Federal Student Aid Eligibility

Federal Student Aid (FSA), also known as Title IV funding, is provided by the U.S. Department of Education. Federal aid helps students to pay for higher education expenses. Federal student aid covers such expenses as tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and transportation. Aid can also help pay for a computer and for dependent care. Please note: Students may not exceed loan limits regulated by the U.S. Department of Education.

Requirements for Maintaining Federal Student Aid (FSA)

Federal Student Aid is awarded under the assumption that a student will complete course(s) for the entire semester and/or payment period for which the funds were awarded. If a recipient of Title IV funds stops attending Southeastern Louisiana University after beginning attendance, officially and/or unofficially, in a course, regardless of the reason, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds originally awarded. For detailed information regarding this policy, please visit the Resignation Policy page. Further, it is the students responsibility to understand the financial implications of any decision that changes their enrollment status. 

The overall policy to maintaining Federal Student and frequently asked questions can be found below:

  • Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
    • Each year, a student must complete a Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) on studentaid.gov.
      Southeastern’s Federal School Code: 002024 
  • Enrollment Status
    • Students must be enrolled in at least half-time status. If a student drops below half-time (less than 6 hours as an undergraduate and 5 hours as a graduate) enrollment, they may be ineligible for aid, including loans. Additionally, depending on the time during the semester if a course(s) is dropped, a student’s aid may be adjusted. 
    • Whether or not to drop a course is an academic issue; however, it is a student’s responsibility to understand the financial implications of this decision. Students should familiarize themselves with the Academic Calendar prior to any schedule adjustments.
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
    • Students seeking to receive financial aid must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) from one semester to the next or they may become ineligible for aid, including loans. Eligibility and requirements can be found on the Satisfactory Academic Progress page.

Frequently Asked Questions About Maintaining Federal Student Aid (FSA)

My enrollment status changed to below the half-time requirement since I accepted financial aid. What will happen to my aid?

  • Students who accepted any financial aid and intend on continuing with less than half-time enrollment, may have their aid reduced and/or removed from their account dependent on their enrollment status. Students are responsible for any tuition and fees remaining on their account. 
  • If a student decides to attend the semester and has less than half-time enrollment status, the student is financially responsible for any tuition and fees remaining on their account.
    • In addition, if a student had already borrowed loans in previous semesters, the loan grace period for repayment will begin (six months for Federal Direct Loans). If a student has already used their loan grace period, then they may begin repayment. For more information about repayment, students should contact their appropriate loan service and visit studentaid.gov.

Can I add courses to reach half-time enrollment? 

  • Yes, if students have completed a FAFSA and meets SAP requirements, they may add additional courses within the drop/add period to reach a minimum of half-time enrollment. As a reminder, they are responsible for any tuition and fees incurred as a result of adding additional courses.

How will dropping courses prior to the end of the Drop/Add period affect my financial aid?

Whether or not to drop a course is an academic issue; however, it is a student’s responsibility to understand the financial implications of this decision. Students should familiarize themselves with the Academic Calendar prior to any schedule adjustments.

  • Financial aid award(s) may be adjusted if a student’s award(s) requires full-time or half-time enrollment and their hours drop below the minimum required.
  • If a student is a Federal Pell Grant recipient, the grant may be adjusted; for example, if you drop from 12 to 9 hours, your grant may be prorated. 
  • If a student has a loan(s) that requires a minimum number of hours, and the loan has not disbursed, the student may become ineligible for the loan. Loan amount eligibility is determined at the time of disbursement.

How will dropping courses after Drop/Add period affect my financial aid?

Whether or not to drop a course is an academic issue; however, it is a student’s responsibility to understand the financial implications of this decision. Students should familiarize themselves with the Academic Calendar prior to any schedule adjustments.

  • Financial aid award(s) may be adjusted if a student’s award(s) requires full-time or half-time enrollment and their hours drop below the minimum required. 
  • If a student has a loan(s) that requires a minimum number of hours, and the loan has not disbursed, the student may become ineligible for the loan. Loan amount eligibility is determined at the time of disbursement.
  • Dropping hours after Drop/Add may jeopardize future aid eligibility, including loans. Students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress or they may become ineligible for aid, including loans.
  • If a recipient of Title IV funds stops attending Southeastern Louisiana University after beginning attendance, officially and/or unofficially, in a course, regardless of the reason, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds originally awarded. For detailed information regarding this policy, please visit the Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4) Policy page.

What can I do if I am ineligible to receive Financial Aid?

  • If a student is ineligible due to not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements, they can submit a SAP Appeal Form. Please note: If an appeal is denied, students are responsible for any tuition and
    fees remaining on their account.

    • If a student decides to attend the semester and has less than half-time enrollment
      status, they student is financially responsible for any tuition and fees remaining
      on their account.

      • In addition, if a student had already borrowed loans in previous semesters, the loan grace period for repayment will begin (six months for Federal Direct Loans). If a student has already used their loan grace period, then they may begin repayment. For more information about repayment, students should contact their appropriate loan servicer and visit studentaid.gov.
  • If a student decides to resign or withdraw from the university due to ineligibility, a student must drop all courses before the first day of classes. 
    • If a student does this on or after the first class day, the Southeastern tuition refund policy determines how much tuition and fees are refunded when a student withdraws from all classes. The university’s Resignation/Withdrawal Policy and Student Fee Refund Policy can be found in the University Catalog.  

Whether or not to drop a course or resign is an academic issue; however, it is a student’s responsibility to understand the financial implications of this decision. Students should familiarize themselves with the Academic Calendar prior to any schedule adjustments.