Mayor Saleem “Sam” Emile Saik Collection

Mayor Saleem "Sam" Emile Saik Collection

Box 1: Certificates and Awards (Oversized)

Folder 11. Special certificate of Most Distinguished Service awarded to the Hammond American
Legion No. 156, Department of Louisiana, February 5, 19572. Honorary Citizen of New Orleans the International City awarded to Sam Saik, October
12, 19703. Honorary State Senator awarded to Sam E. Saik by the State of Louisiana Senate
Chamber, Baton Rouge, September 1, 19724. Certificate for participation and contribution to the Louisiana Air Tour awarded
to Sam Saik, April 1, 19745. Certificate for appointment as Captain of the Ouachita awarded to Sam Saik, April
1, 19746. Certificate of honorary membership conferred upon Mayor Sam Saik by the Hammond
Jaycees7. Certificate naming Mayor Sam E. Saik an honorary citizen of Lafayette, Louisiana,
October 7, 1971 (with attached copy)8. Certificate naming Mayor Sam Saik as an honorary citizen of Gueydan, Louisiana,
19719. Certificate of appreciation presented to Mayor Sam Saik by the United States Army
Recruiting Command, August 1, 197210. Certificate awarded to the City of Hammond for new city hall11. Certificate of honorary membership conferred upon Sam E. Saik by the Hammond Volunteer
Fire Department12. Certificate of record for Sam Saik’s election as mayor of Hammond, June 16, 197713. Certificate of contribution to the Bicentennial Wagon Train of Texas: Bar � Six
from Lexington, Texas to Valley Forge, Pennsylvania14. Initiation certificate for Sam E. Saik in the Sigma Tau Gamma � Phi chapter, April
1, 197415. Certificate of appreciation presented to Mayor Sam Saik by the Hammond Lions Club,
June 28, 196516. Certificate of appreciation presented to Mayor Sam Saik for meritorious support
by the International Association Personnel in Employment Security State Convention,
May 18 � 20, 197717. American Legion Auxiliary citation of appreciation presented to Sam E. Saik18. Telephone Pioneers of America membership certificate19. Certificate of merit presented to Mayor Sam Saik by the John F. Kennedy Council
no. 2952 Knights of Columbus, April 19, 197220. Certificate of appreciation presented to Sam Saik by the Hammond Kiwanis Club,
November 13, 197321. Citation for meritorious service awarded to Mayor Sam Saik by Care at Home, Inc,
February 11, 197122. Certificate of appreciation awarded to Hammond Commission Council by the Tangipahoa
Association for Retarded Children, May 21, 197423. The Capital District Law Enforcement Planning Council membership certificate,
January 19, 197024. Award for public service presented to Sam E. Saik by the De Littes Company25. Certificate of appreciation presented to Mayor Sam E. Saik by the Optimist Club
of Hammond, May 1, 197426. Conferring the title of Honorary Navy Recruiter to Mayor Sam E. Saik by the Navy
Recruiting Command, February 11, 197427. Service Above Self certificate presented to Mayor Sam Saik by the Rotary Club
of Hammond28. Certificate of Memory dedicated to Saleem E. Saik by  George Bush, President of
the United States

Folder 21. Certificate appointing Sam E. Saik as an Honorary Ambassador of Goodwill for the
State of Louisiana awarded by James E. Fitzmorris, Jr., March 10, 19802. Certificate recognizing Sam E. Saik as mayor of Hammond, June 19, 19733. Certificate appointing Sam Saik as Colonel on the Staff of Governor Edwin Edwards,
June 11, 19734. Certificate recognizing Sam E. Saik as mayor of Hammond, June 17, 19695. Certificate appointing Sam E. Saik as Colonel on the staff of Governor John J.
McKeithen, June 17, 19696. Certificate recognizing Sam E. Saik as mayor of Hammond, signed by Governor John
J. McKeithen, June 8, 19657. Resolution of Appreciation from Louisiana Municipal Association, 1972 � 19738. Proclamation by Mayor Sam E. Saik naming February 6 � 12, 1972 as Electrical Week,
January 14, 19729. Proclamation by Mayor Sam E. Saik announcing the creation of “Brothers of the Brush,”
January 9, 1969

