Hammond, Louisiana

Hammond, Louisiana

Photo Collection


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

1 c. 1904 3 x 5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

Slide 1 2 x 2 2 Color Slide

New Dixie Home of M. Seib, Hammond, La. House has front porch,
two story, small upper story has small porch, rose trellis on one
side of house. On Cherry & Robert Streets.

2 c. 1907 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8 x 10 2 B&W copy print

Slide 2 2 x 2 2 Color Slide

Oak Street, Hammond, La. Scene is long alley of oaks lining each
side of street. Has the appearance of a pen and ink drawing.

3 c. 1907 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8 x 10 1 B&W copy print

Slide 3 2 x 2 2 Color Slide

Main entrance of the Oaks Hotel, Hammond, La. L-shaped brick
building, three story, L-shaped porch, palms in foreground, partial
view of building.

4 c. 1907 5 x 7 MISSING B&W copy print 35mm B&W


Slide 4 2 x 2 2 Color Slide

Full view of the Oaks Hotel, Hammond.

5 c.1907 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Slide 5 2 x 2 2 Color Slide

War Relic, Hammond, Louisiana. Picture of cannon. Oaks Hotel in
background. Was given for scrap in World War II.

6 c.1907 3 x 5 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (3)

8 x 10 4 B&W copy print

Slide 6 2 x 2 2 Color Slide

Hammond High School. Wooden building, two story, Mansard roof,
bell tower. Built 1894-95.

7 c.1907 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8 x 10 2 B&W copy print

Slide 7 2 x 2 2 Color Slide

Main Street, Hammond Louisiana.

8 c.1907 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8 x 10 1 B&W copy print

Slide 8 2 x 2 1 Color Slide

Magnolia Street, Hammond, Louisiana.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

9 c. 1907 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8 x 10 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Slide 9 2 x 2 2 Color Slide

Hotel Casa de Fresa, Hammond, La. Three-story hotel; the first
story is white and the second and third are red brick.

10 c. 1907 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Catholic Church, Hammond, Louisiana.

11 c. 1907 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8 x 10 3 B&W copy print

Newport Hotel, Hammond, La. Three-story wooden hotel. Appears to
be Carpenter’s Gothic. Two-story L-shaped porch, with a widow’s
walk completely surrounding the upper roof line.

12 c. 1907 3 x 5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Picking strawberries in Louisiana. Lower right hand corner has a
drawing of a strawberry.

13 c. 1907 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8 x 10 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Strawberry pickers in Louisiana.

14 c. 1890 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (4)

3 x 5 1 B&W copy print

8 x 10 1 B&W copy print

4 x 7 1 B&W copy print

Scene of Co. H., 1ST Regiment La. Nol., May 1, 1898, lined up
beside the train tracks getting ready to leave for the
Spanish-American War.

15 c. 1890s 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

Written on picture-First construction train of B.R.H.-E.R.R.
(Baton Rouge, Hammond, Eastern Railroad) taken on New Years Day,

16 c. 1890s 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

A man and horse standing in front of the Kidder Hotel.

17 2/26/1858 3 x 5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (3)

5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

4½ x 7 1 B&W copy print

Dedicating of Obelisk (monument) to Francis G. Stewart, Feb. 26,
1858- April 13, 1908, for saving the life of a child. View of the
Oaks Hotel in background.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

18 c. 1890s 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)

5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

8 x 10 2 B&W copy print

Close up view of Kidder lunch stand. It was located at Railroad
Avenue and Thomas Street on site where Chamber of Commerce building
is now.

19 c. 1890s 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

A scene of the first block of S. Railroad Avenue burning.

20 c. 1890 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

PICTURE MISSING. Illinois Central Depot, Hammond, Louisiana.

21 1918 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

Hotel St. James.

22 pre-1895 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8 x 10 3 B&W copy print

23 pre-1895 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (3)

5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

8 x 10 1 B&W copy print

View of the Railroad with cut logs in the foreground of the

24 c. 1890s 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (3)

8½ x 13 1 B&W copy print

Slide 15 2 x 2 1 Color Slide

The original Oaks Hotel with snow on the ground. Former hotel on
site of Casa de Fresa Hotel.

