SLU Catalogs and Registration Information

SLU Catalogs and Registration Information





1. 1938-39 (3 copies)

2. 1939-40 (3 copies)

3. 1940-41

4. 1941-42

5. 1942-43

6. 1943-44 (4 copies)

7. 1944-45 (4 copies)

8. 1945-46 (2 copies)

9. 1946-47 (2 copies)

10. 1947-48 (2 copies

11. 1948-49 (4 copies)

12. 1949-50 (4 copies)

13. 1950-51 (2 copies)

14. 1951-52 (2 copies)

15. 1952-53 (3 copies)

16. 1953 and 1954

17. 1955 and 1956

18. 1957-58 and 1958-59

19. 1959-60 and 1960-61

20. 1961-62

21. 1963-64 and 1964-65

22. 1965-66 and 1966-67

23. 1967-68 and 1968-69

24. 1969-70 and 1970-71

25. 1971-72 and 1973-74

26. 1974-75

27. 1992-93 and 1993-94

28. 1994-95 and 1995-96

29. 1996-97 and 1997-98

30. 2003 (spiral bound)

31. 2000-01

32. 2003-04

33. 2004-05

34. 2005-06

35. 2006-07

36. 2007-08

38. 2009-10

39. 2010-2011

40. 2011-2012

41. 2012-2013

42. 2013-2014

43. 2015-2016

44. 2017-2018

Student Handbooks, bound, 1952-53 through 1962-63

Student Handbooks, bound, 1963-64 through 1967-68

Student Handbooks, bound, 1968-69 through 1973-74



1. 1926-27

2. 1927-28 (4 copies)

3. 1929-30

4. 1931-32 (2 copies)

5. 1932-33 (4 copies); 1933-34 (4 copies)

6. 1935-36; 1936-37 (2 copies)

7. 1937-38 (4 copies); 1938-39 (4 copies); Daily Class Schedule, First Semester 1939-40;
Summer Session May 31-July 29, 1939

8. 1939-40

9. 1940-41 (2 copies); The Summer Session, May 29-July 27, 1940 (2 copies)

10. 1941-42 and 1942-43

11. 1943-44 (2 copies); 1944 Summer Session (2 copies)

12. 1944-45; 1945-46; 1945 Summer Session (4 copies); 1946 Summer Session

13. 1946-47; 1947-48; 1947 Summer Session (2 copies)

14. 1948-49 and 1949-50

15. 1950-51; Summer Session 1950; 1951-52; and Freshman Registration Week, 1951 (2
copies); Freshman Registration Week, 1951 (2 copies)

16. 1952-53; Summer Session 1953; and 1953-54; Freshman Registration Week, 1952 (2
copies); Freshman Registration Week, 1953 (2 copies)

17. Extracurricular Activities for Women, January 1954, Volume XI, Number 2

18. 1954-55; Freshman Orientation Week, 1954 (3 copies); and 1955-56; Freshman Orientation
Week, 1955 (2 copies)

19. 1956-57; Summer Session 1956; Freshman Orientation Program, 1956; and 1957-58;
Freshman Orientation Program, 1957 (2 copies)

20. 1958-59; Summer Session 1958; Freshman Orientation Program, 1958 (3 copies); and
1959-60; Freshman Orientation Program, 1960

21. 1960-61; Freshman Orientation Program, 1961; and 1961-62

22. 1962-63; Summer Session 1963; 1963-64; Registration Procedure and Schedule of
Classes, Fall Semester 1963 and Spring Semester 1963; Summer Session, 1963;  Freshman
Orientation Program, 1964 (2 copies)

23. 1964-65; Summer Session 1964; Registration Procedure, Schedule of Classes Fall
Semester 1964 and Spring Semester 1965; 1965-66; Summer Session 1965

24. 1966-67; Summer Session 1966; 1967-68; Registration Procedure and Schedule of
Classes Spring Semester 1967; Summer Session 1967; Registration Procedure and Schedule
of Classes Spring Semester 1968; Orientation Program, 1966

