newspaper photograph of Isabel Lovel to advertise her exhibit
at Clark Hall Gallery at SLU for the month of June, Hammond Vindicator, June 1, 1983
15. “Convicted Ga. Slayer Captured in Tangipahoa,” unidentified newspaper, 1965.;
also short remembrance of this capture by Marie Wolters (donated 1990s)
16. “Strawberry Ambassador Of Louisiana,” Hammond Vindicator, May 12, 1988 and other clipping about strawberries and Mrs. Lucy Mike King
17. Gaude Family Collection (xerox copies)
18. Newspaper clippings about death of Major Kenneth Dyson
19. Irma Pierce Diary, 1937 (written while she was attending Southeastern Louisiana
a) “Reid Seeks Dist. 2 Seat,” newspaper article, n.d.
b) “Announces For Mayor (Frank Goblowsky), newspaper article, no date
c) “Marshal Seeks 4th Term [Victor Gordon Anderson],” Daily Star, July 30, 1990
d) “Businessman Challenges Ridgell [Donnie Williams],” Daily Star, July 3, 1990
e) “[Erwin] Jenkins Eyeballs Hebert’s Position,” Daily Star, May 15, 1991
f) “Hammond Man Runs For Sheriff [Eddie Buie],” Daily Star, May 16, 1991
g) “[Ansil] Bickford Will Run For Assessor,” Daily Star, May 22, 1991
h) “[Lester] Felder Plunges Into Assessor’s Race,” Daily Star, May 31, 1991
i) “[Conway] Guiteau Makes Bid For Assessor,” Daily Star, June 4, 1991
j) “Pon chatoula Businessman Runs Against Hebert [Steve Pugh],” Daily Star, June 7, 1991
k) “[Bill] Dufreche Hopes To Keep Post,” Daily Star, June 12, 1991
l) “Farmer Runs For Council Dist. 3 [Michael Petitto],” Daily Star, June 13, 1991
m) “[Raymond] Carr Seeks Assessor’s Office,” Daily Star, June 19, 1991
n) “Clerk Says He Won’t Run Again [Carmon Moore],” Daily Star, July 12, 1991
o) “[Gerald] Guidroz Joins Challengers To Hebert,” Daily Star, July 16, 1991
p) “[Joe] Perricone Seeks Seat In District 10,” Daily Star, July 16, 1991
q) “Amite Lawyer Runs For Clerk [Charles M. “Chuck” Reid],” Daily Star, July 17, 1991
r) “[Osa] Williams Tosses Hat Into Parish Council Ring,” Daily Star, July 19, 1991
s) “Chief Deputy Seeks Clerk’s Job [John Dahmer],” Daily Star, July 24, 1991
t) “[George] Holton Enters Parish Council Race,” Daily Star, July 31, 1991
u) “[Ed]Layrisson To Seek 4th Term As Sheriff,” Daily Star, August 12, 1991
v) “[Buster] Guzzardo Seeks Re-Election,” Daily Star, August 19, 1991
w) “Loranger Businessman Predicts Hot Dist. 4 Race [Frank Rick],” Daily Star, August 21, 1991
x) “[Jim] Conarty Runs In District 10,” Daily Star, August 22, 1991
y) “[Bill] Fleet Campaigns For 4th Term In District 7,” Daily Star, August 26, 1991
z) “[John] Russell Enters Campaign For State Representative,” Daily Star, August 29, 1991
BOX 13 Continued
2a) “3 Announce Campaigns For Legislative Districts [Bernard Carrier, Annette Fuselier,
Dennis Hebert],” Daily Star, August 30, 1991
2b) “[Clyde] Holloway Says Half Voters Still Undecided,” Daily Star, August 30, 1991
Photographs published by the Daily Star Gumbo showing scenes of Hammond
BOX 14
a) “Festivals Come Via Hard Work,” unidentified newspaper editorial, n.d.
b) Mertie Lou Barnes, great-granddaughter of Charles Emery Cate, unidentified newspaper,
c) “Let’s Share Memories,” unidentified newspaper, n.d.
d) “Serious Centennial Planning,” unidentified newspaper photo, n.d.
e) Winners of Centennial costume contest, unidentified newspaper, n.d.
f) Hammond Garden Club Hostesses at the Centennial celebration, unidentified newspaper,
g) “Celebrating 100 Years,” unidentified newspaper, n.d.
h) “Centennial Bricks Offered Again To Area Residents,” unidentified newspaper, n.d.
i) “$40 Bricks Will Fund Memorial,” unidentified newspaper, n.d.
j) “City Improving Park As Part Of Centennial,” unidentified newspaper article, n.d.
k) “Forester Donates Pruning For City’s 100th Birthday,” unidentified newspaper, n.d.
l) “Garden Club Plants Arbor Day Tree In Historic Cate Square,” unidentified newspaper,
m) “Projects Will Honor City’s 100 Years,” unidentified newspaper, n.d.
n) “Centennial Preparations,” newspaper photo, Daily Star, n.d.
o) Centennial Trivia game advertisement, Daily Star, n.d.
p) Hammond Centennial Game, published by Daily Star Publishing Co., 1989
q) “City Will Don Party Hat Sunday,” unidentified newspaper, n.d.
r) Hammond Eastside Upper Elementary parading before Hammond Centennial Celebration;
“Readying the Shot,” “Music in the Park,” unidentified newspaper photos, n.d.
s) Advertisement for Centennial Limited Edition Sets available from the Hammond Centennial
t) Hammond Centennial Committee, unidentified newspaper photo, April 9, 1988 (2 copies)
u) Marjorie Morrison and Joy Jackson of the Hammond Centennial Commission, newspaper
photo, Hammond Vindicator, July 28, 1988
v) “Yes, Virginia, There Will Be Lights,” Hammond Vindicator, September 8, 1988
w) “Cate Square Caroling Opens City Centennial,” Hammond Vindicator, December 8, 1988
x) “Voices To Hail Birthday,” Sunday Star, December 11, 1988
y) “O Come, All Ye Faithful,” Daily Star, December 19, 1988
z) “Hammond Centennial Kicks Off With Caroling In Square,” Hammond Vindicator, December 22, 1988
2a) Hammond Garden Club Christmas lighting contest winners, newspaper photos, Daily Star, December 23, 1988
2b) “Hammond’s Centennial Celebration,” poem by Edna Campbell, dedicated to the Centennial
Commission, 1989
2c) Newspaper Cartoon by Rod Brunet regarding Centennial, Daily Star, (1989)
2d) “AARP Hears About Centennial Plans,” Hammond Vindicator, January 25, 1989
2e) “Morrison Gives City History During Talk On Centennial,” Daily Star, January 26, 1989
2f) Rotary Club Meeting February 1, 1989. Topic: Hammond Centennial Celebration (program)
2g) “Hammond’s 100th Year Celebrated In Oct.,” Sunday Star, February 19, 1989 (2 Copies)
2h) “Hammond Centennial Commission Sponsoring City-Wide Art Contest,” Hammond Vindicator, February 23, 1989 (3 Copies)
2i) “Centennial Souvenir,”newspaper photo, Daily Star, March 13, 1989
2j) Mr. Howard Nichols signing his book Centennial Souvenir: A Hammond History Source Book, newspaper photo, Sunday Star, April 30, 1989
BOX 14 Continued
2k) Edna Campbell, Howard Nichols, Brooks Robinson and Tom Davidson. Also a photo
of Centennial Executives, Hammond Vindicator, May 25, 1989
2l) “Hammond Centennial Moves Along With Pride,” Hammond Vindicator, May 25, 1989 (2)
2m) Frances Chauvin telling the public about the Centennial, newspaper photo, Hammond Vindicator, June 1, 1989
2n) “War Memorial Money [American Legion Auxiliary Unit 156 donates $1,000 to Hammond
Centennial Commission],” newspaper photo, Daily Star, June 21, 1989
2o) “Cate Square Living Peace Memorial,” Sunday Star, July 9, 1989 (2 Copies)
2p) “The Hammond Centennial Game” ”Gumbo’ Magazine insert, Sunday Star, July 9, 1989 (2)
2q) “Club Hears Talk On Centennial,” Daily Star, September 7, 1989 (2 Copies)
2r) “Centennial Brick Sales Have Exceeded Expectations,” Hammond Vindicator, Sept. 20, 1989
2s) “Mertie Fourmy Reflects On Cate Square As A Childhood Playground,” Hammond Vindicator, September 27, 1989
2t) Hammond, 100 Years: “Stewart Monument,” newspaper photo, Daily Star, October 10, 1989
2u) Hammond, 100 Years: “Thick fire wall saved Toggery Shop in 1947,” Daily Star, Oct. 10, 1989
2v) “Omega Donation,” newspaper photo, Daily Star, October 11, 1989
2w) “City To Bury Time Capsule In Cate Square,” Daily Star, October 11, 1989
2x) Hammond, 100 Years: “59 Debs,” newspaper Photo, Daily Star, October 11, 1989
2y) Hammond, 100 Years: “Proclaiming Daughters,” newspaper photo, Daily Star, Oct. 11, 1989
2z) Hammond, 100 Years: “Immanuel Marks Its 7th Year,” Daily Star, October 11, 1989
3a) Hammond, 100 Years: “At Holy Ghost,” Daily Star, October 11, 1989
3b) Hammond, 100 Years: “Sorority Goes Back To ’76,” Daily Star, October 12, 1989
3c) “The Wall,” newspaper photo, Daily Star, October 13, 1989
3d) Hammond, 100 Years: TARC Rebuilds Following Fire On Dec. 4 1980,” Daily Star, October 18, 1989
3e) Hammond Vindicator issue of Hammond’s 100 Birthday, October 18, 1989
3f) “Playground Planters,” newspaper photo, Daily Star, October 18, 1989 (2 Copies)
3g) Hammond, 100 Years: Brownies,” Daily Star, October 19, 1989
3h) Hammond, 100 Years: Legion, Auxiliary Can Recall 40 Years Of Local History,” Daily Star, October 20, 1989
3i) “Happy Birthday to our Hammond,” Editorial, Daily Star, October 20, 1989
3j) Dedication of The Living Peace Memorial and the sealing of Hammond’s First 100
Years Time Capsule, Sunday October 22, 1989, Cate Square (program)
3k) “SLU Invites N.O. Symphony,” Sunday Star, October 22, 1989
3l) “Hammond Celebrates 100 Years,” Sunday Star, October 22, 1989 (2 Copies)
3m) “First Day,” newspaper photo, Morning Advocate, October 23, 1989
3n) “Hammond Celebrates 100 years,” Daily Star, October 23, 1989 (2 copies)
3o) “Farmers Day, Centennial Pack Weekend,” Daily Star, October 23, 1989
3p) “Baby Talk,” newspaper photo of baby at Cate Square, Daily Star, October 24, 1989
3q) “Hammond’s 100th Birthday Celebration Was Beautiful,” Hammond Vindicator, Oct. 25, 1989
3r) “Reception Hostesses on Centennial Sunday at Citizens National Bank,” newspaper
photo, Daily Star, October 27, 1989
3s) “Testing It Out [child on slide at Cate Square],” newspaper Photo, Daily Star, Nov. 2, 1989
3t) “The Old And New Blend Through 1989,” Hammond Vindicator, January 3, 1990
3u) “Nov. 11 Will See Parade,” Daily Star, October 12, 1990
3v) “N. O. Symphony To Play Pops In Hammond,” unidentified newspaper, n.d.