Box 2

Folder 1

1. Letter from Donald Rhodes to Sam Saik � September 21, 19682. Memorandum from J. E. Boagni, Louisiana Dept. of Highways, September 20, 19683. Letter from Mary Bush to Sam Saik, August 15, 19684. Anonymous letter to Sam Saik, January 13, 19685. Letter from C. J. Dufreche, Jr. to Sam Saik, November 1, 19686. Letter from M. N. Krishnaprasad (The Indian Association, LSU Chapter) to Sam Saik,
November 12, 19687. Letter from John J. Cosner, Jr. to Sam Saik, February 8, 19738. Letter from C. O. Henneman to Sam Saik, February 12, 19739. Letter from William E. Noonan, Jr. to Sam Saik, December 5, 196810. Letter from Moody Scott to Sam Saik, January 10, 196911. Memo from Hugh J. Smith, Sr. (Care at Home, Inc.), February 3, 196912. Post card from Lois Corkern to Sam Saik, March 14, 196913. Letter from Moody Scott to Sam Saik, March 14, 196914. Letter from Woody Dumas to Sam Saik, February 12, 196915. Letter from Roderick Lincoln (Sigma Tau Gamma) to Sam Saik, March 11, 197016. Letter from Pat James to Sam Saik, May 16, 197317. Letter from William Broussard to Sam Saik, April 24, 197018. Letter from Arthur Cullen Lewis, Jr. to Sam Saik, August 25, 196919. Letter from E. A. Courtney (Public Affairs Research Council) to Sam Saik, March
18, 196920. Letter from Vera Eure (Altrusa Int’l) to Sam Saik, April 24, 196921. Letter from Richard J. Daley to Sam Saik, June 20, 196922. “Open Letter to Mayors” from Spiro J. Agnew and the President’s Council on Youth
Opportunity, August 20, 196923. Letter from John J. Graham to Sam Saik, August 11, 196924. Letter from Robert J. Miranda to Sam Saik, August 23, 196925. Letter from Victor H. Schiro to Sam Saik, August 23, 196926. Letter from D. Gayle Robinson to Sam Saik, October 14, 196827. Letter from Newton S. Andrews to Sam Saik, June 2, 196928. Letter from John J. Graham to Sam Saik, May 17, 196629. Letter from Susan Davis (Interfaith Council) to Sam Saik, April 7, 197030. Letter from John L. Loos to Sam Saik concerning Charles Emery Cate, July 17, 196831. Citation awarding Raymond M. Clausen, Jr. the Medal of Honor (copy)32. Letter from Congressman John Rarick to W. E. Alexander, July 12, 197133. Profile of Private Raymond M. Clausen, Jr., USMCR (copy)34. “Medal of Honor” history (copy)35. Courtesy resolution, American Association of University Women, Louisiana Division,
April 7, 1973

Folder 2

1. Nominations of the Louisiana Municipal Association to the Policy Committees of
the National League of Cities, October 24, 19692. List of supporters, January 31, 19693. Letter from John J. Cosner Jr. to Senator Grady Stewart, Representative Francis
E. Bickford, and Representative Nic Cefalu4. Louisiana RS 33:5335. List of contributors (three items), 19696. Note from John Dermond to Sam Saik, March 19697. Letter from John Daspit to Sam Saik, March 5, 19698. Telegram from Cynthia and Joy to Sam Saik, August 15, 19679. Telegram from Cynthia and Joy to Sam Saik, April 6, 196910. Telegram from Richard Nixon to Sam Saik, March 25, 196911. Letter from Otto Rob. Landelius to the town government of Hammond regarding the
Swedish ancestry of Peter Hammond, April 2, 196912. Letter from “Residents of Lakewood Subdivision” to Sam Saik, November 14, 196813. Letter from Dan Durham, Sr. to Sam Saik, July 15, 197714. Letter from James E. Fitzmorris, Jr. to Sam Saik, May 21, 198015. Postcard from Durham Pontiac � Cadillac, June 21, 196816. Postcard from the New Orleans States � Item, April 30, 197017. News Release, Freedom Shrine Presentation, April 17, 197018. Astrodome “Louisiana Weekend” and Astroworld promotional materials (three pages)19. Letter from Jack K. Gray (SGA President) to Sam Saik, March 19, 196820. Tickets for Ray Charles concert, April 1, 1968 (2 copies)21. Letter from C. R. Mckaskle to Sam Saik, March 18, 196822. Letter from Evelyn Sue Stilley (Congressional Service Officer for John Rarick),
April 17, 196823. Traffic Ticket24. Letter from Lebo Mancuso to Sam Saik, April 3, 196825. Letter from Nathan Owens (USAF) to Sam Saik, October 1, 196826. Letter from Donald Rhodes to Sam Saik, October 21, 196827. Letter from Max Durham, Jr. to Sam Saik, October 15, 196828. Letter from Clea E. Parker to Sam Saik, November 11, 196829. Letter from Hans Schneider to Sam Saik, November 26, 196830. Memo from C. J. Dufreche, Jr. to “All Mayors in Tangipahoa Parish,” November 29,
196831. Letter from Rev. Elijah Nelson (Greater Saint James AME Church) to Sam Saik, November
13, 196832. Letter from Blanche Laskin, September 2, 196933. Letter from T. G. Womack, Jr. to Sam Saik, April 18, 196834. Letter from Tom H. Matheny to Sam Saik, July 2, 196935. Letter from Velma Bowman to Georgette Saik, April 16, 196936. Letter from Maj. Gen. George S. Bowman, Jr. (USMC) to Sam Saik, March 28, 196937. Letter from Richard Powell to Sam Saik, March 13, 196838. Letter from Wilson J. Moosa to Sam Saik, March 14, 196839. Two Thousand Men of Achievement Survey, August 5, 197040. Postcard from Mrs. Ray Nelson to Sam Saik, May 1, 197041. Letter from Martie Nelson to Sam Saik, July 2, 196842. Letter from Steve A. Martin to Sam Saik, May 10, 196843. Letter from the Louisiana Forestry Commission to Sam Saik, July 8, 196844. Letter from Roland L. Brunet, Jr. to Sam Saik, July 8, 196845. Letter from Donald H. Becker (Tau Kappa Epsion) to Sam Saik, July 23, 196846. Letter from James H. Wilcox to Sam Saik, July 17, 196847. Postcard from Rev. Oscar Whatley (United Pentecostal Church) to Sam Saik, July
26, 196848. Letter from Paul F. Wilson (Hammond Clergymen’s Association) to Sam Saik, July
29, 1968

