Southeastern Shifting to Remote Operations

SLU Collection – Publications

SLU Collection - Publications

Box 1 – Publicity Brochures and Booklets


1. Southeastern Louisiana College Campus Map, Prepared by Industrial Technology Club

2. Miscellaneous brochures, 1940s to present

3. A New and Greater Southeastern Louisiana College, 1930s (2 copies)

4. On the Campus at Southeastern Louisiana College, 1940s (2 copies)

5. Southeastern Louisiana College, 1940s

6. Letter to Prospective Students, June 1, 1942 (5 copies)

7. The SLC Story, 1940s (21 copies)

8. Life at Southeastern, 1940s (3 copies)

9. Life at Southeastern, Vol. III, July 1946 (3 copies)

10. Life at Southeastern, Academic Year 1947-48 (2 copies)

11. Southeastern Louisiana College General Information Issue, 1960s (4 copies)

12. Southeastern Louisiana College General Information Bulletin, Got a Minute, 1970s (4 copies)

13. Southeastern Louisiana College General Information Issue, 1970s and 1980s (4 copies)

14. Southeastern Louisiana University, 1989

15. This is Southeastern, Brochures, 1960s (8 copies)

16. Supplement to the 1967 Le Souvenir; Supplement to the 1970-71 Le Souvenir

16a. Livre de l’ete, 1968, Vol. II, Published by students of Henington-Southeastern Yearbook Workshop

17. Southeastern Louisiana College Faculty-Staff Directory, 1955-56; 1957-58; 1958-59

18. Southeastern Louisiana College Faculty-Staff Directory, 1961-62; 1962-63; 1963-64;

19. Southeastern Louisiana University Student Telephone Directory, 1975-76; 1979-80

20. Southeastern Louisiana University Student Telephone Directory, 1989-90; 1990-91;

21. Southeastern Louisiana University Student Telephone Directory, 1992-93; 1994-95;
1996-97; 1997-98

22. Southeastern District High School Rally Bulletins (2 copies)23. The Associated Press Stylebook, 1970

Box 2 – Publications by Faculty


1. List of Faculty Publications, 1991

2. Report of the Dean of the College, 1942-1943, Vol. 1, No. 1, October 1943 (2 copies)

3. Original Papers, Vol. I, No. 4, July 1944 (2 copies)–“Teachers in a World at War: J. Leon Clark;
Sources of Educational Literature: George W. Bond; The Arts and War Time Economy:
Ralph R. Pottle; Mental Disorders and Their Causes: J. N. Herrington

4. Veterans’ Education, Vol. II, No. 1, October 1944 (2 copies)

5. Report of the Principals’ Work Conference, Vol. II, No. 4, July 1945 (2 copies)

6. Tangipahoa Parish Teachers Work Conference, Vol. IV, No. 4, July 1947 (2 copies)

7. Teaching First Year High School Mathematics, by Margaret Rae Davis, Ed.D, Professor of Mathematics, Vol. V, No. 1, October 1947
(2 copies)

8. Teaching Second Year High School Mathematics, by Margaret Rae Davis, Ed.D, Professor of Mathematics, Vol. V, No. 2, January 1948
(2 copies); Teaching Second Year High School Mathematics, by Margaret Rae Davis, Ed.D, Professor of Mathematics, Vol. XII, No. 1, October
1954 (2 copies) (Reprint of booklet)

9. Trends in the Methods of Teaching High School Chemistry, by Gordon S. Miller, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Vol. VI, No. 1, October 1948
(2 copies)

10. Instructions for Students Taking Freshman English, Vol. V, No. 4, July 1948; Vol. VIII, No. 2, October 1950; Vol. XI, No. 1, October
1953; Vol. XIII, No. 4, July 1956 (2 copies); Vol. XIV, No. 4, July 1957

11. The Predecessors of Becquer in the Fantastic Tale, by Clark Gallaher, Professor of Romance Languages, Vol. VI, No. 2, January 1949
(2 copies)

12. Achievement in First-Year College Chemistry, by Gordon S. Miller, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Vol. VII, No. 3, January

13. Looking for Something? How to Use the Sims Memorial Library, by the Library Staff, Dorothy Robinson, Editor, Vol. IX, No. 4, July 1952

