Regional History-Washington Parish

Regional History-Washington Parish

Archival Collection




1. History of Washington Parish, by Texanna Carter; Washington Parish Courthouse (xeroxed
from Courthouses of Louisiana)

2. Washington Parish Map; Pre-1825 Washington Parish (list of residents’ names, section,
township and range, compiled by Evelyn Fairley); Statistical Profile of Washington Parish, prepared by the Public Affairs Research Council of La., Inc., 1973; Washington Parish
Profile, La. Office of Commerce and Industry, October 1989; Statistical brochure

3. A Place-Name Study of Washington Parish from Louisiana Studies (xerox copies)

4. Soil Survey of Washington Parish, Louisiana, by A. C. Anderson, (original pages
from U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service)

5. Development of the Dairy Industry in Washington Parish, A Story in Progress (brochure)

6. A Brief History of the Washington Rifles, by Daunton Gibbs, 1978 (3 typewritten
pages); List of Confederates Killed and Wounded in Ranks of Co. “I” of 9th Louisiana
Infantry, Era Leader, October 13, 1910

7. Newspaper Supplement on Senator B. B. “Sixty” Rayburn, unidentified newspaper,
n.d.; “60,” by Millie Ball, Dixie, July 13, 1980; “Sixty”, The Dean of the Louisiana Senate Talks About Politics and
Governors He Has Known, Sunday Advocate magazine, April 17, 1983; News Release from SLU, 1/17/83; B. B. “Sixty” Rayburn (1 page biography);
They call him `Sixty,’ Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, February 14, 1988

8. Bogalusa City Directory, First One Printed and Bound, January 8, 1916 (xerox copy)

9. Bogalusa City Maps; Bogalusa, Louisiana (booklet), Bogalusa Community Profile, La. Office of Commerce and Industry, October
1989; statistical brochures

10. A Brief History of Bogalusa, by Margaret Collett (original paper-7 typed pages)

11. Bogalusa, by A. R. Yates, Secretary-Manager of Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce (3
type written page paper–4 copies)

12. Bogalusa (xeroxed pages 40-49 from unidentified source); Description of Bogalusa
from a Chamber of Commerce publication, n.d. (xeroxed); Pamphlet About Bogalusa, “The
Magic City”–The Green Empire; Bogalusa: The “Magic City” of Louisiana (Descriptive
Paragraph written for photographic exhibit)

13. Bogalusa Was A Frontier Town, Dixie, July 2, 1950; Bogalusa: The City that Refused to Die, Dixie, January 31, 1954; Bogalusa–Built to Last, Dixie, June 1, 1969; Bogalusa Comeback, Dixie, March 12, 1972

14. Birth of Bogalusa Picture Album, The Daily News, 1982 (xerox copy)

15. Annual Report of the Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce, 1935-36

16. Bogalusa Golden Jubilee, 1914-1964

17. Certificates used for Bogalusa Golden Jubilee Celebration, 1914-1964

18. Bogalusa, Perpetual Timber Supply Through Reforestation as Basis for Industrial Permanency
of Bogalusa
, by Courtenay DeKalb, 1921

19. 3 Booklets: Bogalusa, The City of Families and Factories, Department of Publicity, Great Southern Lumber company, n.d.; Bogalusa, Interweaving Lumber Manufacture and Reforestation, reprinted articles from issues of the American Lumberman, 1922; Facts About Bogalusa, the City of Assured Growth, Chamber of Commerce, 1927

20. Dedicated to The Italian Community of Bogalusa, Roy Capo, Frank Montalbano, March 1980 (4 copies)


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21. Mill Whistle, 1920, Vol. 1, September, No. 1, November No. 2, December No. 3; 1921, Vol. II, January,
No. 1, February, No. 2, May No. 5, July No. 7, October No. 9; 1922, Vol. III, May
No. 5; 1923, Vol. III, July No. 3 (xerox copy)

