Southeastern to Remain Remote on Thursday, January 23

About Us

Mission and Major Responsibilities

Office Staff

The mission of the Office of Institutional Research is to provide data, information, expertise, and leadership in support of the mission, vision, and strategic priorities of Southeastern Louisiana University .

The office provides data to all university departments and offices to support decision-making.



  1. Submit reports and data as required by state, federal, and accrediting agencies in a timely manner.*

  2. Design, conduct and report on studies, surveys, and analysis in support of decision-making, assessment, and planning for all university units.

  3. Submit responses to information/data requests from external organizations in a timely manner.

  4. Communicate institutional information to the University community and the community at large, through a variety of media.

  5. Provide leadership between functional units to bring about changes in policies and procedures that ensure a higher degree of standardization and integrity of data in the campus database systems.

  6. Administer and oversee the Student Opinion of Teaching process, ensuring that all policies are properly adhered to.

  7. Provide helpful consultation to University personnel and committees concerning appropriate research design, effective survey development, and test/measurement pedagogy and techniques.


* Mandatory reports to external agencies (e.g., governing boards and state/Federal agencies) are high priority projects.


In all of its activities, the office will ensure the confidentiality of information and that information is released only to appropriate individuals and groups in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. The office will adhere to the AIR Code of Ethics in all its undertakings.


Staff Research and Conference Presentations

Top Ten Reasons We Love IR

A History of Southeastern’s IR Office


Degrees Awarded Dashboard Test