14. How to Win A’s and Influence Teachers, by Lydia A. Duggins, Ed.D., Remedial Reading Consultant, Educational Services Clinic,
Vol. X, No. 2, January 1953 (2 copies)

15. Louisiana Bryophytes, by Hollis R. Wilson, Reprinted from The Bryologist, Vol. 59, No. 1, March 1956

16. Auditory Perception in the Beginning Reading Program, by Lydia A. Duggins, Reading Consultant, the Special Education Clinic, Vol. XIII,
No. 2, January 1956

17. Parent-Child Relationships and Reading Achievement, by Verna L. Vickery, Ph.D., Reading Consultant, The Special Education Clinic, Vol.
XV, No. 4, July 1958 (2 copies)

18. A Sequential Program for the Development of Skills in Spatial Relationships and closure
as a Basis for Reading Comprehension
, by Lydia A. Duggins, Reading Consultant, The Special Education Clinic, Vol. XVI,
No. 1, October 1958 (2 copies)

19. Emotional Problems: A Major Factor in Retention, by Bill Clark, Psychiatric Social Consultant, The Special Education Clinic, Vol.
XVI, No. 2, January 1959 (2 copies)

20. Improve Your Reading, by Warren D. Fortenberry, Reading Consultant, The Special Education Clinic, n. d.

21.    A Study of Parish Government in Louisiana, by L. E. Chandler, Ph.D, Professor
of Government, Vol. XVII, No. 2, January 1960 (5 copies)

22.    Student Library Handbook, by Patricia Catlett, 1967

23.    Instructions for Written Work, by Department of English, Vol. XVII, No. 4,
July 1960 and Vol. 1, No. 6, August 1980

24.    Recollections, 1961-1987, St. Albert the Great, Catholic Student Center, Southeastern
Louisiana University, 43 pages

