Louisiana Trade Labels

Louisiana Trade Labels

Post Card Collection


Pix No. Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of pix Kind of image

1 early 20
th Cen. 4 x 6 1 color postcard none

NOLA Pure Coffee, Imported & Roasted by Merchants
Coffee Co.

2 early 20
th Cen. 4 x 6 1 color postcard none

Honeymoon Brand Coffee & Chicory, American Coffee
Co., Inc.

3 early 20
th Cen. 4 x 6 1 color postcard none

Belle of NOLA Brand Corn and Cane Syrup.

4 early 20
th Cen. 4 x 6 1 color postcard none

Jackson Square Brand Louisiana Molasses and Corn

5 early 20
th Cen. 4 x 6 1 color postcard none

Mytigood Brand, packed by Shreveport Syrup & Molasses
Co., Ltd.

6 early 20
th Cen. 4 x 6 1 color postcard none

The Tabasco Standard Brand Oysters. This label is a trade
mark of McIlhenny Company, and the design is used with the
permission of McIlhenny Company.