Folder 3

1. Letter from David Ramsey to George P. Hunt, August 3, 19682. Postcard from Jane Bickford to Sam Saik, August 7, 19683. Letter from James H. Wilcox to Sam Saik, August 2, 19684. Minutes � Hammond Clergymen’s Association Meeting, August 1, 19685. Postcard from Estelle Stire to Sam Saik, August 17, 19686. Letter from Senator Allen J. Ellender to Sam Saik, August 29, 19687. Christmas Card8. Christmas Card9. Invitation from Governor John McKeithen, December 15, 196710. John McKeithen inaugural invitation, May 7, 196811. Letter from Charles Carter, Jr. to Sam Saik, December 9, 196712. Letter from Victor Schiro to Sam Saik, December 7, 196713. Letter from Will Lever to Newman Forum members, July 3, 196814. Letter from Sam Saik to Tom Matheny, June 28, 196815. Letter from Lillian Warner to Commission Council of Hammond, July 7, 196816. Telegram from Allen J. Ellender, Russell Long, and John Rarick to Sam Saik17. Letter from Hammond United Givers Fund to Sam Saik, May 20, 196818. Letter from Hammond Chamber of Commerce to Sam Saik, June 10, 196819. Welcome address by Sam Saik at the Hammond Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet,
June 27, 196820. Letter from Albert Steinback to Sam Saik, May 25, 196821. Letter from Rose W. Fortenberry to the Hammond Commission Council, June 15, 196822. Gonzales town hall dedication ceremony invitation, June 16, 196823. “UPGRADE” flier24. Thank you card from the Hoover family to Sam Saik, May 22, 196825. Thank you card from Mrs. John McKeithen to Sam Saik, May 22, 196826. Thank you card from Mrs. John McKeithen to Sam Saik, March 28, 196827. Letter from William T. Hackett, Jr. to Sam Saik, April 30, 196828. Letter from Huey Hoover to Sam Saik, October 14, 196729. Letter from Linda Trahan to Sam Saik, April 30, 196830. Letter from Jimmie Criscoe to Sam Saik, October 1, 196731. Letter from Reverend Bob Barker to Sam Saik, January 12, 196832. Letter from R. B. Porch to Sam Saik, April 24, 196833. Letter from Jack P. F. Gremillion to Sam Saik, April 26, 196834. Letter from Lindy Lou Hood to Sam Saik, March 14, 196835. John McCrady Art Exhibition flier36. Letter from C. J. Dufreche, Jr. to Sam Saik, March 25, 196837. Letter from Frank M. Edwards, Jr. to Sam Saik, March 27, 196838. Letter from Hammond American Legion to Sam Saik, March 20, 196839. Letter from Hugh J. Smith to Sam Saik, February 12, 196840. Letter from Steve A. Martin to Sam Saik, January 30, 196841. Letter from Clea E. Parker to Sam Saik, January 26, 196842. City of Hammond election returns, November 21, 196743. Letter from Joseph W. Strahan to Sam Saik, July 3, 197044. Letter from Dick Staggs to Sam Saik, August 5, 197045. Letter from John Rarick to Sam Saik, July 6, 197046. Letter from Allen J. Ellender to Sam Saik, July 6, 197047. Letter from M. L. Richardson to Sam Saik, June 10, 197048. Letter from Otto P. Estes to Sam Saik, June 10, 197049. Letter from Clyde Stevens to Sam Saik, May 4 197050. Letter from A. E. Arnold to Sam Saik, April 30, 1970 (2 copies)51. Letter from Austin Glass to Sam Saik, April 22, 197052. Letter from Emmanuel Bourgeois to Sam Saik, April 22, 197053. Letter from Moon Landrieu to Sam Saik, May 8, 1970

