The Hispanic Business and Leadership Institute
Hispanics Overview
Hispanics are the country’s largest and fastest growing minority, but they are not
an easily identified racial or ethnic group (Pew Hispanic Center, Trends 2005). The
2000 Census report describes the Hispanic population as a group with special characteristics
and profiles, including age, educational achievement, earnings, and geographic distribution.
In May 2008, the U.S. Census reported that the nation’s Hispanic population increased
1.4 million to reach 45.5 million on July 1, 2007, or 15.1 percent of the estimated
total U.S. population of 301.6 million. National and state estimates by race, Hispanic
origin, sex and age released today by the U.S. Census Bureau also show that the Hispanic
population exceeded 500,000 in 16 states.Hispanics remained the largest minority group,
with blacks (single race or multiracial) second at 40.7 million in 2007 (U.S. Census
Bureau, Press release, May 1, 2008)
The largest increase in the Hispanic population is occurring in the southern United
States (Pew Hispanic Center). Hispanic labor will expand to nearly 10 million by 2020
(Pew Hispanic Center). As an example of the significant presence of Hispanics in the
South, a recent news report on CNN (September 2, 2007) reported that 60% of the Houston’s
school children are Hispanic.
In a 2007 article in the Baton Rouge Advocate, Penny Brown reported on the uncertainty
of estimates on the number of Hispanics who have moved into the area. U.S. Census
estimates and a Louisiana Public Health Institute survey are expected to lend some
insight later this year. But even those numbers may not offer a true picture. Plenty
of evidence suggests the Latino population is booming (Brown, 2007).
The growing Hispanic population in the Southeast Louisiana region presents a unique
and complex socio-economic phenomenon. Prior to Katrina, the region’s parishes already
had a significant and growing population of Hispanics. The influx of Hispanics into
the region will impact structures, economy, culture, and vision. Indeed, the workforce
will be changing; the educational landscape will be varying.
A larger proportion of Hispanics are now attending college than was the case 20 years
ago, estimates place the number of Hispanic youths that have attended college at 1.5
millions (Pew Hispanic Center/ NCES.2006). The increase in Hispanic enrollment is
being driven by both population growth and increasing proportions of the population
enrolling in colleges and universities. In 1980, Hispanics represented 4 percent of
students enrolled in colleges and universities. Two decades later (in 2000), Hispanics
comprised 10 percent of the total enrollment. In the 1999-2000 school year, the most
popular fields of study in which Hispanics earned bachelor’s degrees were business,
social sciences/history, psychology, and education (Institute for Education Sciences-US
Department of Education).
Hispanic youth account for more than 34 percent of the total U.S. Hispanic population
and more than 18 percent of the total U.S. youth population. By 2020, Hispanic youth
will make up 23 percent of all U.S. youth (USHCC, 2006). Approximately 2 million Hispanic-owned
businesses in the country generate almost $300 billion in annual gross receipts. By
2010, there will be 3.2 million Hispanic firms generating $465 billion in revenue
(Small Business Administration, HispanicTelligence�).

The Hispanic Business and Leadership Institute
The Hispanic community has made significant contributions to the development of our
great nation and has an important role in today’s U.S. economic and social success.
According to U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, “one of every 13 small businesses
is Hispanic-owned in the United States, and the IRS predicts that number will rise
to one in ten by 2009,” and, “Hispanic businesses are a dynamic, growing, new force
in our economy” The Hispanic population will have an extraordinary economic influence
in the next decade.
Supporting social and economic development to the Hispanic community will bring enormous
opportunities to the entire region of Louisiana. Because education is the key for
success, the Hispanic Business and Leadership Institute will be support Hispanic initiatives
in education from K-12 through college as part an effort to lead the social, economic
and political progress of the Hispanic community.

The need to address global issues has long been recognized at Southeastern Louisiana
University. The initiative promotes a commitment within the College of Business’s
mission to “prepare students to be leaders of business, industry, and government in
a dynamic global environment” as well as University core values of appreciating diversity,
ethical behavior, excellence, quality curriculum and instruction, as well as dedication
to service. This implies the need to develop and coordinate resources to promote and
improve economic, social and educational opportunities for the Hispanic community.