BOX 14 Continued
a) Centennial Commission, For Being 100, Hammond You Look Terrific, Chamber News, Vol. 4, No. 6, June 1988
b) Souvenir Meeting list of names (on lined legal pad)
c) Centennial Souvenir Meeting list of names, dated December 8, 1988
d) Centennial Souvenir Meeting list of names, dated February 20
e) Souvenir Committee Meeting Notice for March 8, 1989
f) Souvenir Committee members and addresses
g) Listing of names for Ed. Committee and Heritage Day Committee
h) Site Plan for Living Peace Memorial in Cate Square
i) Minutes, 1986-1990
a) Hammond Heritage Day, Schedule of Events, 1980
b) “Railroad Station Featured In Heritage Day Poster, 1982” Daily Star, n.d. (2 Copies)
c) Walking Tour Maps of Downtown, Cate Square Area, and Railroad/Church Walks (2 Copies)
d) Hammond Heritage Day, May 1, 1983 (program)
e) Souvenir Issue regarding Alley Square, May 1, 1983 (2 Copies)
f) Hammond Heritage Day Walking Tour, 1983
g) “Heritage Day Celebration,” Insert to Sunday Shopping Guide, April 29, 1984
h) Downtown Hammond Walking Tour Script
i) Souvenir Issue regarding Alley Square, May 6, 1984
j) “Heritage Day Focuses On Tree [The Hammond Oak],” Hammond Vindicator, Jan. 16, 1985
k) Hammond Heritage Day, May 5, 1985 (program)
l) “Heritage Day to focus on Hammond Trees,” Hammond Vindicator, May 4, 1986
m) Heritage Day Celebration, newspaper supplement, Sunday Star, May 6, 1986
n) “Memory Lane On Hammond’s Eighth Heritage Day Citing People And Places,” Hammond Vindicator, April 30, 1987
o) Heritage Day, newspaper supplement, Sunday Star, May 3, 1987
p) “Heritage Day Affords Family Oriented Fun And Heritage Reminders,” Hammond Vindicator, May 7, 1987
q) “Booths For Heritage Day Available Now,” Hammond Vindicator, n.d.
r) Calendar of Heritage Day events, unidentified newspaper article, n.d.
s) “Planners Hope Heritage Day Will Bring Visitors Into Past,” Daily Star, May 5, 1989
t) Advertisement for Hammond Heritage Day Centennial Run, May 7, 1989 sponsored by
Seventh Ward General Hospital, Daily Star, n.d.
u) “Celebrate Hammond’s Heritage Day May 7, 1989, Cate Square. Advertisements by Seventh
Ward General Hospital, Citizens National Bank, Pugh’s Florist, Westpark Community
Hospital, Valu-Rite Drugs, First Guaranty Bank, Daily Star promotion
v) Newspaper photo of Stephen Johnson hanging Heritage Day banner, Sunday Star, May 7, 1989
w) “Heritage Day Visitors Step Into The Past,” Daily Star, May 8, 1989
x) “Heritage Day Goes Old-Fashioned,” Daily Star, May 8, 1989
y) “Some Win Both Heritage Races, Daily Star, May 9, 1989
z) 1989 Heritage Day Time Schedule
2a) Self-guided tour of Grace Memorial Cemetery, Heritage Day, 1989 (2 Copies )
BOX 14 Continued
a) Louisiana Balloon Festival & Air Show, newspaper insert, Daily Star, October 3, 1990 (2)
b) “Hammond Balloon Festival Scheduled For October 6-7,” Lion’s Roar, September 13, 1990
c) “At Airshow,” newspaper photo, Daily Star, October 5, 1990
d) “Clouds May Dot Festival Sky,” Daily Star, October 5, 1990
e) “Organizers Consider Fest Move,” Sunday Star, October 14, 1990
f) “History Comes To Hammond,” newspaper photo, Lion’s Roar, June 13, 1991
g) “Inflating,” newspaper photo, Sunday Star, July 21, 1991
h) “Airport will close runway to make room for festival,” Daily Star, March 11, 1992
i) “Balloon Chasers Sought,” Daily Star, Mary 12, 1992
j) “Airshow Organizers Hope For Big Family Crowds,” Daily Star, May 13, 1992
k) “Balloonists Gird For Fest,” Daily Star, May 15, 1992
l) “Festival Goes As Expected, Says Fire Chief,” Daily Star, May 18, 1992
m) “Chairman Glum Over Turnout For Show,” Daily Star, May 19, 1992
a) “St. Joseph’s Altar a great success in Smithsonian Exhibit,” Hammond Vindicator, July 11, 1985
b) “Hidden Oaks Altar,” newspaper photo, Daily Star, March 22, 1989
c) “Baking St. Joseph’s bread at Carona’s Bakery,” newspaper Photo, Hammond Vindicator, March 23, 1989
a) Map of Stadium with event areas marked
b) Volunteer Handbook for Area Athletics Meet, March 26, 1988
c) Letter of volunteer appreciation
d) Breaking the Barriers (brochure)
a) Hammond Berries, Southeastern Magazine, Summer 1990
b) “City Set To Welcome Cyclists Today,” Daily Star, July 14, 1992
c) “Arkansan Hogs Tour De La. Limelight,” Daily Star, August 17, 1992
a) “Amateur Minstrel Show Big Even, Crowd Packs High School Auditorium, Netting Local
Red Cross $234.30,” Louisiana Sun, April 26 , n. d.
b) “We Like This Town,” Times-Picayune, n.d.
c) Great Opera Concert, April 20, 1908
d) Musicale, November 10, 1916 (program)
e) Home Talent Minstrel Show, December 1-2, 1926 (xerox copy of program)
f) Fifth Annual Strawberry Festival, May 29 & 30, 1929 (Souvenir Program)
g) Invitation for the “Victory Community Sing” n.d.