25 c. 1890s 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)

5 x 7 3 B&W copy print

8 x 10 3 B&W copy print

Slide 13 2 x 2 3 Color Slide

A snowy winter in Hammond. Oxen and men can be seen on the first
block of S. Railroad Avenue. Kidder Hotel can be seen to the right
of the picture.

26 c. 1890s 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Slide 12 2 x 2 1 Color Slide

Old Soldier’s Home, the Crescent Home. Owners have been L.
C. Reed, A. E. Karlton in 1896, Hugh L. “Cap” Mason in 1929, Dr.
Elmer E. Puls, Buddy M. Dacus in 1975, Mrs. Charles L. Isom, 1976
until March 3, 1988, Mrs. Isom’s two daughters, Sarah Isom Hodges
and Dr. Charles Ann Reichley, out in snow. (1989).


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

27 c. 1896s 3 x 5 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (3)

5 x 7 6 B&W copy print

8 x 10 1 B&W copy print

Slide 11 2 x 2 2 Color Slide

Looking southeast across the railroad tracks from N. Cate Street
at the Railroad Depot and the Kidder Hotel (presently the site of
the post office). Man standing in foreground surrounded by

28 c.1890s 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Slide 10 2 x 2 2 Color Slide

An outdoor scene of fallen trees and palm leaves.

29 c. 3 x 5 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

5 x 7 7 B&W copy print

7 x 9 1 B&W copy print

8 x 10 1 B&W copy print

Slide 14 2 x 2 1 Color Slide

Red Gables Restaurant. Located at R.R. Avenue & Thomas

30 c.1898 5 x 7 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (4)

8 x 10 2 B&W copy print

Scene of Co. K. 1st Regiment La. embarking on train for the
Spanish-American War.

31 1913 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)

Picture of Ella Browning in her wedding dress and her husband
Matthew Thomas standing beside her.

32 1913 5 x 7 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)

Picture of a young boy standing in a suit, tie and hat holding a
rifle in his right hand. A dog is sitting on the floor to his left.
His name is Rev. Wallis Watts, 512 S. Walnut St. Hammond, La. on
back of postcard is written age 14, 1913.

33 c.1980s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (3)

Old Lincoln Hotel remodeled into lawyers’ offices of T.
Jay Seale, Ron Macaluso and Ken Ross.

The building is on the corner of North Cate and E. Charles

34 c.1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)

Boos building, built in 1898, corner of Cate and Thomas. Several
men and a horse with uncovered wagon in front.

35 c.1920s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8 x 10 2 B&W original print on cardboard

Scene of Hammond fire truck at the corner of Cate and Thomas
streets looking east. Fireman posed beside the truck.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

36 c. 1920s 5 x 7 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (3)

8 x 10 1 B&W copy print

8 x 10 1 B&W original print on cardboard

Hammond fire truck on corner of Cate and Thomas Streets. Firemen
have back to photographer.

37 c. 1920s 8 x 10 1 B&W original print

5 x 7 5 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)

Scene of the Oaks Hotel with two men and two women walking down
the walkway.

38 c. 1920s 8 x 10 1 B&W original print

5 x 7 5 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (4)

Scene of Oaks Hotel. An L-shaped building with foliage in

39 c. 1920s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)

Scene of Oaks Hotel showing the beautiful gardens.

40 1908-1912 8 x 10 1 B&W original print

8 x 10 5 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (3)

5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

Slide 16 2 x 2 2 Color Slide

Baton Rouge, Hammond & Eastern Depot with people standing in
front of it.

41 unknown 8 x 10 1 B&W original print none

Scene of a house with a man and a woman standing in front of it.
Written on back is Dr. Lensgraf, Hammond, Louisiana.

42 1982 4 x 6 1 color print none

A picture of a model of the Oaks Hotel (1893-1905) built by
Brooks Robinson, nephew of John Robinson, the owner of the hotel.
John Robinson was born in the hotel.

43 1982 4 x 6 1 color print none

A picture of the Oaks Hotel model . Built by Brooks Robinson,
nephew of John Robinson, the owner of the hotel. John Robinson was
born in the hotel.

44 Changed to Pix No. 17

45 c. 1900s 5 x 7 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (4)

8 x 10 5 B&W copy print

Hammond Oak where Peter Hammond’s grave is located.
Postcard dated Feb.8, 1908.

