Piney Woods People II

Piney Woods People II

Photo Collection

Piney Woods People II

Pix #

Date of PixSize of PixNo. of PixKind of imageNegative

J-II-1 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a young child sitting on a stool which is draped
with a solid color dark blanket. Child is wearing a long white
dress and a jacket or sweater which is open in the front. Child
also has on a cap which appears to have a bow on either side. Child
has on dark colored lace-up shoes

J-II-2 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a young girl standing on a bench draped with a
dark color cloth. She has on white short dress, a large striped bow
on her head, dark stockings, high-top lace shoes, and she is
wearing a necklace.

J-II-3 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a young boy standing with his right hand holding
a chair which has been draped with a dark colored cloth. Boy has
his hair parted down the middle. He has a dark suit and tie on. The
coat is double breasted and has a belt buttoned on. The pants are
just above the knee and he has dak stockings on and high-top lace

J-II-4 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a young boy standing with his right arm hung over
a chair which has been draped with a dark cloth. Boy is wearing a
dark double breasted suit with six buttons, pants come just below
the knee. He is wearing dark stockings and high-top lace shoes

J-II-5 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of two young boys standing. Boy on left is wearing a
dark suit with top two buttons buttoned, pants that come just below
the knee, dark stockings and high-top lace shoes. His hair is
parted down the middle. Boy on right has dark double-breasted suit,
pants that come just below the knee, dark stockings and high-top
lace shoes

J-II-6 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a young woman and young baby. Woman is wearing a
long white dress with black belt. Baby is standing on a stool
draped with a dark cloth. Woman has arm around baby, Baby’s
right hand is touching the woman’s left. Baby is wearing long
white dress and dark stockings. There is part of a painting showing
to the right of the picture. The painting is on the ground and
leaning against the wall.

J-II-7 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a young woman and young child. Woman is wearing a
dark blouse and a long striped skirt. Child is standing on a stool
draped with dark cloth. Woman has her left arm in back of child.
Child is wearing a long white dress and a coat with a lace collar.
Child’s hair is parted down the middle

J-II-8 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of woman standing and a young girl seated to her
right. Woman is wearing long dark skirt, dark jacket and white
blouse. Girl is wearing a white dress and high-top lace shoes. Girl
has a bow on each side of her head.

Piney Woods People

Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

J-II-9 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A bust view of an older woman wearing a dark top and a white
blouse. She has a black tie around her neck and is wearing a cross

J-II-10 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A bust view of a young woman wearing a dark top with a white
square shaped dickey. She has her hair up, and parted down the

J-II-11 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a young black woman standing. She is wearing a
dark dress with lace sewn on the front of the dress coming from
each shoulder and stopping about mid-thigh and another piece of
lace sewn from mid-thigh on. There is lace at the high neck of the
collar and around each cuff. She is wearing a locket around her
neck and a ring on her right finger.

J-II-12 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

3×5 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a young woman standing. She is wearing a long
dark dress with a white dickey. The dickey has three buttons on
each side. Bottom part of sleeve is white. Front of dress has lace
sewn from each shoulder and stopping about mid-thigh. The part of
the dress from where the lace stops is pleated. She has a ring on
her left hand

J-II-13 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a young black woman standing. She is wearing a
dark dress and is holding a purse in her right hand. Her left hand
is behind her back

J-II-14 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a young black woman standing and turned a little
to the left so that her left arm is not showing in the picture. She
is wearing a long dark dress and is holding a purse in her right

J-II-15 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A bust view of two women wearing large hats. Woman on left is
wearing light color dress with circle on the dickey. Woman on right
is wearing dark colored dress with polka-dotted dickey

J-II-16 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of two women. Woman on right is standing. She is
wearing a white dress ans she has her right arm behind the other
woman who is seated and has her right arm in her lap. The seated
woman has a ring on her right hand and is also holding something.
She is wearing high-top lace shoes. Standing woman is holding
something in her left hand. Seated woman is wearing a dark

J-II-17 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of three young women. One seated in the middle of
two standing. Seated woman is wearing dark jacket with white blouse
and high-top shoes. Woman on right is wearing a light colored
dress. Woman on left has on a jacket that is too large, the sleeve
on her left arm is covering her hand.

Piney Woods People

Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

J-II-18 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A bust view of a man wearing suit, white shirt and bow tie. His
hair is parted on the left side.

J-II-19 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of two men standing. Both are wearing hats. The one
on the left has on a suit, vest, white shirt and tie. He is holding
his coat with his right hand. The man on left has on suit, white
shirt and light colored tie. His right hand is on his hip and he is
holding something in his left hand and that hand is held about
waist level

J-II-20 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

Three men, two seated with the third standing in the middle. The
two seated men have their hands crossed in their laps. They all
have on hats suits and white shirts. Man on right is wearing
striped pants.

J-II-21 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

Three men standing. The two men on the outside have their left
feet resting on a chair bottom. They all have hats on, white shirts
and no coats. The man in the middle is pouring a drink for the man
on the right and the man on the left is holding a glass.

J-II-22 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A bust view of a man and a woman. Woman’s top is dark with
a white dickey. Her hair is up but parted in the middle. The man
has on a dark coat, white shirt, and bow tie.

J-II-23 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a couple. Man is black and woman is Mulatto.