h) “Hammond Parade Route,” Lion’s Roar, February 7, 1991
Scrapbook of Women in Motion [from idea for sculpture to dedication], April 21, 1988
BOX 14 Continued
a) “Residential Neighborhood Gets Thrill From Movie Filming And Flashing Lights,”
Hammond Vindicator, December 7, 1987
b) “Movie People Film Historic Sharp Home,” Hammond Vindicator, January 21, 1988
c) “Picturesque Preston House To Be Spotlighted In Movie,” Hammond Vindicator, February 11, 1988
d) “Escaping To Celluloid Adventure,” Sunday Star, May 5, 1991 (2 Copies)
e) Brochure for Columbia Theater Players 1984-85 season
f) “Greek Comedy Lysistrata Being Staged In Hammond,” Lion’s Roar, December 6, 1990 g) “‘Can’t Dance…’Ends After Successful Run,” Lion’s Roar, March 14, 1991
h) “Director Casts 2 To Play Murderer In ’50s Thriller,” Sunday Star, April 28, 1991
i) “The Challenge,” newspaper photo, Daily Star, June 19, 1991
j) “CTP Stages ‘Christmas Carol’,” Daily Star, December 5, 1991
k) “New Theater To Open With ‘Death Trap’,” Daily Star, October 15, 1992
l) “Bank Hoping To Sell Old Columbia Theater,” Daily Star, November 17, 1992
m) “Buddy St. Amant, a man of many roles [had a role in The Big Easy],” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, September 4, 1988
n) “Carroll O’Connor, In Hammond for the filming of In the Heat of the Night,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, December 4, 1987
o) “A Day in the Movies [In the Heat of the Night],” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, Jan.3, 1988
p) “Making Movies, A look at what it’s all about [In the Heat of the Night],” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, January 17, 1988
q) “Hollywood Shines on Hammond, Area [In the Heat of the Night],” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, March 6, 1988
r) “Making Movies [In the Heat of the Night],” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, October 15, 1989
Folder 11 – Hammond Berries Baseball Team
a) Signed baseball, 1949
BOX 15
Folder 1 Husser Happenings, Hammond Vindicator, 1985
a) January 16, 1985
b) ” ‘Community Day’ Planned,” August 15, 1985
c) “Husser History,” September 26, 1985
d) November 7, 1985 (2 Copies)
e) November 27, 1985
f) December 5, 1985
Folder 2 Husser Happenings, Hammond Vindicator, 1986
a) February 13, 1986
b) February 27, 1986
c) March, 1986
d) March 13, 1986
e) March 20, 1986
f) March 27, 1986
g) April 10, 1986
h) June 26, 1986
i) August 21, 1986
j) December 4, 1986
Folder 3 Husser Happenings, Hammond Vindicator, 1987
a) February 12, 1987
b) April 30, 1987
c) July 2, 1987
d) July 9, 1987
e) July 23, 1987
f) July 30, 1987
g) August 6, 1987
h) August 20, 1987
i) September 10, 1987
Folder 4 Husser Happenings, Hammond Vindicator, 1988
a) January 7, 1988
b) January 21, 1988
c) February 11, 1988
d) “In Memory Of Rev. Sylvest,” March 10, 1988
e) March 17, 1988
f) March 31, 1988
g) April 7, 1988
h) April 22, 1988
i) April 28, 1988
j) May 12, 1988
k) “Uncle Ernie,” May 12, 1988
l) May 19, 1988
m) May 26, 1988
Folder 4A Husser (newspaper clippings)
a) “Community Keeps Pulling People Back,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, April 27, 1986
b) “Husser Schoolhouse Memories,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, December 13, 1987
c) “Hussers Populate Parish Community,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, April 1, 1990
BOX 15 Continued
a) Community Profile of Independence, La. Office of Commerce and Industry, October
b) “Fifty Years Of ‘Independence’,” Morning Advocate, February 21, 1954
c) “Railroad Proposed Town Named Uncle Sam,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, July 2, 1989
d) “Uncle Sam Failed: Independence Prevailed,” Tangipahoa Place Names, by John Coumes,
Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, July 16, 1989
e) “DEQ Cites Independence; Pond May Cost $1 Million,” Daily Star, October 10, 1990
f) “Guzzardo Wants To Buy Time For Dairies,” Daily Star, May 6, 1991
g) “Independence May Get New Armory Soon,” Daily Star, June 12, 1991 (2 Copies)
h) “Independence center guides pregnant addicts on odyssey to wellness,” Daily Star, Jul 23, 1991
i) “Migrant Housing Could Come To Independence,” Daily Star, July 16, 1992
j) “Independence Landmarks: Making the old new again,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, March 9, 1986
k) John Genovese Home, Newspaper Photo, Hammond Vindicator, April 30, 1987
l) “The Old Depot transformed into Multi-Purpose Center,” Hammond Vindicator, April 22, 1988
m) Brass Band Initiated Area Musical Careers,” Sunday Star, February 1, 1981
n) “Charles Anzalone: The Immigrant Boy Who … Made Good,” Hammond Vindicator, September 26, 1985 (2 Copies)
o) “Frank Anzalone, Life in the Legislature,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, April 27, 1986
p) “Luke Pingno looks back, Surviving a WW II Death Camp,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, May 25, 1986
q) “Making Pots, It’s All in the Hands [Linda Katz],” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, Nov. 20, 1987
r) “Cats, John Anzalone dances his way to Broadway,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, April 3, 1988
s) “Italian Family Came To Area In 1880’s,” Daily Star, April 22, 1992
t) “Part Of Falcone Building Collapses On Neighbor’s Shed,” Daily Star, June 10, 1990
u) “Bus Stalls On Tracks, But Disaster Averted Thanks To Passerby,” Daily Star, May 31, 1992
v) “Stern Justice Took Six Lives For One,” Sunday Advocate, May 10, 1964
w) “Murder in Independence [six men die for killing one–local man, John V. Baiamonte,
Jr., researches the tale],” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, June 8, 1986
x) “Deep in Dixie, Six Were Hanged,” Dixie
y) The Six Who Were Hanged by Clem G. Hearsey (xerox copy of booklet)
z) Scenes From Our History, Strawberry Pickers
2a) John Chehardy Contributed Greatly to Growth and Progress of Town, The Independent, 1953
a) Little Italy Festival, Independence, April 26, 1975, Daily Star, April 25, 1975
b) Independence Italian Festival, April 23-24, 1982 (brochure)
c) Independence Italian Festival, April 29 & 30, 1983 (Festival Book)
d) Independence Italian Festival, April 27 & 28, 1984 (Festival Book)
e) 5th Annual Independence Italian Festival, April 17-28, 1984 (brochure)
f) “Italian Culture Highlighted In Festival Exhibit,” Sunday Advocate, March 18, 1984 (4 Copies)
g) “Indy Festival A Huge Success,” Hammond Vindicator, March 1985
h) “Frank Anzalone Marshal For Festival,” Hammond Vindicator, April 24, 1986
i) “Eat, Drink And Be Merry At The Italian Festival,” Hammond Vindicator, April 23, 1987
j) “Queen Battles Cancer [Italian Festival], Daily Star, April 24, 1991
k) “Independence Readies Weekend of Italian Treats,” Daily Star, April 25, 1991
BOX 15 Continued
a) Festivities of St. Joseph Begin Tonight, Hammond Daily Courier, March 18, 1933
b) “Colorful Parade at Independence Features Celebration of Feast,” Picayune, March 20, 1937
c) “Independence Marks a Feast Day,” Morning Advocate Magazine, March 22, 1953
d) St. Joseph’s Day Celebration, March 18-19, 1956 (brochure)
e) “Honoring St. Joseph, Variations on a Christian Ritual,” Sunday Advocate, March 19, 1978
f) “Friends, Relatives Pitch In To Create St. Joseph’s Altar,” Daily Star, March 23, 1984
g) “Excitement Pervades Preparation For [St. Joseph] Fest,” Daily Star, June 4, 1985
h) “Honoring St. Joseph,” Daily Star Gumbo, March 22, 1987
i) “Altars Repay Saint’s Kindness, Lucy Mike King thanks St. Joseph for 61st Year,
Daily Star Gumbo, March 18, 1990
j) St. Joseph Altar Celebration, by Karen W. Warren, April 28, 1981
k) Feast of St. Joseph: Labor of Love by the Faithful, by Karen Warren, 1982
l) The Tradition of the St. Joseph’s Altars in Southeast Louisiana, by Karen Warren,
n. d.
m) The Story of the St. Joseph Altar Tradition of Southeast Louisiana, Slides and
Interpretative Script by Karen Warren, n. d.
n) St. Joseph’s Altar Celebration, Speech for the Italian Century Week, by Karen Warren
o) St. Joseph’s Day, A Feast of Thanks, Better Homes and Gardens, March 1982
p) Italian Century, October 18-23, 1982 (brochures and banquet program)
q) Promises to Keep: The Tradition of the St. Joseph’s Altars in Southeast Louisiana,
by Karen Warren, n. d.
r) “The St. Joseph’s Altar: A Tradition Survives,” The Catholic Commentator, March 18, 1981
s) St. Joseph’s Altar in Independence, Louisiana, by Connie Holmes, May 5, 1975
a) Kentwood Community Profile, La. Office of Commerce and Industry, October 1989
b) Letter from Mildred to Uncle Tom Womack, no date.
c) Note regarding matchbox gift given July 16, 1929
d) “T. G. Womack Chosen Mayor Of Kentwood,” Kentwood Commercial, May 17, 1934
e) “Womack Elected Mayor By Small Majority,” Kentwood Commercial, May 17, 1934
f) “Results Of Kentwood Election,” Kentwood Commercial, n. d.
g) “Week-end Rate Cut Secured By Mayor Womack,” Kentwood Commercial, n. d.
