Friends & Donors


galva canal boardwalkTurtle Cove is seeking to expand its breadth of support  from individuals and businesses
in our community, and within the region we serve.


Donations in support of Turtle Cove’s education, outreach, restoration and research
programs can be made online through the Southeastern Foundation. Any donation you make is greatly appreciated, and will help Turtle Cove staff to
continue to provide the research support and education/outreach programs we have always
provided by helping to fund necessary equipment, supplies and other items used at
the station every day.



If preferred, checks can be made to “Southeastern Foundation” (indicate “Friends of
Turtle Cove” in the memo) and send to:

  Turtle Cove Environmental Research Station
  Southeastern Louisiana University
  Box 10585
  Hammond, LA 70402


Our new boardwalk now has a Self-Guided Boardwalk Tour with 55 signs along the 2/3 mile boardwalk, showing pictures and describing various
species of mammals, reptiles/amphibians, vegetation, birds and fish, along with a
few signs discussing the cultural history of the area—each sign has a “sponsorship
space” (plate) available for any individual or business that would like to sponsor
that sign. The plate will note the person or business’s name (and logo if applicable).
Please contact the Turtle Cove Manager for more details and visit the self guided
boardwalk tour to see the available signs to choose from.


For more information about additional donation and program support opportunities at
Turtle Cove, please contact:

  Robert Moreau, Manager
  Office Phone: 985-549-5008
  Cell Phone: 504-231-1067
  [email protected]


Volunteer Opportunities

If you are interested in assisting in any of our research, education or outreach activities,
please email us.