Folder 41. Card from Emery and James, Ltd. To Sam Saik, March 22, 19722. Letter from Joe Kalil to Sam Saik, May 2, 19723. Letter from Ruth Maloof to Sam Saik, April 20, 19724. Letter from F. J. Duggan to Sam Saik, April 14, 19725. Invitation from the Friends of Billy Guste to Sam Saik, March 24, 19726. Invitation from SLU Alumni Association to Sam Saik, April 7, 19727. Letter from Sister Adela Catalina to Sam Saik, April 1, 19728. Letter from C. Earl Colomb to Sam Saik, May 11, 19729. Letter from Jack Lohman to Sam Saik, September 29, 197110. Letter from Carrie Rice to Sam Saik, March 19, 197111. Letter from John Rarick to Sam Saik, April 15, 197112. Letter from William Wright to Sam Saik, May 3, 197113. Letter from Jon Oswalt to Sam Saik, May 5, 197114. Invitation from John McKeithen and the Gettysburg Memorial Commission to Sam Saik,
April 7, 197115. Letter from “John Q. Public” to Sam Saik, November 12, 197016. Letter from Wade O. Martin, Jr. (Governor’s Commission on the Atchafalaya Basin)
to Sam Saik, March 9, 197217. Letter from John Rarick to Sam Saik, September 21, 197118. Letter from Wayne L. Sterling to Sam Saik, August 4, 197219. Letter from John Rarick to Mike Clausen (bc: Sam Saik), February 20, 197320. Letter from John D. Kopfler to Sam Saik, November 12, 197121. Judgment of the First Circuit Court of Appeal, State of Louisiana in Greater Tangipahoa
Utility Co. v. City of Hammond, November 10, 197122. Letter from Leonard E. Yokum, Jr. to Sam Saik, October 2, 197223. Invitation from Governor Edwin Edwards, et al. to Sam Saik for the inaugural ball
and inauguration of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General, May 4, 197224. Letter from E. L. Morgan and Barry W. Murray to Sam Saik, April 12, 197125. Letter from Frank M. Edwards, April 1, 197126. Program, First Annual Drug Education Conference, April 14 � 15, 197127. Letter from James W. Moore to Sam Saik, April 8, 197128. Letter from Edwin M. Newman to Sam Saik, April 19, 197129. Memo from J. J. Prokop to Sam Saik, November 12, 197130. “Who Should Run Your Town? Maybe You,” Changing Times: The Kiplinger Magazine
(November 1971): 39 � 4231. Letter from “V. Q. Z. Mansuer, Inc.” to Sam Saik, August 5, 197132. Letter from Charles M. Keating, Jr. to Sam Saik, not dated33. Letter from Marvyn Lyons to Sam Saik, February 2, 197234. Letter from William T. Hackett, Jr. (Louisiana Department of Commerce and Industry)
to Sam Saik, January 3, 197235. Admit Card: Mayors’ Day at the Races, March 3, 197236. Letter from William J. Guste, Jr. to Sam Saik, February 8, 197237. Letter from J. P. David, Jr. to Sam Saik, January 31, 197238. Letter from Monk Simons to Sam Saik, March 9, 197439. Letter from Monk Simons to Sam Saik, August 5, 197140. Letter from Lt. Gov. James E. Fitzmorris, Jr., September 1, 197241. Letter from Lt. Gov. James E. Fitzmorris, Jr., April 3, 197242. Letter from the Hammond High School Student Council to Sam Saik, November 12,
197143. Letter from Johnny Bonds to Sam Saik, May 25, 197144. Letter from Tom H. Matheny to Sam Saik, February 2, 197245. Letter from James E. Denham to Sam Saik, January 24, 197346. Letter from Jack P. Gremillion to Sam Saik, August 20, 197147. Letter from Barry W. Murray and E. L. Morgan to Sam Saik, April 26, 197148. Letter from James Allen to Patrick Healy (cc: Sam Saik), August 12, 197049. Letter from John W. Roach to Sam Saik, January 14, 197150. Envelope for letter from J. F. Thompson to Sam Saik, August 4, 1971