25. October 1967, Graduate Division

26. 1968-69; Summer Session 1968; Registration Procedure and Schedule of Classes,
Fall Semester 1968 and Spring Semester 1969; Orientation Program, 1969; 1969-70; Summer
Session 1969; Registration Procedure and Schedule of Classes, Fall Semester 1969 and
Spring Semester 1970

27. Division of Graduate Studies; June 1969; May 1970

28. 1970-71; Summer Session 1970; Registration Program and Schedule of Classes Fall
Semester 1970 and Spring Semester 1971

29. 1971-73 (2 copies); Supplement to General Catalogue 1971-1973; Summer Session
1971 (2 copies); Registration Procedures, Schedule of Courses First Semester 1971-72,
Spring Semester 1972; Summer Session 1972; Registration Procedure, Schedule of Courses
Fall Semester 1972 (2 copies); Schedule Booklet Spring Semester 1973

30. May 1972, School of Graduate Studies (2 copies)

31. 1973-74; Summer Session 1973; Orientation Program, 1973 (2 copies); Registration
Procedure, Schedule of Classes Fall Semester 1973 (3 copies)

32. 1974-75; Summer Session 1974; Schedule Booklet Spring Semester 1974 (3 copies);
Orientation Program 1974 (2 copies)

33. October 1975, School of Graduate Studies (2 copies)

34. 1975-76 and 1976-77

35. May 1977, School of Graduate Studies

36. 1977-78 and 1978-79

37. 1979-80 and 1980-81

38. 1981-82 and 1982-83, Freshman Orientation, Fall 1983

39. 1983-84 and 1984-85; Graduate School, 1983-1984

40. 1985-86 and 1986-87; Class Schedule Bulletins Fall 1986 and Spring 1987; Freshman
Orientation Program, Fall 1985 and Spring 1986

41. 1987-88 and 1988-89; Class Schedule Bulletins Fall 1987, Spring 1988, and Summer
1988; Class Schedule Bulletins Fall 1988, Spring 1989, and Summer 1989

42. 1989-90 and 1990-91; Class Schedule Bulletins Fall 1989, Spring 1990, and Summer
1990; Class Schedule Bulletins Fall 1990, Spring 1991; Summer 1991

43. 1991-92; 1992-93; Class Schedule Bulletins Fall 1991, Spring 1992, Summer 1992,
Fall 1992, Fall 1993, Summer 1993; Spring 1993; Summer Orientation Program 1991

44. 1995-96; Class Schedule Bulletins 1994-1996

45. Class Schedule Bulletins 1997-1998

46. Class Schedule Bulletin Spring, Summer and Fall 1999

47. Class Schedule Bulletin Spring 2000 (2 copies); Summer/Fall 2000

48.    Class Schedule Bulletin Spring 2001; Summer/Fall 2001

49.    Class Schedule Bulletin Spring 2003

50.    Class Schedule Bulletin Summer/Fall 2003

51.    Class Schedule Bulletin Spring 2004

52.    Achievement in First-Year College Chemistry, January 1950 (5 copies)

53.     Instructions for Students taking Freshman English, October 1950; Women’s Intramurals
Handbook 1950-1951 (3 copies) ;Extracurricular Activities for Women, January 1954
(2 copies); Student Government, October 1952 ; Teaching Second-Year High School Mathematics,
October 1954



