Helen Ricketts Hooks Rownd Collection

Helen Ricketts Hooks Rownd Collection

Archival Collection

Box 1

Items in Box

1. Byrd Howell Granger, On Final Approach: The Women Airforce Service Pilots of World War II (Scottsdale: Falconer Publishing Company, 1991).

2. Marianne Verges, On Silver Wings: The Women Airforce Service Pilots of World War II, 1942-1944 (New York: Ballantine, 1991).

3. Edna Gardner Whyte, Rising Above It: An Autobiography of Edna Gardner Whyte (New York: Orion Books, 1991).

4. Plaque presented to Helen Rownd by the Mobile Bay Area Veterans Day Commission,
Inc. For being “Patriot of the Year,” 11 November 1997.

Folder 1: Books, Magazines, and Plaque

1. Dawn Seymour, et al. Women Airforce Service Pilots-WWII, In Memoriam, Thirty-Eight American Women Pilots (Denton: Texas Woman’s University Press, 1996.

2. Magazine. Airman: Magazine of America’s Air Force, October 1993.

3. Magazine Article “High Times in Texas,” 1994

4. Magazine. 65 th Anniversary of WASP News. 2007.

5. Magazine. The last issue of WASP News, July 2008.

6. WASP Newsletter, March 1980

7. Program. Louisiana Balloon Festival and Airshow, 16-17 May 1992. Features an article on Helen Rownd.

8. Program. Women’s Airforce Service Pilots, 30 th Anniversary Reunion, Sweetwater, TX, 24 June 1972. Signed by film star Robert Cummings.

9. Sheila Henderson, “Zoot Suits, Parachutes and Wings of Silver, Too,” Texas Highways, September 1987: 10-16.

10. Melinda Rice, “The Sky Was No Limit on the Wings of a WASP,” Texas Highways, November 2002: 43-49.

11. “Marauder Women,” Friends Journal, Winter 1993.

12. Catalogue and information pertaining to “The Woman’s Collection” at Texas Woman’s
University from 2003. School claims to have the best collection of personal papers representing the WASP.

Folder 2: Yearbook and Bindings

1. Women’s Flying Training Detachment, 319 th AAFFTD: A Tribute to Lt. Alfred Fleishman (Self-Published, Spiral Bound, no date).

2.Yearbook. Fifth Ferrying Group, Love Field, Dallas TexasWWII.

3. Commemorative Book. WASP: Women Airforce Service Pilots, WWII, Class 43-W-2. Spiral Bound.

Folder 3: Newsclippings

1. “Few Recall WWII female pilot Group,” Star, 13 January 1991

2. “Women Pilots Reminisce About War Years” nd

3. “Fly girls take to the skies” September 1999

4. “WASPS May Be Inactivated Soon” ca. Oct 1944

5. “Ferry Command Pilot” nd.

6. “Ex-WASP Still Flies” nd.

7. “2 Girls Graduate at Flying School” nd.

8. “2 Louisiana Girls Among 43 Getting Air Corps Wings,” nd

9. “Helen Ricketts Graduates Today and Will Become Pilot in Ferry Command,” Vindicator, nd. (2 copies)

10. “Ten Pass Final Medical Exams; Training Begins,” The Lions Roar, 16 October 1940

11. “WASP Program Inquiry Looming,” November 14, 1944

12. “Flight Instructor Arrives, Twelve Take Army Exam,” The Lions Roar, 9 October 1940

13. “They’re Called 99’ers” nd.

14. “Here Come the WAFS,” nd,

15. “WAPS Pick Spa for 34 th Reunion,” The Sentinel Record, 17 October 1976

16. “Hammond’s WASP – Helen Ricketts Hooks,” 1972

17. WASPS Establish New Safety Records in Year of Flying,” nd

18. “Ferry Command Pilot,” nd.

19. “They Have Their Wings,” The Lions Roar, nd.

Folder 4: Documents

1. Letter, Office of The Secretary of Defense to Distinguished Members of WASPS, 16 October 2002

2. Official Orders dated 30 May 1944 for Helen Rownd transferring Helen Ricketts to
Camp Davis, NC

3. Graduation Announcement for Class 43-W-2, 23 Nay 1943 at Avenger Field

4. 2 page autobiographical statement by Helen Rownd, ca. 1990s

5. Helen Ricketts’s Employee Earnings and Deductions Statements, 9/15/1944 and 12/31/1944

6. “Classic American Aircraft”

7. Letter. Nancy to Helen Rownd, 17 April 2001

8. WASP Song Sheet featuring the lyrics to “Zoot Suits and Parachutes,” “Yankee Doodle
Pilots,” and “Gee Mom! I want to Go Home,” among others.

9. Certificate, Reserve Forces Policy Board Citizen Patriot Award presented to WASPS
of WWII, 24 September 2002.

10. Conference Schedule, WASP Pilots, Washington, DC, 13-16 October 1994.

11. Brochure, “Calling All Wasp! Join Operation Fifinella,” 25 September 2008

12. Copy of WASP By-Laws as amended at the Biennial Reunion, October 2002.

13. Helen Ricketts Rownd Archival Collection at Texas Womans University.

14. Copy of “Wings Across America,” Helen Rownd Interview, August 8, 2000 (CD).

Folder 5: Photographs

1. Pencil Drawing of Helen Rownd flying upside down done by Leon Ford, III

2. Color WASP Reunion Photograph in front of Plane, nd

3. B/W SLU Reunion Photo

4. Large Color WASP Reunion Photo in front of Symbol

5. Wasp Wings Photos (CD).

6. Helen Lucille Ricketts Hooks Rownd-Prayer card from funeral, October 3, 2016