Folder 5

1. Letter from Adele McDaniel to Sam Saik, July 9, 19712. Letter from Mrs. Joe Wood (Intergovernmental Relations, State of Louisiana), March
22, 19703. Letter from State Senator Michael H. O’Keefe to Sam Saik, March 22, 19704. Letter from Bob Mahfouz to Sam Saik, May 18, 19705. Letter from Edward B. Dufreche to Sam Saik, October 4, 19696. Letter from John J. Graham to Sam Saik, February 25, 19707. Letter from Russell Long to Sam Saik, July 8, 19708. Form letter from John J. McKeithen, October 31, 19699. Letter from John J. McKeithen to Leon Panetta (Director, Office for Civil Rights,
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare), October 30, 196910. Letter from Beverly Briley to Sam Saik, October 28, 196911. Letter from Alex King, Jr. to Sam Saik, May 19, 196912. Letter from Marvin Lyons to Sam Saik, May 20, 196913. Louisiana House Bill No. 1814. Letter from Sister Mary Aloysius, O.P. to Sam Saik, May 18, 196915. Letter from Tom Matheny to Sam Saik, March 27, 196916. Letter from Nadine Henneman to Sam Saik and Jane Allen, November 9, 196917. Letter from William J. Dodd to Sam Saik, October 25, 196718. Letter from Nancy Landry to Sam Saik, September 30, 196719. “11 Held in Shooting of 4 in Louisiana,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, August 14, 196720. Letter from S. Frelich to Sam Saik, September 5, 196721. Letter from S. B. Simpson to Sam Saik, August 19, 196722. Letter from Thomas D. Burbank to Sam Saik, August 22, 196723. Letter from Carroll Thomas, undated24. Letter from Thomas P. Dowd to Sam Saik, August 14, 196725. Invitation from Duane Shafer to Sam Saik, June 15, 196726. Invitation from the city of Ponchatoula for the Ponchatoula City Hall dedication,
July 3, 196727. Minutes of the Hammond Association of Commerce Industrial Committee and the City
of Hammond Board of Commerce and Industry joint meeting, June 13, 196728. Minutes of the Hammond Association of Commerce Industrial Committee and the City
of Hammond Board of Commerce and Industry joint meeting, June 30, 196729. Minutes of the Hammond Association of Commerce Industrial Committee and the City
of Hammond Board of Commerce and Industry joint meeting, July 7, 196730. Resolution of the Hammond Association of Commerce Industrial Committee and the
City of Hammond Board of Commerce and Industry to the State Board of Education, June
11, 196731. Letter from Dr. Mary Alpha to Hammond City Council, June 23, 196732. “Exposure of United Nations: Statements by Those Who Know,” by G. A. Sheppard33. Letter from Sam Saik to E. P. Guitreau, June 19, 196734. Letter from Paul K. Barsley to Sam Saik, June 8, 196735. Letter from Mrs. John McKeithen to Sam Saik, June 7, 196736. Letter from Vera Bisso to Sam Saik, March 30, 196737. Letter from Hugh Smith to Sam Saik, February 10, 196738. Letter from John Perritt to Sam Saik, February 13, 196739. Letter from Henry A. Mentz, Jr. to Sam Saik, March 16, 196740. Letter from James J. Ray to Sam Saik, March 16, 196741. Letter from Steve A. Martin to Sam Saik, December 19, 196642. Letter from Roy Nelson to Sam Saik, January 20, 196743. Letter from Victor Schiro to Sam Saik, November 14, 196644. Letter from Victor Schiro to Sam Saik, November 12, 196645. Letter from Walter Johnson to Sam Saik, August 21, 196646. Letter from J. B. Carter to Sam Saik, November 23, 196647. Letter from J. Warner Forbes to Sam Saik, June 29, 196648. Letter from Fay W. Reimers to the City Commissioners of Hammond, July 11, 196649. Letter from B. E. Pierce to Sam Saik, July 11, 196650. Letter from Ella Mae Bonnel to Mayor and Commission Council, April 25, 196651. Letter from Ella Mae Bonnel to Sam Saik, April 25, 196652. Invitation to “Raise the Roof,” July 4, 196653. Christmas card from Gov. John J. McKeithen54. Note from Ben Hurrell to Sam Saik, August 10, 196655. “Business and Professional Women � 10th Anniversary” flyer56. Attention: Concerned People of Hammond57. “National Memorial Committee” letter from “I. M. Shirtless”58. Letter from Congressman James H. Morrison to Sam Saik, July 7, 196659. Letter from Hugh J. Smith to Sam Saik60. Letter from Eva Monley to Sam Saik, July 14, 196661. Letter from Eva Monley to Sam Saik, August 15, 196662. Letter from Victor Schiro to Sam Saik, September 1, 196663. Invitation � III Congress Hispano-Luso-Americano-Filipino De Munic�pios Em Bras�lia,
196664. Letter from Fred Piazza to Sam Saik, July 7, 196665. Letter from Mertie Lou to Sam Saik, June 24, 196666. Letter from Richard Smith to Sam Saik, July 4, 1966

