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Ceram, C. W., Translated from the German by Richard and Clara
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What Happened in History. London: Penguin, 1964.
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World Prehistory, An Outline. Cambridge: University Press, 1962. Soft cover, 284
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The Prehistory of Africa. NY: Praeger, 1970. Hard
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Photography for Archaeologists. London: Max Parrish, 1954. Hard cover, 123 pp.
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Archaeological Discoveries in Crete and Greece. London: Pan Books
Inc., 1963. Soft cover, 222 pp.
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Life Under the Pharaohs. London: Pan Books Inc., 1964. Soft cover, 191 pp.
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The Mountains of Pharaoh, 2000 Years of Pyramid
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The Tiger of Ch’In. London: Pan Books, Ltd.,
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1964. Soft cover, 169 pp.
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The Idea of Prehistory. London: Penguin Books,
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Ferguson, William M.
Maya Ruins in Mexico in Color. University of
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The Ancient Greeks. London: Penguin Books, 1963.
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of Conservation, Louisiana Geological Survey, November 1, 1936.
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Parish, Louisiana. Anthropological Study No. 3, New Orleans, LA: Department
of Conservation, Louisiana Geological Survey, June 1, 1940. Soft
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Iran From the Earliest Times to the Islamic
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Gilkes, A. N.
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The Ancient World. London: Penguin Books, 1953.
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Series. Grand Rapids, MI: Aondervan Pub. Co., 1965
Harding, G. Lankester.
Archaeology in the Aden Protectorates. London:
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Hawkins, Gerald S.
Beyond Stonehenge. NY: Harper & Row Publishers, 1973. Hardcover, 319
Hawkins, Gerald S.
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Hitti, Philip K.
The Near East in History: A 5000Year Story. D Van Nostrand, Co., 1960. Hardcover,
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Hole, Frank and Robert F. Heizer.
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A Short Guide to the Exhibition Illustrating the Stone and Iron
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Man. London: Hamlyn, 1975. Hardcover, 552 pp.
Jennings, Jesse D.
Prehistory of North America. NY: McGraw-Hill,
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Join-Lambert, Michael.
Jerusalem, Ancient Cities and Temples. NY:
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Jerusalem: Excavating 3000 Years of History. NY:
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Archaeology in the Holy Land. NY: Frederick A.
Praeger, 1960. Soft cover, 326 pp.
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Beginnings in Archaeology. Frederick A. Praeger,
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Keyes, Nelson Beecher.
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Fresh Sidelights on the Indus Valley and the Bronze Age
Orient. Karachi, Pakistan: Department of Archaeology,
Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan. Reprinted from the
Annual Report of the Institute of Archaeology, 1955, pp. 51-68.
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The Glory that was Harappa. Department of
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Karachi, no date. Soft cover, no page numbers.
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The Glory that was Mohenjodaro. Karachi,
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The Indus Valley and Early Iran. Department of
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Kuhn, Herbert, Translated from the German by Alan Houghton
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Leakey, Richard E. and Roger Lewin.
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NY: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1978. Hardcover, 298 pp.
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Mallowan, M. E. L.
Early Mesopotamia and Iran. London: Thames &
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A Guide to Taxila. Cambridge: University Press,
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1939. London: The Garden Tomb (Jerusalem) Association. Soft cover,
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Digging into History, A Brief Account of Fifteen Years of
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Exploring the Unknown, Mysteries in American
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Murray, Margaret A.
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Parkes, Henry Bamford.
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Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology Harvard University,
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Piggott, Stuart.
Ancient Europe, from the beginnings of Agriculture to
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The Pessack Haggadah, With a Revised English Translation and 36
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Radin, Paul.
The World of Primitive Man. NY: Grove Press,
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Ralph, Philip Lee.
The Story of Our Civilisation, A Study of the History of the
Western Peoples. Comet Books, 1955. Soft cover, 285
Robbins, Maurice with Mary B. Irving.
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Rudenko, Sergei I. Translated and with a preface by M. W.
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Sédillot, René, Translated from the French by Gerard
The History of the World in Two Hundred & Forty
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Seltman, Charles.