46 c. 1960s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

B&W copy of a color postcard of East Thomas Street–looking
west, part of business district, Rosenblum’s sign is on the left,
Central Drug Store is on the right. Picture possibly from the


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

47 mid-1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Central Drug Store and Western Auto Store.

48 mid-1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8 x 10 1 B&W copy print

Interior of Central Drug Store. Wilbur Fellows is standing on
the left, three people are unidentified.

49 c. 1922 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

19 boys with H’s on shirts, middle boy is holding a football
with “W.E.B.H.S.-1922 LA. CHAMPS” written on it. Roll Fellows, 5th
from left.

50 c. 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Interior of Central Drug Store. Unidentified man standing at
Soda Fountain on right of picture.

51 c. 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8 x 10 4 B&W copy print

Truck at corner of Oak & Thomas (written on back of original
picture) with large logs on it. 4 men sitting on logs and two men
sitting in front seat.

52 c. 1900s 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (5)

5 x 7 2 B&W copy print

8 x 10 3 B&W copy print

Large group of people standing in front of Hammond Hardware
Store. Possibly 1912/1913.

53 c. 1900s 5 x 7 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)

Interior of Neelis Emporium; man in a bow-tie standing behind a
tie rack.

54 c. 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Buildings with signs that read “Willard Service Station” and
Dodge Brothers Motor Vehicles. West Thomas Street. First block on
west side.

55 c. 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Scene of people in grandstands.

56 c. 1917 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)

8 x 10 2 B&W copy print

The intersection of Thomas Street and Railroad Avenue

57 c. 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Picture of L. D. Spencer, Lumber Co. Store. 200 block of N.
Cate. Built around 1906.

58 c. 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Men laying pipe for sewer. 600 block of E. Coleman looking west;
about 1908-12.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

59 c. 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Interior of Corona’s Bakery.

60 c. 1904 5 x 7 4 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (3)

Michael Seib home. Two adults and two children standing on

61 c. 1900s 5 x 7 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8 x 10 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Movie theater. Movie posters on each side of ticket window and a
car in front of building.

62 c. 1900s 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

Saik Hotel on Cypress St. Photographer & dentist on signs on
2nd story of building.

63 c. 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8 x 10 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Man in a horse drawn buggy in front of Akers Livery Stable.

64 Oct. 1921 8 x 10 4 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (3)

The Florida Parishes Fair, October 1921. Numerous parked cars
and buildings in the background.

65 c. 1900s 8 x 10 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)

Interior of a store (possibly Hammond Hardware). Three men
standing in the aisle.

66 c. 1900s 8 x 10 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Horse and buggy advertising “Keen Kutter Tools” parked in front
of Hammond Hardware.

67 Oct. 1916 8 x 10 5 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Hammond Fairgrounds, October 26-29, 1916. Fairgrounds were
across from Town & Country shopping center.

68 Oct. 1916 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Hammond Fairgrounds, October 26-29, 1916.

69 c. 1900s 5 x 7 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Hammond State Bank, 200 block north side of Thomas St.

70 c. 1860-70s 3½ x 6 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8 x 10 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Early days of strawberry industry. Strawberry pickers in field
that fronts house built by Col. Robert Adwood Corbin, a short
distance off Happy Woods Road. As of March 1983 house belonged to
Edward S. Otts.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

71 c. 1894 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

3½ x 7 1 B&W copy print

8 x 10 2 B&W copy print

Intersection of Thomas Street and Railroad Avenue with the sign
“Look out for the Locomotive.” 5 people standing in foreground.

72 c. 1900s 5 x 7 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Picture of a train with people standing beside it. Water tanks
can be seen behind the train.

73 c. 1900s 5 x 7 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Hammond High School building.

74 post 1915 5 x 7 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8 x 10 3 B&W copy print

T. W. Cate Fire Co. No. 1. Six men standing in front of the fire
station and first motorized fire truck.

75 c. 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)

8 x 10 1 B&W copy print

Dantone Fruit Mart in downtown Hammond. Was located at N. Cherry
& E. Thomas.

76 c. 1900s 8 x 10 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Flag day at Hammond schools. Large group of children in front of
a school building waving flags.

