Southeastern Shifting to Remote Operations

Degree Requirements

Minor in Dance and Contemporary Choreography

DNC 100, DNC 372 and DNC 373 — 9 Hours

DNC 300 or DNC 350 — 3 Hours

DNC 135, 235, 335, 435,155, 255, 355, 455,108, 224, 308, 309 — 6 Hours

Total = 18 Hours

Dance and Contemporary Choreography Minor

Bachelor of General Studies

Course Descriptions

100. Introduction to Dance.
Credit 3 hours. A non-technical course open to all interested persons. A study of the art and language of dance. Through lecture, observations, and discussions, this course is designed to develop appreciation, awareness and insight of dance as an art form and as a movement point of view. Opportunities provided to attend concerts and demonstrations. (Fall, Spring)

200. Dance for the Community.
Credit 3 hours. This course is designed to provide students with (1) knowledge of dance and movement activities that meet the needs and characteristics of special community groups and (2) practical application in working directly with these groups. (As Needed)

301. Introduction to InterARTS Performance.
Credit 3 hours. A variable content course that will engage visual and performance arts as overlapping endeavors in the creation of art. The course will investigate the relationships among the arts with the aim of generating work that blurs boundaries between the visual arts and performance. May be repeated for a total of 9 hours, as topics vary. (As Needed)

302. History and Survey of Dance.

Credit 3 hours. Historical development of dance as an art form, spectacle, and entertainment from ancienct societies to the present. (As Needed)

305. Dance Anatomy Movement Lab.

Credit 3 hours. Study of mechanical principles affecting the anatomical structure of the human body in motion and at rest. The practical application of these principles to body alignment, placement, and posture for dance. (As needed)

308. Site Specific Dance.
Credit 2 hour. The creation and performance of dance designed exclusively for selected sites. Students will study the physical layout, features, and history of sites for the purpose of creating unique movement vocabulary. May be repeated once for credit. (As Needed)

372. Choreography.
Credit 3 hours. Theory and practice of fundamentals of dance composition. May be repeated once for credit. (Fall)

373. Dance Production and Arts Administration.
Credit 3 hours. This course assists dance artists in learning how to produce and promote their original work. Students develop concept packets that exhibit organization of production elements: concert plans, timeline, budget, costume selection, dance lighting, props, scenery, program make-up, and promotional materials. (Spring)

405. Dance Education and Studio Management.
Credit 3 hours. Prerequisite: DNC 372. A thorough study on how to develop and run a performing arts studio. Course includes how to develop an artistic overview of the studio’s mission aligned with proposals for studio design and equipment; class selection, schedule, calendar, and studio policies; business and budget plans; and promotion and public relation ideas. (As Needed)

472. Advanced Choreography.
Credit 3 hours. Prerequisite: DNC 372. Advanced theory and practice of dance composition. May be repeated once for credit. (Fall)

491/591. Independent Study in Choreographic Design.
Credit 3 hours. Prerequisite: DNC 372 and DNC 230 or DNC 330 and a Junior and Senior standing. The organization and presentation of an original dance piece including planning, development, selection of theme, music, costume, staging, lighting, public performance of final work and written thesis.  (Fall, Spring)

495. Senior Performance.
Credit 3 hours. Prerequisite: DNC 372 and Senior standing. Presentation of a public senior dance concert encompassing a collection of work. Student must direct auditions, rehearsals, choreographic process, and presentation of work. (Spring)


113. Introduction to Movement Studies.
Credit 2 hours. A technical course open to all interested persons. A study of the art and language of movement as a personal point of view. Through lecture, various movement techniques, choreography, improvisation, observations, and discussions, this course is designed to develop an experiential approach to the appreciation, awareness, creation, and performance of dance as an art form. Opportunities provided to attend concerts and demonstrations. (Fall, Spring)

135. Contemporary Dance I.
Credit 2 hours. An introduction to basic principles of Contemporary Dance technique with an emphasis on the development of the body as an instrument of expression. May be repeated once for credit. Three hours per week. (Fall, Spring)

155. Contemporary Ballet I.
Credit 2 hours. An introduction to basic Ballet skills and vocabulary. May be repeated once for credit. Three hours per week. (Fall, Spring)

235. Contemporary Dance II.
Credit 2 hours. The study of intermediate principles of Contemporary Dance technique with an emphasis on the development of the body as an instrument of expression. May be repeated once for credit. Three hours per week. (Fall, Spring)

255. Contemporary Ballet II.
Credit 2 hours. The study of intermediate Ballet techniques and vocabulary. May be repeated once for credit. Three hours per week. (As Needed)

309. Partnering and Improvisation.
Credit 2 hours. Exploration of ensemble and partnering work through spontaneous movement problem-solving. The course is designed to evoke the student’s creative individuality. May be repeated once for credit. (As Needed)

335. Contemporary Dance III.
Credit 2 hours. The study of advanced principles of Contemporary Dance technique with an emphasis on the development of the body as an instrument of expression. May be repeated once for credit. Three hours per week. (Spring)

355. Contemporary Ballet III.
Credit 2 hours. The study of advanced Ballet techniques and vocabulary. May be repeated once for credit. Three hours per week. (As Needed)

435. Contemporary Dance IV.
Credit 2 hours. The study of advanced principles of Contemporary Dance technique with an emphasis on the development of the body as an instrument of expression in relationship to performance.  May be repeated once for credit. (Spring)

455. Contemporary Ballet IV (Pointe).
Credit 2 hours. The study of advanced Ballet techniques and vocabulary with emphasis on both contemporary and traditional pointe methods in relationship to performance. May be repeated once for credit. Three hours per week. (As Needed)

432. Directed Study in Dance Techniques.
Credit 2 hours. Advanced training in the appropriate dance technique. Content varies. May be repeated once for credit. (Fall, Spring)

452. Directed Study in Choreography.
Credit 2 hours. Advanced training in the appropriate dance choreography. Content varies. May be repeated once for credit. (Fall, Spring)

300. Dance Performance Project.
Credit 1 hour. Prerequisite: Audition required as performer but not as technical crew. This ensemble course emphasizes the difference between displaying movement and communicating it to an audience. The building of concentration, awareness of stylistic differences, and the establishment of professional behavior are developed in the rehearsal and performance processes. Rehearsals and performances in the theatre setting provide experiences in stage terminology and production techniques. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits. Three hours a week. (Fall, Spring)

350. Special Topics in Dance.
Credit 3 hours. A variable content course in subjects of special interests in dance. This course content will change from semester to semester. May be repeated for up to twelve hours of credit.  Topics include repertory, choreography, dance/movement therapy, improvisation through performance, commercial dance, and pointe. (Fall, Spring) 

460/560. Contemporary Dance Workshop.
Credit 3 hours. This performance-based course explores the relationship of contemporary movement, improvisation, and choreography and the various ways in which they are artistically crafted. This workshop culminates in a student performance. One hour of lecture and three hours of lab. Maybe repeated once for credit. (As needed)