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494 pp.
Short, A. Rendle, Revised and edited by Alan Millard.
Archaeology Gives Evidence. London: The Tyndale
Press, 1962. Soft cover, 62 pp.
Sibley, Jr., J. Ashley.
A Study of the Geology of Baton Rouge and Surrounding Southeast
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Smith, Herbert H.
The Museum as an Educator. Museum of the Geological Survey of Alabama, Educational
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Swinnerton, H.H.
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1963. Soft cover, 127 pp.
Wauchope, Robert.
Archaeological Survey of Northern Georgia, with a Test of Some
Cultural Hypotheses. Salt Lake City: #21 Memoirs of
the Society of American Archaeology, 1966. Issued as
American Antiquity, Vol. 31, No. 5, Part 2, July 1966.
Soft cover, 482 pp.
Wendt, Herbert.
From Ape to Adam, The Search for the Ancestry of
Man. NY: The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc., 1972.
Hardcover, 286 pp.
Wheeler, Sir Mortimer.
Archaeology from the Earth. London: Penguin
Books, 1961. Soft cover, 252 pp.
Wheeler, Sir Mortimer.
Civilizations of the Indus Valley and Beyond.
London: Thames and Hudson, 1966. Soft cover, 142 pp.
Wheeler, Sir Mortimer.
Early India and Pakistan. London: Thames and
Hudson, 1959. Hardcover, 241 pp.
Wheeler, Sir Mortimer.
The Indus Civilization (2nd ed.). Cambridge at
the University Press, 1962. Hardcover, 106 pp.
Willey, Gordon R.
South America Volume Two-An Introduction to American
Archaeology. NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1971. Hardcover, 559 pp.
Willey, Gordon R. and Philip Phillips.
Method and Theory in American Archaeology.
Chicago: University of Chicago/Phoenix Books, 1958. Soft cover, 270
Wilson, Edmund.
The Scrolls from the Dead Sea. NY: Meridian, no
Winick, Charles.
Dictionary of Anthropology. NJ: Littlefield Adams
& Co., 1970. Soft cover, 579 pp.
Wood, Eric S.
Collins Field Guide to Archaeology in Britain.
London: Collins, St. James Place, 1963. Hardcover, 384 pp.
Woodbury, David O.
The Great White Mantle, The Story of the Ice Age and the Coming
of Man. NY: The Viking Press, 1962. Hardcover, 214
Woolley, Sir Leonard.
A Forgotten Kingdom. Pelican Books, 1953. Soft
cover, 191 pp.
Woolley, Sir Leonard.
History Unearthed. NY: Frederick A. Praeger,
Publisher, 1962. Soft cover, 176 pp.
The World’s Last Mysteries
Readers Digest Books. Pleasantville, NY: Readers
Digest Association, 1979. Hardcover, 320 pp.
Wormington, H. M.
Ancient Man in North America. 4th ed.–Rev.
Denver Museum of Natural History, Popular Series No. 4, 1957. Soft
cover, 322 pp.
Wormington, H. M.
Prehistoric Indians of the Southwest. The Denver
Museum of Natural History, Popular Series No. 7, 1975. Soft cover,
191 pp.
Worth, C. Brooke and Robert K. Enders.
The Nature of Living Things. A Signet Book, 1955.
Soft cover, 191 pp.
Wright, G. Ernest.
Biblical Archaeology. Philadelphia, PA:
Westminister Press, 1962. Hardcover, 291 pp.
Wright, G. Ernest and David Noel Freedman, eds.
The Biblical Archaeologists Reader. NY: Doubleday
& Company, Inc., 1961. Soft cover, 342 pp.
Yadin, Yigael.
The Message of the Scrolls. London: Weidenfeld
& Nicolson, 1957. Hardcover, 192 pp.
