Strategic Priority 3 – Strategy 3.1

Strategic Priority 3

To foster the development and effective utilization of
faculty and staff

Strategy 3.1

In coordination with the colleges and departments, the
University will develop and implement a coordinated plan
for professional development of faculty and staff

Plan Start Date

Implementation Start Date: Fall 2001

Plan End Date

Spring 2002
Implementation End Date: Spring 2006

Intended Outcome:

80% of the faculty and staff will participate in one or
more professional development activities each year during
the period Fall 2001 and Spring 2006.

Action Plan

  • Establish ad hoc committee of trainers to develop a
    consolidated list of training currently offered as well
    as a list of equipment and training facilities
  • Develop a set of professional development activities
    for implementation. (Example: Department Head
    Mini Series)
  • Implement PeopleSoft Training Module by June 30, 2002
    in order to track and report on training activities.
  • Upgrade to PeopleSoft 8 in 2002-2003.


  • To be measured AY 01-02, 03-04, and 05-06.
  • Information gathered from the assessments will be
    used to align the Human Resource Office’s
    activities and services more closely with the identified
    staff development needs of the university and the
    university’s strategic plan.

Resources Needed

Additional dollars for overtime for HR Staff to
implement PS Training Module and funds for one Management
Intern to work 20-25 hours per week to assist with the
implementation and data conversion. Convert temporary
Clerk Chief 1 to permanent position to maintain training
data in PS Training Module.


  • $8,500 for implementation
  • 14,914 for Clerk Chief 1 position to maintain
    Training Module