Box 3

Folder 1

1. Letter from “The Girls of Alpha Omnicron Pi” to Sam Saik, October 29, 19682. Note from J. Oswalt to Sam Saik3. Letter from Mary Agnes Patin to Sam Saik, January 22, 19694. Birthday card from “Cindy and John”5. Thank you card from the Rae family6. Letter from Theda B. Martin to Hammond Mayor and Commission Council, October 22,
19697. Telegram from James W. Moore to Sam Saik, April 7, 19698. Letter from Eugene H. Owen to Sam Saik, April 17, 19699. Letter from John Rarick to Sam Saik, April 30, 196910. Letter from Louisiana Supreme Court Justice Joe W. Sanders, April 7, 196911. Letter from John J. Graham to Sam Saik, April 7, 196912. Letter from Jesse H. Bankston to Sam Saik, April 7, 196913. Letter from Tom Matheny to Sam Saik, April 9, 196914. Letter from James W. Moore to Sam Saik, April 10, 196915. Letter from Leon S. Thomas to Sam Saik, April 8, 196916. Card from Community State Bank to Sam Saik, April 7, 196917. Newspaper clipping of Mayor and Mrs. Saik18. Letter from Betty Alben to Sam Saik, April 9, 196419. Letter from Anne Gilbert to Sam Saik, April 12, 196920. Letter from Mrs. R. F. Messina to Sam Saik, April 9, 196921. Letter from Ellen B. Moore to Sam Saik, April 17, 196922. Card from Capt. D. D. Jackson, April 11, 196923. Phone message from Malcolm Wright, Jr. and Tony Ferrara, April 724. Phone message from Mr. Catania, April 725. Photocopied newspaper articles sent to Sam Saik by Jimmy Fitzmorris26. Card from the Hammond Business and Professional Women’s Club, May 30, 197327. Card from Marylee and James Allen, May 11, 197328. Card from Jane and Randall Campbell, May 16, 197329. Card from Kenny and Judy Ridgel, May 14, 197330. Letter from John J. Cosner, Jr. to Sam Saik, May 6, 197331. Letter from Clea A. Parker to Sam Saik, May 9, 197332. Card from Mr. and Mrs. Leo Caciappo, May 9, 197333. Card from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caciappo, May 9, 197334. Letter from Tom Matheny to Sam Saik, May 7, 197335. Letter from Ernest J. Cooper to Sam Saik, May 8, 197336. Letter from Paul K. Barsley to Sam Saik, May 15, 197337. Letter from John R. Rarick to Sam Saik, May 30, 197338. Letter from “Desmond, SLU” to Sam Saik, April 7, 197339. Letter from Mary Belle Bass to Sam Saik, May 7, 197340. Letter from Bobbie Watts to Sam Saik, May 7, 197341. Letter from Bob Wilson to Sam Saik, April 8, 197342. Letter from Jack P. Gremillion to Sam Saik, April 14, 197343. Card from “Cleo,” July 14, 197744. Letter from Joseph H. Simpson to Sam Saik, July 13, 197745. Card from Paul Galey, September 23, 1968

