Southeastern Shifting to Remote Operations

Build a Resume

Your resume is the first impression you will make on an employer. Stand out from the crowd by learning what employers want to see on your resume and showing off your skills and accomplishments. Start with these 5 steps to make your resume Lion Ready!

5 Steps to Build or Strengthen Your Resume

Read and understand what a resume is so you know how to get started. 

Use one of our resume samples to make sure your resume format is strong.

Write accomplishment statements, and use action verbs to show off your skills.

When you’re ready, use one of the options below to get your resume reviewed. Send your resume to [email protected] or upload to Handshake for feedback on your resume. Please note, Career Services does not guarantee all errors will be detected in our resume reviews. 

Examples of Application Documents

3 Ways to Get Your Resume Reviewed

  1. Handshake Upload Reviews
    1. Resumes submitted to Handshake are reviewed and must be approved by Career Services
      before you can apply for jobs in Handshake to ensure that your resume is presentable
      to employers.
    2. Only a general review is provided, so for more in-depth feedback, please use one of
      the services described below. 
  2. Email Resume Reviews
    1. Read the Resume Rules, Examples, and information above to create an appropriate format and content. 
    2. Create or save your resume in Microsoft Word and email it to [email protected]
    3. Our staff will conduct a general review and email you with suggestions. Wait time varies depending upon demand.
  3. Career Services Appointments
    1. For a more in-depth review and discussion of your resume, our staff are available to meet with you.
    2. To schedule an appointment, login to Handshake, email [email protected], or come by our office in the Student Union Annex, Room 2102. 

For more information on the above services, please contact our office at (985) 549-2121 or email [email protected] for more information. 

Handshake Resume Rules

Your resume will NOT be approved for use in Handshake if:

  • Excessive spelling, grammar, punctuation, or sentence structure errors are identified.
  • Headings are not used to organize your resume information. For example, Objective,
  • Education, Skills Summary, Experience, Activities & Honors, etc.
  • Incorrect degree information is listed — research your academic department’s website.
  • It exceeds one page, especially if you are a student or recent alumni.
  • It is not created in Word.
  • References are listed directly on resume — given to employer separately as requested.
  • Action words and other “key” words are not used that associate with the field, career, or job for which you are applying.
  • Information is not listed in reverse chronological order (i.e., most recent to least) for each area.

If you need additional guidance, read our expanded resume rules one-page, detailed document. 

Disclaimer: We provide a brief resume review when resumes are uploaded into Handshake.  We do not guarantee all errors will be detected.  You are ultimately responsible for ensuring your resume is free of errors.