25.    An Economic Analysis of the Louisiana Strawberry Industry, by Jagit S. Brar
and Wayne L. Sterling, February 1980

26.    The Predecessors of Becquer in the Fantastic Tale, by Clark Gallaher, January
1949 (2 copies)

27.     Trends in the Methods of Teaching High School Chemistry, October 1948 (4 copies)

Box 3 – Publications–Creative Writing Magazines


1. Gambit, Spring 1962; Spring 1965

2. Gambit, Spring 1971

3. Gambit, Spring 1972

4. Gambit, Fall 1974

5. Gambit, Fall 1975

6. Gambit, Fall 1976

7. Gambit, Fall 1977

8. Gambit, Fall 1978; Gambit, n. d.

9. Gambit, 1982; 1986

10. Gambit, 1987; Vol. 18, 1988

11. Gambit, 1991; 1993

12. Gambit, 1994; 1995; 1996; 1997

13. Innisfree, 1974, Vol. I

14. Innisfree, 1977, Vol. IV

15. Innisfree, 1978 and Vol. VI, 1979

16. Innisfree, 1987, Valedictory Issue, Vol. VII

17. Louisiana Literature, Spring 1984

18. Louisiana Literature, Fall 1986; Spring 1987

19. Louisiana Literature, Fall 1988; Spring 1989

20. Louisiana Literature, Fall 1989; Spring 1995

21. The Pick of the Patch, Vol. I, No. 1, May 1939; Vol. II, No. 2, May 1940

22. The Pick O’ The Patch, Vol. III, No. 1, May 1941

23. The Pick O’ The Patch, Vol. IV, No. 1, May 1942; Vol. V, No. 1, May 1943

24. The Pick O’ The Patch, Vol. VIII, No. 1, December 1945

25. The Pick O’ The Patch, Vol. IX, No. 1, May 1950; Vol. X, No. 1, May 1951

26. The Pick O’ The Patch, Vol. XI, No. 1, May 1952 (2 copies)

27. The Pick O’ The Patch, Vol. XIII, No. 1, May 1955

28. The Pick, Vol. 17, 1988; Vol. 18, 1989; Newspaper about Special Commemorative Edition, March

29. The Pick, Vol. 19, 1990; Vol. 20, 1991

30. The Pick, Vol. 21, 1992; Vol. 22, 1993

31. The Pick, Vol. 23, 1994, 1995

32. The Pick, Vol. 25, 1996; The Pick, 1997-1999 (2 copies)

33. The Papers of The Pick, Vol. 25, 1996 (2 copies)

34. The Pick, Vol. 27, 2000-2001

35. Spectrum, Vol. 2, No. 1, Fall 1988 (2 copies); Vol. 2 No. 2 Spring 1989 (2 copies), Vol. 3
No. 1 Fall 1989 (2 copies); Vol. 3 No 2 Spring 1990 (2 copies), Vol 4. No 1 Fall 1990
(2 copies); Vol. 4 No 2 Spring/Summer 1991 (2 copies), Vol. 5 No 1 Fall 1991 (2 copies);
Vol. 5 No 2 Spring 1992 (2 copies); Vol. 6 Nos. 1-2 Fall/Spring 1992-93 (2 copies);
Vol. 7 No 1 Fall 1993 (2 copies); Vol. 7 No 2 Spring 1994; Vol. 8, No. 1 Fall 1994;
Vol. 8, No. 2, Spring 1995 and Vol. 9, Nos. 1 and 2, 1995-96 (2 copies)