Folder 2

1. Speech to the Hammond Exchange Club, undated2. Introductory remarks, undated3. Speech to the Hammond Exchange Club4. Speech regarding Hurricane Camille, August 8, 19695. “Mayor’s Editorial”6. Speech to the American Legion, Hammond Post 156, undated7. Thanks to the Citizens of Hammond, undated8. Speech to the Chamber of Commerce, June 28, 19739. Speech to the Student Louisiana Teachers Association, undated10. Speech to the Chamber of Commerce, undated11. Speech at the Jaycees Annual Installation Banquet, May 10, 196612. Undated speech13. Speech to the Hammond Association of Commerce14. Speech at the 18th Annual Banquet of the Hammond Chamber of Commerce, undated15. Speech to the Chamber of Commerce, undated16. 30 second radio announcements17. Speech to the Tangipahoa Parish Chamber of Commerce, September 11, 197218. Speech at the 1966 Union Thanksgiving Service19. Speech to the Student Louisiana Teachers Association, April 18, 196820. Speech to the Hammond Volunteer Fire Department, undated21. Speech at the 2nd Annual Fireman and Policeman’s Appreciation Night, not dated22. Speech to “Care at Home”23. Speech at the 1973 Agri-Dustrial Futurama24. Speech to the Kiwanis Club, not dated25. Biographical notes on General Bowman26. Statement by Sam E. Saik regarding the “purchase of certain equipment for the
police department,” not dated27. Welcome speech for Mike Clausen, July 31, 197128. Speech to the Catholic Daughters of America, not dated29. Information on the Catholic Daughters of America, February 2, 197330. Proclamation, October 197231. Speech at the UGF Kickoff Luncheon, not dated32. Welcome speech for Mike Clausen, not dated33. Address to the H.E.C. by Georgette Saik, February 8, 197334. Statement by Sam E. Saik regarding the “purchase of certain equipment for the
police department” (3 copies)35. Letter from Sam Saik to Commissioner Cosner, not dated36. Address to the Fire Department Auxiliary, not dated37. Speech regarding economic development and Southeastern Louisiana University, not
dated38. Speech to Jaycees, 197339. Welcome speech at the 1968 Agri-Dustrial Futurama40. Speech to the Tangipahoa Chamber of Commerce41. “Homes and Jobs: South is Favored,” undated newspaper clipping42. Office of State Planning, Goals for Louisiana: Priorities for Action, 197243. Welcome speech at the 1965 Agri-Dustrial Futurama44. Welcome speech at the 10th Annual Agri-Dustrial Futurama45. Welcome speech at the Goals for Louisiana Forum, not dated46. Speech to the Jaycees, not dated47. Speech at the United Givers Fund Kick-off, September 22, 196948. Speech at the unveiling of the Charles E. Cate historic marker, August 6, 196949. Dedication of the new city hall, March 23, 1969 (2 copies)50. Notes for talk with the Hammond Police Department, not dated51. Notes for talk with Kiwanis Club, not dated52. Speech at the Hammond Association of Commerce Annual Banquet, not dated53. Speech, undated54. Welcome remarks to SLC Alumni, not dated55. Speech to the National Federation of Garden Clubs, May 7, 196656. Speech, February 23, 196857. Address to the graduate class of Jackson College, not dated58. Address to Care at Home, February 10, 196859. Note on the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award Committee of the N.Y. Southern Society60. Address at the United Givers Fund Kick-off dinner, not dated61. Address at the United Givers Fund Kick-off luncheon, 196862. Speech, March 12, 196663. Speech at the spring conference of the 6th district PTA, February 27, 196964. Speech to the Southeast Home Demonstration Council, March 15, 196665. Opening remarks for the Union Thanksgiving Service, 196866. Union Thanksgiving Service program, 196867. Opening remarks for the Union Thanksgiving Service, 196768. Union Thanksgiving Service program, 196769. Remarks at the unveiling of the Peter Hammond Memorial fountain, not dated70. Speech to the National Association of Postmasters71. Ribbon cutting ceremony and dedication program, October 30, 197572. Speech for First Guaranty Bank dedication program73. Speech to the PTA, not dated74. Speech to Southeastern graduates, April 12, 196775. Remarks in honor of E. L. “Ned” McGehee, April 8, 197276. Introductory remarks for Moon Landrieu77. Student’s paper on Sam Saik, not dated78. Conservation service program, not dated79. Welcoming remarks to the New Orleans Saints

