About Us
Welcome to Southeastern’s Office of TRiO Programs and Special Projects
Southeastern is much more than just an institution of higher learning. It is an institution
that embraces its students, faculty and staff, and its community. As the Director
of TRiO Programs and Special Projects, I am extremely delighted to share in this mission
of the university.
The office of TRiO Programs and Special Projects is a unit under the supervision of
the Division of Academic Affairs. The majority of time is spent working with the TRIO
programs located on our campus. These programs include: Upward Bound, Educational
Talent Search, Student Support Services, Educational Opportunity Centers, Veterans
Upward Bound, and Upward Bound Math/Science. The GEAR UP project is a program housed
with the TRIO programs.
The Federal TRIO Programs are educational opportunity outreach programs designed to
motivate and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds. TRIO includes outreach
and support programs targeted to serve and assist low-income, first-generation college
students, and students with disabilities to progress through the academic pipeline
from middle school to post baccalaureate programs. Students enrolled in Southeastern’s
TRIO programs mirror nation’s multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society. TRIO college
graduates are working in business, industry, government, medicine, law, education,
communication, sales, finance, politics, transportation, publishing, law enforcement,
computer science and technology, engineering, and accounting.
For more information on a specific program, please visit that program’s website for
detailed information about the program.
Dr. Duane Donald
Director of TRiO Programs/Special Projects