Box 4 – Publications–Alumni News


1. Alumni News, February 1946; Vol. III, No. 1, February 1949

2. Alumni News, Vol. III, No. 4, November 1949 (2 copies)

3. Alumni News, Vol. IV, No. 1, February 1950 (2 copies)

4. Alumni News, Vol. VI, No. 3, August 1952

5. Alumni News, Vol. V, No. 2, July 1961; Vol. 6, No. 6, November 1962; Vol. 7, No.

November 1963

6. Alumni News, Vol. 8, No. 5, July 1964 (2 copies); Alumni News Briefs, Vol. VIII,

No. 7, October 1964; Alumni News Briefs, Vol. IX, No. 2, March 1965

7. Alumni News, Vol. XIII, No. 1, January 1969

8. Alumni News, Vol. XXI, No. 4, Winter 1977

9. Alumni News, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, Summer 1980; Vol. XXIV, No. 2, Fall 1980; Vol.

XXIII, No. 4, Spring 1980; Vol. XXIV, No. 4, Winter 1980

10. Alumni News, Vol. 26, Nos. 2 & 3, Summer and Fall, 1982

11. Alumni News, Vol. 27, Summer, Winter, Fall, 1983

12. Alumni News, Vol. 28, Nos. 1, 2, 3, Spring, Fall, Winter, 1984

13. Southeastern Magazine, Summer 1984, Premier Issue (2 copies)

14. Alumni News, Vol. 29, Nos. 1 & 2, Spring (2 copies) & Winter, 1985

15. Southeastern Magazine, Vol. 2, Summer 1985; Vol. 2, No. 2, Fall 1985

16. Southeastern Alumni News, Fall and Winter, 1986

17. Southeastern Magazine, Vol. 3, Summer 1986

18. Southeastern Alumni News, Spring and Winter, 1987

19. Southeastern Magazine, Vol. 4, Summer 1987

20. Alumni News, Spring and Fall 1988

21. Alumni News, Vol. 5, Summer 1988

22. Alumni News, Southeastern Magazine, Vol. 6, Summer 1989

23. Alumni News, Fall 1989

24. Alumni News, Southeastern Magazine, Vol. 7, Summer 1990

25. Alumni News, Fall; Spring 1990; Winter 1990-91

26. Southeastern Alumni News, Southeastern Magazine, Vol. 8, Summer 1991

27. Southeastern Alumni News, Spring 1991; Fall 1991; Winter 1991-92 (2 copies)

28. Southeastern Alumni News, Spring 1992 (2 copies); Fall 1992 (2 copies)

29. Southeastern Alumni News, Southeastern Magazine, Vol. 9, Summer 1992 (2


30. Southeastern Alumni News, Winter 1992-93; Spring 1993; October 1993

31. Southeastern Alumni News, Southeastern Magazine, Vol. 10, Summer 1993 (2


32. Southeastern Alumni News, January, March, June, October 1994

33. Southeastern Alumni News, Southeastern Magazine, Vol. 11, Summer 1994 (2


34. Southeastern Alumni News, March, May, October 1995

35. Southeastern Alumni News, Southeastern Magazine, Vol. 12, Summer 1995

36. Southeastern Alumni News, March, October 1996

37. Southeastern Alumni News, Southeastern Magazine, Vol. 13, Summer 1996 (2


38. Southeastern Alumni News, October 1997 (2 copies)

39. Southeastern Alumni News, October 1998; March and October 1999

40. Southeastern Alumni News, March, July, October 2000

41. Southeastern Magazine, Alumni News, August 2003 (2 copies)

42. Alumni News, December 2003 (2 copies)

43. Southeastern Magazine, August 2004

44. Alumni News, Spring 2004, Summer 2004, Fall 2004

45. Southeastern Magazine, August 2005

46. Alumni News, Summer 2005, Fall 2005, Winter 2005

47. Southeastern Magazine, August 2006

48. Alumni News, Spring 2006, Fall 2006, Winter 2006

49. Southeastern Magazine, August 2007 (2 copies)

50. Alumni News, Summer 2007, Fall 2007, Winter 2007, Winter 2007 Inside

51. Alumni News, Summer 2008 (3 copies)

52. Alumni News, Spring 2008 (1 copy), Fall 2008 ( 2 copies)

53. Alumni News, Spring 2009 (2 copies)

54. Southeastern Alumni News, Summer 2010 (4 Copies)

55. Southeastern Alumni News, Spring 2010 (2 Copies)

56. Southeastern Alumni News, Fall 2010 (2 copies); Spring 2011 (2 copies); Fall

2011 (2 copies)

57. Southeastern Magazine, August 2011 (2 copies)

58. Southeastern Alumni News, Spring 2012 (2 copies); Summer 2012 (2 copies)

59. Southeastern Alumni News, Fall 2012 (2 copies); Spring 2013 (4 copies)

60. Southeastern Alumni News, Fall 2013 (2 copies); August 2013 (2 copies); Fall

2014 (2 copies); Southeastern Magazine, Fall 2014 (2 copies)

61. Southeastern Magazine. Spring 2014 (2 copies), Spring 2015 (3 copies), Summer

2015 (3 copies)

62. President’s Award for Excellence, 2014 (3 copies)

63. Southeastern Magazine, Fall 2015 (2 copies)

64. Southeastern Magazine, Spring 2016 (3 copies)

65. Southeastern Magazine, Fall/Winter 2016-2017 (2 copies)

66. Southeastern Magazine, Spring/Summer 2017 (4 copies)

Box 5 – Publications–Faculty and Staff Newsletters


1. Retrospect, 1981-1987

2. Southeastern By-Lion, April 15, 1987-June 21, 1989

3. Southeastern By-Lion, July 6, 1989-June 19, 1991

4. Southeastern By-Lion, July 3, 1991-June 30, 1993

5. Southeastern By-Lion, July 14, 1993-June 28, 1995

6. Southeastern By-Lion, July 12, 1995-June 25, 1997

7. Southeastern By-Lion, July 9, 1997-June 23, 1999

8. Southeastern By-Lion, July 7, 1999-October 11, 2000 (now printed on SLU web page)

Box 6 – Publications–Department Newsletters


1. The Rabble, October 1966-May 3, 1968

2. The Business Administration News, Vol. X, Nos. 6 & 7, February and March 1946

3. Southeastern Economic Outlook, Department of Economics and Business Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, Fall 1987

4. Southeastern Journalism Review, The Bugler, Newsletter for the SLU Society for Collegiate Journalists, October 1, 1986-November/December

4a. Southeastern Journalism Review, The Bugler, Newsletter for the SLU Society for Collegiate Journalists, Vol. 5, No. 4, Jan.-Feb.
1990-Vol. 9, No. 32, May 2, 1994

4b. Southeastern Journalism Review, The Bugler, Newsletter for the SLU Society for Collegiate Journalists, Vol. 10, No. 1, August
22, 1994-Vol. 12, May 9, 1997

5. The Journalist, Annual progress report of the journalism program, 1986-1995

6. The Reflector, Journalism Student Directory & Enrollment Profile, Vol. 2, No. 1, Sept. 1994

7. Southeastern Report, A Newsletter for High School Principals, Counselors, and Students, Vol. 1, No. 1,
Summer 1987

8. Lion Lions, Athletic Booster Club Newsletter, November 1987

9. Commerce Development Quarterly, Spring 1989, a newsletter published by the Southeastern Louisiana University Small
Business Development Center

10. Southeastern Tempo, Published for the Alumni and Friends of the Music Department at Southeastern Louisiana
University, Spring 1990