h) Portion of election ballot for Congressional election, term expiring January 3,
i) “Rakings From the Garden [about park south of Kentwood],” Morning Advocate, July 18, 1954
j) “Kentwood: The Town That Bossy Saved,” Morning Advocate, November 14, 1954
k) “How About Tatetown? Or maybe Amackerville? It wasn’t always Kentwood, you know,
Hammond Vindicator, March 20, 1969 (xerox copy)
l) “Hilburn Old Photographs At The Turn Of The Century,” newspaper photos, Kentwood Ledger, June 26, 1975
m) “Be It Known And Remembered,” Kentwood Ledger, May 8, 1980
n) “Be It Known And Remembered,” Kentwood Ledger, April 24, 1980
o) “Old Wedding Invitation Stirs Thoughts Of The Past [about Tate family],” Kentwood Ledger, January 21, 1982
p) United Methodist Church, newspaper photo, Hammond Vindicator, September 26 1985
q) “Historian On Trail Of Early Draftsman,” McComb Enterprise Journal, October 20, 1991
r) “Local Lore & Legend,” Kentwood Ledger, February 20, 1992
BOX 15 Continued
s) “Local Lore & Legend,” Kentwood Ledger, February 17, 1993
t) “Local Lore & Legend,” Tangi Talk, July 14, 1993
u) “Kentwood Life Bears Saving, Historian Says,” Enterprise-Journal, March 25, 1994
v) Handdrawn map to new brick lodge in Kentwood
w) Information including note cards and newspaper clipping regarding an oral history
interview with T. P. Hogan
x) Note from Irene Morris to Joy Jackson re=Emily Magdalena Bigelow
y) “Officials say plant will employ locals,” Daily Star, June 8, 1990
z) “Competitors Try To Tap Resentment Against Kentwood Water’s Owners,” Daily Star, February 9, 1992
2a) “Kentwood Defends Water; EPA Says Disinfect,” Daily Star, April 3, 1992
2b) “Chemical Dependency Unit Opens In Kentwood,” Daily Star, April 24, 1992
2c) “Town Leader Doesn’t Want Tax On Water,” Daily Star, October 19, 1992
2d) “Minister Inquires About License,” Daily Star, November 23, 1992
2e) “Brumfield Lawsuit Settles,” Daily Star, November 30, 1992
2f) “Kentwood Water To Expand,” Daily Star, December 15, 1992
2g) “Kentwood 9-Year-Old To Sing On ‘Star Search’ Tomorrow,” Daily Star, April 24, 1992
2h) The Life I Lived, by Liston E. Wallace, n.d. (booklet)
2i) From Here To Yonder, by Liston E. Wallace, n.d. (poetry booklet)
2j) It Is Remembered, by Irene R. Morris, November 1967 (booklet)
2k) Local Lore & Legend Scrapbook, by Irene R. Morris (booklet)
2l) History of the Beginnings of Kentwood Lodge No. 248 Free and Accepted Masons of Louisiana
and Masonic History of the Present membership, compiled by James Polk Morris, Jr., Secretary, assisted by Irene Reid Morris, Joe
Abner Blades, Worshipful Master, May 1955 (xerox copy)
2m) “Town Honors Dairies,” Daily Star, June 2, 1991
2n) ” [Nick] Saladino, the Mayor and his town,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, December 14, 1986
2o) “Town’s Name Honors Founder of Lumber Mill,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, December 11, 1988
2p) The Life I Lived, Part Two, by Liston E. Wallace, n.d. (booklet)
a) Murray Paper, n. d.
b) Kentwood Commercial, June 28, 1918
c) Kentwood Commercial, December 30, 1921
d) Times-Picayune, May 25, 1924
e) Kentwood Commercial, January 20, 1927
f) Kentwood Commercial, February 3, 1927
g) Kentwood Commercial, March 24, 1927
h) Kentwood Commercial, July 5, 1934 (2 Copies)
i) Kentwood Commercial, April 20, 1939
j) Kentwood Commercial, June 15, 1939
Folder 9
Letters and Shipping Tickets, dated 1910-11
BOX 15 Continued
Ledgerbook containing:
a) List of Subscribers to stock of the Kentwood Collegiate Institute
b) Charter of the Kentwood Collegiate Institute
c) Minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors for July 22, 1889, August 3, 1889,
September 18, 1889, November 7, 1889, January 24, 1890, January 27, 1897, January
30, 1897, August 7, 1897, November 6, 1897, June 26, 1900, June 15, 1903
d) Accounting of money on two pages
e) Loose pages about building school, 1889
f) Checks, dated December 12, 1923, November 18, 1924, and October 28, 1926
11. “Loranger, 1900-1920: A Northern Colony in Louisiana,” by Cheryl Ann Bennett,
Louisiana Studies, Summer 1970 (xerox copy)
12. A New Stock Country-The Colony Beautiful (xerox copy)
a) Obituary: Nancy Overmier, died January 10, 1986
b) “Lighthouse Founder’s Path Changed Lives Of Many Boys,” Daily Star, July 12, 1992
c) “Scott Heads Dances,” Daily Star, August 12, 1992
d) “Farming History To Be Revived At Loranger Old Farmers Day,” Sun, October 22, 1975
e) Old Farmers Day, October 17, 1981 (brochure)
f) Old Farmers Day, October 23, 1982 (brochure)
g) “Keeping ‘Em On The Farm,” Daily Star, n.d.
h) “How You’re Going To Keep ‘Em On The Farm?” Hammond Vindicator, October 16, 1986
i) “Old Farmers Day Draws Thousands To Loranger,” Sunday Star, October 19, 1986
j) “Vandals Smash 97 Windows [Loranger High School],” Daily Star, November 9, 1992
k) “Loranger Library Will Branch Out,” Sunday Star, December 13, 1992
l) “Loranger Alumni: Reuniting Again, Schools from 1912 to 1988,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, June 19, 1988
m) “Loranger Bell, it’s ringing again [Loranger Methodist Church], Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, February 28, 1988
n) Scenes From Our History: Steam tractor being used to operate a harvesting machine,
Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, September 27, 1988
o) Scenes From Our History: Steam tractor pulls a road grader, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, October 11, 1987
Folder 14 LORANGER
“Little Railroads which Helped Build Communities,” by Elmer E. Puls (original)
BOX 16
Land Assessment Book–Town of Kentwood, Louisiana
BOX 17
Folder 1 MANCHAC–PORT AND TOWN (newspaper clippings)
a) “Old Man, Fiddle, And A Barrelful of Memories,” Daily Star, January 10, 1973
b) “Search for bodies continue at Pass Manchac bridge,” Tangi Talk, September 15, 1976
c) “A Dozen Miles from Town, Middendorf’s,” Dixie, September 24, 1978
d) “Despite the years nature still triumphs at Pass Manchac,” Hammond Vindicator, Aug. 15, 1985
e) Corps studies channels [Pass Manchac], Daily Star, August 29, 1990
f) “Port may make history in 1991,” Sunday Star, April 21, 1991
g) “Projects brighten Manchac port future,” Daily Star, July 19, 1991
h) “Port Manchac celebrates record-breaking past year,” Lion’s Roar, January 30, 1992
i) “Project’s funding safe,” Daily Star, March 30, 1992
j) “Bids `shock’ commissioners,” Daily Star, June 17, 1992
k) “Ceremony slated at Port Manchac,” Daily Star, November 11, 1992
l) “$2 million-plus project begins,” Daily Star, November 20, 1992
m) “Port seeks state grant,” Daily Star, December 4, 1992
n) “Fading Light, Group Rekindles Interest in Lighthouse,” Times-Picayune, April 22, 1996
o) “Remembering the Tragedy at Pass Manchac,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, Sept. 13, 1987
p) “A Day in the Swamp,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, August 14, 1988
q) Scenes From Our History: Manchac Depot, 1903, Daily Star Gumbo Mag., October 18, 1987
r) “Manchac Gives River Back Door to Lake,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, January 21, 1990
s) “Save the Lighthouse, Manchac Lighthouse on Lake Pontchartrain, Antiques Gazette, Vol. 14, No. 1, Aug. 1997
a) Insignia Patch of Natalbany Volunteer Fire Department
b) “No Whistle Blows,” by Dianne Hymel (paper)
c) Natalbany Fire Department, Murray newspaper, n.d. (xerox copy of photo)
d) Baseball Team (xerox copy)
e) High School (xerox copy)
f) Methodist Episcopal Church (xerox copy)
g) Main Street (xerox copy)
h) Planing & B. Mill (xerox copy)
i) B. Mill (xerox copy)
j) Patent for a Log-Cart by Robert Williams of Natalbany
k) Charter of Natalbany Lumber Company, Ltd. (xerox copy)
l) “UDC views slides of old lumber industry, Tangi Talk, September 23, 1981
m) “Natalbany Lumber Co. discussed,” News-Digest, October 1, 1981
n) Natalbany Baptist Church, Tangipahoa Farmer, June 1992
o) “Batson Elected President,” Morning Sun, July 1, 1979
p) “New Post Office Opening Tuesday,” Daily Star, February 12, 1992
q) “Postal Work Runs In Cabler Family,” Sunday Star, October 7, 1990
r) “Fortune Amuses Family,” Sunday Star, October 7, 1990
s) “Tornados Leave 50 Homeless,” Sunday Star, February 16, 1992
t) “Federal Aid Unlikely For Tornado Victims,” Daily Star, February 24, 1992
u) Natalbany Lumber Company Token, $1.00
v) “Natalbany Post Office Becomes Family Affair,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, October 7, 1988
w) “Natalbany: There’s No Whistle Anymore,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, May 31, 1987
BOX 17 Continued
x) “Emmett Perrilloux: A Man of Many Talents,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, March 30, 1986
y) “Carter N. Stewart Chooses not to keep $20,000 he found,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, July 19, 1987
z) Scenes From Our History: Natalbany Main Street, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, Nov. 22, 1987
2a) Scenes From Our History: Natalbany School, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, Nov. 15, 1987
2b) Scenes From Our History: Natalbany Volunteer Firefighters, 1900, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, June 14, 1987
2c) Scenes From Our History: Natalbany Episcopal Church, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, December 20, 1987
2d) “`Lone Bear’ Hibernates at Mid-Parish [Natalbany], Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, Jan. 28, 1990
a) “Ponchatoula Candy Makers,” Daily Star, January 23, 1970
b) “Gabriel Builds Store,” Daily Star, December 11, 1991
c) “What’s Old Is What’s New In Ponchatoula,” Magazine, September 23, 1990
d) “Disney Buyer Tours Antique City,” Daily Star, November 6, 1991
e) “La. Town Rings Up A Thriving Antiques Business,” Times-Picayune, February 9, 1992
f) “Visitors Bring Center To Life,” Daily Star, March 29, 1992
g) “City Thanks Sheriff Foti For Paint Job,” Daily Star, April 3, 1992
h) “Pull Off For Ponchatoula,” Southern Living, June, 1992
i) “Plant Moves To [Industrial] Park,” Daily Star, August 28, 1991
