CDS 2007 General Information

CDS 2007 General Information



Respondent Information
Name: Dr. Michelle Hall
Title: Director, Institutional Research & Assessment
Office: Office of Institutional Research & Assessment
Mailing Address: SLU 11851, Hammond, LA 70402
Phone Number: (985) 549-2077
Fax Number: (985) 549-3640
E-mail Address: [email protected]
URL Common Data Set:
A1. Address Information
Name of University: Southeastern Louisiana University
Mailing Address: 548 Western Avenue, Hammond, LA 70402
Main Phone Number: (985) 549-2000
Home Page Address:
Admissions Phone Number: (985) 549-2066
Admissions Toll-Free Number: (800) 222-7358
Admissions Office Mailing Address: SLU 10752, Hammond, LA 70402
Admissions Fax Number: (985) 549-5632
Admissions E-mail Address: [email protected]
URL Application Site:
A2. Source of institutional control: Public
A3. Classify your undergraduate institution: Coeducational college
A4. Academic year calendar: Semester
A5. Degrees offered by your institution: Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral

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