11. Non-Traditional Student News, April 1991

12. College of Arts and Sciences Newsletter, September 24, 1990- Fall 1992

13. MSD News, Office of Minority Student Development, February 1991-February 1992; name changed to OSD News, Office of Student Development, April 1992-October 1993

14. Newsletters from Departments–History and Government, College of Basic Studies,
SLU Computer Store News, Veterans Upward Bound, Educational Opportunity Center, Industrial
Technology, English Department Alumni Newsletter, Department of Foreign Languages
and Literature, Student Support Services, Vet News

15. Florida Parishes Social Science Research Center, July 1992-Fall 1996

16. College of Business Annual Report, 1997-1998 and 1998-1999

17. College of Business Annual Report, 2001-2002

Box 7 – Publications – The Quality of Life


1. The Quality of Life in Louisiana’s Florida Parishes October 2009 (2 Copies)

BOX 8 – Oversized box

1. Brochures- The New Southeastern (2); Impact-The economic and community impacts
of SLU (2); Bachelor of Arts, Criminal Justice (2); SLU MBA (2); Department of Kinesiology
and Health Studies, Graduate Program-Master of Arts in Health and Kinesiology (2);
Department of Psychology, Program in Graduate Studies (1); University Counseling Center
(2); Northshore School of the Arts (2); Center for Student Excellence (1); Vera H.
Thomason Health Center (2); University Housing (2); Alumni Association Membership
Benefits and Services (2); Master of Education Curriculum and Instruction (2); St.
Tammany Center (2); Disability Services (2); Masters of Arts in Teaching (2); Organizational
Leadership-Disaster Relief Management (2); Safe Campus (2); Center for Student Excellence
(2); Pandemic Influenza (2); Southeast Louisiana Business Center (2); Bachelor of
Science in Health Studies (1); College of Education-Bachelor of Science (2); Textbook
Rental University Bookstore (2); Campus Card Operations (2); Greek Life (2); Library
of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources (2); Bachelor of Arts-Sociology (2); Department
of Communication, Masters of Arts in Organizational Communication (2); Economic and
Community Impacts (2); Southeastern Louisiana University (4); Department of English
(2);You Matter Here (2); Division of General Studies (2); Southeastern Louisiana University
(2); Department of Education in Educational Leadership (2); Health Careers, College
of Nursing and Health Sciences (2); Southeastern Louisiana University (2); Congratulations
on your ACT Score…now what? (2); Auxiliary Services (2); Auxiliary Services Faculty/Staff

2. Booklets- SLU Department of Music and Dramatic Arts Encore, Spring 2006 (1); SLU
Department of Music and Dramatic Arts Encore, Spring 2007 (1); Department of Visual
Arts; Early Orientation Spring Testing (1); Southeastern Annual Fine Art Showcase
2008; Southeastern Annual Fine Art Showcase 2009 (2); Mapping the Terrain: New Directions
in Abstract Painting (2); Southeastern Annual Fine Art Showcase 2007 (1); Information
Sources Guide, Public Information Office (2); Columbia Theatre for the Performing
Arts Season 2011-12 (2); 6th Annual Louisiana Fine Arts Showcase (2); College of Business
(2); Registration Guide-Summer 2006, Fall 2006, and Spring 2007 (2); Experience Southeastern
Auxiliary Services (3); Success matters (2); You’re unique (1); President’s Awards
for Excellence 2016 (2); Southeastern Louisiana Business Center-Celebrating 10 Years
of Service (2); University of Louisiana Beyond Economic Impact; Your Life, Your Future,
Your Choice (1); Victory Celebration for the Campaign for the Visual and Performing
Arts and Fanfare Major Donors 2007 (1); Quality Enhancement Plan, Strengthening Learning
Through Academic Advising: Southeastern’s Student Advising Center and Academic Mentoring
Program for SACS Reaffirmation of Accreditation (1); College of Education (1); Community
Education Program, 2007-2008 (1); Division for Student Affairs Annual Report 2009-2010
(2); Southeastern Louisiana University-We Are Today Students (4); Impact-Economic
and Community Impact Study (2); Graphic Standards Manual (2); Remember the Lions,
2003 (2)

3. Office of Institutional Research and Assessment Profile Booklets- 2004 (2), 2005
(2), 2006 (2), 2008 (2), 2010 (2), and 2011 (2)

4.    Visitor Guide 2017/18 (1), Southeastern Magazine Spring/Summer 2017 (1)