j) “Big Boost Announced,” Daily Star, January 5, 1992
k) “Ponchatoula Gears Up For Industrial Grant,” Daily Star, April 2, 1992
l) “Ponchatoula OKs Industrial Grant,” Daily Star, May 12, 1992
m) “Firm Sinks Shovels, Dollars Into Ponchatoula Park Site,” Daily Star, May 31, 1992
n) J & M Industries, Packaging Business (history)
a) “St. Joseph’s Church 1875-1975,” Murray Newspapers, November 24, 1974
b) “All Saints Episcopal Church Oldest In Ponchatoula,” Daily Star, September 5, 1975
c) “‘Cotton Picking’ Children Had Role In Oldest Church In Ponchatoula [All Saints
Episcopal],” Hammond Vindicator, July 3, 1986
d) Westside Baptist Church and St. Joseph Catholic Church, newspaper photos, unidentified
newspaper, November 27, 1985
e) “Lee’s Landing Church Has 80th Birthday,” Tangipahoa Farmer, August, 1992
f) Dedication of Ponchatoula Grammar School, December 9, 1937 (program-xerox copy)
g) “History of Ponchatoula Schools,” Hammond Vindicator, May 6, 1976
h) “Old Ponchatoula School Featured In ’85 Yearbook,” Times-Picayune, December 14, 1986
i) “Ponchatoula Students Score Well On CAT Tests,” Daily Star, July 19, 1991
j) “Blaze Ravages School,” Daily Star, March 7, 1994
BOX 17 Continued
a) City Map & Street Guide
b) Ponchatoula Community Profile, La. Office of Commerce and Industry, October 1989
c) “How Ponchatoula Got Its Name,” Hammond Vindicator, May 21, 1987
d) “Spanish Sword Unearthed East Of Town Gives Evidence Of The Old Spanish Trail,”
Ponchatoula Times, September 29, 1988
e) “The Louisiana Farmers’ Protective Union and its Effects on the Farmers of Ponchatoula,”
by Tommie Jean Robertson (paper)
f) “Civil War Military Operations in and Around Ponchatoula, Louisiana,” Louisiana History, n.d.
g) “Gunsmoke Over Ponchatoula,” by John Isaac Howze (paper)
h) Ponchatoula’s Civil War Made of Many Skirmishes, by Wlliam E. Perrin, Daily Star, May 25, 1971
i) Murder at Little Bridge Crossing, A true story of the Civil War, Ponchatoula Times, April 23, 1987
j) Banking Hints to Bank Customers, Compliments of the Merchants & Farmers’ Bank of
Ponchatoula (xerox copy of Booklet)
k) “Commuter Parking Lot Bids Awaited,” Daily Star, June 23, 1991
l) “Ponchatoula Fire Rating Improves From 8 To 5
m) “Ponchatoula Says BFI Not Picking Up Yard Trash,” Daily Star, June 25, 1992
n) “Ponchatoula Bids 5 Leaders Farewell Come Wednesday,” Daily Star, June 28, 1992
o) “Weed Purifies Ponchatoula Sewage,” Daily Star, August 7, 1992
p) “Alderman Donates Signs To Ease Safety Worries,” Daily Star, October 29, 1992
q) ” Sketch of Ponchatoula’s Unique History,” Ponchatoula Times, April 6, 1995 (xerox copy)
r) “Ponchatoula Means Spanish Moss,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, May 15, 1989
s) “Life in Ponchatoula 800-1200 AD, The First Ponchatoula,” Northlake News, June 1995
t) “Ponchatoula Restores Its Past,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, April 1, 1990
u) Scenes From Our History: Jimmy Morrison Campaigning, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, March 22, 1987
v) Scenes From Our History: Ponchatoula in 1923, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, October 25, 1987
a) “Landmark Home of Thomas Cate,” Hammond Vindicator, October 2, 1986
b) “Fannaly Mansion Awaiting, Retains its Title as Mansion,” Hammond Vindicator, Oct. 16, 1986
c) “What’s In A Name? A Rose Or Peanuts Or The Fannaly Mansion,” Hammond Vindicator, June 11, 1987
d) “Fannaly’s Final Showplace, Ponchatoula Dynasty Grew from Peanut Sales,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, August 19, 1990
e) “Move To Rezone [Fannaly] Mansion Squashed,” Daily Star, October 18, 1991
f) “Historic Fannaly Mansion Finds New Life As Bed And Breakfast Inn,” Gumbo, June 13, 1993 g) Country Market and Mail Car Art Gallery (brochure)
h) “Welcome to the Mail Car Art Gallery,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, April 12, 1987
i) “Country Market To Burn Mortgage Note,” Hammond Vindicator, June 26, 1986
j) “Ponchatoula Country Market marks fourteenth anniversary,” Hammond Vindicator, July 16, 1987
k) Handout for Collinswood School Museum
BOX 17 Continued
l) “Collinswood Is Bicentennial Museum, Sun, July 4, 1976 (xerox copy)
m) “Landmark School Will Become Museum,” Daily Star, n.d.
n) One Room Schoolhouse Ready For Tours,” Hammond Vindicator, August 21, 1986
o) “Early Schoolhouse Continues To Impart Knowledge On History,” Hammond Vindicator, February 18, 1988
p) “Wetmore Cemetery Of Historical Eminence,” Hammond Vindicator, November 7, 1985 (2 Copies)
q) “Bavarian Treats: Part Of Chef’s Night,” Lion’s Roar, October 18, 1988
r) “A Taste Of Bavaria: Where Man Could Live By Bread Alone,” Sunday Advocate Magazine, April 1, 1990
s) “Nature Trail,” Daily Star, June 21, 1987; “Boardwalk Will Allow Stroll Through Swamp,” Daily Star, June 18, 1990
t) “Swamp Project Proposed,” Daily Star, November 13, 1991
u) “Boardwalk Offers Close Encounters Of The Wild Kind,” Sunday Advocate, July 26, 1992
v) “Swamp Project Nears Reality,” Daily Star, July 31, 1992
w) America’s Antique City, Ponchatoula, Louisiana (brochure)
x) “Ponchatoula’s Bella Rose Mansion, Bed, Breakfast & Baccarat,” Northlake News, May 1995
y) “Down on Kliebert’s farm . . . They Grow Alligators,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, April 12, 1987
z) “South Louisiana Hayride, Performers are getting together again,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, April 23, 1989
2a) “Building a Dream, Dallas Wood, Cave Tangi,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, Nov. 27, 1988
a) Index to the Ponchatoula Enterprise, 1921-1931, compiled by Michael Ryan
a) “Ponchatoula Asked To Help Fund Shelter,” Daily Star, November 14, 1991
b) “Jaycees Will Host Holiday Dinner,” Sunday Star, November 24, 1991
c) “Commissioner Defends Biddy Basketball League,” Daily Star, March 3, 1992
d) “Library Friends Seek Voice In Setting Donations Policy,” Daily Star, June 12, 1992
a) “Negro Educator To Retire Seeing Effort Accomplished [O. W. Dillon],” Times Picayune States-Item, May 18, 1952
b) “Recollections Of A Pioneer Ponchatoula Doctor [Charles Marion Abbott],” Daily Star, February 15, 1973 (xerox copy)
c) “Adventure[r]s Dive For Ponchatoula’s Red Cypress Treasures,” Ponchatoula Times, February 11, 1982
d) “Ponchatoula Man Is Harmonica Advocate [Carl Drude],” Sunday Advocate, March 10, 1985
e) “Ponchatoula Picks Poet [Rex Henderson],” Daily Star, June 15, 1991
f) “Ponchatoula Singing Group Could Get Shot At Contract [Destiny–Tony Franklin,
James Molliere, Hidji William, Gerald Green, and Bryant Ashton],” Daily Star, December 10, 1991
g) “Mother-Daughter Duo To Appear On Sally Jessy Raphael’s Show [Stephanie Shulte
and Sandy Evans],” Daily Star, April 26, 1992
BOX 17 Continued
h) “Local Pair Tapes National TV Show [Stephanie Shulte and Sandy Evans],” Daily Star, May 14, 1992
i) “Black Police Veteran Reflects On Past 25 Years [Floyd Miller],” Daily Star, June 11, 1992 (xerox copy)
j) “[Shirley] Wall Retires From P. O. Window, Daily Star, October 5, 1992
k) “The sky’s the limit, Plane takes off from [Bob] Davis’ imagination,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, June 10, 1990
l) “The Dollmaker [Del Mendoza],” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, September 11, 1988
m) “Doc Lipscomb,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, May 29, 1988
n) “Secret War, Nelson Guillot’s Time with the OSS,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, May 29, 1988
o) “Ed Tucker, Retired Police Chief Still Keeps Tabs on City,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, August 3, 1986
p) “Bel-Hendry Family Reunion,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, July 6, 1986
q) “Irma Thomas: That Sweet Soul Sound,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, April 13, 1986
r) “The Flying Dufreche Brothers,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, August 14, 1988
s) “Andre LeSaicherre’s Travels,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, June 7, 1987
t) “Sadie Mashburn Among the Flowers,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, November 26, 1989
u) “Jack Kirkland: The Ceramics Man,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, October 30, 1988
v) “Milo Beaver Teaching Others About Healing,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, June 4, 1989
w) “The sinking of the Indianapolis, local man lives to tell his story [Millard McCrory],”
Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, May 28, 1989
x) “A Visit to America, 30 French students spend 2 weeks in Ponchatoula,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, April 10, 1988
y) “Kupper’s Cooking Keeps Tasters Talking,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, February 8, 1987
a) Ponchatoula Centennial Information (May 1961)
b) “Thru the Years,” Ponchatoula Centennial Celebration, April 29-May 6, 1961 (Souvenir
c) “Ponchatoula Turns German For Weekend,” Daily Star, October 10, 1990
d) “Ponchatoula Antique Festival,” Daily Star, June 16, 1991
e) “Ponchatoula Eagerly Preparing For Racers’ Pit Stop [antique cars],” Daily Star, May 13, 1992
f) “Pit Stop Seeking Friendly Volunteers [antique cars],” Daily Star, June 9, 1992
g) “Old-Fashioned Fun Prevails At Pit Stop [antique cars],” Daily Star, June 25, 1992
h) “Ponchatoula Hosts Oktoberfest,” Daily Star, October 15, 1992
a) Strawberry Festival, Supplement– Murray Newspapers, April 3, 1974
b) “Strawberries Were Grown In Tangi Before The Civil War,” Murray Newspapers, April 3, 1974
c) Strawberry Festival, Supplement– Murray Newspapers, April 2, 1975
d) Strawberry Festival, Supplement– Daily Star, April 3, 1975
e) Straw berry Festival, Supplement– Daily Star, April 10, 1986
f) Strawberry Festival, Supplement– Daily Star, April 9, 1987
g) “Throngs Descend On Fest,” Daily Star, April 13, 1992
BOX 17 Continued
h) Production Costs, Labor Supplies Make Strawberry Outlook Glum/Berry Farming Changing,
Daily Star, n. d.
