University Approved Training Classes for Paraprofessional EEO Classification


Approved Training


Course Course Description Prerequisites
ACCT 200 Intro. to Financial Acct Soph. standing
ACCT 221 Intermediate Financial Accounting I C or better in ACCT 200 & 2.1 Cum. GPA
ACCT 225 Managerial Accounting ACCT 200
ACCT 312 Intermediate Financial Accounting II C or better in ACCT 221 & Junior
ACCT 313 Intermediate Financial Accounting III C or better in ACCT 312 & Junior
ACCT 320 Accounting Info Systems & Procedures C or better in ACCT 221, OMIS 350, & Junior
COMM 211 Intro to Public Speaking None
COMM 215 Intro to Interpersonal Communication None
COMM 413 Advanced Speaking for the Professional COMM 210 or 211
COMM 418 Small Group Communications Junior
CMPS 110 Computer Literacy None
CMPS 120 Microcomputers & BASIC Programming Reg/credit for MATH 155, 161 or 165
CMPS 161 Algorithm Design and Implementation I Reg/credit for MATH 161 or 155 or permission from Dept Head
CMPS 225 Software Applications MATH 241 or equal & CMPS 110
CMPS 233 Desk Top Publishing CMPS 110 or permission of Dept. Head1
CMPS 234 Intro to Applications of Database Mgmt Systems CMPS 110 or 151
CMPS 262 COBOL Programming Reg/credit for MATH 155, 161 or 165
CMPS 280 Algorithm Design and Implementation II CMPS 161 and C or better in MATH 155 or 161
CMPS 383 Information Systems CMPS 285
CMPS 389 Computer Graphics MATH 200 & CMPS 280
ENGL 101 Freshman Composition Placement
ENGL 102 Critical Reading and Writing ENGL 101 or 121H or demonstration of superior ability on the ACT
ENGL 322 Intro to Professional and Technical Writing ENGL 102 or 122H
HS 133 Healthy Lifestyles for the 21st Century None
LS 102 Intro to Information Research None
MATH 105 Finite Mathematics score of 19 or above on Mathematics section of the ACT or appropriate score on COMPASS
exam or satisfactory completion of a developmental Math course
MATH 151 College Algebra with Fundamentals score of 19 or above on Mathematics section of the ACT or appropriate score on COMPASS
exam or satisfactory completion of a developmental Math course
MATH 161 College Algebra Score of 21 Math Section of ACT, DVMA 92, or an appropriate score on the Developmental
Placement Test
MATH 162 Trigonometry MATH 155 161
MATH 163 Calculus for the Biological, Business, and Social Sciences MATH 161 or 155 or ACT 28 or higher
MATH 165 Precalculus with Trigonometry MATH 160, Math ACT of 21 or permission of Dept. Head
MATH 200 Calculus I Score of 28 on Math section of ACT or MATH 165
MATH 201 Calculus II MATH 200
MATH 241 Elementary Statistics MATH 161 or 155 or ACT 28 or higher
BLAW 231 The Legal Environment of Business None
BLAW 232 Business Law None
BLAW 333 Commercial Law for Accountants Major in Accounting and/or CPA candidate, Junior standing and BLAW 234
ECON 333 Introduction to Money and Banking ECON 201 and 202 and Junior standing, or ECON 102 and Junior standing
OMIS 200 Business Statistics MATH 155 or 161 and CMPS 110 or MGMT 210
OMIS 210 Business Statistical Models II MATH 241 or OMIS 200
OMIS 320 Principles of Supply Chain Management OMIS 200 or MATH 241 and Junior standing
OMIS 350 Mgmt Information Systems CMPS 110 or MGMT 210
OMIS 430 Production and Operations Management MGMT 351 and OMIS 210 or OMIS 200 or consent of Dept. Head
MGMT 210 Microcomputer Applications for Business None
MGMT 240 Professional Business Development MGMT 210
MGMT 351 Principles of Management Junior standing
MGMT 464 Business Strategy Management 351, Finance 381, Marketing 303, OMIS 200 and Senior standing
MGMT 478 Leadership Management 351; Senior standing, or permission of Dept. Head
MRKT 303 Principles Marketing Junior standing
MRKT 319 Consumer Behavior Marketing 303 and Junior standing
MRKT 321 Personal Selling Junior standing
MRKT 310 Foundations of Marketing Design Junior standing
MRKT 373 Social Media and Digital Marketing MRKT 303
MRKT 432 Marketing Research MRKT 303 and OMIS 200 or MATH 241
MRKT 444 Marketing Management MRKT 303 and Senior standing
POLI 202 State & Local Politics None
POLI 460 Public Administration POLI 201 and ENGL 102
SAFT 202 General Safety Education None