77 c. 1900s 3 x 5 1 orig. color postcard

5 x 7 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (3)

8 x 10 3 B&W copy print

A train at the Hammond depot with wagons and people standing
beside the train. Picture titled “Shipping Strawberries, Hammond,

78 c. 1900s 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

5 x 7 2 B&W copy print

8 x 10 2 B&W copy print

Jack Bahm’s Cash Store, established 1919.

79 c. 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)

6 x 9 1 B&W copy print

Picture of log cabin where the strawberry auctions were

80 c. 1900s 5 x 7 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Lawson & Neelis Warehouse where Catholic services were held
until the Catholic church was built.

81 c. early 1900s 5 x 7 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Picture of the Holy Ghost Catholic Church.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

82 c. 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Full view of the First Christian Church.

83 c. 1900s 5 x 7 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)

Picture of unidentified church; possibly the St. James AME

84 c. 1900s 5 x 7 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

The First Presbyterian Church.

85 c. 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (2)

Presbyterian House, originally the home of Dr. and Mrs. Richard
F. Gates.

86 c. 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Unidentified church; probably the First Baptist Church (corner
of Morris and Pine) built 1906.

87 c. 1900s 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (3)

Unidentified church; possibly the First Baptist Church on the
corner of Morris and Pine.

88 c. 1900s 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Methodist Church.

89 c. 1900s 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Grace Memorial Episcopal Church.

90 5/1/1983 3 x 5 1 color original 35mm color

Corner of Cate and Thomas Streets looking east.

91 c. 1905 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print none

E. Thomas Street looking east from railroad.

92 unknown 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print none

A house with a picket fence in front of it. Sidewalk and 2 trees
in foreground.

93 Feb. 1979 11 x 14 1 B&W copy print none

Full front view of Casa de Fresa Hotel.

94 c.1900 4 x 6 2 color print none

Invitation to a Hammond Heritage Day-1981 reception sent to Dr.
Joy Jackson. Front has a scene of Cate Square with a body of water,
someone canoeing, and two bridges.

95 c.1980s 3 x 5 1 color postcard none

Jacmel Inn Restaurant at night. Located at 903 E. Morris St. Hwy
190, Hammond, La.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

96 unknown 5 x 7 1 B&W original print none

Taped to back of photo: CASA de FRESA, a hotel with all modern
conveniences. An ideal summer or winter home, located in the heart
of the strawberry capital of the world, only 44 miles from
America’s most interesting city, New Orleans. M. B. Wright, Sr.
Pres. and Manager.

97 1920s 3 x 5 7 B&W copy print 35mm B&W (6)

Motorcar stuck in mud, a man in suit and hat looks on. Morris
& N. Cypress streets, looking north.

98 1898 5 x 7 7 B&W copy print none

Spanish-American war soldiers lined up getting ready to board
the train for war.

99 1914 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Hammond post office being constructed.

100 c. 1900s 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

A classroom with desks (2 with pillows on top; 1 with books).
Drawings hang on the back wall.

101 unknown 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Photo of Mr. Jack Bahm.

102 c. 1900s 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Unfinished building with people on porch and loft. W. Thomas St.
near Vic Anderson’s.

103 c. 1900s 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8 x 10 1 B&W copy print

Neelis House (Pine & Colorado). A man and woman standing in
front yard.

104 c. 1900s 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Mooney House. Corner of Charles and Oaks. Torn down in

105 c. 1900s 8 x 10 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Frank E. Neelis & Co. General Department Emporium.

106 c. 1906-11 3 x 5 1 original postcard 35mm B&W

5 x 7 1 B&W copy print

8 x 10 6 B&W copy print

Horse and buggy on street.”Benjamin Mann Morrison, Grocer” on
side of buggy. E. Thomas St.

107 c. 1900s 8 x 10 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Kings Daughters Rest Room; Hammond, La. located on corner of
Thomas & Oak.

108 unknown 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Several men standing between logs that have been cut.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

109 circa 1894 8 x 10 3 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Cate’s sawmill. 300 block of S. Cate.

110 1925 3 x 5 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

8 x 10 3 B&W copy print

Hammond Motor Sales Company. Southwest corner of N. Oak and W.
Thomas Streets.