i) Pick a Wine from the Louisiana Strawberry Patch, Times-Picayune, March 28, 1996
j) The Editor Visits . . . Marion T. Fannaly [about his strawberry business], unidentified
newspaper, n. d. (xerox copy)
k) Strawberry Tickets, Tony Distefano, L. E. Stewart, Homer Perrin, M. J. Perrin,
W. E. Hicks, Paul Sziszak, Jr. (donated by Ginger Romero, June 1984)
l) Strawberry Festival 2001, Supplement to The Daily Star, Thursday, April 5, 2001
a) “Pumpkin Center-About 60 Years Ago, What’s in a Name? Sometimes it’s a Joke,” Hammond Vindicator, June 15, 1967
b) “Pumpkin Center People, They Stick Together,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, Nov. 16, 1986
c) “Comedy, Baseball Teams Led to Naming [Pumpkin Center],” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, October 29, 1989
a) “Nature in repose, 1,700 acres of God’s handicraft [Rosaryville],” Hammond Vindicator, March 20, 1969 (nestled between the Natalbany and Ponchatoula Rivers in the southern
end of Tangipahoa Parish and including some of Livingston Parish–the permanent novitiate
of the Dominican Sisters of the Congregation of St. Mary)
b) “Rosaryville . . . things change, but serenity stays,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, June 8, 1986
c) “Priest Discovered `land of Goshen,` Christmas marks Rosaryville’s 100th anniversary,
Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, December 24, 1989
d) “Priest, Nuns Changed Gessen to Rosaryville,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, Dec. 15, 1988
Folder 14 ROSELAND
a) “Roseland finalizes plant deal,” Sunday Star, December 15, 1991
b) “Fish, jobs may jump,” Daily Star, January 13 , 1992
c) Scenes From Our History: Hammond Rotary Club touring the Louisiana Power and Light
Substation in Roseland on March 15, 1928, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, May 10, 1987
d) “Roses Grew Between Amite, Arcola,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, December 24, 1989
BOX 18
a) Record of Money Orders issued at Spring Creek, October 4, 1909-January 9, 1924
b) Spring Creek Baptist Church Centennial, 1860-1960, August 21, 1960
c) “Community Springs Up From Creek,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, February 11, 1990
a) “Tales From Tangipahoa,” unidentified newspaper, n.d.
b) “Tales From Tangipahoa,” unidentified newspaper, n.d.
c) “Tales From Tangipahoa,” unidentified newspaper, n.d.
d) “Tales From Tangipahoa,” unidentified newspaper, n.d.
e) “Local Lore and Legend,” unidentified newspaper, n.d.
f) “Local Lore and Legend,” unidentified newspaper, n.d.
g) “Local Lore and Legend,” unidentified newspaper, n.d.
h) “Local Lore and Legend,” Kentwood News, August 5, 1965 (xerox copy)
i) “Local Lore and Legend,” Kentwood News, May 8, 1975
j) “Local Lore and Legend,” Tangi Talk, July 9, 1975
k) “Local Lore and Legend,” Tangi Talk, July 16, 1975
l) “Local Lore and Legend,” Kentwood News, September 11, 1975
m) “Local Lore and Legend,” Kentwood News, September 25, 1975
n) “Local Lore and Legend, Old letters Written by Confederate Soldiers,” unidentified
newspaper, n. d. (2 copies)
o) “Local Lore and Legend, The Word ‘Greycoat’ Put Back Into Our Local Vocabulary,”
unidentified newspaper, n. d.
p) “Local Lore and Legend, Camp Moore Visitors Send Interesting Data,” Kentwood News, n. d.
q) “Local Lore and Legend, Handerson At Camp Moore,” Kentwood News, n. d. (2 Copies)
r) “Local Lore and Legend, What Can You Tell Us That Others Would Like To Know?” Kentwood News, n. d.
s) “Local Lore and Legend, Local History Of Camp Moore,” Tangi Talk, n. d.
t) “Local Lore and Legend, Attic Treasure Is Delight Of Our Museum,” unidentified
newspaper, March 20, 1975
u) “Local Lore And Legend, Soldiers Write From Camp Moore,” unidentified newspaper,
March 27, 1975
v) “Local Lore and Legend, ..On The Typical ‘Southern Soldier’,” unidentified newspaper,
April 3, 1975
w) “Local Lore and Legend, Old Time Ink Mill Along Spring Creek,” Kentwood News, April 17, 1975
x) “Local Lore and Legend, They Marched From Camp Moore To Baton Rouge,” Kentwood News, May 15, 1975
y) “Imposing Camp Moore Museum Serves As Link To ‘Old South’,” Daily Star, January 15, 1965
z) “Camp Moore Museum: A Link To The Glorious Old South,” Sunday Advocate, May 23, 1965
2a) Program for Dedication of Camp Moore Confederate Museum, Sunday, May 30, 1965
2b) “A Monument To The Old South,” Hammond Vindicator, March 20, 1969 (xerox copy)
2c) “Camp Moore…A Historical Landmark,” Hammond Vindicator, October 10, 1974
2d) “Camp Moore Chapter Celebrates Birthday,” Kentwood News, March 27, 1975
2e) “Camp Moore Entertains Chesbrough FHA,” Kentwood News, April 3, 1975
2f) “Tangipahoa Topics,” Kentwood News, April 10, 1975
BOX 18 Continued
2g) “Curator Details History Of Camp Moore,” Sunday Advocate, April 16, 1978
2h) “Camp Moore To Close Soon,” Daily Star, August 11, 1986
2i) “Closure Of Camp Moore Spells Doom For Confederate Organizations,” Hammond Vindicator, August 28, 1986
2j) “Revered Museum Treasured Resounds With Traumatic Closure,” Hammond Vindicator, September 4, 1986
2k) “Doors to the past close at Camp Moore,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, September 7, 1986
2l) “Loss Of Camp Moore Leaves Grief For Lambert Sisters,” Hammond Vindicator, September 11, 1986
2m) “Camp Moore UDC To Meet At Green Shutters,” Hammond Vindicator, September 11, 1986
2n) “State And Local Dignitaries Join Lee Celebration,” Hammond Vindicator, January 22, 1987
2o) Jefferson Davis Memorial, June 4, 1989 (program)
2p) “Camp Moore Could Open,” Daily Star, April 17, 1992 (2 Copies)
2q) “Camp Moore Celebration Schedule,” Tangi Talk, July 14, 1993
2r) Camp Moore Memoirs and Recipes, 4th edition, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Camp Moore Chapter No. 562
2s) Camp Moore Keeps Historic Past Alive in Tangipahoa, Morn. Adv. Magazine, June 23, 1996
2t) Camp Moore: A Confederate Memorial, Antique Gazette, Vol. 15, No. 2, September 1998
a) History of Tangipahoa Baptist Church, 1844-1965, compiled by Norma Lambert
b) Consecration of the Tangipahoa United Methodist Church, June 30, 1974 (program)
a) Heritage ’76, Village of Tangipahoa Bicentennial, April 4, 1976 (Souvenir Booklet–3 Copies)
b) “What’s In A Name? Tangipahoa,” Dixie, November 26, 1950
c) “Tangipahoa, Louisiana,” by Powell A. Casey (booklet)
d) Information about Albert E. Casey, Sr.