22. List of references about the Great Southern Lumber Company in The New Orleans Item, June 24, 1917 and an article from the Bogalusa Enterprise, February 1, 1917, “Catching the Hogs” (Donated by Clark Forrest, Jr.); Recession
of 1919 Killed Off First Paper Mill, unidentified newspaper, n.d. (xerox copy)

23. Mainline and Shoreline Passenger Trains of the NOGN (New Orleans Great Northern),
by Daunton Gibbs, Era-Leader, November 18, 1981; 1910 railroad schedule for the Main Line, Shore Line, and Bogue
Chitto Branch (xerox copy); Landmark Restoration Slated (Freight Office of the Illinois
Central Gulf Railroad in Bogalusa), Daily News, July 8, 1980

24. Prejudice Keeps a Low Profile in Bogalusa, Times-Picayune, August 21, 1988

25. 1979 and 1981 calendars with sketches of Bogalusa and Franklinton scenes, compliments
of First State Bank & Trust Co.

26. In Celebration of the Harvest: The Early History of the Washington Parish Fair,
1911-1928 by James Michael Ryan, April 1985 (SLU Thesis)

27. 1980 Washington Parish Fair Catalog, October 15-18

28. 1982 Washington Parish Fair Catalog, October 20-23

29. 1984 Washington Parish Fair Catalog, October 17-20

30. Washington Parish Fair Programs, 1981 (4 copies), 1983, 1984, and 1991

31. Washington Parish Fair, Mile Branch Settlement Brochures, 1978, 1981, 1984, 1990, 1991

32. Notes Cards of Cabins of Mile Branch Settlement

33. Newspaper clippings about the Washington Parish Fair, 1981, 1982, and 1989

34. History of Franklinton, Louisiana schools, compiled by Joe Poole (xerox copy of
original paper); History of The Era Leader, by Kharon Brock (xerox copy of original paper); Scenes From Our History: students
in one-room school in Pearl, Louisiana in 1898, Daily Star Gumbo Magazine, July 6, 1986; Out of the Past-Ginn: Above all, a Class Gentleman [Edd Ginn], unidentified newspaper,
n. d.

35. Fire of 1934 Almost Destroyed All of Town’s Business District, Era Leader, November 24, 1982

36. Ancestor Search Is `Fun,’ Sunday Advocate, December 12, 1976; Blackwell Story Told by Dr. Crain, Bogalusa Sunday News, October 19, 1975

37. Black Farmers Living off the Land in Louisiana (Washington Parish), Dixie, December 30, 1984; Willie `Li’l Boy’ Harvey Begins 58th Year of Syruping, Enterprise, November 23, 1981

38. Daunton Gibbs: Franklinton Historian Enjoys Preserving the Past, Says it’s Worthwhile,
Era Leader, March 26, 1980

39. Clipping About Zuma Magee Giving $24,000 to Tall Timbers, Camp Living Waters,
and First Baptist Church, Franklinton, Louisiana, The Baptist Message, August 13, 1987; Clipping About Donation of Zuma Magee’s Collection to Southeastern
Louisiana University Archives, 1987; Certificate given to Zuma Magee who attended
the first Washington Parish Fair, October 1911

40. George Pepe: Bogalusa’s Earliest Living Pioneer, Daily News, June 30, 1985; George Pepe, Marking the Passing of a Bogalusa Pioneer, Daily News, May 14, 1989


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41. Ozzie Warner: The Soap Lady, Daily News, February 10, 1985

42. Austin, Pa.: The Magic City that Died, Daily News, August 4, 1982 (xerox copy); W. H. Sullivan Empire Builder, The Daily News (Bogalusa), October 26, 1986

43. Radio Address given by Judge Jim W. Richardson, Sr., probably 1950

44. Characters from the Old South from a Collection of Short Stories, written by Mrs.
Euda Seale Jones

45. Materials about A. Z. Young (Civil Rights marcher)

46. Newspaper Clippings about Places in Washington Parish, Ben’s Ford, Comnock, Fricke’s
Cave, Military Road, Pico, Pleasant Hill, Pleasant Valley, Strawberry Bluff, Thomas,
and Warnerton

