President’s Awards for Excellence Electronic Application Package

The President’s Awards for Excellence application has been transformed into a digital format following the recommendations of an Ad Hoc Committee in the Fall of 2022.

The Ad Hoc Committee had the following recommendations

The committee recommended three main changes:  (1) submission of nominations via an electronic application package, (2) utilization of a more structured template for clarity and consistency in applications, and (3) an earlier start in the timeline to potentially increase interest and generate more submissions. 

These recommendations have been implemented and are reflected in updated guidelines and procedures (revised July 26, 2022) available at

The Center for Faculty Excellence will conduct workshops to guide you through the new application process. These workshops are designed to provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to submit a successful application. We encourage you to register for a session that suits your schedule HERE. If none of these dates work for you, please contact the Digital Portfolio Administrator, Lynsey Neuville, to schedule an individual meeting. She can be reached at [email protected] or Extension X 2506.

The deadline for submitting the President’s Awards for Excellence electronic application package is October 1st unless the University is closed. If the University is closed, the Electronic Application Package is due the following business day at 5:00 PM.

If you would like to be enrolled in the President’s Awards for Excellence Canvas Course and resource center, please use the following link:

Click HERE to Request an Application