CDS 2003 Academic Offerings and Policies

CDS 2003 Academic Offerings and Policies

E1. Special study options: Identify those programs available at your institution. Refer to definitions.

Cross-registration Internships
Distance learning Liberal arts/career combination
Double major Study abroad
Honors program Teacher certification program
Independent study  
E3. Areas in which all or most students are required to complete some course work prior
to graduation.

Arts/fine arts Humanities
Computer literacy Mathematics
English (including composition) Sciences (biological or physical)
History Social science

Library Collections

Report the number of holdings. Refer to the most recent Academic Libraries Survey,
for corresponding equivalents.

E4. Books, serial backfiles, and government documents that are accessible through the
library’s catalog � include bound periodicals and newspapers and exclude microforms:


E5. Current serial subscriptions:


E6. Microforms:


E7. Audiovisual materials:


E8. E-books:


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