CDS 2011 Enrollment and Persistence

CDS 2011 Enrollment and Persistence

B1. Institutional Enrollment–Men and Women. Number of students for each of the following categories as of Fall 2011 the 14th
class day. (Southeastern’s Official Census Date)
  Men Women Men Women


Degree-seeking, first-time freshmen 970 1,324 63 80
Other first-year, degree-seeking 549 627 84 88
All other degree-seeking 2,712 4,478 533 1,032
Total degree-seeking 4,231 6,429 680 1,200
All other undergraduates enrolled in credit courses 5 11 679 837
Total undergraduates 4,236 6,440 1,359 2,037


Degree-seeking, first-time 55 120 18 96
All other degree-seeking 72 180 125 425
All other graduates enrolled in credit courses 8 27 41 175
Total graduate 135 327 184 696

Total all undergraduates: 14,072

Total all graduate and professional students:1,342


B2. Enrollment by Racial/Ethnic Category. Number of undergraduate students for each of the following categories as of the 14th
class day. Include international students only in the category “Non-resident aliens.”


Degree-seeking First-time First-year

Degree-seeking Undergraduates (include First-time First-year)

Total Undergraduates (both degree and non-degree seeking)

Non-resident aliens 60 202 213
Hispanic or Latino 98 421 488
Black or African American 243 1,923 2,070
White 1,758 9,346 10,554
American Indian or Alaskan Native 3 44 50
Asian 12 82 114
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 1 13 13
Two or More Races 238 318 341
Not Reported 24 191 229
Total 2,437 12,540 14,072


B3. Number of degrees awarded by your institution from July 1, 2010, to June 30, 2011.

Associate degrees 173
Bachelor’s degrees 1,932
Master’s degrees 434
Doctoral degrees – research/scholarship 10
Total 2,549

Graduation Rates

The items in this section correspond to data elements collected by the IPEDS Web-based
Data Collection System’s Graduation Rate Survey (GRS). For complete instructions and
definitions of data elements, see the IPEDS GRS instructions and glossary on the 2010
Web-based survey.

For Bachelor’s or Equivalent Programs

Report for the cohort of full-time first-time bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree-seeking
undergraduate students who entered in Fall 2004. Include in the cohort those who entered
your institution during the summer term preceding Fall 2004.

B4. Initial2004 cohort of first-time, full-time degree-seeking undergraduate students;
total all students:
B5. Of the initial2004 cohort, how many did not persist and did not graduate for the following
reasons: deceased, permanently disabled, armed forces, foreign aid service of the
federal government, or official church missions; total allowable exclusions:
B6. Final2004 cohort, after adjusting for allowable exclusions:
(Subtract question B5 from question B4)
B7. Of the initial2004 cohort, how many completed the program in four years or less (by
August 31, 2008):
B8. Of the initial2004 cohort, how may completed the program in more than four years but
in five years or less (after August 31, 2008 and by August 31, 2009):
B9. Of the initial2004 cohort, how many completed the program in more than five years
but in six years or less (after August 31, 2009 and by August 31, 2010):
B10. Total graduating within six years (sum of questions B7, B8, and B9): 714
B11. Six-year graduation rate for2004 cohort (question B10 divided by question B6): 33.4%

Retention Rates

B22. For the cohort of all full-time bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree-seeking undergraduate
students who entered your institution as freshmen in Fall 2010 (or the preceding summer
term), what percentage was enrolled at your institution as of the date your institution
calculates it official enrollment in Fall 2011?

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