111 1899-1901 6 x 8 1 B&W original print 35mm B&W

Faculty of Hammond High School. 1) Sylphia Eastman; 2) Miss Van
Patten; 3) Hattie Williams;

4) Principle B. R. Crandall; 5) Annie Eastman; 6) Lucy
Brayzleman; and 7) Miss Walker. Directors Dr. Robinson, Tom Cate,
and R. Potter.

112 1920 4¼ x 6½ 1 B&W print none

Senior class of 1920 Hammond High School. Seven girls and six
boys. W. J. Dunn, principal.

113 1896 4½ x 9¼ 1 B&W copy print none

F. E. Neelis & Co. sign saying that they moved one block

114 c. 1900s 8 x 10 2 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Scene of 2 men and 2 boys looking at a car.

115 c. 1900s 8 x 10 5 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Coca-Cola bottling company. Three men and a mule to the right of
the picture.

116 c. 1900s 3 x 5 1 color postcard none

Main entrance, The Oaks Hotel. (Donated by Clifford M.


118 c. 1900s 3 x 5 1 color postcard none

Residence of A. Loranger, Hammond, La. (Donated by Clifford M.

119 c. 1900s 3 x 5 1 color postcard none

A type of residence at Hammond, Louisiana. (Donated by Clifford
M. Moore)

120 c. 1900s 3 x 5 1 color postcard 35mm B&W

Municipal Natatorium (swimming pool). (Donated by Clifford M.

121 c. 1900s 3 x 5 1 color postcard none

Residence of James Corbett. (Donated by Clifford M. Moore)

122 c.1900s 3 x 5 1 color postcard none

8 x 10 1 B&W copy print none

I.C.R.R. Depot, Hammond, La. (Donated by Clifford M. Moore)


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

123 c. 1900s 3½ x 4 1 B&W newspaper clip none

Residence of J. A. Greenwald. (Donated by Clifford M. Moore)

124 c. 1900s 3½ x 4 1 B&W newspaper clip. none

Flowing well at the Oaks Hotel. (Donated by Clifford M.

125 c. 1900s 5½ x 5 1 B&W newspaper clip. none

First Hammond High School building. (Donated by Clifford M.

126 1980 11 x 14 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Gazebo in Cate Square.

127 1979 11 x 14 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Casa de Fresa Hotel prior to its partial destruction by fire.

128 10/12/1914 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print 35mm B&W

Two men and three women. Written on top of picture “On ‘Pa’
Carr’s Sleeping Porch, Monday Night, Oct. 12th, 1914.”

129 10/16/1896 4¼ x 6½ 1 B&W original print

Man on a horse. Norman Smith.


130 unknown 3½ x 5 1 B&W original print none

Small child standing beside a porch.

131 unknown 4 x 6½ 1 B&W original print none

Young lady sitting on concrete steps.

132 2/9/1920 4¾ x 7¾ 1 B&W original print none

East Side Schools, Miss Ruth Corbin, Teacher, 7th grade.

133 unknown 2¼ x 3½ oval 1 B&W original print

Bust portrait of a man in a suit and bow-tie.

134 unknown 2½ x 3½ oval 1 B&W original print

Bust portrait of a young man in a suit and tie.

135 unknown 2½ x 4 1 B&W original print none

Bust portraits of a young boy and a woman.

136 unknown 2½ x 4 1 B&W original print none

Bust portrait of a young boy sitting in a chair, dressed in a
suit and tie.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

137 unknown 4 x 5½ 1 B&W original print none

Two young boys. One sitting in a chair and wearing glasses. The
other is standing beside the chair.

138 unknown 4 x 5½ 1 B&W original print none

Man sitting in a chair with a woman standing beside him. Her
left hand is on the man’s right shoulder.

139 unknown 4 x 5½ 1 B&W original print none

Bust portrait of a young woman. She is holding flowers and her
dress has a high ruffle collar.

140 unknown 4 x 6 1 B&W original print none

A toddler, wearing a white dress, sitting on a bench.

141 unknown 3½ x 5¾ 1 B&W original print none

Young child, wearing a one-piece shorts outfit, standing on a

142 unknown 4½ x 6½ 1 B&W original print none

Bust portrait of a young woman wearing a pearl necklace.