1. Service Facilities Report from J. W. Reeves, Building Manager of the College, n.

2. Enrollment by classes, 1925-1973

3. Student Profiles, 1940-1944

4. Report of Class Instruction, 1953-1954

5. Report of Registration, Fall 1954-1955

6. Comparison of Fall 1955 with Fall 1958

7. Study of Enrollment, 1955-1960

8. Courses Offered in Each Department with Enrollment, 1956-1957

9. Registration and Schedule Committee, Fall Semester 1959-1960

10. Enrollment Growth of SLC, 1959-1963 (Graph) (2 copies)

11. Report of Class Instruction, Summer 1961 and Summer 1962

12. Report of Class Instruction, Fall Semester 1963-1964; Spring Semester 1964

13. ACT Class Profile Report, Freshman Class, 1966

14. ACT Class Profile Report, Freshman Men, 1967

15. ACT Class Profile Report, Freshman Women, 1967

16. ACT Class Profile Report Enrolled, 1968

17. ACT Class Profile Report Enrolled, 1970

18. Reports of Class Instruction, Fall 1966-Fall 1971

19. ACT Class Profile Report Enrolled, 1971-72 Freshmen

20. Negro Student List, Fall 1972

21 Report of Registration, Spring 1972

22. ACT Class Profile Report Enrolled, 1972-73 Freshmen

23. ACT Class Profile Report Enrolled, 1974-75 Freshmen

24. ACT Class Profile Report Enrolled, 1975-76 Freshmen

25. ACT Class Profile Report Enrolled, 1976-77 Freshmen

26. Enrollment Spring 1981-1987 (Graph)

27. Grade Analysis Report, Spring 1982

28. College of Humanities Class Counts by Department, Fall 1982 and Fall 1983

29. Comparison of Student Enrollment Data Between Fall 1983 and Fall 1984

30. Enrollment Trends within a Nineteen Parish Area, Division of Student Affairs,
Office of High School Relations, 1984

31. Number of Students and Hours Taught by Department and Class, Fall 1985

32. Enrollment Profile, Spring and Fall 1984

33. Enrollment Profile, Spring and Summer 1985

34. College of Arts and Sciences Academic Profile, 1985-1987

35. Enrollment Profile, Spring, Summer, and Fall 1986

36. Semester Credit Hours, 1986-1990 (Fall Semesters Only)

37. Student Profiles, 1986-1992

38. Enrollment Profile, Fall 1987

39. Degree Completers for Last Five Years, 1987-1992

40. Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Semester Credit Hours, 1987-1992

41. Enrollment Information, 1987-1998

42 Percent of Enrollment from States/Countries, Fall 1988

43. Non-Credit Courses, Spring 1988 and 1989

44. Board of Regents, Desegregation, 1989

45. Summer School Cost for 1989, 1990, 1991, and 1992, College of Arts and Sciences

46. Undergraduate Grade Analysis, 1990-1991

47. Enrollment Profile, Spring 1991; Summer 1991

47A. Institutional Fact Book, Fall 1992

48. Enrollment Profile, Summer 1992; Fall 1992

49. Enrollment Change Report, Fall 1992, Summer 1993, Fall 1993/Fall 1994

50. Enrollment Profile, Spring 1993; Summer 1993; Fall 1993

51. Registration Figures, Fall 1993

52. Fall Grade Analysis Report, College of Arts and Sciences, Fall 1993

53. Enrollment Profile, Spring 1993; Summer 1993; Fall 1993

54. Undergraduate Semester Credit Hours and Majors by Department, 1993-1994

55. Low-Completer Degree Programs, 1994

56. Enrollment profile Fall 1994

57. Enrollment profile Fall 1995

58. Enrollment profile Fall 1996

59. Degree Breakdown by Race, 1996

60. Why do Students Take Longer to Graduate?, Policy Brief #3, Fall 1996

61. Enrollment profile Spring, Summer 1997; Semester Registration Report Fall 1997

62. Profile, 1997 (2 copies)

63. Enrollment Profile Fall (2 copies),Summer 1998; Semester Registration Report,
Fall, Summer 1998

64. Profile, 1998

65. Enrollment Profile, Spring, Summer, Fall 1999 (2 copies); Semester Registration
Report, Spring and Fall 1999 (2 copies)

66. Profile, 1999 (3 copies)

67. Enrollment Profile, Spring, Summer 2000 (2 copies) Semester Registration Report,
Spring, Summer 2000; Fall 2000 Compared to Fall 1999

68. Profile, 2000 (2 copies)

69. Profile, 2001

70. Spring 2001 Enrollment Compared to Spring 2000; Spring 2002 compared to Spring

71. Profile, 2002

72. Profile, 2003 (2 copies)

73. Profile, 2004 (2 copies)