e) “Getting to Know Our `Tangipahoa,’ ” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, January 8, 1989
a) “The Tangipahoa River . . . Where Nature Lives,” Dixie, January 10, 1971
b) ” ‘Ella Mae Baker lived down in the swaaaump on the river, Tangipaho’ Ballads croon
hard life,” Daily Star, August 19, 1983
c) “Future river recreation in doubt, officials say,” Saturday, February 9, 1991
d) “Clean river advocates cite progress,” Daily Star, June 23, 1991
e) “Clean river could boost economy,” Daily Star, July 14, 1991
f) “River nabs attention of experts,” Sunday Star, July 28, 1991
g) “Experts reveal river contaminated for all,” Daily Star, July 31, 1991
h) “State to monitor for pesticides,” Daily Star, December 18, 1991
i) “EPA will help monitor Tangipahoa River,” April 13, 1992
j) “Scenic river plans for Tangi set back,” Daily Star, August 2, 1992
k) “State reports bacteria count getting lower,” Daily Star, August 31, 1992
l) “Tangipahoa River (Basin 04) Fecal Coliform Analyses, January 1985 to December
1988,” Daily Star, September 3, 1992
m) “River gets cleaner,” Sunday Star, September 6, 1992
n) “Waste runoff into Tangipahoa River being cut,” Daily Star, November 25, 1992
o) “Environmental Assessment of Tangipahoa River,” Department of the Army, October
15, 1992
BOX 18 Continued
Folder 5 TANGIPAHOA RIVER Continued
p) “Tubin’ Down the Tangipahoa [River],” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, May 11, 1986
q) Tangipahoa River, LA, Letter from The Secretary of War with a letter from the acting
chief of engineers, report on examination of Tangipahoa River, House of Representatives,
Document No. 1068, 62d Congress, 3d Session, December 7, 1912
a) The Way it Was . . . Antioch [school] when water came from a spring,” Hammond Vindicator, November 20, 1975
b) “First School in Tickfaw was a one room building,” Hammond Vindicator, November 27, 1975
c) “A Grand Landmark In Tickfaw [Dorris V. Jenkins Home],” Hammond Vindicator, January 15, 1987
d) Antioch School, Hammond Vindicator, March 23, 1989
e) “Tickfaw [River] Concerns Citizens,” Daily Star, July 25, 1991
f) “State To Monitor For Pesticides,” Daily Star, December 18, 1991
g) “Fedele Family Dies In Alaska,” Daily Star, December 15, 1992
h) Listing of former Postmasters of Tickfaw
i) “Training Arabians in Tickfaw,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, November 12, 1989
j) Scenes Fom Our History: Tickfaw Middle School Faculty in 1957, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, August 30, 1987
k) “Tickfaw Takes Tubing Title Seriously,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, June 29, 1986
l) “Tickfaw Travels, Ruth Nesom’s Memories,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, November 5, 1989
m) “Wild Beasts There Shed Their Hair,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, February 4, 1990
n) “Tickfaw Syrup-Making,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, December 10, 1989
o) “Family Restores Nesom House, Daily Star, February 24, 1998
a) “Faithful Still Find Solace In Tickfaw Field Of Dreams,” Times-Picayune, June 4, 1990 (2 xerox copies also)
b) “‘Our Lady Of Tickfaw’ Turns Garden Into Popular Shrine,” Sunday Star, November 24, 1991
c) “Our Lady Of Tickfaw,” by Irvin West (list of slides)
d) “Our Lady Of Tickfaw” (xerox copy-Brochure)
a) Zemurray Gardens (brochure–3 copies)
b) “Zemurray’s Gardens,” Morning Advocate Magazine, February 3, 1952
c) “Zemurray Gardens A Tourist Attraction,” Daily Star, March 13, 1969
d) “History of Zemurray,” Murray Newspapers, April 18, 1973 (2 copies)
e) “Zemurray Lodge: A man recalls,” Daily Star, August 7, 1974
f) “Lottery not a panacea for all ills,” Hammond Vindicator, January 16, 1986
g) “Zemurray explodes with flowers,” State Times, February 21, 1991
h) The History of the Morris Park Racecourse and the Morris Family, also the Genealogical
History of the Morris, Hennen, and allied families until the time of John A. Morris, by Nicholas Di Brino, New York, 1977 (once owners of Zemurray Gardens)
i) Mortgage paper of Alfred Hennen to John Albert Morris, August 20, 1865 (xerox copy)
j) “Zemurray Gardens, No Secret Anymore,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, March 23, 1986
BOX 18 Continued
k) Scenes From Our History: Picnic Outing at Morris Retreat as it was known then,
Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, May 3, 1987
l) “Parks Named for Zemurray Father, Son,” Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, March 18, 1990
m) Christmas Nights, Holiday Lights at Zemurray Park (includes history of park), December
n) Loranger’s Tourist Attraction-Zemurray Gardens, by Patricia Doolittle, Fall 1999
o) Samuel Zemurray (8-page paper)
p) “Early Camellia Plantings At Zemurry Lodge, by E. E. Puls, xerox from The American Camellia Yearbook, 1967, pp. 179-184
q) Strange Fruit: The Career of Samuel Zemurray, by Stephen J. Whitfield, xerox from
American Jewish History, Vol. 73, March 1984, pp. 307-323
n) Newspaper Clippings and xerox photographs about Samuel Zemurray (50 pages)
a) “Lee’s Landing, Bedico hide in the wilderness,” Gumbo Magazine, September 7, 1986
b) “Heading Out to Robert,” Gumbo Magazine, June 28, 1987
c) “Name that place, the interesting origin of some of Tangipahoa’s unusually named
areas,” Gumbo Magazine, October 23, 1988
d) “Uneedus,” Gumbo Magazine, December 4, 1988
e) “Tin can-sided houses lined rural alley [Chappepeela Creek],” Gumbo Magazine, Dec. 18, 1988
f) “No proof to show ’twas for John Doe [Branch],” Gumbo Magazine, January 15, 1989
g) “No `Dry’ folks lived in Dry Branch,” Gumbo Magazine, January 22, 1989
h) “Cutrersville is re-christened Sibila,” Gumbo Magazine, February 12, 1989
i) “To bag it means it’s in the bag,” Gumbo Magazine, February 19, 1989
j) ” `Pocosin’ swamps some Tangi speakers,” Gumbo Magazine, February 26, 1989
k) “Below’s the `bulletin’ on Bull Branch,” Gumbo Magazine, March 5, 1989
l) “Caney, Brushy, Reedy [Branch] add growth to parish,” Gumbo Magazine, March 12, 1989
m) “Somethin’s fishy about Chief Chubby [Creek],” Gumbo Magazine, March 19, 1989
n) “No problem for her; Mary kept her cool [Cook Creek],” Gumbo Magazine, March 26, 1989
o) “Some called it road to financial ruin [Five-Thousand Dollar Road],” Gumbo Magazine, April 2, 1989
p) “Dead animals lend stink to local bayou,” Gumbo Magazine, April 9, 1989
q) “Robert community was railroad stop,” Gumbo Magazine, April 16, 1989
r) “He said `Chemekete,’ not `Open sesame’,” Gumbo Magazine, April 23, 1989
s) “Water runs black in bayou, branches,” Gumbo Magazine, April 30, 1989
t) “Lake’s still dead; Still’s dead still [Dead Lake & Still Branch],” Gumbo Magazine, May 7, 1989
u) “Akers remains; Katie lives in memory,” Gumbo Magazine, May 21, 1989
v) “Canadian named Genesee for its beauty,” Gumbo Magazine, June 4, 1989
w) “One told by plat, other by namer’s lips,” Gumbo Magazine, June 11, 1989
x) “Settlement predates Tangipahoa [Marburyville],” Gumbo Magazine, , June 25, 1989
y) “RR had big dreams for Uncle Sam [now Independence],” Gumbo Magazine, July 9, 1989
z) “Her daddy dubbed it Arkansas Branch,” Gumbo Magazine, July 30, 1989
aa) “Is Washley [Creek] Chocktaw or is it old English?” Gumbo Magazine, August 6, 1989
bb) “Indians camped by the Yellow Water,” Gumbo Magazine, August 20, 1989
cc) “[Coon] Branch named for man,” Gumbo Magazine, August 27, 1989
BOX 18 Continued
dd) “Leave [Beaver Creek] creek’s name to beavers,” Gumbo Magazine, September 3, 1989
ee) “Poles bridged branch [Pole Bridge Branch],” Gumbo Magazine, September 10, 1989
ff) “Strader sat north of Manchac,” Gumbo Magazine, September 17, 1989
gg) “Coumes tells a tale of 2 branches [Aaron Branch & Evans Branch],” Gumbo Magazine, September 24, 1989
hh) “Camp, switch were south of Ponchy [Jena & Sharkey],” Gumbo Magazine, October 1, 1989
