SLU Chandler Family

SLU Chandler Family





1. Draft of Southeastern Louisiana College History written by Dr. L. E. Chandler,

2. Draft of Southeastern Louisiana College History written by Dr. L. E. Chandler,

3. College Bulletin, SLC, A Study of Parish Government in Louisiana, Vol. XVIL, January 1960, No. 2

4. “SLC Pioneer Honored,” Daily Star, February 6, 1968 and “Dr. Chandler Retires at SLCII, unidentified paper, no date

5. Correspondence–Past Student Government Association Presidents Reunion at Southeastern
November 18, 1961

6. Souvenir Program, Past Presidents Reunion, Student Government Association at Southeastern
November 18, 1961

7. History of Student Government Association, 1925-38, 1938-43 written by Dr. L. E.
Chandler (Draft)

8. History of Student Government Association written by Dr. L. E. Chandler

9. The Lion’s Roar, June 21, 1968

10. Program of Fiftieth Anniversary Convocation, SLU, March 6, 1975, The Nicholas
Cefalu Coliseum

11. “SLU’s 50th Convocation Salutes Faculty, Staff,” The Daily Star, February 20, 1975

12. Booklet for Fiftieth Anniversary of Southeastern Louisiana University, Fifty Years, Foundation for the Future, 1975

13. Brochure About Homecoming 184, Week of October 22, 1984 from Alumni Association

14. Six 5″ x 7″ Aerial Photographs of Southeastern Louisiana University

15. Two 8″x l0″ Photographs of a group of nine men

16. Ph.D. and early employment information, 1936-38

17. Southeastern Louisiana College Employment Contracts and Salary Information, 1936-1967

18. Southeastern Louisiana College related information and correspondence, 1940-1960

19. Correspondence and Achievements, 1940

20. Speeches and Statements, 1939-1960