GIS Time Capsule Camp

Learn about cutting-edge technology of geographic information systems used in many
careers fields (from medical to construction to music and more) while creating a GIS
Time Capsule Story Map of your experiences due to the coronavirus pandemic.

This online and outdoor experience GIS workshop introduces participants to cutting-edge,
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology through project-based learning.

Join us starting July 19th for 10 hours of instruction over one week from GIS expert
Fran Harvey as she guides you through the creation of your own dynamic Time Capsule
on a digital map that comes to life when you share it with your family and friends.

Participants who complete the GIS Time Capsule workshop will receive priority registration
for the full 30-week GIS Technician (Entry Level) Industry-Based Certification course

Time Capsule Workshop participants are expected to commit to 10 hours of online class
and 2 hours outside of class:

  • Monday, July 19th, 10:00am – 12:00pm

2 Hour Introductory StoryMaps Online Session

  • Tuesday, July 20th, 10:00am – 12:00pm

2 Hour 1:1 Coaching and Lab Session

  • Wednesday, July 21st, 10:00am – 12:00pm

2 Hour Full Time Capsule Session

  • Thursday, July 22nd, 10:00am – 12:00pm

2 Hour 1:1 Lab Session

  • Friday, July 23rd, 10:00am – 12:00pm

2 Hour Wrap-Up

One to one assistance throughout the week as needed in between online sessions above
from 8:00am – 8:00pm, all week. 

Eligible Students: 10th & 11th grade Louisiana GEAR UP students (Click here for the list of eligible schools).



GIS Time Capsule 2021