Folder 3

1. Stillwell, Oklahoma postcard2. 1968 Stillwell, Oklahoma Strawberry Festival program3. Memorial Service for Deceased Veterans program, November 11, 19684. Hammond Chamber of Commerce Banquet Program, June 27, 19685. Luther H. Dyson Testimonial Dinner Program, June 1, 19686. Memorial Service for Deceased Veterans Program, November 11, 19697. Louisiana Sugarcane Festival program, September 26, 27, 28, 19698. The Southern Exchangite, March � April, 19699. Tangipahoa Chamber of Commerce program, January 13, 196910. Christmas Card, 196711. Christmas Card, 196712. Exchange Club of Hammond Convention program, 197013. New Orleans States-Item Hurricane Foresight name tag14. Dibert, Bancroft, and Ross foundry tour name tag15. Selective Service classification form16. Louisiana’s Miss Universe program, 196717. Louisiana Municipal Review, June 196618. Today’s Business, October 196419. The Bosses: Official Program September 27, 194620. LSU � Texas A&M official program, September 30, 196121. Richard L. Engstrom, Municipal Home Rule in Louisiana: The Constitution of 1921
and the Proposed Constitution of 197422. Hammond CD Louisiana armband23. CD Auxiliary Police patch24. Panther/Tank Tread patch25. American Legion Fall Conference ticket, September 29, 195726. Hammond Special Deputy Marshall ID27. “Saik it to ‘Em” campaign sticker28. “The Swing is to Saik” campaign card29. “Re-elect No. 4: Sam Saik” campaign card, 197330. United Klans of America, “Ford Has a Redder Idea” pamphlet31. Louisiana Municipal Review, Vol. 37, No. 12 (December 1972)32. The Southern Exchangite, Vol. 6, No. 3 (March 1973)33. Care at Home Annual Meeting program, February 12, 197034. Third District Baptist Association Annual Senior Program, October 24 � 27, 196835. St. Paul Baptist Church Welcome program, October 24, 196836. Annual Report: Hammond Association of Commerce, 1966 � 196737. “James W. Moore: Governor in ’71” campaign sticker (2 copies)38. Fifth Annual Crayfish Derby flier, March 3, 197339. Ground breaking agenda, September 10, 197340. Fourth United Methodist Church program, February 11, 197341. Installation of Rev. Howard Grant program, not dated42. Hammond Jaycees Distinguished Service Award Ceremony program, January 23, 197343. Kiwanis Club Ladies’ Night Program, February 14, 197344. Hammond Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet Program, June 29, 197245. Agri-Dustrial Futurama Banquet program, April 12 � 15, 197346. Catholic Daughters of America Banquet program, February 17, 197347. Party Mask48. Hammond Chamber of Commerce Banquet program, June 26, 196949. Hammond Association of Commerce Banquet program, July 6, 196750. Palm Sunday program, April 15, 197351. “Anderson #1 Mayor” handout52. Hammond Chamber of Commerce Banquet program, June 17, 197153. Dedication program � Teacher Education Center, April 15, 197354. Hammond Chamber of Commerce Banquet program, July 12, 197455. Goals for Louisiana brochure56. Letter from Michael O’Keefe to Sam Saik, October 24, 196957. Legislation Recommendation for State Congressmen, National PTA Bulletin, November
196758. 1968-1969 Legislation Program, National PTA Bulletin, November 196859. PTA program, October 24, 196860. SLU gymnastics roster, 1972 � 197361. SLU Gym Club vs. Mexican Olympic Gym Team program, February 28, 1973

Folder 4

1. Hammond Vindicator advertising receipt, March 21, 19692. Murray Publishers receipt3. Hammond Vindicator advertising receipt, April 3, 19694. Letter from W. C. Daniel to Sam Saik, November 20, 19565. Letter from Laurence Centola to Sam Saik, December 28, 19566. Catholic Daughters of America Second Anniversary program, February 13, 19747. Alumni News, January 19688. Print receipt9. Hammond primary returns, April 5, 196910. Sixteenth Annual Hammond Association of Commerce Banquet program, June 30, 196911. The Southern Exchangite, Vol. 4, No. 3 (Spring 1970)12. Letter to Captain James J. Farr, Jr., August 26, 196713. Telegram from Judge Carlos Spaht and Leon Gary to Sam Saik, September 22, 196714. Memorial Service for Deceased Veterans program, November 11, 196715. Telegram from Abe Jacobsen Malter International to Sam Saik, March 19, 196916. Southeast Louisiana Girl Scout Council, Campsite Dedication program, Amite, Louisiana,
June 3, 196717. Proposed City Hall budget, November 16, 1966 (2 copies)18. Union Thanksgiving Service Program, November 23, 196619. Annual Report, Hammond Association of Commerce, 1965 � 196620. Hammond United Givers List, 196721. Third District Baptist Association Welcome program, not dated22. Cooperative Office Education Banquet program, April 14, 1969 (2 copies)23. Hammond Association of Commerce � statement of receipts and disbursements, July
1, 1965 � June 30, 196624. Hammond Association of Commerce � comparative balance sheet, June 30, 196525. Louisiana Gas Service Company dinner invitation, July 7, 196626. “Dime March” newspaper clipping, January 11, 196827. Knights of Columbus Christmas Banquet program, December 20, 197228. Hammond Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet Program, June 29, 197229. Speech at the Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet, June 29, 197230. Order of Service for the Installation of Dr. William E. Wright, not dated31. Louisiana Municipal Association Convention program, April 26 � 29, 197232. Tangipahoa Chamber of Commerce Banquet program, November 3, 197033. Hammond Jaycees Installation Banquet, June 3, 197234. Memorial Service for Deceased Veterans program, November 11, 197235. Tangipahoa Centennial Flier, 196936. That’s Capital newsletter37. The Southern Exchangite, Vol. 7, No. 3 (March 1974)38. Note from W. J. Canfield to Sam Saik, November 16, 196839. Note from Johnny Ellis to Sam Saik, November 15, 196840. Tangipahoa Voters League Party Program, February 24, 197341. Political cartoon, not dated

Box 4


1. 1973 Mayor’s Race (82 items)2. Saik’s final year in office, 1976 � 1977 (100 items)3. Newspaper clippings, 1960s (97 items)4. Newspaper clippings, 1970s (62 items)