Journals in Starbird Collection
Journal of Alabama Archaeology
1958, Vol. 4, Issue 2
1959, Vol. 5, Issue 3
The American Archeologist
, A Quarterly Journal of the Prehistory of the United
Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 1974
Vol. 2, Winter 1975-76
Vol. 4, Winter/Spring 1982
The Arkansas Archeologist
, Bulletin of the Arkansas Archeological Society
Vol. 21, 1980
Biblical Archeologist
Vol. 45, No. 1, Winter 1982
Vol. 45, No. 3, Summer 1982
Vol. 45, No. 4, Fall 1982
Vol. 46, No. 1, Winter 1983
Biblical Archaeology Review
Vol. VII, No. 2, March/April 1981
Vol. VIII No. 3, May/June 1982
Vol. VIII, No. 6, November/December 1982
Vol. IX, No. 1, January/February 1983
Vol. IX, No. 2, March/April 1983
Vol. IX, No. 3, May/June 1983
Vol. X, No. 1, January/February 1984
Louisiana Archaeology, Bulletin of the Louisiana
Archaeological Society
Number 4, 1979
Number 5, 1980-Thomas, Prentice Marquet, L. Janice
Campbell, and Steven R. Ahler.
The Hanna Site, An Alto Village in Red River Parish.
(Filed under Thomas)
Number 6, 1979-Caddoan and Poverty Point Archaeology:
Essays in Honor of Clarence
Hungerford Webb
Number 7, 1980
Number 8, 1981
Louisiana Archaeological Society
Newsletter, Published by the University of New
Vol. 9, No. 1, April 1982
Vol. 9, No. 2, September 1982
Vol. 9, Nos. 3 & 4, December 1982
Bulletin of the Oklahoma Anthropological Society
Vol. XXXI for 1982, December
Pakistan Archaeology
, The Department of Archaeology, Pakistan
Number 1, 1964
Number 2, 1965
Popular Archaeology
1972-Vol. 1-No. 6, November 20
No. 8, December 4
No. 9, December 18
1973-Vol. 2-No. 1, January 1
No. 2, January 15
No. 3, January 29-February 11
No. 4, February 12-25
No. 5, February 26-March 11
No. 6, March 12-25
No. 7, March 26-April 8
No. 8, April 9-22
No. 9, April 23-May 6
No. 10, May 7-20
No. 11, July
No. 12, August
No. 13, September
No. 14, December
1974-Vol. 3-No. 1, January
Nos. 2-3, February-March
Nos. 4-5
Nos. 6-7, August, July
No. 8, September
Nos. 9-10, November-December
1975, Vol. 4-Nos. 1-2, January-February
Nos. 3-4, March-April (2 copies)
Nos. 5-6, May-June
1976, Vol. 5-Nos. 4-5
1977, Vol. 6-No. 3
1982, Vol. 11-No. 1
Texas Archeological Society
Volume 45-Published by the Society, Austin, Texas,
Volume 50-Published by the Society, Fort Worth,
Texas, 1979
Volume 51-Published by the Society, Lubbock, Texas,
Volume 52-Published by the Society, Fort Worth,
Texas, 1981
Volume 53-Published by the Society, Austin, Texas,
1983 (for 1982)
Map, Louisiana County-Town, Map No. 416
Map, Pakistan Tourist Map
Newspaper Clippings
Chickens, n.d.
Wauchope Sets Speech on Mayas,
Times-Picayune, April 2, 1973
Volcano Preserved Ancient Mayan Traces,
News Banner, Mandeville, LA, September 11, 1980
New Evidence Seen for Man-ape Link,
Times-Picayune, January 9, 1982
The Great Sphinx of Giza and Pyramids
The Lloyd Triestino on the water
Scene of a mountain
Scene of mountains
Scene of water
Israel Photo Almanac, Appointment Book, 1958
Welcome to Poverty Point, Louisiana State Commemorative Area
Welcome to Marksville, Louisiana State Commemorative Area
Membership Application to Louisiana Archaeological Society,
Delta Chapter
1965 pocket calendar from Ashoka Clothiers of Hong Kong
Letter, 2 pages typed
Invitation from The Director of the US Agency for International
Development in Pakistan and Mrs. Kontos
Library Card for the American Embassy
Pakistan International Airlines (seating arrangement)
Admission Ticket to Excavation Sites at Taxila, October 15,
Bookmarks (3)
Bulletin from Immanuel Church for Holy Week and Easter Services,