Admission Procedure

An applicant for admission to Graduate Studies must submit a completed application, completed immunization form, a non-refundable fee, official copies of all transcripts, official copies of the required standardized test scores, and all other required paperwork, to the Graduate Admissions Office prior to the established deadlines.

Individual departments have their own deadline dates and standards for admission. These standards incorporate both qualitative and quantitative criteria more specific than those established by the University.  Only individual program graduate coordinators/directors or graduate faculty advisers may recommend the admission of applicants into specific graduate degree programs to the Director of Graduate Studies, who makes the final decisions on admissions. To be admitted to Graduate Studies, an applicant must meet the general University requirements and specific program/departmental requirements for which the applicant is applying. Admission to Graduate Studies is granted upon admission to a specific degree program or other non-degree classification.

The categories of admission to Graduate Studies for degree-seeking students are: Regular, Contingent, or Provisional. For non-degree-seeking students (ND ALT CERT, ND ADD-ON, Masters Plus 30, and ND Extended Studies) are: Non-Degree Classified or Non-Degree Unclassified.