143 unknown 5 x 7 1 B&W original print none

Young woman, wearing a floral shirt, sitting in a chair.
Photographer, Hainline Studio, Elkhart, Ind.

144 unknown 4¾ x 7 1 B&W original print none

A dragline moving dirt from a hill. A train is in the

145 unknown 4¾ x 7 1 B&W original print none

Close-up view of a dragline moving dirt from a hill.

146 unknown 4¾ x 7 1 B&W original print none

A dragline with four men standing beside it.

147 unknown 6¼ x 8¾ 1 B&W original print none

Five women and five men posed for the picture.

148 unknown 5 x 7 1 B&W original print none

Portrait of a man in a suit. Written on back “Everett Sherman
(L. Poole’s)”. (Donated by Ginger Romero in 1987)

149 unknown 8 x 10 1 B&W original print none

Written on back “Ted Carfiel (L. Poole’s).” (Donated by Ginger
Romero in 1987)

150 summer 1988 4 x 5 1 original color print none

Parrill Home, c. 1892, originally home of T. C. Adams, developer
of Banker’s Row.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

151 summer 1988 4 x 5 1 original color print none

Mire Home built by John Adams son of T. C. as a wedding present
for his wife. House circa 1902.

152 summer 1988 4 x 5 1 original color print none

Second story of Mire Home.

153 summer 1988 4 x 5 1 original color print none

Macalusa Home, circa 1903, built by Mr. Muncie.

154 summer 1988 4 x 5 1 original color print none

West side of Macalusa Home, large oak tree to the left of the

155 summer 1988 4 x 5 1 original color print none

East side of Macalusa Home and additions added recently but of
same design.

156 summer 1988 4 x 5 1 original color print none

Cook home, circa 1907, built by Mr. Preston. Still occupied by
his family, presently his granddaughter Zoe Cook.

157 summer 1988 4 x 5 1 original color print none

West side of Cook home through garden.

158 summer 1988 4 x 5 1 original color print none

Former stables, now garage of Cook home.

159 summer 1988 4 x 5 1 original color print none

700 Block of East Charles (Bankers Row).

160 summer 1988 4 x 5 1 original color print none

Facing away, toward city of Hammond (Bankers Row).

161 summer 1988 4 x 5 1 original color print none

Empty lot at the back of Bankers Row. This is the only clue to
what it may have looked like in 1890-1892.

162 unknown 5 x 7 1 B&W copy print 2¼ x 2¼

Scene of Hammond High Home Economics Department girls. Taken in
front of the First Baptist Church of Hammond on Pine Street.

163 unknown 6 x 8 1 B&W copy print none

I. C. Depot Park, Hammond, La. In background is a man and a
young boy.

164 unknown 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print 33mm B&W

Two men, one sitting and one standing behind a steam engine.


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

165 unknown 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print none

No. 3 St. Charles St, Hammond, La. Empty (unpaved) street,
houses on both sides.

166 unknown 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print none

No. 8 Preston Residence. House with picket fence in front of

167 unknown 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print none

No. 10 Playground of the Oaks Hotel, Hammond. 5 children
playing, one adult in background sitting on bench.

168 11/30/1925 8 x 10 1 B&W copy print none

Thomas Street, looking West, Hammond. Empty street, left side of
picture-cars parked. A banner hangs in the background.

169 1898/1899 5 x 7 2 B&W copy print none

Daniel Fazekas house which was in the post office square on
Thomas Street.


170 1988 3½ x 5 1 original B&W print none

Seib House, 1988.

171 1988 3½ x 5 1 original B&W print none

Boos Building downtown Hammond.

172 1988 3½ x 5 1 original B&W print none

House in Hammond.

173-178 1988 3½ x 5 1 of each original B&W print

Different views of places in downtown Hammond.

179 1915 3½ x 5 1 B&W copy print none

Overton Walker house in Hammond, taken in 1915.

180 1988 3½ x 5 1 original B&W print none

Overton Walker house, taken in 1988.

181 1988 3½ x 5 1 original B&W print none

Carl Schneider house in Hammond.

182 1988 3½ x 5 1 original B&W print none

House in Hammond.


Aerial view of the Hammond Square Mall. Photographer, Mark
Smith. Pix taken in 1983