Unit Name: Human Resources Office
Unit Head: Jessie Roberts
Unit Area: Administration and Finance
Unit Type: Institutional Support
Reporting Period: 2008-2009
Mission Statement:
It is the mission of the Human Resources Office to enhance and
provide Human Resources related support services for post-secondary
education, research and service for the University community.
1.To maintain evidence that our strategic priorities are
being met.
2.To achieve a satisfactory rating of 90% on customer
service surveys.
3.To achieve a satisfactory review by external
1.Conduct a self-assessment review, which includes
interviewing administrators and key users to ask how HR can improve
current practices and procedures. Collect and review data on
current services provided as well as the review of turnover
2.For training classes offered through HR, give
participants a class evaluation form to complete and return.
3.Use point-of-service survey forms.
4.On two-year cycles conduct customer service surveys of
HRO service users, which includes a representative sample of
university employees.
5.External evaluators/auditors will review and report on
personnel action processing and records. External
evaluators/auditors may include but are not limited to Legislative
Auditors, Civil Service Auditors and Risk Management Auditors.
1.Self-audit activity is an on-going process.
Improvements have resulted from on going meetings with
administrators and key users who have identified areas targeted for
2.The Human Resources Office participated in several
general surveys conducted by the Institutional Research and
Assessment Office. Results from the IR survey have been
3.Training class evaluation forms are reviewed to improve
delivery of faculty and staff development programs.
4.In January 2005, a comparison of the past 3 years’
turnover reports showed why our employees were leaving.
5. A summary of our point of service questionnaire results
was compiled and the results reviewed to help determine areas
needing improvement.
6.An external FLSA consultant was hired in 2004-2005 to
review FLSA classifications and to recommend any changes needed to
assist with implementation of the new overtime rules, which were
effective 8/17/2004.
7. An External Review Team was brought in Spring 2007 to
review the HR Office and made the following recommendations to
improve effectiveness and efficiencies.
a.Provide Storage needed for
inactive files
b.Upgrade and Renovate HR Offices
c.Implement an on-line
application system
8.A Committee made up of selected department heads and
deans was appointed by President Moffett to review the hiring
process during the late spring and summer of 2007. They recommended
an on-line application system and upgrading the timekeeping
Use of Results:
1.Information gathered from the assessments is used to
align the Human Resources Office’s activities and services
more closely with the identified needs of the university and the
university’s strategic plan.
2.Results from the review of training class evaluation
forms led to the creation of a script and the filming of our own
training video on the legal aspects of hiring which was completed
and we began using in January 2005.
3.Results from the Spring 2004 Faculty and Staff Survey
were used to improve services and benefits offered. The
responses showed that 97.67% of the respondents were satisfied with
the quality of customer service provided. One responder
made a request for more information about Social Security Windfall
Elimination. As of 1/1/05, all prospective employees are
given a handout on the impact state employment has on Social
Security Benefits. This information was also added to our
4.Results from the Civil Service Audit were
reviewed. The promotion policy was modified as recommended by
Civil Service.
5.At the beginning of the Fall Semester 2004, External
FLSA consultant, Mr. Don Strobel’s, review resulted in the
FLSA status change of approximately 60 employees. This was
directly related to changes in the DOL rule changes effective
8/17/2004. Some changes were the result of not meeting the
salaries test of being paid at least $23,660 per year, which is the
floor for salaried positions. Other positions did not meet
the duties tests. We believe we are now in compliance with the
6.Results from the point of service questionnaires
reviewed show that our employees are well satisfied with the
customer service being provided. The overall satisfaction rate for
the Employment Section was 99%. The Overall satisfaction rate
for the Benefits Section was 95%. The overall satisfaction
rate for the Classification & Pay Section was 96 %. The
overall satisfaction rate for the Training Section was
7.Results from the 2007 External Review Team and the
On-Campus Committee Appointed by Dr. Moffett were used to secure
funding for 1) to secure and implement Image Now’s Document
Imaging System, 2) to implement the PeopleAdmin Applicant Tracking
and Position Management, 3) to provide additional storage for
inactive records and 4) to upgrade furnishings and renovate the HR
building. Replacing the timekeeping system with PeopleSoft
Time and Labor is currently being explored.