J-II-24 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a young woman standing in the woods in a long
white dress holding a bouquet of flowers in her left hand and her
right hand is behind her back

J-II-25 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of another young woman standing in the woods in a
long white dress holding a bouquet of flowers in her left hand and
her right is behind her back

J-II-25 early 1900s 5×7 2 B&W contact print glass

A full view of young woman standing in the woods in a long white
dress holding a bouquet of flowers in her left hand and her right
hand is behind her back

J-II-26 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a young woman in a white blouse and a dark skirt
standing in the woods. Her right hand is hanging by her side. She
has a large bow in her hair. She is smiling

J-II-27 early 1900s 5×7 2 B&W contact print glass

A full view of two young women in white dresses standing in the
woods. Girl on left has been identified as Katie Cleveland

Piney Woods People

Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

J-II-28 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a man on a horse in the woods. A side view of
horse with his head facing to the left of the picture

J-II-29 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a young man in a suit and tie standing in front
of a backdrop with a hat on

J-II-30 early 1900s 5×7 3 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a young man in a suit, tie and hat standing in
woods with left leg propped up on a fallen leg

J-II-31 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

Three men and a lady sitting on the ground in the woods. The
lady has her right hand behind her back

J-II-32 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A woman and two children out in the woods. The woman is sitting
and holding a baby in her lap. Another child is standing at her
right side. The woman has a large bow in her hair.

J-II-33 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of four children standing against a backdrop

J-II-34 early 1900s 5×7 2 B&W contact print glass

A full view of three children, two boys, and a very young girl
standing against a backdrop

J-II-35 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of three young girls standing in front of a picket

J-II-36 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A view of two children, younger child sitting in a chair draped
with a quilt and the older one standing to the left of the chair
with her right arm holding on to the chair

J-II-37 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a young girl sitting in a rocking chair out in a
yard. A picket fence is in the background

J-II-38 early 1900s 5×7 2 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a young child in a lacy white dress standing in
the woods

J-II-39 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A full view of a very young baby sitting in a carriage

J-II-40 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A view of a lot of people standing and holding flags. Several
carriages can also be seen

J-II-41 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

Picture of a young man posing out in the woods

Piney Woods People

Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

J-II-42 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

Picture of a young man posing out in the woods

J-II-43 early 1900s 4×5 2 B&W contact print glass

Young man sitting.

J-II-44 early 1900s 5×7 3 B&W contact print glass

Young man posed with his right hand resting on a chair covered
with a cloth and standing against a backdrop

J-II-45 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

Young man standing out in the woods

J-II-46 early 1900s 5×7 2 B&W contact print glass

Two men posed against a backdrop. Each one has a hand resting on
the back of a chair.

J-II-47 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

Two men posed out in the woods. One on the left is standing with
his left hand resting on the shoulder of the man sitting in a chair
which is covered with a flowered cloth

J-II-48 early 1900s 5×7 3 B&W contact print glass

Two men posed against a backdrop. Man on left has his hand
around the shoulder of the man on right

J-II-49 early 1900s 5×7 3 B&W contact print glass

Two men posed standing against a back drop

J-II-50 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

Two men sitting on a fallen log

J-II-51 early 1900s 5×7 2 B&W contact print glass

Two men standing out in the woods. They have on caps and work

J-II-52 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

Three men posed against a backdrop. Sign on floor beside
backdrop reads “A.L. Blush, Evergreen, Ala.”

J-II-53 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

Five men posed against a backdrop

J-II-54 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

Five men posed out in the woods

J-II-55 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

Bust shot of a young man

Piney Woods People

Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

J-II-56 early 1900s 5×7 2 B&W contact print glass

Young black woman posed standing outside in the woods in a white
dress and a flowered hat. She has her hands on her hips

J-II-57 early 1900s 5×7 3 B&W contact print glass

Picture of a young woman in oval frames, bust shot

J-II-58 early 1900s 5×7 2 B&W contact print glass

Two poses of a young woman in a sweater

J-II-59 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

Woman posed inside

J-II-60 early 1900s 5×7 4 B&W contact print glass

A young girl standing against a backdrop

J-II-61 early 1900s 5×7 2 B&W contact print glass

A young woman and young girl posed outside

J-II-62 early 1900s 5×7 4 B&W contact print glass

Three young women sitting on the ground beside a tree

J-II-63 early 1900s 5×7 2 B&W contact print glass

A little black girl in a white dress and a large hat standing
beside a picket fence

J-II-64 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

Young boy and girl posed in the woods. Boy is standing beside
girl sitting in a chair with a flowered cover. They are

J-II-65 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

Young boy and girl posed standing in the woods

J-II-66 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

A young girl and baby girl standing outside. Older child is
holding a bunch of flowers

J-II-67 early 1900s 5×7 4 B&W contact print glass

Two young girls in white dresses and large hats standing

J-II-68 early 1900s 5×7 3 B&W contact print glass

Three little girls with bows in their hair sitting outdoors

J-II-69 early 1900s 5×7 2 B&W contact print glass

Young man and woman holding hands out in the woods

Piney Woods People

Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of image

J-II-70 early 1900s 5×7 3 B&W contact print glass

Pictures of a man and woman pinned to a wall and

J-II-71 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

Two pictures on same negative. One on left is of two women
holding a fan with a man standing behind them. Picture on right is
of a young man sitting

J-II-72 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

Scene of a man, woman, and two children standing outdoors

J-II-73 early 1900s 5×7 3 B&W contact print glass

A young girl sitting at the piano with a man sitting on the
right and woman sitting on the left of the picture holding a dog
which is moving

J-II-74 early 1900s 5×7 5 B&W contact print glass

A young girl sitting at the piano with a man sitting at the left
of the picture and a woman sitting at the right holding a dog

J-II-75 early 1900s 5×7 1 B&W contact print glass

Scene of a family composed of eight people, two of them
children. Posed outdoors

J-II-76 early 1900s 5×7 2 B&W contact print glass

Scene of a family composed of 11 people, three of them children.
Posed outdoors

J-II-77 early 1900s 5×7 2 B&W contact print glass

A man sitting in a chair out in the woods holding a baby

J-II-78 early 1900s 5×7 3 B&W contact print glass

Picture of a row of cows with a man holding a bucket standing
behind them