Institute Mission
To provide the socio-economic development of Hispanic community in the Southeast region
through a multi-faceted program that advances the professional development and growth
of Hispanic youth and enhances the competitiveness of Hispanic businesses in the U.S.
and Latin America.
To facilitate educational opportunities for Louisiana’s Hispanic youth
To encourage business competitiveness through the dissemination of best practices
in leadership
To provide a permanent forum for the Hispanic community to discuss issues related
to business, political, and socio-economic sustainable development
The Institute incorporates a number of unique characteristics to fulfill its mission
and goals in order to promote sustainable economic and social development through
the nurturing of human capital with special focus on the young Hispanic population.
Hispanic Entrepreneur and Global Leadership Annual Symposium
Hispanic Business Workshops & Community Service
Hispanics Business and Leadership Summer Camp
Hispanic Entrepreneur and Global Leadership Annual Symposium & Workshops
Leadership in the 21st Century requires understanding of globalization and cultural
diversity. As individuals mature within an increasingly global social and business
environment, the young are in an especially auspicious position to play a leading
role in development. This symposium and attendant workshops examine the role of youth
in global transformations and conceptualization of leadership practices.
This program embraces the institute’s mission in different approaches. Collaborative
efforts within university units will promote global issues and raise a significant
appreciation of cultural diversity as well as create an everlasting relationship between
the Hispanic community and the community at large in the region.
The annual Hispanic entrepreneur symposium will allow examining the role of entrepreneurship
in the economic and business related development of the Hispanic community and how
a Hispanic individual may overcome political, socio-economic and technological obstacles.
The symposium will approach and encourage greater communication, cooperation and business
opportunities between Hispanic and non-Hispanic businesses. The symposium will be
conducted for prominent Hispanics and Non-Hispanic leaders. The annual Hispanic Entrepreneur
and Global Leadership Symposium will be held at Southeastern Louisiana University’s
College of Business during and as a part of Business Week.
Hispanic Business Workshop & Community Service
As a complement and important component of the Institute’s overarching goals, this
annual Hispanic Business Workshop will provide technical, educational and organizational
practical training to the Hispanic population in the region.
This part of the program will connect Southeastern students associations such as SIFE,
Association of Latin American Students (Southeastern-ALAS), and faculty, in real and
relevant colloquia with the Hispanic community.
A fundamental part of this workshop is designed and focused on Hispanic business growth
and development. A distinctive feature of the program will be the opportunity for
Southeastern students engage in service learning activities with the Hispanic population.
Hispanics Business and Leadership Summer Camp
Appreciation of cultural diversity,
modernization of business practices, and leadership experiences will create opportunities
for the Hispanic college business students and serve as a foundation for success and
critical thinking.
The Hispanic business community has made significant contributions in the area of
economic development in the United States and also holds an important role in future
economic and social success. It is common to see the claim stating that Latino educational
levels are continually falling behind that of the U.S. native population.
The objectives of the Hispanic Business and Leadership Summer Camp program are ambitious
yet attainable. They will guide the formative and creative educational processes of
Hispanic college students to help them succeed in their education and life. As a result,
a strong business and leadership component will be part of the summer camp. The mission
and conceptual framework correlate strongly with the role, scope and mission of the
Institute and the Southeastern College of Business.
The program will serve junior/senior Hispanic students from the colleges of business
from the eight regional universities that make up the University of Louisiana System.
The Hispanic Business and Leadership Summer Camp is an outstanding opportunity for
Latino college students to discover new faces in their lives and to put business skills
to work in practical, real world applications. With a comprehensive portfolio of activities
and working side-by-side with top business executives and community leaders, the participants
in the HBLS will develop a new and rejuvenated spirit of interdependence through a
broad array of experiences that enable college Latino students a complete educational
The Hispanic Business and Leadership Summer Camp will go beyond the traditional instruction
of business courses by providing Latino youth with the tools and resources they need
to develop business opportunities and to become effective community leaders.