CDS 2022 Transfer Admission
Fall Applicants
D1. | Does your institution enroll transfer students? Yes
May transfer students earn advanced standing credit by transferring credits earned |
D2. | Provide the number of students who applied, were admitted, and enrolled as degree-seeking transfer students in Fall 2022. Includes all who submitted any part of their application.
Application for Admission
D3. | Indicate terms for which transfers may enroll: Fall, Spring, and Summer |
D4. | Must a transfer applicant have a minimum number of credits completed or else must apply as an entering first-year student? Under 18 hours, students must meet both beginning Freshmen and transfer requirements. If yes, what is the minimum number of credits and the unit of measure? |
D5. | Indicate all items required of transfer students to apply for admission:
D6. | If a minimum high school grade point average is required of transfer applicants, specify (on a 4.0 scale): 2.35 for those with fewer than 18 hours |
D7. | If a minimum college grade point average is required of transfer applicants, specify (on a 4.0 scale): 2.0 |
D8. | List any other application requirements specific to transfer applicants:
D9. | List application priority, closing, notification, and candidate reply dates for transfer students. If applications are reviewed on a continuous or rolling basis, place a check mark in the “Rolling admission” column.
D10. | Does an open admission policy, if reported, apply to transfer students? Not Applicable |
D11. | Describe additional requirements for transfer admission, if applicable: All transfer applicants, including those with fewer than 18 hours earned, must provide official transcripts from all previously attended colleges and universities. |
Transfer Credit Policies
D12. | Report the lowest grade earned for any course that may be transferred for credit: D |
D13. | Maximum number of credits or courses that may be transferred from a two-year institution: N/A – Determined by Department & Deans (100 or 200 level courses only) |
D14. | Maximum number of credits or courses that may be transferred from a four-year institution: N/A – Determined by Department & Deans (no technical/vocation courses and no varsity sports) |
D15. | Minimum number of credits that transfers must complete at your institution to earn an associate’s degree: At least the final 30 hours; at least one-half of the hours required in the major field or fields; at least 25% of credit semester hours must be earned through Southeastern. |
D16. | Minimum number of credits that transfers must complete at our institution to earn a bachelor’s degree: At least the final 30 hours; at least one-half of the hours required in the major field or fields; at least 25 % of credit semester hours must be earned through Southeastern. |
D17. | Describe other transfer credit policies: |
Military Service Transfer Credit Policies
D18. | Does your institution accept the following military/veteran transfer credits:
American Council on Education (ACE) Yes |
D19. |
Maximum number of credits or courses that may be transferred based on military education Number: 45 semester hours Unit type: Credits must be acceptable to the curriculum in which the student enrolls and must Honorably discharged veterans may be allowed credit for kinesiology and certain other Credit may be granted for service schools where equivalence in terms of college courses |
D20. |
Maximum number of credits or courses that may be transferred based on Department of Number: 45 semester hours Unit Type: Credit is given at Southeastern for CLEP General Mathematics Examination. Transfer students with CLEP General Credit, other than mathematics, on their transcript Credit will be granted for CLEP Examinations in the course(s) are listed on the student’s Under agreement between Chauncey, a subsidiary of Educational Testing Services (ETS), Credit will be entered on a student’s transcript upon receipt of an official transcript |
D21. |
Are the military/veteran credit transfer policies published on your website? Yes, in the University Catalog. |
D22. |
Describe other military/veteran transfer credit policies unique to your institution: 1) Credit is not granted for National Guard service. 2) Students may not receive credit through CLEP in courses in which the student has 3) A grade of P will be given on DANTES (DSSTs) or CLEP and the course will not be 4) Unsuccessful attempts on DANTES (DSSTs) or CLEP will not be recorded against the |