Southeastern to Remain Remote on Thursday, January 23

Optimal Resume

Optimal Resume is an online tool designed to assist job seekers with composing resumes and cover letters, managing an online portfolio, and developing interviewing skills.

Build Your Resume

Optimal Resume assists job seekers in creating, presenting, and managing resumes. View professionally written samples based on industry and experience level, plus styling options to match any personality.

Cover Letters

Optimal Letter is an online letter builder that makes it easy for job seekers to create almost any kind of business or professional letter.

Job seekers can select from a variety of letter types, including:

  • Cover letters
  • Application letters
  • Networking letters
  • Rejection letters
  • Withdrawal letters
  • Broadcast letters
  • Acceptance letters
  • Follow-up letters
  • Thank you letters


With Optimal Interview, job seekers can easily practice a number of different interview scenarios. Get an employer’s view of the interview by recording your responses, plus professional coaching and sample answers for hundreds of questions.


This online self-assessment tool helps job seekers identify their marketable skills and communicate them effectively to employers. Find out which skills and abilities are valued in your industry, then see how your experience matches up

Your Portfolio

Job seekers create an attractive online portfolio that demonstrates their unique skills and competencies to employers.

Two portfolio types are available:

  • File Cabinet–  allows job seekers to upload a variety of document types and provide descriptions and viewing requirements for each. File types include .DOC, .XLS, .PDF, .ZIP, .JPG, .TXT, .WAV, and more.
  • Slide Show– display images online; simple to upload images and also includes titles and captions.