47. In search of Evidence of Choctaw and Other Indian Tribes in Washington Parish
by Michael Ryan

48. A History of Mt. Hermon School by Nancy Dutton

49. Louisiana’s Great Train Robber [Eugene Bunch], Dixie, June 4, 1950

50. Map to and description of Larry and Jean Crain’s Farm House (The Magee House)
between Angie and Pine, Louisiana

51. The First Hundred Years, 1874-1974, Mount Hermon United Methodist Church

52. Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church, Its First 150 Years, 1841-1991 (Donated by Charles
C. Miller in 1991)

53. Elizabeth Sullivan Memorial, United Methodist Church Membership Roster, 1906-2006
Bogalusa, Louisiana

54. Elizabeth Sullivan Memorial, United Methodist Church Membership Roster Index Volumes
1, 2, and 3, 1906-1956 Bogalusa, Louisiana

55. 2001 Washington Parish Fair Catalog, October

56. Varnado Store Museum




1. State Line, Louisiana Church Minutes, 1856-1868 (1st part-xerox copy)

2. State Line, Louisiana Church Minutes, 1856-1868 (2nd part-xerox copy)

3. State Line, Louisiana Church Minutes, 1856-1868 (3rd part-xerox copy)

4. Washington Parish Baptist Association Minutes, 1956

5. Washington Parish Baptist Association Minutes, 1957

6. Washington Parish Baptist Association Minutes, 1958

7. Washington Parish Baptist Association Minutes, 1959

8. Washington Parish Baptist Association Minutes, 1960

9. Washington Parish Baptist Association Minutes, 1961

10. Washington Parish Baptist Association Minutes, 1962

11. Washington Parish Baptist Association Minutes, 1963

12. Washington Parish Baptist Association Minutes, 1967

13. Washington Parish Baptist Association Minutes, 1969

14. Washington Parish Baptist Association Minutes, 1971

15. Washington Parish Baptist Association Minutes, 1972

16. Washington Parish Baptist Association Minutes, 1974

17. Washington Parish Baptist Association Minutes, 1976

18. Washington Parish Baptist Association Minutes, 1977

19. Washington Parish Baptist Association Minutes, 1978

20. Washington Parish Baptist Association Minutes, 1980

21. Washington Parish Baptist Association Minutes, 1981




1. Newspaper clippings of The Daily News with the series of Washington Parish Police Jury Minutes from 1881 through 1905 by
Carole Knight (Donated by Dr. Larry Crain)–The minutes appeared in the newspaper
between May 10, 1987 through January 31, 1988.

2. Tatters From Time (Series of Articles on a variety of historical subjects dealing
with Washington Parish by Carole Knight), The Daily News, January 22-February 19, 1989.

3. Louisiana Museum of Ancient Indian Culture, Cassidy Park Development Commission, Bogalusa, Louisiana, 1972

4. Record of Births, Bogalusa, Louisiana, January 1926–October 1928 (Ledger)

5. Record of Deaths, Bogalusa, Louisiana, January 1926–September 1928 (Ledger)

6. Gumbo Magazine of February 14, 1988, Program, Pin, and Napkin from ceremony honoring
“Sixty” Rayburn, March 6, 1988

7. Bogalusa Enterprise (about Bogalusa), October 30, 1924

8. Bogalusa Daily News, March 29, 1949, Section two

9. Ponderings: The Recollections of a Country Girl by Wilkie Forrest Cudd

10. Resources and Facilities of Washington Parish during 1945 by the State of Louisiana Department of Public Works and Washington Parish Planning

11. Map of the Great Southern Lumber Company’s property to be known as the town of
Bogalusa. In Sec’s 13, 14, and 15. Head Right’s 45 and 46. T.5S. R.15E, Washington
Parish, LA., with handwritten additions, February 1909, (Copy) (Stored in oversize
items cabinet)

12. DVD – archival footage – 1950s fairs, pine forests, etc.

13. Photocopy of Journal of Delos Johnson (1879-1956) Washington Parish, La.