ii) “On seeing the owl, he let outa howl [Owl Bayou],” Gumbo Magazine, October 15, 1989
jj) “Black cat brought good luck,” Gumbo Magazine, October 22, 1989
kk) “Wadesboro’s name honors landowner,” Gumbo Magazine, November 5, 1989
ll) “Osceola takes name from Seminole chief,” Gumbo Magazine, November 19, 1989
mm) “Indian Creek exists in other places,” Gumbo Magazine, November 26, 1989
nn) “Some have home on the Range,” Gumbo Magazine, December 3, 1989
oo) “Button Creek named for flowering shrub,” Gumbo Magazine, December 17, 1989
pp) “[Taylor] Creek bears family name,” Gumbo Magazine, December 31, 1989
qq) “Creeks swirl from `hurricane’ river,” Gumbo Magazine, January 14, 1990
rr) “Community takes name of resident [John Branch],” Gumbo Magazine, February 18, 1990
ss) “Bach came Back to name Swamp [Stretch Road & Back Swamp],” Gumbo Magazine, March 11, 1990
tt) “Parks named for Zemurray father, son,” Gumbo Magazine, March 18, 1990
uu) “Postmaster gave Boliver his name in 1900,” Gumbo Magazine, March 25, 1990
vv) “Chesbrough traces back to schoolhouse,” Gumbo Magazine, April 8, 1990
ww) “Doctor decided community name [Shiloh],” Gumbo Magazine, April 15, 1990
xx) “Naming of Bedico presents puzzle,” Gumbo Magazine, April 22, 1990
yy) “Conner Creek flows,” Gumbo Magazine, April 29, 1990
zz) “2 men lend names to parish creeks [Cooper & Lanier], Gumbo Magazine, May 6, 1990
3a) “Middle of May brings bayous to writer’s mind [Middle Bayou & Mays Bayou],” Gumbo Magazine, May 20, 1990
3b) “Heritage identifies city roads [Little Italy Road & Dutch Lane],” Gumbo Magazine, May 27, 1990
3c) “Dysons, Hyes lived near these branches,” Gumbo Magazine, June 3, 1990
3d) “Gill [Creek], Scott [Creek] names follow the flow,” Gumbo Magazine, June 10, 1990
3e) “Lea turned to Lee’s as landing aged,” Gumbo Magazine, June 24, 1990
3f) “Railroad stops spur discussion [Gill’s Spur, Daniel’s, Faller’s, & Gambler’s
Spur],” Gumbo Magazine, July 15, 1990
3g) “Rail stretched into St. Helena Parish [Johnson’s, Mason, Addison’s Crossing],”
Gumbo Magazine, July 22, 1990
3h) “Author D-livers several branch names [Dees Branch, Dick’s Branch, & Dixie Branch],”
Gumbo Magazine, July 29, 1990
3i) “Old buzzard carcasses roost in swamp [Dogwood Lake, Buzzards Roost Swamp, & Mirrow
Lake],” Gumbo Magazine, August 26, 1990
3j) “3 communities take English names [Greenlawn, Fluker, & Holton],” Gumbo Magazine, September 2, 1990
3k) “Boaters beware of Stump Pond hazards,” Gumbo Magazine, September 9, 1990
3l) “Men lend names to parish streams [Terry’s Creek & Cline Branch],” Gumbo Magazine, September 16, 1990
BOX 18 Continued
3m) “[Gullett] Gin maker brought industrial health,” Gumbo Magazine, September 23, 1990
3n) “Spanish region gives homesite name [Roncal, home of Charles Etienne Arthur Gayarré],”
Gumbo Magazine, September 30, 1990
3o) “5 RR stops sprang up east of city [Coburn, Bankston, Breckwoldt, Robert, Lorraine],”
Gumbo Magazine, October 7, 1990
3p) “Families lend names to railroad stops [Murdock & Lewiston],” Gumbo Magazine, October 14, 1990
3q) “Little waterways flow through north [Hope Branch, Irving Branch, Line Creek,
Haw Branch],” Gumbo Magazine, October 21, 1990
3r) “Author finishes big bunch of creeks [Big Creek & Bunch Branch], Gumbo Magazine, October 28, 1990
3s) “Epney evokes an English Eden,” Gumbo Magazine, November 4, 1990
3t) “A second buzz said how it wuz,” (Buzzards Roost Swamp), Tangipahoa Place Names,
by John Coumes, Sunday Star, November 11, 1990
3u) “Camp commemorated musical comedy,” (Floradora), Tangipahoa Place Names, by John
Coumes, Sunday Star, November 18, 1990
3v) “Hill, road honor German family,” (Kohnke Hill Road), Tangipahoa Place Names,
by John Coumes, Sunday Star, November 25, 1990
3w) “Researching presents Velma unveiled,” Tangipahoa Place Names, by John Coumes,
Sunday Star, December 2, 1990
3x) “Let me off in Baptist,” (about naming of Baptist), Tangipahoa Place Names, by
John Coumes, Sunday Star, December 16, 1990
3y) “The sisters rode from farm to school,” (about naming of Sisters Road), Tangipahoa
Place Names, by John Coumes, Sunday Star, December 23, 1990
3z) “Happy the people, cows in Happy Woods (about naming Happy Woods Road), Tangipahoa
Place Names, by John Coumes, Sunday Star, January 6, 1990
BOX 19 — Miscellaneous-Flat Box
1. Kentwood Public School High School Diploma, May 22, 1908
2. “Italian Immigrants and the Tangipahoa Strawberry Industry, New Orleans Preservation in Print, Vol. 15, No. 2, March 1988
3. Strawberry Festival, April 9-10, 1988, Supplement to the Daily Star, April 7, 1988
4. Strawberry Festival, April 8-9, 1989, Supplement to the Daily Star, April 6, 1989
5. Strawberry Festival, April 6-8, 1990, Supplement to the Daily Star, April, 1990; Strawberry Festival, April 13 & 14, 1996, Supplement to The Ponchatoula Times
6. The Jurist, The Lawyer and the Community, Supplement to the Daily Star, June 18, 1989
7. Hammond Centennial, 1889-1989, October 15, 1989 (3 copies)
8. Hammond Maps from Sanborn Map Company, 1930s and some earlier dates (14 different
9. Original shingle from Collinswood School in Ponchatoula, 1876, now used as a museum
(donated by Angela Benoit December 1990)
10. KKK Program
11. Preservation in Print: Main Street Momentum…. Vol 31 Number 5
BOX 20
Barry Ferguson Collection
1. The Amite Progress Newspaper dated November 8, 1939
2. Postcard of Southeastern Louisiana College showing builds of Science and Library
3. Percy E. Quinn, Late Representative from Mississippi, Memorial Addresses Delivered
in Congress, 1932
Jerry Loyd Collection
4. Prince Albert Crimp cut cigar tin, found inside was an old mining claim form partially
filled out. It was found in the woods in Laramie, Wyoming where Mr. Loyd was elk hunting
and came across an old tin can that he began to kick. He opened the can to find the
claim form.
BOX 20 Continued
Reimers Family Collection
5. Reimer Family births and deaths
a) List of Frederick W. and Fay Warren Reimers children and general information about
births and deaths.
b) Obituary of Warren D. Reimers, Hammond Vindicator, 1968
c) Obituary of Marietta Reimers Schneider, Advocate, 6/24/99
d) Mrs. Fay Reimers Dies At age 92, Hammond Vindicator, 8/8/74
e) Heart Attack Proves Fatal to Prominent Hammond Lumberman (Frederick W. Reimers),
Hammond Vindicator, 8/7/58
6. Newspaper clippings
a) Recalls Heyday of Hammond Minstrels, Hammond Daily Star, 6/7/66
b) Reimers Memorial Educational Building – Dedicated Sunday, Hammond Vindicator, no
c) Easter Music at the Christian Church Easter Afternoon, Hammond Vindicator, 4/7/39
d) Article printed from Home News newspaper, Aug., 1945, Boys In The Service, talking
about Lt. USNR Frederick Fay Reimers
7. Southeastern news releases
a) Article from Southeastern Louisiana University’s News pertaining to the Fay Warren
Reimers Distinguished Teaching Professor award.
b) Article from Southeastern Louisiana University’s News pertaining to the Marietta
Reimers Schneider Distinguished Teaching Professor award.
8. Let There Be No Sadness! Booklet dedicated to the life of Julia Fay Warren Reimers
9. Census
a) US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census form 10-636
b) Copy of 1930 US Census for Tangipahoa Parish, Precinct 3, Ward 7
10. First Christian Church
a) First Christian Church, Hammond, Louisiana informational booklet
b) Come Unto me statue, informational booklet on the dedication of the statue
11. Lumbering
a) Natalbany and the Lumber Heyday, no date no publication
b) Old Montpelier, 1804, New Montpelier, 1904 published by St. Helena Historical Association,
1993. This is an article about the Natalbany Lumber Company
BOX 21 Krewe of Omega Mardi Gras Collection
One Krewe of Omega Mardi Gras Costume, Queen 1998: mantle, gown (bodice and skirt),
petticoat, and photograph of Mr. & Mrs. John Gomilla as the King and Queen in costume.